Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, October 5, 1950 'MofanyM'. HOUSEKEEPING -------- P hut AUTUMN DESSERTS TAKING PLACE Relieve Your Fretful, Feverish TEETHING BABY CRACK DOWN ON OPIUM The United Nations has asked countries where opium-smoking Is still legal to prohibit the manufacture, trade and use of opium for this purpose. ON MENU AS WEATHER GETS COOL v Jim WP ft edges are cooked. Turn and cook on the other side. Serv Immedi Thii Simple, Tnnhnrthr Wiy ThMMiuJi Mother ately Yield: 12 medium sized Why let mur tecthim balnr fret nd los" n PURELY LEGENDARY ncled nat when Baby'i Own IkbleU -may -keep your restiesm, fverinh HtUe ona eorns ' ' fortabte and peaceful. Uaed by yonns mMan era for over 60 years. No "aleepy" atufl no. 'mm The legendary basilisk of the AUTUMN DESSERTS There are some people ulu arc satisfied with a meal which has no sweet to top it off, but they are unusual. Most homemah?r are greeted daily by the homecoming members of, their families with the cry, 'What's for dessert'. With cooler weather the heavier desserts such as hot batter puddings and pastries take their place on the menu again Custards and light fluffy dessert are acceptable all year round particularly for the children. Oreeks and Romans, a lizard-like dull"1 55 klr.L'cri.' . .,... . to a powder, if desired. At the ftrstrsian oftf ti LifiiLUif, was ut'lltveu to navs ' teetbini fever, b sun try Bahya own Tablet. Sea how quickly they help1 relievo"" killing with its and. poisonous the power of deadly glance breath. leverishneta, aootbe irritation and promoaa: I restful comfort. Try Baby's Own Tablets, too. for upset stomach, soiutipation sn4 other minor silmeiita At drusjitf 1 .; (4-lnch) pancakes. Note:7,8 cup sweet milk plus 1 tablespoons white vinegar may be substituted for 1 cup buttermilk. Squash Pudding 2 cups cooked, s'.ived squash 2 cup milk 2 eggs 3A cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons melted butter ( tearpoon ginger i teaspoon cinnamon ',8 teaspoon nutmeg Vi teaspoon salt cup raisins Mix nuash with milk. tra;n, add well-beaten eggs, sugar, mpl- n IS Home economists have sev.ora' rather new Ideas for cool weathe, desserts. Snowball Pudding , H1 i cup shortening rJL l f v n it u u i ii tcd butter, splc.-s, salt and xsMm Beat well. Pour Into greaspd l-pk- After all is said and done, how does it taste in the cup? That is what counts! TEA BAGS yield the perfect flavour. 23 cup sugar Mf teaspoon almond extract l'2 cup silted pastry flour V2 teaspoon salt l's teaspqans baking p:wdcr V2 cup milk - 3 egg whites '3 cup sugar . Cream shortening with the 23 rianujy, maaame I shudder to think what she'll be lng dish, set In pan of hot watr and oven-poach In a modfrft"! oven 350 Degrees F for 35 minutes. Chill. Yield: six servlngi. like in ten yeai'i."' V I U.K. UNEMLOYMENT Out of a total working popu cup of sugar. Add flavoring. Mix a , r v -i Arc Called For and sift Hour, salt an1 bakin' lation' of 22,300.000, there am powder and add alternatelv with - -"V vily ab"..t ab"iit 340 340 000 000 unemployed unemployed milk to the crearrvd mixture. workers in Great