t , o.THONf ueaera of Carman, has tuti- AHr.n ' - PATo, ';i,i,Ir'!tnted to become a matron of ' Wednesday : Game- Prince RuDert Daily News Thursday, October 5, 1850 1 pilus pJ that the Parks and Rprieailon As- Doii't auflar any lmuier. For nuiiit aunDun- Governor- gociatlon of Canafli. bnaer. T Epic Battle tor. and Mrs. G. Frame arrlv-1 SPANISH GOLD relief treat paintul piles with medicated Dr. Chute's Ointment. wettM 4M k fceala. A mat swaae treatment fur over 50 years. 31 I cu in uitjr jib v,uc luai. oi urci dUDAD PORTRAITS 1 Films Developeo arm iTinteu j prompt siunvz ' CHANDLER m.'JMX 2J 4th Street Bos 645 hor.e Green S8W Prince 1 Rupert J BOUVAR, Veivez- Mr.' and Mrs. W. B vjcuikc; WeeK irom point lrey. vanoou-, mi Gold hidden by Span DR. CHASE'S Of Hurlers who nave oeea spruuuig me VAr nj ,,,. n,Kthn0o i.v, Dnf. , -V-. V. 1 UK UjUWMJUOV ' UU XVLJdllObO J 111 Hip CailV ' Jill t at Stewart where Mr. J . t. 1 W summer Antiseptic OINTMENT George has been Interested in , PHILADELPHIA Vic Ras-jchl, big New York Yankee fire-baller, bested amazing Jim Kon- .4 rraie 18 to stationed as!U started when a housewife ladio operator. Corning bask! found a pot of gold coins hid-tonight tonight on on their their return return to to Vic- Vic here on Mackenzie wU1 be den In the wall of her house and stantly of Philadelphia Phillies MONTREAL, Oct i!t 5th Mothers! Keri't ' ,.,,,'ilnng to iMiprf. yw youngsters! . . . card i ,i mi .outs 'lia make big train or make- Uj've modern ki"-Ut . . . AH.SOLUTELY, i nKK' Ml vmi !o is puivlie 8 tins of luscious ill 1 N Z CKKAM OF TOMATO SOUP at regular miii The tm ai? J ii l: rl in "toy-maker" cartons Vkp "' tovs arc piiulcJ in colour on the carton .. Tl...w, ... .,. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bodkin 1 now residents are busily tapping Wednesday In a Brilliant pitch- fj C T nHcav nanarn I K : rr -Via n . a. I Ua lie In tho cAn rnh f , 4 uam-T-, ?aiKf n,,iJe,.al 10 0vlciry ! Railways, Winnipeg, and J. R. . Central British Columbia at Prince George was tangibly expressed at the meeting of the ... ure ,.ullu ucun uptucr. rug-,t(CQul.e travelling baggage Appreciation 10 Allan Arm-glng his fast one down the agent Vancouver arrived in ti strong and W. M. WatU lor their middle in the clutches, Raschi i n'n h Prir,! jepresentation of the Prince Ru- set the young Phils down on two 1 riav fmm th .nth Th,- .r pert Chamber of Commerce at Chamber this week when it was l!UrretnCar. 3. Slov. and Sink Vnit. . 1 h ftJZi Ki-f.ig.mtor and Cupboard. f i 7 a urns f Heins Cream of iomato Soup in the new, V"' OR - write to m linibara Brent, 1411 I' vi niri -il ' I' U endotitie 6 fuiiebi rum any variety 'telling me wind 01 he four toy-making eartons "ll ' l-U send tTm have fcur - you ' Lien" post-haste. in iium singles ana aian t making the round triD to Ketclii- the recent convention of the decided that a . contribution I aiiow any ODDonent to reach i, ,!.. j .ni L Associated RnsrHn nt Tnria .. . . - - ivai 1 tuuaj ailU W ill lie Uat-lv wlici 1 v. vs. ouvuiu itvAv uuniuu wit" I - 4- t f r n jExl-ro omf4Mt md less work fo I y4j with a , , ( : Coleman Oil Heater J ' Low in Cost Efficient ir. Operation ' AvQilobie now at Aa if -k W MSI McBride Street. Phone 311 ' , mira. ne struck out five and eVi.ntnir i,,ihhnnH walked one. , 1 I, nund the very tlunu to Hive my flows and fumitur L,ti,ulih that stays ll.ut way! The new ALr$faj a : HKHiHTENLlW do the trick. And FINE PRINTING at REGAL PRIUTERS riuU Max (..He) u -"--V tjjoth (, Sill-l'uMmt H'ar (51)c) contain .aii'Ot . . C.