Prfnrt Rupert Daflp rectos Saturday, April 16, 1049 FILM STARS TO RECITE ROSARY Famous film stars will part in a radio broadcast, 'IW-' 'htr. .. " U.r., I he as mu liiuuifjiiam nJitf, wnich Wil "' anrt be heard over the Mutual net Cuttle. 1 Services DIRECTORY I'NllfPuJ woric or the United States and ! some Canadian Broadcasting stations for one hour from 5:30 tomorrow evening. Prayers and mysteries of the Jam-lly rosary will be heard, the theme being the rebirth of Christian ideals through prayer 1 Those taking part will include Ethel Barrymore, Pedro de Cor-' doba, Blng Crosby, Dan Dailey, ! ' Dennis Day, Irene Dunne. Jim- my Durante, Anne Jamison, Rita ! Johnson, Christopher Lynch J Dorothy Maynor, Fibber McQee and Mollle. J. Carrol Nalsh, R0- ! alind Russel. Robert Ryan, Liza-beth tcoU, Dean oIock well ami Loretta Young. , , SATURDAY SERMON !,an''' S1t medium WEC1AI. M!;vs( ".:S fJ HE IS RISEN (By Rev. Earl Soiland, Pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church) I "He is not here; for He is risen, at He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.1 Matthe 28:8 ' Perhaps the greatest mystery is life and death - m ka taaapandpnt dally newspaper Oerotwc t .ue upbuilding of Prince Rupert tad all enmmuniuwi oomprlsmg nonwrn and centra Brltub Columbia - (Authorised u Second Class aiaii, Post Ofllca Department, Ottawa) Ptibllshed every afternoon except Sunday b Prttca Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3jd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. O. A HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. HEkifiKK OF CANADIAN PRFS8 - ATJDrT BITREAO OF CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATBS oaRj- Clty Carrier, Per Week 20c: Per Month. 75c; Per Year, 8 00. S&S .ft"?Vt ' By Mall. Per Month. 60c: Per Year. 5 OU j7o Word to Say WE WERE chatting with a good friend WHEN awhile ago, our talk drifted to the subject of communism, (pur 'friend is honestly opposed to communism but he is of the elect few who try to see the element of good in even the worst cause. "Why," he asked, "when you write of communism, do you never have a good word to say? Sometimes even tthe communists are right, you know. They are ' human, like -other people, they like people to think well of them. Cut don't you think, that when you can see something to praise, you should give them ajireak and praise it praise it without any 'buts' or 'of course, on the other hand' tones, just praise without qualification?" ' It is difficult not to feel iike a bit of a heelln i taking this argument as a text for doing the exact opposite. We are quite in accord with our friend's statement that sometimes the communists are right in their acts or contentions. No one can always be wrong. But there goes the 'but' that we were to 1 "avoid on thinking over our friend's argument, we '"were brought up short by this very patent fact that ' actions or words don't stand by themselves. It is ' the directing intent behind them that determines " their character. When communism walks softly, MtV, Bertlee In all rhuniiea at 11 a.m. and 1:M p.m.; Pmuluy (m liool lit 1S:1J except shown. ('ATHKI)K L 4th Ave. W at Duusmuir St. Holy Communion a 30 a m. Sunday School J 06 p ro. Canon Basil 3. Procktar. B A..BD. Rector: (Blue 733) FUST BAPTIST 8th Ave. K. at Young St Minister: Rev. Pred Antrobus (Green 81!) FIRST PRKSBVTKR14N 4th Avenue East Minister: Rev. George E. Sendall (Green D82) FIRST t XITSD 638 6th Ave West Minister: R. A. Wtlunn, M A ' (Green 613) k IT There is something about life that God has never re- !ji All iiif vealed to man. We can analyze a body and find it You Saw It In The News. a. - M . chemical contents but that is only a beginning. We ' Firt Presbyterian Church can explain how certain parts of a body functions and I fourth Avenue East ! yet we cannot tell what makes it do what it does.. For j Minister: Rev. o. e. sendan, want of a better term we we are are . I B JJ. I THK hi PUI ME Ol NT ( iiitrriMi ou miiu :!. Lurecur ul Muic; Mr a. EL Smith that Uie body has some 1 0f illustrations which will aid compensating