:2 Prince Utipm DaH? rectos STEPHEN CLAYTON Tuesday. January 4. 1949 AIYANSH 'MAYOR' An Independent dsllj nrwsppr devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert trU all communities imprtolng northern nd central British Columbia (AutnonMd u second Oas Uau. Post Office Department. Ottawa) Native Village on Naas River, Published ver afternoon except Sunday bT " Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. Elects Council for 1949 O. A. HTJKTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director. elected Clayton was MEMP.EK OP CANADIAN PRFSS ACTin BUREAU OP CIRCULATION'S Stephen CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION chief councillor of the Naas SUBSCRIPTION RATES River native village or A;yansn C'ty Ctt1t. Per Week, 20c; Per Month. 75c; Per Year. t 8 00. ' By Mail, Per Month, foe; Per Year, 5 00 which has just completed the V-s 'xi vV' ifVv election of its 1949 native council. Other councillors are Kenneth Grandison, Ephraim Johnson, John Morven, Titus Nlshi-ok, George Robinson and Reginald Perclval (secretary-treasurer I. Kitkatla is having its election tonight. So Is Kincolilh, another Naas River village. Metlakatla will nominate on ei econ January 17 and elect January have not yet bepn , 24. Port Simpson nominates on ceid owing to travel cor January 24 with election Janu- tio on the :aas Riv.-r Prince Rupert and Defence DECISION of United States and Canada FINAL on joint defence planning may well have an im-portant bearing on Prince Rupert which in the lat war was one of the points where joint defence measures, were so fully demonstrated. This seems ; particularly likely in view of the realistic expecta-tion that the vortex of another war might well be ; in the northern" and western sections of the North American continent. In fact, some wonder may be ary 31. lArtley Bay flection oatt Results of the Greenville cl- not Vet set. LETTERBOX HIKE'S TIIK FAMOUS HOSPITAL VISITORS , The Editor: From information 1 have received there appear to be rather severe restrictions in regard to visitors to the local hospital. Recently the two daughters of entertained that already something more along the line of defence preparedness has not been undertaken ,by this time. In view of the uncertain international situation, it seems poor policy to be completely letting down our defences at Prince Rupert and other strategic points in the country. COLEMAN OIL rtEATER That Cives YL Direct Rajiant Heat and CirculatVig Warmth . . . Both at tiff Same Tinu .;. iow a local resident were presented with babies on the same day. The mother of these girls was naturally anxious and wished to see them. Her request was turned down though their hus CHRISTMAS MAIL BURNED Six hundred bigs of Christmas letters and parcels were burned and an undetermined number of bags dama ed when fire broke out in a baggage car en-roiue from Moncton, N.B., to Halifax. Most of the parcels came from a large mail order store in Mo'icton. Men of the Halifax post office investi ation and inspection departments are shown ;; COASTING AREAS ANOTHER of what appears to be a series of cold snap,s and heavy snow falls at Prince Rupert is above salvaging some of the damaged letters. i CP Photo) bands were allowed in. It is understandable that regulations are necessary if the patients' welfare is to be assurecl. Surely in this case the anxiety oi the See thein Now AT : M ISride Street PHONE 311 (Continued from Page 1) being washed away. A couple of weeks -or so of Coasting conditions have ended but there may be more such spells this winter. In this last cold snap, it is fortunate that there Encouragement of Industry small measure at least, of the boats to make available the Fisheries Research Board, and j Hulling t.rd hunting opportu- BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL mother and desire of the daughters to see their mother allowed for some relaxation in the regulations. Trusting that in future more consideration could be shown. W. D. GRIFFITHS the continued interest on the part of the government In pro is repugnant. "We, on the other hand, who live by, and believe in privat? enterprise, see the state as the servant of the peoplewielding only such authority as may be gressive researcn wnicn mat MARGARET McLF OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BUII.I nities at our very door; better train srrvioe sn that tourtats can once more be routed east to Jasper; an airfield to make rapid transportation mre easily available; improvement to PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR AND MESSENGER Beer, Soda, Perfex and Ginger Ale Bottles PHONE RED 751 .necessary to co-ordinate individual effort in this modern ! were not accidents due to the collision of coasting i; Children and motor traffic,, The car drivers of the ; city, as a whole, are to be commended for their care ;: and patience. j If another such season of coasting comes, it is i. to be hoped that the authorities will immediately !i set off some streets as coasting area as a safety measure. By doing so the risk of serious accident .Cw ould be largely reduced. VALUE OF CHAMBER WAS a timely suggestion that Dr. R. G. Large, IT in his address of retirement as president of the TRAIN SCTIKIHTU; For th East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:00 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturcto 10:45 p.m. presages. I think we must also give commendation to the