-niailba the world's Bio Konstanty, starting hU first Report on co-operation of the game since 1948 and his first In Pr'nce Rupert Chamber of Coin-the Big Leagues since 1946, was merce with 'the recent blood don-almost as good as Raschi, ' his ors campaign for the Red Cross control and "stuff" allowing the here were given to the Prince Yankees only four hits. Russ Rupert Chamber of Commerce Meyer relieved him hi the at its regular monthly meeting eighth when Konstanty was by Ed. Boulter who, with C. G. yanked for a pinch hitter and Ham, comprised the Chamber's allowed only one hit the rest committee on the matter, of the way. P;at CO"'-s in'in Tin- v h-tihi-. Js M nuliiri! for hmdwood floors to fuiily L, ,t alien vmi wax llicm Willi I.in-X Paste PHONE 24 222 Second A- fi tuleum. painli'd ami composition floors take to LinOC L-.PulisliiiiK V a.t like a duck lu'-ies to water, i'or this wa, L aier-rtpc!l; ut . . . and, 1 ve discovered, it really k acti-l dwevend tiiat tdc woci -rftil Lin-X A'o Smudfe Fur.) ; your burnt- to rpnrklc? . . . then ask for Lw-X Horn FRASER and PAYNE liit groi'lT)', liar.iware aua oupanujciii. norua. filli Uur Huibani? Tlien you II . to luuk your lo.f- The damage came In the fourth when lead-off batter, i Bobby Brown, third baseman, doubled. Hank Bauer .drove deep to centre when Ritchie ; Ashburn had to catch over his j shoulder on the run and Brow went to third. Gerry Coleman lifted one out to left Jor the second out but Brown scored easily on the throw-in. That was the game. Konstanty was In trouble Mn lb- i,st fur l:im a On Sale Friday and Saturday , :iv. wl way i a " SSj i j know to ke p your tun a full am: m-sh and giowiiiK ts I lie day lie m:n red von is jul our comiltxion ihe Men's Shirts and Shorts of that wondfrlul. ttiWDMI KV DRV SEW and SAVE h Just 10 minuica tiiii niiraculoiiK new Small, Medium, Large 9 Garments make vin the dne I vclvrt-soft ! You 1.00 56-inch All -Wool Plaids. Assorted Patterns. Per yard .,odliiry 1M- fikin 2.95 "TThh intnuj iitnclnitUM! 'm Altutyi Delighted to ftt let-rs from readers -who've tried and nked the products I recommend. Here's one that's particularly en-Uiusuifttic: "Thanks a million for your tip on Sloan's .Liniment. You've no idea now it relieves the occasional rheumatic pains I have. I'll never attain be without tiloan'sl'1 Yc,. rheumatic pains o dvep. Thais why you should (to viler tlwtn with deep-sctm( SLOAN U UNIMEXT. Its suca a cHimfort when you're suffering from rheumatism or ore muscles a sprain, a si iff fleck or neuralgia, huch sootliius warmth . . . juet pat on Sloan s for Almost in suint relief 1 At any drugstore fo just c bottle. J Hip Th tfafy Imtimmttm ct Tliere'i no uouw-uie LADIES' DRESSES New Shades and Styles for Fall :.' 