features that ,' us to see the f acts if we wish to. ! make up for eertain deficiencies.! We have the angel's story of ( I I'KOHITE J, In Ilie Matter the K-tale of Carl , O-rSr W elide (ier le kHwa a. ; f hariei. itm-ur W Hide). . and i In Ih MuiM-r trf I he -Aduilulkinillun ' Art" Sflid Inn,,, i-SI'l tlAL . MEN'S CAB.VKUc '" nait No matter what we try,, we finally come to the conclusion that man is wonderfully and fearfully made. the .resurrection. We have the account of the many times that Jesus appeared to men after His resurrection. We have the ac- tll.L GOSPEL TABERNACLE 331 6th Ave. West Pastor: Paul A. Barber (Green 630) SALVATION ARMY Prater Street CO.: Major W. Yurgensen Directory Class 8:30 p m. Sunday School 3:00 p m. (Black 369) ST. PAl L'S U THER.4 6th Ave. at McBrtda St.' Pastor: E. Solland (Black 610) 11:00 "Arisen!" Anthem: . ,. ' God So Loved the World. Solo: i Barbara Tent ; "The; Old Rugged Crotut." Sunday School will attend . church. 7:30 Cantata: "Gethsemave to Calvary.' I TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge W O. Fultoti j made the lath day of April. A D 194! ! I was appointed Adinmistrat'or ol the sui sf Cart Oxar Wtllde i otherwise known as Charles Os ar j Wllldei. deceased, fornif-riy of Kle-i kane Inlet la the vicinity of Bute-: dale. B.C. The life principle is lnsepar- count of Stephen, who as he was Well madt, Iroa SPIXIAL being killed, looked up into LAWKS' STtK'Ift assort mrnt. Frw, ALL PARTTES having claims srtXlAL able from the soul. So when we have our body and soul intact, we have life. When the soul !s separated from the body we have ' death. Even when one is living, his life is not satisfactory unless the soul has an additionalform r against the said Ektato arc hereby heaven and saw. Jesus standing to receive him. We have the testimony of the early Christians who proclaimed what they had seen and heard concerning the resurrection. And we have our. iouiubu, m. Matrtill, a. irng, requirea vo iurinsn same prooeny J Daveyl ' ; verified to me on or before the 31st day of May AD 194. after whith PHI Solo: (M. Sendall uute cutlms filed may be paid wiih- ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN Seal Cow Archdeacon K. Hod arm Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Evening Prayer 7:30 p.m. (Blue 827) of life, namely the spiritual life.) own live that demand a resur-So it Is that man Is restless un- rection to compensate for the less he is united with his maker.' Inequalities of the present life. 'I Know That My Redeemer out wnce to any claims of which T1 ,h . jl then bad bo knowledne. 4,CU1- I ALL PARTIES Indebted to the . i aaid Estate are hereby required to Miss Evelyn Harvey sailed Fri-; pt the amount of their lndebu-o- When he is united with forthwlth. V his Nowhere to there a satisfying an- 1 " day evening w Xtom swer to the craving ol the soul the City of Priuce Ru- Chandler & (j maker bv faith in Jesus Christ, :hrist, ST. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL v, . J ,v ' . . for uf iwar Masset to w spend Q a IOTinignt fortnJeht' pert pert .In .In the the Province of British Col- iinus ftanaiacuon ana con- uir iiicom(c u nu , t lmh.,wi I na mi.. u ' umbla. tbls leth da of ahi n - llllOd . ' ' tne resurrection. . .. vn. Vpv sister nf J T Himw u n PORTRAIT ET Film Finhhirif - FUsB Pbulos Tikn Phwit Gren 3S . GORDON KKASEFl rtlKUES Olflclal Adminixtrator. Prince Rupert, BC t ioi i tentment for himself. It answers the persistant question, Is there life beyond death? For every person who trusts In Jesus Christ is united with the true source of life. and deals justly, and speaks with reasonableness ywith deluding mankind into believing that the creed is not as bad as it is painted, then the bearing of ,.,the deed itself is bad.' "' The obligation on us, we think, is no to sentimentalize our reasoning by believing that a pat on the head will make bad boys good. The obliga: tion is to be a little in the image of God, not looking -Tonly at the outward appearance, but at what is in heart. To give credit for what appear to be reasonable acts, to look for good where we do not sincerely believe good is, but only the devious sem- .JWiince of good, is to add another voice, not to the ...chorus of free thought, but to voices keyed to de- ! hide and destroy. The resurrection means that " wrlter frorn New Yorl we shall be able to enjoy the blessedness of the victory Christ -VOTlrK " iTr:Tio to aw-V won for When He Cruci- US was Take notice thatOeorRoy Slotted. It means a a restored restored hODe hope th,lt Turner at tnttn. 