Fish- eries Department for the work j done this past year in developing the tuna fishery which promises so much for the future. This Chamber should do all in its ffower to further these activities and also take a continued interest in all problems concerning the fishing industry PHONE BLUE 5!5 P.O. Box 1184 society and to alleviate unavoidable and inevitable suffering. The Chamber of Commerce movement is the one non-political, Dominion-wide organization giving' concrete expression to the claims of private enterprise. As such it commands the mtr highway. These are only some of the ways we can help ourselves and as a Chamber we should he pressing steadily for their accomplishment. PARAMOUNT CONCERN "In closing, let me try to express what I believe to be the MATTSONVS UPHOLSTERING AND FURNITURE REPAIRS Custom-built Chesterfield - Suites and Occasional Chairs Spring-filled Mattresses Repaired at the present moment, par j unqualified support of every man who loves individual fiee- Ocularly the approaches of the Paramount concern of any HELEN'S BEAUTY SHO! Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4 th Street Pu. fishermen's floats, the break- cannier oi commerce, mese waUV a', Fairview and Coast iai"e Pennant clays. They hold Guard facilities for aid and pro- I real possibility of a Third f OR FASTER RELIEF Gsfsllorso, dom and wants to see the freedom safe-guarded. It is our duty I as Chamber of Commerce mem- i bers to constantly preach the World War, it is true. But they taction to the fishing fleet. Drapes Curtains Plume Blue 818 P.O. Boy. 520 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compile . Besner Block Phone 387 i hold much mult than that. We "Another piunary industry Is i advantages of the system of I aic in the midst of the" final struggle of two philosophies showing rapid development. I refer, of course, to forestry, and I Quick I Um That Spadal hvrt vnvc rf liff T hnup nnt hppn I Doubla-Outy No Draps HANDYMAN HOME SERVIC GENERAL CONTRACT the entrance of the Columbia! ., , ,, , . , ... .'able to get too greatly exercised Cellulose Co. into this area. I i ,, . . , t. , , 'over Communism in particular, would suggest that it is the duty , , ,. .. . ,f ... T T iit nnt hplivn Hint It will ever K little Vlcks Va-tro-nol in each nos of this Chamber to remember!,, , . , ' .., . . . private enterpii.se, to make use of the educational facilities which are being supplied in ever increasing amount by the Canadian Chamber, and last, but most important, be constantly vigilent to detect and correct the abuses and failures of this system in which we believe." Dr. Large received a hear ft vole of thanks for his "inspiring message' to the Chamber. Building and repairs of ai'. tril reliavaa head cold distress fasti And if used at first warning sniffle or sneeze, Va-tro-nol actually helps to pravant many colds from developim?. Try itl Follow directions in package. VICKS VA-TRO-NOL PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHING Latest Shades, Styles and Colors J. P. MOLLER Phone BLUE 155 Roofs, Chimneys Oi! B "Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, made last night that there should be a greater modicum of active interest among the supporters of principles of free enterprise as against the various 'isms of totalitarian tendency in the work of the Chamber of Commerce which the doctor described as "the one non-political Dominion-wide organisation giving . concrete expression to the claims of private enterprise." Apart from that aspect of Chamber of Commerce work, however, its function in promoting community interests and developments has been amply demonstrated here through the continued efforts of a not large number of enthusiastic work-. ers. The work has been done effectively and well here. The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce in recent years has dora? much to put this city on the , ',foap. It is not a question of its work not being appreciated. We believe it has been appreciated. However, as Dr. Large suggests, not appreciation but' more active support on the part of those who have their interests here is in order. The way that can be done is to join the Chamber and participate in its PHONES Black 687 Red 894 evr P.O. Box 1S70 .... ! uiiu u very ji uiuui yi uuuu in the small operator ' who has been ; , . , , .. ..... . Canadian life. T- Its chief menace making 6 his contribution to the . , .. , ,. is military and its nuisance value H progiiss " of this district for many , J . ... , T , , ..... in our economic life. But. I am vears and to see lt that his inter-; ,. . concerned about isms, uv gen-ests are not altogether forgot- , ., .. . , , eral and what they represent, t ten In the enthusiasm to wel- ... . . . . , tl , . Call them what you like com- come big 6 business into the dis- j ,. , imunism. socialism, C.C.F. ism, c 'Social Credi'.ism, New D.