TODAY at 7-9 p.m. LIFE w ?tince Uupctt JDallV J3ctos Saturday, April 1C, 1919 BASSO THRILLS (Continued trom rage 1) Broadway revival of "Show Boat" brought storms of applause. Jonathan Brlce provided an "Because" with Mrs. Smith asl accompanist After the church ceremony, I 175 friends gathered at the Sons! The German group, which he ..iih iT,nr-ti hfxtut.v. in- unusually fine accompaniment. BRIDE-ELECT SUNDAY M I DNITF 1 I.IXILI.E KRF.MER . Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Watts sailed, Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to of Norway Hall where a recep- j f , . identifying himself with the t i , ..i ,i c 1 , il .1 'TM 1 . U LVl lliu lliiu vo I elude I sinner with narticular effect a.i lilt gul'Mg V. f " IS elicn" (Death and the Maiden) ,1 i At "Hit. a, I Shower at Mrs. Saville's Tor Donna McEwcn KICIIAKD CARLSON 'behind" LOCKED DOORS BEAUTIFUL MARRIAGE Miss Hornier Eastwood Becomes Bride of Jack Evans Topular local business girl, Prince Rupert-born B e r n i c e Isabelle Eastwood, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Eastwood, Fulton Street, became the bride of Jack Michael Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Evans, member of the Prince Rupert city school teaching staff, at a beautiful marriage. Thursday evening in First Presbyterian Church. Rev. George Sendall Seven torn ladies gathered received by the mothers of the bride and the groom, Mrs. East wood wearing trosewood crepe with matching hat and Sirs. Evans a shade of burnt, also with matching hat. The couple received fclicit;i-tlons before a bower of green foliage and pink and white buds Decorations both in church and Thursday evening at the home during the Lleder. His talent as an artist also won applause when he played three request number following the intermission. These were DeBussy's "Clare d'Lune," "Second Arabesque in O-Major" and "The Girl With the Flaxen Hair.". Ushers for the performance, drawn from the Business and Professional Women's Club, were by Schubdrt, in whUh the singer's soft notes were remarkable, and two Licder by the same composer "Wohin" (Whither) and Der Jungling" (The Young Mailt. Enriching this same part were the brief and languid "L'Heure Exquisc" (The Perfect Hour) b Reynaldo Hahn. Moussourgsky's of Mrs. Stau Saville on Graham Avenue to do honor at a sur- .- i.. m: T, fa ik I McEwcn whose marriage to T. , MATINEE MONDAY? f p.MrFv l DA' ACADEMY A DEMY AU AWAItl) aim. .. .. tiJ U W, R JANK l.KKV li'v. VVM4v . Mivc Prunciia PnrlrlrliTn Mkc 1 Lloyd George takes place in the J I United Church next Wednes- ! day. Three notable out-of-town hall were arranged by the Job's Daughters under the leadership of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mitchell. . 111 I - . QCUCIOUS aim .uu.i.uu. uaimu " . Knmces Crass Migs Hon(jra g. "The Flea," in English sung andm MlM Au(J Wratnall rii,.nA'B nnni n I n n r II ! I n ir 1 1 jonnnx K :J j j with guests were present at the shower. One was Mrs. J. L. McEwcn of Victoria, mother of the bride-to-be, who arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert Wed- LKW AYUES officiated before a large congregation. The double" ring ceremony took place before the chancel which was adorned with large baskets of spring; flowers yellow