1 Qrfnce. Rupert Daflg J3ei6i Saturday, April 16, 1943 Local News Items... Tmitn hH'J J8" 1 Beatrice Eastwood and family sailed Friday eve- , . c, ning on the Coquitlam for Mas4nOwer Honoree set. They plan to spend the sum- ! A shower in nonor or Bernice mtr at Limber lost Lodge of, Eastwood was held on Monday ii!ffliiinim'!!i!nwi!!imiimiii!ii!!iwmum!!itil!i:n liiiiiliiiUliiiiluflliiiiiiiiiiiliillililliiiy at the home of Marjorie Eby which Mr. Kingston is manager. Moose Whist Drive and Dance every Saturday night, 8:30. (It) Cash lor old gold. Bulger's Cliff Abercromble returned to FORD FASHION CAR OF YEAR As everyone arrived they were ' A Prnerpssivp - rUm.riativf. the city on the Coquitlam yes asked to guess the number of beans contained in a jar. A wild O. W. Phillipson, manager of! nomlnaUn convention on April North Pacific cannery, arrived. ,ic(rint, , . ,. Right for Easier terday afternoon from a busi ness trip to Vancouver. and lucky guess by Yvonne Mor- The Fashion Academy of New in broueht her the prize of a! York, noted for its annual sel- 10US CLEAN BURNING eod River GOAL EGO N UT STOKEIt jl WDM NOW jUMcCAFFERY. LTD. jjYTHlNG FOR THE BUILDER" tion convention a later date. to be held at (H) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stcgavig arrived in the city ou the Co lovely lapel brooch. j ection of "America's best dressed I Communiyt singing was en- J women," have recently awarded tll(i joyed with Joanne Langrldge i the Academy Gold Medal to the I Mrs. Jens Munthe returned quitlam from New Westminster. in the city on the Coquitlam yesterday afternoon from Vancouver enroute to the Skeena River. Cash for Old Gold, Diamonds etc. at Manson's Jewellers. Robert Harrison sailed on the fto the city by air Thursday af- 1 nlavinu t.hp niann A nnmhrr nf , -,n i,i v,n Mrs. Stegavlg is the daughter of Mrs. Frank Morris of this city. STETSON WHIPPET ' ' ,a ruIU tts allc 'u" tcrnoon lernoon from irom Vanninvcr Vancouver where where . , V im rom lu and duels were she attended a provincial con-1 , ri. h . J-- vnitkin venuon oi nf fho me imperial Tmn.rial nrrior Order, for!. me a rora was tiiosen m- Rauares were soon formed - . ,. T Z I . TIL m. r 1 tcr careiui siuay oi au Daughters of the Empire. rilOMS lib 70 TAXI 70. Stand: Bud's Cigar. Store, next to Hollywood Cafe. Sonny .Beynon - Louis Knutson - Cliff Dahl (Mgr). 70 TAXI 70. Ull,13:16,18, 120) Miss Jean Urquhart of the lo Coquitlam Friday night on a trip to Masset and Limberlost Lodge. Mrs. W. M. Singer of Masset, sailed Friday evening by the Coquitlam to return home after a dcuicu uiiniuig wiin mrs. or-rnan McKay as pianist. Delicious refreshments were served after which Bernice was presented with a large wall- automobiles, in all price classes, and is considered the leader in design, simplicity and feminine style appeal. This recognition stands as a unique tribute to U.F.A.W.U. members of At-lin's and uptown waterfront plants, also unemployed members, please report to the union offcie Sat., April 16th between 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. for the mirror. visit to the city. Those present were Bernice! the work of Ford's Styling De-( cal school-teaching staff left partmcnt. Queen Mary Chapter LOD E Eastwood, Mrs. Eby, Mrs. Don purpose or balloting on wage Daffodil Tea, Easter Monday,' 0(fer (89) aldson, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Pat Judd. Judd, Mrs. Mrs. Eastwood, Eastwood, Mrs. Mrs. Er- Er- April 18, Ladies' Lounge, Civic