Britain. nru oruiro Make a meringue of egg whttf ' HOTTL ARRIVALS , Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Anderson, Minneapolis; ."Ln Wl:..Mr Mr. and and Mrs' Mrs. H- H. J J r"- Bird, " R H Dibrah, r-: A F. u- C. " Ros S. K. Wescott, D G. Johnson, B. J. MrGill. A. D. Robertson, E. H Teagle, Teagle, N. N. McNeil. McNeil. H. H. O. O. Law- Lawrence and E. B. S'eigh, Vannu-ver; P. S. Bonncy, Nanaimo: M" and Mrs.. D. S Heas'ip. Norv ana tne vs cup susar and fold into b8tter. Fill Individual rB"-d moulds 23 full. Cover t'phtlv 1 . -frVlH : ' ' Jurors called for the fall Asr.iz-es here are David Abel. William Bremner. James Brown, Melbourne Bussey, Kal Christiansen. Lee Dell, Frank Dcrry, A. E. Dickens, Hugh Ferguson, George Fowlle, J. 8. Irvine, Oordon Judd, Archie McNeill, Stan Saville. Walter Smith. J. O. A'cxander, Slvert Anderson, Sam Blan-chard, C. W. Bourse. R. N. Boy- with waxed or brown paper, an1 stesm ' hw 8er"e ho'. if-fruit sauce. Yield 8 Individual moulds. . Apple Pancakes 1 cup sifV?d all-purpose flour i,i teaspoon soda 1'-. table' rfcorw sugar teaspoon salt " 1 enn buttermilk" vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. 3 Johnson and I. D. Must,o. Victo-iar Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Darling W. M. Caron and Mr, 'and Mrs. H. M. Kightman, city; J. Henry oaigary; Mr. and Mrs, T. Wa'- lace, Sunnvside: M. A. Rnt.hp.-k-. J ! 1 P H U i ;t, Catio ii ' er, Burnaby; A. J. Band and W. West, Hazelton; Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Matson, Winnipeg; Dr. and Mrs. W. G.' Stafford, Riviera, California; Dr. Wyatt, Arnprior, Ont.; J. Dunlop, Smithers, . chuk, M. Budlnich. A. J. Bussan-Ich, Nell Brodic, Birger Bryni'.d-sen, S. B. Calder. C. J. S. Christ iansen, V. B. Clccone,- Margar.-Jean Clark, William Dunn, O. H C. Eales, Floyd Frank, E. J. Oaro fanl, Stanley Oartland. G. H Green A E. Hedstrom, T. N. Her. lip. H. R. Hill. G. R. Hull, A. E. 2 tablespoons shortening. melted 1 ees Vz cup raw apple, peeled and prated. Mix and sift, flour, roda. twr and salt. Add butterm'lk melted shortnin? t well-bent e?es rd stir ni'cVlv 1r' ( Ingredients. mixing vnW -.-r-' Jane Ajfiey's Crown Brand Recipes FREE' yyrlt Jone AiMey, Th Canoda Starch Company limited, F. 0. Box J 29, Montreal, P. O. ' " I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULTf Janes, H. E. Johnson. J. L. Jolly -more, M. J. Keays, Robert Ke'. scy, A. W. A. Le'Fhtm, C. F.. !o Stir In crated a"-'", Pr nonnfu1 nn hot frldril" "-'; ly-gTeased frying pan. Cook iir-til bubble fo'rm on the to- Ernest Love, Carl Matson, F. P. J. Montcsano, G. W. Morgan, Ovvci! McFadden, L. J. McLean, J. A. McRae, Agnes He'en Neave, T. A Newton, W. W. Noonan, C. C ' . I actomi i - - - - t - about a r f ffir for Children of All Ages V I SSjT' "' f ' ( ' I A S'l AFTER BABY'S bottle day, no need to change from the , 2-T 1. a ViT t milk the doctor recommends. For "creaming" cereals and -1 ' 1 KT J desserts, children love the flavor of undiluted Carnation 1 Ve , 1 ' V-y VS$yj? and it has twice the food value of an equal amotint of 1 5 -Aj-ITSA. fC5 J 1 1 ' bott,cd milk" 11 "frm 1 IWPMTl-ll J I