daffodils, pink tulips, red carnations, white Iris and pussy-willow boughs. It was an attractive r.Baiv0 i-v . Mlss Joan Cro(a and Miss vls Cherublno -Non lu andral p RlveU A Q ,n from Mozart s "The Marriage of ( ch of Figaro." The first section of he. rccUal unclerwrUten concluded with the -flrms program , two ,ocal buslncsij Irish song 'She Moved rhrough s Nk.k(jrson and 0rmc-s thc Fa r' ' Drugs-to whom appreciation is A Scottish, Irish. American due. i nesday to be present at her SPECIAL CUIlMiRH-iT WEDNESDAY i P M . T,SI The pastor, Mr. Sendall, proposed a toast to the bride to which the groom responded-Toast to the bridesmaids was propose'd by M. M. Stephens with the groomsman responding. Presiding at the serving table, the feature of which was n handsome three - tier weddinn cake, duly cut by bride and groom, were Mrs. M. M. Stephens and Mrs. Joseph Peterson. Sim-vitcurs were Miss Dorothy Mc-Leod, Miss Margaret Murray, ballad and English folk song made up the first section of thc 4 -CARTOONS-4 PLUS - WALLACE BEERY AND MICKKY U)()V in 'ST A BLEM ATES' daughter's wedding. Mrs. Mc-Ewen moved to the southern city in September after several years' residence when her hus-ban, the former administrator of Wartime Housing Ltd. here, was transferred to Victoria. Mr. McEwen arrived in the city on yesterday's plane. setting for the bridal group. Entering the church with her father, who gave her in marriage, the bride was preceded by Following thc recital, there was a small reception at the home of Dr. and Mrs. ,W. ,.S. Kci gin when those who had taken a prominent part in connection with thc staging of the recital gathered to meet personally with Mr. Spejiccr and Mr. Bricc. Miss Mary Strachan. Miss Lorna Donaldson, Miss Marjorie Eby, Miss Pat McRae. Mrs. James a maid of honor and bridesmaid. The Wedding March was played by Mrs. E. J. Smith. . The petite bride was a charnir ing picture of young beauty in her wedding dress of white brocaded moire. Her finger tip veil was held in place with a coronet of pearls. Her colonial bouquet was of white Easter lillc with centre of pink steffanitis. Wallace's Spring Coats - Suits and Dresses are MADE TO SUIT YOU! Densmorc, Miss Donna MacAr-thur, Miss Mary McAfee and Miss Joanne Lanrjridgc. Assisting with the cutting of the wed post - Intermission performance. They were the "Bonnie Earl of Moray," arranged by Krcisler, "The Ballynure Ballad," arranged by Hughes, "The Rio Grande," composed by Celius Dougherty and "O No, John," a humorous English folk song arranged by Wilson. The latter and the "Big Brown Boar" which he sung as an encore, demonstrated, along with "The Flea," Mr. Spencer's flair for the humorous. His selection of negro songs was satisfying, yet unusual and lie gave the audience a lavish number beyond those on -the printed sheet. In these, as in all his singing, Mr. Spencer's clear diction was appreciated. The negro groups consisted o in rut; kui'kkme coun r ov whitish COLUMBIA IN PROBATE III THE MATTER OP THIS "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND ' In die Miill.-r or the tU(r Of William. 