Chin, Noon Webster, Mary Stra- Ccntre, from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Two Winnipeg children, Donna ;ickson, Mrs. McKay, Mrs. Betty j charii Aima Knujtson, Marion Special feature sale of shellcraf t and Herbert Bannatyne, 14 and i Miller, Mrs. Mollie Tycho, Mrs. shenton Jeanne Husoy, Eliza- L. u payable In advance. Flea refrain from wlepnonln(. itar dm tnaarUon, minimum obaraa, u. Birxb nottoaa; YTbanka, Death Notlcee. Funeral Nutlcaa. atarrlaga i .nd EnKaKcment Announceinenu: tl. "fKfAL IWPUir. DOUBLE PRICE . Margaret Goynon, Marjorie . beth McKenzie.. made by members, home-cook- 6 respectively will tour westing, aprons, candy, raffles. Come' tin Canada as guests of Trans- by plane yesterday afternoon for Vancouver to spend the Easter holidays. Prince Rupert Health Unit-Child Health Clinics, will be closed during Faster week. Open as usual following week at the Unit office, Wednesday, 2-4 p.m. at Conrad Street School, Thursday. 2-4 p.m. . (It) Two brothers of Dr. C. H. -T A VI nK RENT Canada Air Lines next week be and bring your friends- (It) cause they have been chosen as FOR RENT Sleeping Room, Eby, Lorna Donaldson, Jean Thompson, Kay Smith, Yvonne Morin, Mickey Murray, Joanne Langrldge, Jean Calderwood, Diane Kennedy, Joan Ketche-son, Peggy Gowan, Donna Mac-Arthur. Kay Nickerson, Laila lur peiiuuinan or. ncnuemen NOTRE and 'Mrs R. E. Good Friday, at Rupert General tlauchtcr Leslie u,Ur. W. S. Ker-vcr Sun please typical Winnlpeggers. They will fly to Vancouver, Victoria and snaring, uenirany located. Phone Green 182. 8J) touch other western centres in Announcements All ad?ertiaeniw't i trim column wUl be charged for a I nil moutb at as oenta wurd WANTED the six-day tour. The youngsters Even for double the price you can't buy anything better than Hankinson arrived in the city WANTED TO BUY One loii- are relatives of. Mrs. W. J. Nel son, Waldron Apartments. . Vl notice KinK jack. Phone 544 Room Thursday evening from Ontario to visit with Dr. Hankinson. Husoy, Rusty Thain, Norma McKay, Pat Guyan,' Edith Jordan, Dorothy McLeod, Mary McAfee, Betty Stordahl, Mclaine Bre- 12. (00i Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Tea, Ulf city Thurs- They are B. Hankinson, of Both 14, li)4a, oopiey WSPWJ, well, Ontario, and P. W. Han rr DO vais April 18. Presbyterian April 21. Spring Sale, kinson, of St. Thomas. Hazen Pile Sufferers WANTED Oil Burning Kitchen Stove. Phone Blue 254. (90) WANTEDrornrrtonTrlIck Rood condition. Phone 35(3. .(It) fcived husband of M Bennett, 822 I Canon Basil S. k winrlurt services NOTICE. All persons having accounts against Gunnar Selvig, contractor, are requested to present them by April 30 to P.O. Box C54. All those owing money Hankinson, who is studying at 1 J. Anglican Spring Sale, Satur-. MM c the University of Alberta, ar day April 23. I c'uurt Chapel at rived on the same train from HELP WANTED Don't tell us your piles are hopeless. Thousands of former suffers tell us they had pfles for 20 years, some longer. They are satisfied PYLTONE produces results. So it can for you. One bottle will prove its action in your stubborn case or price refund Edmonton. The deck, trim lines of the S t c t s o n Whippet and the bold sweep of its bound brim, help to give you that confident, up-and-coming look that says you're "going places." And the Whippet is going places too ... its the favourite hat foi Easter and the spring season. lorwaiutu ou" Nanairao for in UNWANTED HAIR Undertakers in Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, April 27. Rotary Club Daffodil Tea, Civic Centre, April 28. St. Peter's Y.P.A. Musical Show, "Spring Fantasy" Civic. tt iiwantcd liair eradli ateil from 4 ranccmenis. LOCAL ROAD FOREMAN for Provincial Public Works Department, Prince Rupert. B.C. Ace not to exceed 45. Must have eencral knowledge of highway construction and maintenance; ability to drive truck: a aood workine know- to me are requested to remit immediately. (89) , GUNNAR SELVIG Seafood, eaten at least once a week, will help . supply . the body's need for iodine. hF IUAXES ed at once. That s our guarantee of the new PYLTONE TREATMENT. PYLTONE goes, Hie liuniaii immiv wiih i-mo-i.... iilntlliriit. the remarkalile merv of the age. haco-l'elo kills the roots or any hair! (H) I l.H-ltl I H I.AIIOK A Klltll S Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Green and four children and Mrs. Green's mother, Mrs. Scott, arrived in the city on the Coquitlam yesterday afternoon from Powell River. For several years located at Smithers and more recently fcnk all those who ' fcvmpathv. sent; j so kindly helped rent bereavement! Centre, April 29. directly to the internal cause, that's the reason for its success. $1.75 at all druggists. C7li (iranville St.. Van-oner, ll.f. ledee of machinery used for maintenance and minor con The United Church Spring struction work, and ability to Sale, May 5. l ... I l: " Tt. ... 11 r-t i Green is at i'P cums auu proir-r iijik: rucu nivcr,- ur, Catholic Girl Guides tea- I ! sheets. Initial wane rate $3.90, here to Join In partnership with BALAGNO Florists! Phone Green 787 Box 1193 i uuj, niitT ill wiibiilK in . firut Inilinra ti rift Pn.iU'. A. Macdonald and take home cooking sale, 2:30 to 5. Card Party, 8 p.m.. Catholic OlilComilrzj Eineer. Court House. Prince School Hall, May 5. . over the medical practice of Dr. C. H. Hakinson who is retiring on account of ill-health. Rupert, B.C. before April 15, 1949. (89) I of our dear nus-ind brother. Liiuly Parnell and jmly and Brothers. SALE i!3J Panther Mo-ID CC In A-l con-r.iD. Phone Green im (89)- Iron enamel bed-I Real Ease" mat-"wrinj!, in perfect fc0.0fl, Hot air fur-Hi ns new. with ac Gyro Klondyke Nitht, Civic LOSC AND FOUND Centre, May 0. I Wf BOOKINGS irv . y Do it the easy way put the Commodore Caie "GOtfcKNMKNT l.UflOK ACT ((Section 281 Kinsmen's Auction Sale, Sat Fountain Pen. 217 5th (90) Notice of Aliiillrad.Mi for (niiwiit to urday, May 7. Traiifpr Of Krrr I.Uthm; I COMPLETELY RENOVATED C.C.F. Spring Sale, May 7, Sons : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that FOUND Bunch of keys with the name W. H. Tobv. Owner ou the 13th day of May AD, 1949 "Better Than Ever" of Norway Hall. 'ai-i, . J 1 ' i rxli I may have same by calling atlthe undersignea intends to apply to the Daily News office and! the Liquor Control Board for eon- details oi your nunus overseas in our hands. They'll all be taken care of passports. paRSPOTls. Travellers ira"""" cheques, .knie etc. tc. Passaee PassaEe can can be arranged either from Atlantic Atlantic seaports seaports or or via via the c l'anama Panama CanaL CanaL Limited Limited Mpaee upace available avallal.le for for earlv early Murine sprine willlnt-t. sallhiRt. Heti- Ileei- complice Biack 511. 714 , (tf) 1)11 villi: lor this ad. (tf) sent to transfer of Beer License No r U I IV If , . f. Presbyterian Missionary Tea Church Hall, May 12. Music and Drama Festival May 12 and 13.