-alism "The acvent, of the Celanese i tbpy represent the yearning of Corporation brings with it ad- ; -for me common man utopia- dilional problems. The greatest that ldealislic state where every- of these at the moment, is .nin(, is pe,.fect xheir advocates housing. In setting up an active refuse t(J recognlze that you DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 FOR YOUR ROCK and CONCRF WORK CALL BLUE 033 M. J. SAUNDEi: New, Modern Equlprr.f All Work Guaranteed committee tins year, we nave cannot have perfection of life, PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repair MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East attempted to point the way to NOTICE The Daily News wishes to draw attention to the nil" that classified and transient advertising is payable In ad vance at the office at tim of presenting copy for adver tising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner in thr Daily News are asked t assist the ffice and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified 9 ( f. or laws or states, until human some of the solutions and our naU).e itsp,f is pel.fect xhese rK. task will not be done until we succeed in interesting capital in the construction of several new apartments and a definite housing development. fZING UP ONE'S SELF 'isms would subject all human endeavour to the will of the State. It is only by a complete dictatorship of the State, that socialism can be made to work, and even though It be a benevolent dictatorship, the principle 'Tlflf tjj ' ' ' l QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden hVt and Worn Soln MAC SHOE HOSHI Wells Cartage Ltd. Complete Moving Service Crating Parking Cartage BLUE 780 BLl'E 98U TRY and fize up the actual state of a country, JO as a New Years dawns, is usually a thankless fefrvice, even if undertaken with the greatest of care and industry. To take stock of one's self is . t 1 i ' "i. - i A Box 774 Srn4 1 TOl'RIST INIi.KiC'RY j The tourist industry has be- , come one of the most important of the province. At the present time it surges into the southern half of the province and up and down the Cariboo Highway, while a second stream flows past our doors to the playground of Alaska. Only a trickle wends its way along the Skeena Highway IF. ITS A SMARTLY STYLKI) SI IT FROM ACME IT'S RIGHT AND- DON'T -FORGET OUR SPORTS JACKKTS," TOPS IN STYLING AND SO PRACTICAL. ACME CLOTHING KODAKS NOTHING WILL PLEASE THEM BETTER! Baby Brownie Special S3.47 Brownie Target Six-20 S6.44 Brownie Target Six-1; S7.28 Kodak Duaflex Camera $14.5U Flash Attachment for Kodak Duaflex $3.25 Kodak Vigilant Junior Six-20 $20.44 Kodak Vigilant Six-20, f8.8 Lens SS3.88 Kodak Vigilant Six-20, f6.3 Lens- ... $42.50 Kodak Vigilant Six-20, f4.5 Lens $61.60 Kodak 35 13.5 Lens with Range Finder : $107.00 Flash Attachment for Above Fdur Cameras .. 12.00 Argus 35 f3.5 Lens with Case and Flashgun $120.00 Wrathall's Photo Finishing to see the magnificent scenery and enjoy the recreational advantages we have to offer. We can Tiring the tourist in increasing numbers ni two ways. First, BROADWAY CAFE by direct advertising; and secondly, and most Important, by sending back those who do come as enthusiastic boosters. The first'liiethod is being taken care of by the Publicity Relations Council but there is much to be done before the second objective is reached. "Auto camps are urgently WE THANK OUR CUSTOMERS FOR OUR ; GOOD BUSINESS IN 1948. -WE HOPE THEY'LL HAVE A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON-ALSO A GOOD 1949. FOR WE STILL NEED THEIR BUSINESS rnucn easier ana in certain respects oi greater importance. To you, the condition of your health, your finances, your present prosperity and prospects are, , "or should be, of vital concern. The ending' of a year is a logical time for the I general appraisal and summing up of how every-t thing is standing, respecting yourself. This sounds $ like lecturing, a habit from which the Good Lord j deliver us, yet it will be found that to know which way and in what manner you are going, pays. And -a good time to know is now. , - :., ' ,' ' WEALTH NOT UNLIMITED 'THE PLAIN FACT IS, that as we stand today, I there is not unlimited wealth upon the earth to : b distributed by any system whatever. The world ls desperately poor all of it except a few patches of prosperity like that in America. No matter how the available goods are redivided there will not be "enough to go around and feed everybody properly ' let alone make everyone comfortable. And even America, fabulously rich beyond the dreams of an- tiquity, H still very poor. If all the money in Can-f ada for instance the money fieing merely a token tand index of the wealth were divided up equally between every person in the country, everybody would still be poor. With all our rich land .and vast Miiachinery of production we are able, working at i'ull time, to produce something like a thousand dol- lars worth of poods per person per year, and a i-'substantial part of that must be set aside for capi- i tal replacement, repairs and expansion. ' ; - Bruce Hutchison. Dishes and Glassware needed; street and road signs to relieve confusion; charter Were DISHES among your Christmas wishes? If Santa passed you up, call at the Variety' Store and look over our stock. BREAKFAST SETS, 20 and .32 pieces. DINNER SETS of 66 pieces. A fine selection of GLASSWARE, as well as TEAPOTS and COFFEE POTS. IS ySr-tV fill m A 1 JM TVr MS i City Merchants City merchants are asked in future to have copy for all display advertisements into the Daily News office by 4 p.m. of the day previous to their publication. This co-operation will greatly assist the mechanical department in keeping to the regular hour for publication. Your Best R-atrn? Place FI LL COURSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Panquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners "and Parties Chinese Dishes 608 3rd Ave W. Phone 200 518 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 400 I