1 Ion It . Pri-riisril, liilrslule TAKE NOTIC E that by Order of Ills Honour Juli;o tW. O. Fulton. The other two out-of-town guests were Mrs. C. T. George and her 1 year old daughter, Owen, mother and sister of the bride-groom-elect, who made their first trip to the coast from their home in Milden, Saskatchewan, in order to attend the wedding. The evening was spent chatting and was climaxed when the guest of honor was presented with several armfuls of gaily wrapped gifts all of which prov- ding cake was Mrs. Andrew J ill Typw. The pretty bridesmaid wasi : WALLACE'S: 2 Department Store wwvi, uuugr ,ji niu ouj-ri'iiit' uuun KlTPUlis FOR OITi Miss Jeanne Thompson who had a becoming gown of blue molu with matching gloves and pink colonial bouquet. STATIONF.KV K) fin..............? (.RCKTING CAR1, ii Uulumliln. I was on the 12th rtny of April. A, D. IIMU. 'appointed Administrator of the - Estate of Wlllliun Hoult, lute of Terrace. DrUlbh Columbia, wlm died on or about the 6th day of February. lfMU. at Terrace, British Columbia. All pcraons indebted tu the said estutc are required to pay the cd most interesting and useful, Gladys Foster, the maid of TENS AND PEXCIb when opened. Thompson. Later in the evening, there was dancing with Mrs. Nora Thompson presiding at the piano. v Accomplished pianist, forrrv leader of Job's Daughters, bor;' and raised in 'Prince Rup'-rt, the bride is a member or rue staff of H. G. Ilelgereon Co Ltd. The groom has been engaged in school teaching litre for the past couple of year3. Mr. and Mrs. Evans have taken up residence on FulU.i: Street. honor, was charming in blue net lace taffeta witli blue lace gloves Just before midnight a de- DIBD PRINTING CO Itniftllllt Itf thuir ItirlfihtiifliinKa t.. mn lightful lunch was served by and pink colonial bouquet. Jack "Water Boy," 'Scandalize My lorthwtth and all persona bavinE the hostess. BESNER BLOCK Name," arranged bv i clnllns Klnst the said estate 'are ) required to file them, with, me projierly verified on or before the 15th day of May, 1U49. falling mhleh T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR .VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday Brire, his talented accompanist, "I Hear the Lambs a Cryin" Honor ii,m m,. ij;.h., distribution will be made IiiwIiik The seventeen guests present were Mrs. J. L. McEwen, Mrs. C. T.' George, "Mrs. S. E. Parker, Mis. S. Saville, Mrs T. B. Black, Mrs. A. M. Martinusen, Mrs. James Forman, Mrs. Robert Parker, Mrs. Wilford Taylor, Eastwood, brother of the bride, was groomsman. Ushers' were James Densmorc and Peter Ad-lem. . Following the marriage rite, the bridal party retired to the vestry where the reglser was signed. During this time Mrs. ' ! regard only to such claims of which i iace Liown mere, Joshua; I fhall have iM-en notified. KAIEN ISLAND STAGES I DATED at Prince Rupert, I).' C. this 13th day or April. 1!4( GORDON FRASER FORBES. Official AdmlnlHtrator, i iiuntu rtKI.Ii: rASSENOt.U TIME SCIILDl'U Fit the Battle of Jericho" an "Old Man River." Thc last-mentioned, which he sarig continuously two years ago in i. Tlfc veins are blood vessels which return the blood from thc capillaries toward the hewt. Mrs. J. Hopkins, Mrs. Helen at 11:15 p.m. For PUBLIC PASSEN(il U SIltVK E Btiwm ! Gcorce E. Kendal! frince Rupert. B. C. (101) Tor rwC-ltlllVAIN Mrs. T. Johnstone, Mrs. Tommy WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Eraser, Mrs. C. A. Kellett and the Misses Donna