- . -;aaiO, ussued In respect of premlsrs, I faKsONAL j bring part of the premises known as kew and Used Fur 1,1 , J I I 11 'i ill . tuware and Ofiiee ;.r.,rni .T- i rr the Savoy Hotel kit unte at 608 to 014 WANTED-Anything resaleable j f s;TMl Ul the City of r-ince that you don t want. Contn- ; uuort. province of British Colum- Eastern Star Tea, May 19, Mrs. t'ft'- j 1 i T wma Used Arti-Iriield Bed, Wood I ? butions to Kinsmen Auction UIK.n tht. .Rnds arrtbed s L. W. Kcrgin. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue ter er Hr iniw for for 1.K) iimiKing. Call Call or or Write: Write: (ITV t'lTV Tl( TICaKT KKT OH Mill ICK K 628 3rd Ave. PRINCE PRINCE28KUPERVT. KUPERT. B.C. B.C. Lots Thirteen . (131 and Fourteen will be welcomed at Over-waitea. For collection service id Oil Ranges, fairs, Corner Enanv ins. office Chairs, mi i tllr.V 'Thlrtr-lhr IM.'tl Phone 11 nurine uav. urcmu..., -.,. ,n ... o- rn.re 213 or Blue bOJ alter l p.m. Buwrt Lgnd KeeiMration DlKtrict yv3' r-nt y.Areili ttT Prince Runert to rtiftLpy fit , F I lf TMI IAU.WAY TO tVMtYWHtKS IV CANAD j hirs. New Articles IMC Toasters, Cups l Axminster Run tlian rreulnr price, Irmor Sets. Tea Sets. Dt;nunNt riBlin miNTlRlKS ' Willis Lloyd Woods of 1013 rtobson H.M.C.S. Haida Chapter I.O.D. E. Tea, May 21. Cathedral W. A. Tea, May 26, Mrs. W. S. Kcrgin. Sonja Ladies Tea May 28. United Church Tea June 8 at the home vf Mrs. Nickerson, Borden Street. Best Food and Service in City Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. the Transferee for 50c postpaid in plain seai- DATED at Prince Ft upert. B.C. this 12th day of April. A D. 1949. WILLIS LLOYD WOODhk ithe lowest prices. BC. Furniture Co. WM2 Chevrolet Se-7 Rood condition. ened. Can be seen ed wrapper, catalogue in-rluclod. General Novelty Co., Dept. 'PR,4 71 Major St.. Toronto. Out. (107) ("511 Iitors. (tf) song, 35c to LODY" New" I tune. Send F'ea, Brown'! GET YOUft CAR READY FOR SPRING Contractor's Equipment s Milt. PERSONAL "Kleerex" clears up skin ailments Excema, Itch. Pimples. Psoriasis, etc. Quicklv. effectively. Have better complexion. Two strengths medium, strong. Two sizes--59c, $1.09. All Druggists. It REAL ESI ATE t'-va. B.C. (91) . J. (BilMs D.S.C, R Cp. (Doctor of Surgical Chiropody) f H.P. llcavv Dutv Wicu Wheel.' Phone l WW ale For ":(1,.rr. . FOR SALE-Small house cheup 1940 2-ton Ford for casri 2003 Seal Cove 'rk. $1300 cash. rwi (89l pc Station. 488i .-' "inirt roR SALE-- Small, moaern - 1941 Plymouth home, newlv decorated: 2 oeuan. Excellent muio mH i double bedroom. )i COIlrlitinn ncnrlu .. ...... i nr chrnhtt. i.. - To ensure longer, trouble-free performance, let us clean' out the transmission and differential. We will fill them utJ with new lubricants of the proper type and grade. BOB PARKER'S UPTOWN SERVICE STATION Haying accepted a position with the Columbia Cellulose Co., I am offering for sale complete outfit of woodmaking 'machinery, tools and equipment such as: hone Red 705. (91) hln barbecue. 1037 1st Ave. Deluxe West. Phone Green 253. (891 pearl grey i" wiin ereain pqu SALE 4 room furnished upnoistcrv. Phone, i, n riii in For uartuui- ur call 1054 6th Skill Saw Klcclric Drill iars Phone Blue 909. Uf (90) PHONE 791 REGISTERED CHIROPODIST FOOT SPECIALIST of 6.'0 Itobson St., Vancouver, ll.C. At Hotel Prince Rupert for ONE WEEK ONLY from April 18th to April 23rd. Telephone Hotel Prince Rupert f or appointment. ' Second and McBride f'f trade in 1947 2V2- Wasop Kock Drill Tabic Saw Jointer Hand Saw Scroll Saw licit Sander l !m condition. Ml- (891 with Steel ami Kit FOR SALE We have the exclusive listing of one of the city's fiiV'.st homes, located on Fourth Avenue West, situate on two lots with maajnili-c.ent harbor view. For full particulars Phone 57. G. Percy DimIl'O Kiwrlul Wheelbarrows and Smaller Tools SCHOOL SUPPLIES ff. Rwid condition. u oner. Phone 223 Tinker i i:o J,vti. ' (92) All this equipment in perfect condition and like 28 'I. Gas Boat. 5 SEVEN Room House in choice location on Seventh Avenue wni-t Tiiiu is a real oarcain EXERCISE BOOKS PENS AND PENCILS new. engine. $450.00. Gillnctter or "W Hiil.i.nn ni,.i. f..r' a family home. Priced at ALSO r Box 1820,' Prince $2750.00 with terms. G. 1 . . Tinker & Co. Ltd. Phone 57. ERASERS ' (Hi CRAYONS POSTER PAINTS TjT j: Construction Alterations Repairs S TKl(TS will be rc- Ifte llnrlnr..;.. I FOR SALE-Renovated and Re-rii-eimit.r-ri and completely fur- Sec ' LOOSE-LEAF BOOKS : ' AND REFILLS nished or unfurnished 4 -room 1 .Thursday. May i, pP'.l:!i!lsc 01 the m s "Car lMli..4" Wartime on Srrona uvcnui. ir.,n,..ri in- lawn, all modern iis follows; r iirnii iiri flash only. Phone GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 17.-H B7'l 4 "2) iu ti-iiivi II V P till a T. it .., . ivrMu' ' viviau NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES 1 UK'kstave buiWinjr 2i'x72 wired for machinery with flourescent lighting. 1 Lockstavc building 18'x36 Quantity of tables, bookcases, corner cupboards, magazine racks, etc. One brick-lined heater, practically junv. GUraEl SELUiG CONTRACTOR rhoiie IWuc G10 (after 5 p.m.) P.O. Box 651 '.r-T w 1 1 1 1 - We orter rompiew .nniinn.ni. f(ir Sawmills, ite- Floor Sanding a Specialty P.O. Bo 721 ,.;..,,f.w.i.iriiicr Contractors, hk: riione Red 400 . Red 561 518 3rd Ave. VC. U.V cash : T.ini(.R(-lt. Soeeder, .AdaniS: ir RV teiuli-r not anrf-i,(... Littlefor-d. Owen. T. L -Smith --i..i, Noiiiina rtr. Full in p, 1IM5U, wV... Frbes. orrirtni formation from' National- Ma-..i.i,,,,.-,, r-,. i.i.H Vancouver. Hie Estate In t workiclotheTI Rugged MKTAt HOitR PLUMBING - I'istellal'nl1 Hairs "uo l-n Ave, (94) 1- WORK. Tar and Gravel Rool-lns. Letouri'eau & foons, Sixth West. Phone ma let i "V Master Chi- FOR ALL YOUR AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver (today) R. oniKie bed al-feft'd chair IP.M. WOODBgDSS The Lightweight ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW : LIGHT STCRDY COMPACT For All Types of Operation iu the Woods Experience proves the dependability and fine performance of the P. M. CARRIED IN STOCK AT PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 712 Second Ave. P.O. Box 772 PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL WORK Thorlak- Priest. L. Wallace, V PRINTING REQUIREMENTS COMFORTABLE. IUW FRlUtU CLOTHES THAT ARE RIGHT FOR , INDOORS AND OUT. If you're looking for the kind of work clothes that give plenty of comfort as well as long wear . . . make us your headquarters. We have a complete supply of long-wearing work clothes of every description. For rainy weather working we have everything to keep you dry from Soucasters to Seaboots. ACEinie clothing store i - 'u (07. t-., son. To Sniidspit today) F. John son, C. Shea. From Vancouver ( Friday) - Vii,?.VirR Regal. Printers f'ATlONR Mr. Kleim. C. Gibb. J. F. Leigh, ill liar w IZ Sjrl 3oi (ED. SAUNDERS) A. HilU, C. Mclntyre, J. C. Mc-Ewen. From Sandspit (Friday) R P.O. Box 423 Second Avenue PHONE 24 i Brlrij RePulis! lGilfuv- E- Ocsch, M. Murgich, L v i uie.