FOR DRINKING, making cocoa or cooking, dilute Carna- 1 5 1 if -on'en'iec' ! I 1 j tion with an equal amount of water for a milk of extra I $ fJ sj ' Cowi" J 1 A. Yw on.. OwenM mm . smoothness and rich flavor. jyaio Ormlston, H. S. Parker, D. H Payne, G. E. Parsons W. A. Pil-ford. jr., J. R. Watson. D. W Widsten, A. D. York. RIHHNG FOR EVERY PURPOSE ttvit la!!.w vimr in.stiT.cilons impllclt'y ASK tOt SCOUAND'S rAVOURITC SON JOHNNIE WALKER SCOTCH WHISKY for, if you wish, adVl a creative touch that fBaiL-tr Mini , i Tumwi ii in i km . i hi ii 1 1 i. iT'iiisi 4 j 1 lc:1 ilisiinrtion to your printed mai'er; derate prices. Call us! Phono 224 The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Is making Its annual' patron's donation to the Clvie ( Centre and, at Monday night's ; meeting of the Chamber, the taking out of Individual mem- j bcrshlps was commended. I a 1 a I . , , a sn m I I ar m maT sT K " aa at - asl a 231 3rd Street Prime Rupert :vn:ns - stationers on ice supplies mod cafe fine ( hmawam "Ii U-T0-DATE CAPE IN THE CITY II . -sssasv m m m m aj w w ssss s MM Bot. 1120- SHN oin Strm J PFnOM7:30 I'M lo 3:30 AM "alize I,, Chinese Dishes Silvervare Distilled, Blended an& Bottled In Scotland Content! 16M oa, OHN WALKER SONS LID. Scofch Whitky Dittilten Heat Your Home The Modern Way! UEYCHOW MEIN tM(lt Orders r;i(F. 133 ' Mr 1 KIIMAKNOCK. SCOTIANO and Novel tie 2C OFF OUR ENTIRE STOCK This advertisement ia not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. 1 5VJUA Fiery, Itching Tees and Feet ' I " f ESTATE I 0" CO? Third Ave. W. m CAFE OVKR EROADWAY Here Is a clean, stainless antiseptic oil that will do more to help you get rid of your trouble than anything you've ever used. Its action Is so powerfully penetrating thtit the Itching Is quickly stopped, and In a short time you are rid of that bothersome, fiery torture. The same Is true of Barber's Itch. Salt Rheum. Eczema--other Irrltatlnj unsightly akin troubles. You can obtain Moone's Emerald Oil In the ortglnnl bottle at Ormes Drugs or any modern drug store. It Is safe to use and failure In any of these ailments Is rare lndeod. j '.n ! 0 I in 0 i vl , i x " I - i . -JSJ. f w I i X I x t -v ' I i i ix. j i 'j ! Sure Hitf IT'S A WISE, THRIFTY "CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR WITH OUR EASY-TO-PAY, 1AY-AWAY PLAN USE HOT WATER HEATING . We Stop Your "Cold War" ArHqve our heating man call and give you estimates on hot water or steam R. W. COLLINS NBUC AUCTIOH SALE ln the Old Ovcrwaitca Store foi Authorized Dealer ELECTItOLl'X FT- SATURDAY 2:30 P.M. Sale Starts Friday 9a.m. i rt Too Job No : rorccds o the Prince Rupert Big Job 'votry Club Civic Cmmittco" Too No Contact, the above for all Services md Supplies f5. th new t.hie" brush fLrXTUOM'X FLOOR ' I'GI.ISI.'EU Afjilies lh? wrix as well s polishes i - PHONIC 451 Phone today for a free demon titration of 'he 1950 ModeU it the IXECTROLUX ATfl rURTKiER and EIECTROLU p rtT PO' TfltK"; Small . ( i j h- i ! China i a V LIa Call BLUE 84 6 SAAN1CH ansoi f A'-"r!,is?mcnt Courtesy of Hm B.C. Power Co. PLUMBING & HEATING Cor. 4th Ave. and McBride m mimmswmmmamm.