6.50 ; $m dtp into pore the first Inning on a walk and single but got the Yank's big shots out easily- la tlie third Raschi singled, -Gene Woodhng walked and mosed to euond and third tin S. sacrifice but Konstanty again got heavy-bitting Yogi BetM, Joe OiMaggio and Johnny Mize to fly -or foul out. He walked ix and struck out one. With one out in the fifth, Willie Jont3 got his first htt through the . box past Raschi and Andy Semenlk, with two out, moved him to seoond on a olid single. But Mike Goliat give vour fkm an lJ of rn'li lanolin. So, Mens Flannelette Pyjamas! Assorted Patterns. Q fktZ All Sizes ; OaUU I sukc. I d (UKiirat you jkiD tlie U'lifiil of tins j irw Woodbury Dry I -soon! IXc, i'c, 00c Ladies' Pullover Sweaters Fall and Winter Underwear save you tnue Pure Wool, t l, t to I - and f meals Short Sleeves . . Assorted Colors in in fanned. Konstanty's appearance had Sizes 12 to 42 t See Window 2.75 For girls 4 years to 14. f are nil i t. heen much as a surprise be Vest and Panties. Garments A A cause, although he holds the liUV ie Can- ,r . for 1 li i s pipuif not., fUefy-iiod xlrink , . . taste jis mealy, diiei4iron itlavour. Like it? It's UovrU ihuok-fuU of tlie fjiouUi -watering Wluieas ul suud roiut beef, eujuyed Hovrii as laud enjoy it you Assorted Styles..-. modern record, .made tills year m appearing in 74 games as a i ObIips. jb' is all un w If and I'i at oa tprifff m M 1 1. V tar rolk-ier, lie was not ex Ones youV a 4iot drmk tected to start. f:,l, 1411 Ciiw'iit 3t, will!), you'll J. - or uatr ix, wtmt to adu tts lieartrarDUAS 1.3ft liuur Ctuitwd Salman BURNABY, S. C. The fire depaxtment was pretty busy First Quality Nylon Hose, New Shades Sizes 9 to 11. 51-Gauge Z.LSZ.... Ji! Discover tlie fun Snuggle Down act Ladies' Nightgowns . . . Turquoise, Yellow Pek, Smcdt Medium, Lfarge.' tutc-wiw, econouiical during August. It answered Si calls during the month, lnelud CANNED SALMON iir-nt&r! Yuu'U be de- tug 12 inhalator calls. Damage in seven major fires totalled riuvour to ail your eookuig ... m sums and soutis or as a cracker in-ad. 1 ve found that orril is the uUtl way to add economical nivattnon to tny meals is thee days of ky-liiith meat pricvst No need to miss ths flavour of beef because of its price . . . enjoy the good beef flavour of Hovrii! ltuy BO VEIL at your grocer's or butcher's next tinie you re sloppi,.g. it-h how far a can $11,950 'i. li t all cooked and rve all delicious, iaeat no fuss, no uttly no waste I TaUiini About the beauty of brasawane. it's definitely back llllf (Iwnrul n.n 4,.l . !...... .., .11 - n s S IimH t c e looks as handwime with eontemramiry f ' rn aocs wun jienoa reprotluctiousl es, candlesticks door knockers vases fire- THE NAVY iiws . . . add warmth and character to any r a. m utouiy in not aimmea witn tune ... s . "n you keep yoor brassware treasures .1 ' It POnilntif them rerularlv with HHAXNO. J1V.H ilWJIi -i n ; Hililll f VII H I use for it's made especially for brass I To U lea fit On A A Nttrf Told Hfs if oss to remove w ni a Nunine extends a booming welcome to PRIUCE RUPERT to attend ' mm mm : adhesive tape painlessly Just wrt a piece of cotton with ENKRGINK CLEANING FLUID and i every ttoulil jknil so f'-v do! L lhou- pn find fS the fipletely rinethod '. tl I'I held at its own Naval Division ! "iJ . MA '"'.. - lobe i i lv i ii-ll i.