McEwen and For Reservations Gwen George. vv nit; ui (XU V 1 . . - - . CITY CITY OK OR DEPOT DEPOT OFFICE OIT,CE fgSj PRINCE RUPERT, f J 'WHIKVHS , 1 1 j j fS f v - " - EVERY ' DOLLAR YOU SAVE ;v::'S V A rH. 1 ASTHMA . - r -W ' rniNCE ItlTI.RT MII.I.ER IJW-WATSON IM and TORT I.DWAKI) Ouisoinc DAILY L. Tr. Ruprrt I.t. Miller Bay Lv. Watson 1st. Arr.ri 7:00 a.m. 7:20 a.m. 7:35 am. ; 9:10 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m. S 12:30 pm; 12:50 p.m. 1:05 p.m. J 2:30 p in. 2:50 p.m. 3:05 pm J 4:30 pjn. , 4:50 p m.' 505 pj. 5 5:3rt p.m. 5:50 p.m. 6:05 p.m. f I 0:30 p.m. . . 6:50 p.m. 705 pm ' 9:30 p.m. ' '9:50 p.m. 10:05 p.m. I1 11:30 p.m. 11:50 p.m. 12:05 am. 1- Incoming . DAILY Lt. PL Id ward -Lr. WatMin Maud l,v. Millrr ay Arr.r 8:15 a.m."- '8:25 a.m. 8:40 am. 5 10:00 n.n. w 10:10 a m. 10:25 a.m. V 1:30 p.m. 1:40 p.m. 1:55 pm. " 3:45 p.m. 3:55 pin: 4:10 pm . 5:20 p.m. '5:30 p.m. 5:45 p.m. ' 0:15 p.m. , 0:25 p.m. 0:40 p.m. : 7:4J pin, 7:55 p.m. . 1"" 1 ' . 10:45 p.m: 10;25 p.m. 10:40 p.m. 1; 12:15 a.m. 12:25 a.m. 12:40 a.m. 1 EXTRA SLRVK i: SATURDAY AM) M0NW1 XT .... . ' ; y . 4 . ' HOLLYWOOD cafe Most-Up-to-l)atc Cafe in the City OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. to 3:30 A.M. &'S$J IS A DOWN PAYMENT " 4 ',. Oil THS THlllRC vnn WHT rtfln Wc Specialize in Chinese- Dishes CHOP SUEY CHOW MKIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 13S l.v Walsall Island An, Ft Bank of Montreal 0d4 W. WORKING W I T H C A N A 0 I A M S IN EVERY WALK OF llfE SINCE l.v. Millrr lUy 11:50 a.m. 10:35 p.m. 12:05 p.m. 10:50 p.m. uleolng: I-T. Pr. Kuprrt 11:30 a.m. , 10:15 p.m. InrominK l.v. rt. Edward 12:15 11:00 p.m. N.B. On trip Boat Owners ,v. Millrr Bay 1" 12:40 l.v. Watson Island 12:25 p.m. II I. ,,,!., 1W1 t.l, irrl . K.l l.lllclUV. M"11 CHIROPRACTOR IF YOi It BOAT NEEDS New Stacks Exhaust Pipes Ventilators Mufflers Tanks Halibut Shutes rilONE BLACK 881 WE ARE EQUIPPED TO DO ALL TYPES OF METAL WORK THOM SHEET METAL LIMITED 253 First Ave. E PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND' ENGINEERS at 11:00 p.m. no stop will be made at Hllirr Watson Bay. KAIEN ISLAND STA41KS LTD. Supplrnirnt No. 2 1" . proposed passi:n.i k tahii f m . SuBplrmrnts No. 1 ami Z in ffp,t imiTIStl COLUMMA CIVIL SKKVICK COMMISSION NOTICE OF EXAMINATION INSPECTOR OF STIC A M - BO I LERS AND MACHINERY Examinations for Inspector of Steam-Boilers and Machinery will be held at thc office of the Chief Inspector of Boilers In thc Workmen's Compensation Bulldinn. 411 Duns-mulr Street, Vancouver, B.C., commencing May 10th, 1949, at 9:00 a.m. Application forms and further information may be obtained from the Chief Inspector at thc above address. John F. L, Hughes, D C, Pli.C. 21-22 Besner Block Thone ISLUE 413 for Appointment HOtRS . 10:30 m. to la:30 tf.ui. and il to 5 p.m. KVKMMIH .; Monday and Friday. 