8C, oceupa- PRINCE El'PS.i EASTER DAY, 1949 7:30 and 8:30 ajn Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m. Easter Festal Service. 2:00 p.m. Children's Easter Servics. 7:30 p.m. Festal Evensong. Preacher at all services: The Rector. It means that the devil has been tlon. Store Manager, lnwad-t to apply for permission to purchase the We often need objective dem onstrations to convince uof hJ overcome. You and I can look following Ascribed lands: EEpyOtfR KIDDIES hntlfor'ard to tne fclory of eternar cmmewClJj",,t, P'" " truth num. God uuu has nas told lOia UJ' about. ... . . t'lil Atllntu River, approti-1 the life beyond death. It la rlif- UIe wnen we trust ln tne VW- matwy one quarter mile south ol ' III THE PIK.V ficuit for many to acceDt thislUry won and demonstrated by wlM!rI- " n Atnn Lake, thenew west twenty ' His resurrection. unless thP r er,ir,-4 .K.t chains, thence south twenty chains, J " 'V.t. u lib Jesus Christ rose from the dead. WITH "cadet cji First Baptist Church (Young Street! Minister: Rev. F. Antrobus Phone: Res. Green 812 . thence east twenty ehtilns or more - ,. . , to river bank, thence north twenty Lynn Galbraith sailed Friday chains using river bank as natural We have that truth stated 6lmply in our text. At th ton.h f nleht on the CoouiUam for Mas. boundary and contalnlni? forty i THE LUMBER INDUSTRY , FROM BABYHOOD Jesus 'Ch'rttCorV Easter fSlnday t where he will nri, more or irsa. I Spend th Dated March 2th 1949 ' ' ' ! RIGHT UP TO 'TEI and oeorge not stotheut turner' AGE! EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 17 11 a m. Morning Service morning, bfore the;sui had Easter holidays with Mr. arisen. Mary was greeted with Mrs- J- A. Findlay. I t . Name ftt Applwulit tit full (A a--i-aa-3i Hr uir, trued prudi Wu to help 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. tho uie i-rrr o -ye V y woras: seek Jesus nf upen session in both depart- Nazareth which hath been cruci-ments. Special Invitation to fied; He is risen: He is not here- all parenu. , . ' j behold the place where the law THERE ARE GROUNDS for somewhat greater I optimism toward the outlook for the lumber industry. Demand continues unabated, both abroad a,nl from domestic markets, a recent survey shows. Many -of the smaller independent producers have been forced to close and this has caused some em- -barrassment but the main factors which lend optimism to the lumber outlook are: Construction needs here and in the U.S.; the world-wide reconstruction program. Countries needing to rebuild will find dollars with which to pay for purchases ?ven at the expense of food. ep your chilJrrn in the bra oi hrjlih ... and keep baby fresh sod happy. Cemir bui effnuve "Trodrr Aet" prod-mo re ipeiUlly tuited ui dx aervh ut young ibildna . . . and evrry iira hu chiouih ind throu(h uali(y you aa deprodoa. Sold By YOUR FRIENDLY DRUGGIST 7:30 p.m-Evening Service. Him!- These words tell a sfmple, j Special music by Senior Choir, i but wonderful story. Yet men APRIL 27 - MAY I j are slow to believe. The diseiples' Rev. . E. Harris, Principal of of Jesus needed several dtmon-1 Vancouver Bible School will stration to convince them. God visit us. has also given to us a number T " 1 i' . .'