-in i soak the edges of the tape, pulling away as it's soaked. 'Xolher wonderful thins about this trick it removes all those messy black ad-lienive tape stains that resist rub-bint; 'n' acruhbing. You'll find niauy uses for Eueiigine ever)' dnjr J it removes grease spots, itit ;, paint, tar, chimnip gmp, etc. front even the most' delicate fabrics absolutely safe because it contains no acids nor caustics. Be prepared for those 'bttle accidents' put Energine on your shopping list today as little as 25c at drug stud department stores everywhere. Brrrrrrt Cold weather ahead I tivgi,-ne. They're effec-stainless, snow- suiiposiiorics that ' germicidal, yet ab- to delicate tissues T dainty ami conven-f As yuur drungist for f nd irriie i m, J'M. "11 Crescent St.. C,lor " "'t ou i'n"ne I ,ii m be sent to ' you in I'I 'Per, . It!Ib1(VbCb! CIHIATOAM Ml ftH .-H I - -!, f,i , 4 V:- . t . ou i i ;i ihik ! ...in Saturday October 7th :M P.M. lo 8 P.M. and that means "watch out for colds!" But if you take my advice you'll bs prepared to fight cold miseries with the new ' antihistamine dis-oovery ANOH1ST1 By taking Anoliist on exposure or in ,ci ""w1-1, r Shim- -f- i i t w TO tin D K.l,.Hjt Cothe and meet the officers and men of your own cold you ran Jirat L'4 hours -of a '.Mushroom Soup-Pip. ru-VeRctal,e Salad "Sitnu 'Lfh f-:ooking j i - ut r.q: slop the stujjlet and sneeces oj a cold in a tingle day! That's ripht prompt, ejjicient reiki and ior psmites.' In fact tlio Super-Economy I'amily-tiue bottle of 36 Anohist Tablets costs only about 8c per tablet! So buy Anohist at your druggist's today! Remember: all antihistamine! are not alike. They vary greatly in perlprnxance. Anohut it the anlihietnmine or-"hi( rectntmtndud jar family use fcomwe iti sufocs in cual dinirnl teatm - X IMaval Division Come and inspect the modern equipment kacn something about the work of the Royal Canadwa .Navy Ragrve). , ' .See iiow Canada citizen sailors are trained to be seady to defend our security by sea. Come and see how the R.C.N. (Reserve) ppaates and how our men work, and play. Qptoc and enjoy the Special .Demonstration. I our' Vour I la .i' t00' of , Ml It 1 11 If I. If"" -f5 4 4 Jr T.-. vs. ill X' T- lllljcl Villi Kiri w.li.L, . V" w11 J10" taste this ftreamy, Lowv" 'S7"WP CoAe, made with BW'ASfS Sat'. NCAE ELQUR1 Tliat's tlie Hour, vou know, is anted over and over wain until 3:1 times s aZJi ln,ry flour. It makes the lightest, fluUiest, CZ C<C! """tel ... . tSOnot bponsi t .. . -fl Sins) . ' 7Tr- h TArn u WjiL - -' T- itT n,, u ( RESERVE ) ss&x.' ' Till -s?V- -'3- I WmV?.'k. Q 1 -unbeaten . I V4 -toDnT tlxipiu. sliortenlng M I"uf mA v.J srrstsd lemon rind I aS" sea ith D'n Powder, salt and maoo. ltt oethr C i" mii' v!' constantly until very thick and I wlLlUickiy a?",,1 t untA melted; then add to egg 'a..?deruTur,1Jn4 " bottom with paper, tut not 'SaVd". "wl,5 " ) b" mfnutes. Cool la tltJ" ci-saon c usterd iUliog Inlwua M-1U1 )wn - J