7:30 p.m. foi thoBo uimblo to come during the day. RECEPTIONIST In attendance Bfternooni. Issued pursuant to the provisions of Hip "M,,tor Csrr"'r Regulations tlirreiiiKici ... .. ... .i...,.u'lni new i'1 Iron and Brass Oarangs Ecctrlc and Acetylene Welding aiiii'ihi taiui oy adding ineieio i": BAPCO FLOOR ENAMEL Single Item 4. ADULT FARES 50c , SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY r Between Prince. Hnpei't x and Watson Island Between Tort Edward and Watson Island Between Miller Bay and Watson Island 10c FOR FLOORS, LINOLEUM AND WOODWORK "ragc I B Maroon 0 Dutch UlnS j DRYING P i)jxic (;r(.y Russell IJruwii Navy Grey Mahogany Brown THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 20C 2QhiF' irfrrlive NOIM i: or H AI.i; UY Mil IIIU. I'l ItM NT TO TIIK lAKI I THIN AI T '",,'"K ,N T"K MI'KKMK Ol HI OK lllll 11-11 ( l I Mill A r DETWEEN KIjMoUE MKRKD1TII. AdmlnlHtrutor of tho Ebtnl ol Ralph Hex-trr Brown. dpocHsrd ' '. AND CIIAIII,E3 Z. VllEY and SKIAIA NOIIIIKUCf. Exwiilora of Hip Until to of John Krirh HolmKrcn. docpascd (Ki'ncrally known as John HolniKrrni. Ivar I,undqulHt, and Jenny I.timllwi;. NOTICE 1h herrby given that by virtue of tlm Execution Act, Ctuipti-r ' II , ..... . Issued: 151b April, lHl'l Issued by: i 0 ISI.AHIl' RAIKN (Arthur Carrier Motor ui di nihil uouimma, 1!4. mid In oDedlcnce to an order of Mr.; Justice Contly, I shall offer for sale nt auction, at the Sheriffs Office, Court ! .louse. Prince Rupert, H. c on thc fifth day of May. ISMU, at the hour of ! 2:00 oclo?K In the aflern'Kiii ilm lolloumrr dcu-rlhfW nnrain rimnM Min. Issued pursuant to the provisions of I'1C Prince Rupert's Finest Ealing Place BROADWAY CAFE BEST FOOD BEST COOKING regulations """" tlierruiKler niks Ut.illl.lCS UU"" eral Clnlms, registered in the Lniifl Ri-glHlry orficc, Trliice Itupert, In the nnnic of John Holmgren, and not In hl true name. "Subject to the consent of UK l uu" . () wilh ' objections to this Time Schedule may be ' jssW,f C- t lendent of Motor Carriers, Public UtllltiM within fourteen (14) days from its date ol n- The highest or any bid not neceiisnrllv TERMS OF 3A1,E, CAHH accepted. ORMES DRUGS DRUGS Estate or Interest District No. of Lot Conrise description of Property A'hos Mineral Claim Porthes Mineral Claliii Armeu Mineral Claim LING the TAIL 4000 4007 4008 400'J Undivided fifteen forty elKhtliH intereHt Undivided fifteen forty elKhtliH interebt Undivided fifteen forty elKhtliH Interest Undivided fifteen PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS-WEKK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 2 P.M. VANCOUVER- V.CTOR1A Tuesday, 1.30 p.m., Catalu Sunday, 10 ftm., Coqultlam ALICE ARM, 8TEWAHT AND PORT SIMPSON Eunuay, U p.m. IOK 80CTII QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, April 22, May 0, May 20. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, April 15, 2D, May 13. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 508 1 1, it: H Casstar, C'aiiQlur Casolar Caiiular Caviar Caviar Casblar remaining 111 . J rVfTlf'ir.f r:i(illicH D'Artagnoii Mineral Claim forty elKhtliH Interest 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. Bonanza Mineral Claim Undivided fifteen and unclaimed after one year ait i i .It?icis! US l" I 4070 4071 4O70 forty ctKhl.hH interest D'Artagnou Minreal Undivided firteen Claim forty eighths interest Buuauza Miueral Claim Undivided one third a Specialty CHINESE DISHES Foil TAKE-HOME ORDLRS PHONE 200 608 WEST THIRD AVENUE sale unless customer Please 'give number. Daily car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday interest in surface Duted at Prince Rupert, B c rights, this 25th day of March; 194a'. M. 'M. STF.PII KM, Sheriff