- I 1 f J K m t i REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCH 629 East 6th Ave. (Near High School) Phone 309 WALLACE PHARMAC MWf IS Hi : FIRST WAR i VET DIES Third Avenue at Sixth Stmt SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 1949 EASTER SERVICES Sl'XDAY SCHOOL EASTER RALLY, 12:15 P.M. On his return to Canada, he went to Anyox in 1922 where he took charge of the laundry for that company mining town, remaining there until the smelter closed in 1935. In 1940 he went to work at the Prince Rupert Dry Dock and Shipyard where he remained five years as a ,:'M- ... -'f : . i - , -y , Frederick Pearson, heating engineer at the Miller Bay Indian Hospi l, was found dead in bed Friday after having apparently passed away quietly in his sleep. Parents and Friends Invited to Attend Special Scriptugraph '"THE EASTER STORY" Marjorie Bedford. by Mrs. ! charge hand plate hanger. He IMIS taster bunday yl "as had been heating engineer at He was 54 years old and born in Carlisle, England. the Miller Rav Virwcnittll tnr lh. In MIC WE Wtl T rrATTTRP PAKED ' 'i-Sf .... lnej last two years. Fust World War, serving from! September 22, 1914. to June 21 Mr Pearsn had been a mem- " HAM IN ADDITION TO OUR REGULAR MENU 1919, Mr. Pear.son came to Can-S ber of tne Prlnce R"Prt branch, Gospel Service 7:30 p.m. Speaker: G. R. S. Blackaby Subject: "THE PHYSICAL RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD FACT OR FICTION?- Special Music. Come and Worship the Risen Saviour Following the Evening Service a recorded presentation of Stainer-s "CRUCIFIXION" will be given. The recordings feature Richard Crooks, tenor, and Lawrence Tibbett, ' baritone, with the Trinity Choir. " - Canadian Legion. adu from Bradford, England, shortly before that conflict. He He is survived by his parents. Make Reservations Early and bring the family down to the served in the Royal Canadian! Mr. and Mrs. George Pearson, "I've done tome hwvy thinking .bou) my Career and I've Sol it ell figured ... I'm 9oing to be Forest Engineer." hi a mighty important job, too! foresti art B C.'i mott valuable crop, worth $225,000,000 Horse Artillery, B Battery,' and a brother at Bradford, overseas for three years. I Yorkshire. : , Civic Centre 0kisoR r The Rouch For Reservations and Chicken in last year. The Forest Engineer it -university-trained man who knows how to properly harvest the forest crop. Hii knowledge of silvi- culture, forest protection and correct cirttiftf. methods help ensuic perpetual crop of trees. How would your children get their Li life if you were no longer here? PRODUCTS; WOODBUILT w iv r.if.'1" WE DESIGN, . JfTtrjst IttutPH, (Ehnrrh . ' t 36 6th Ave West - . . EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 1949 11:00 a.m.-MORXIXG WORSHIP Sermon Subject: "Chain Reaction." Anthems: "la the Dawning," "Hail, Hail, the King " 12:15 SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:30 pm.-EASTER EVENING WORSHIP Sermon Subject: "The Ressurection and Our- Superstitions." Solos: -At the End of the Sabbath" Rowland Miles -Opefi The Gates of The Temple" Dr. R. Q. Urge Choir Leader: Mr. J. S. Wilson: Organist: Mr. H. Pluym BA. . Minister: Rev R A Wilson There' a Mutual life of Canada policy ifiat will provide a new source of m-come, jurf when it k needed most. It will benefit your children as long as they need it, and your widow for the rest of her days. Consult our local representative. PULP AND PAPER: VITAL EXPORTS . , . important in forest industry in British Columbia It pulp and paper . . . total value of production last year cucceded $73,000,000. 76 pr cent of this was ported lo the United Slates, returning to Canada $43 million! of much needed exchange. ,,. fW5' Fl KN , HOME . STORE FIXTI FOR THE SAKE OF THE FUTURE BE KIND TO LITTLETREES rrt P relation of low Cos ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS. HEAD OfflCI WATMIOO, OUT. av Xcfff SATISF nPUlPEPBPtRinOUSTBV 80S- ORDERS I YOU'LL FIND 'YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE HERE ) REPRESENTATIVES: Richard Srphton, District Agent. Vancouver, B.C. R. E. .Mortimer, Representative, Prince Rupert, B. C. -Will Robinson (F,T. Kenney Ltd) Representative, Terrace, B.C. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN MAIL COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing. Printing Knlarrinr; QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies PHONE BLl E 951 OR i n r;l nn 311 Second Avenue r m "m