1 4 MAYOR HAMES 4 Tl TIC fSrfnte Rupert Dafl? Je'ius' Ttw'.stfsy, January 4, 1M9 . W. F. stone, Ala. j N Hospital Board'.,.. Whalen, a Museum R-;srd--M. E. Arnid. J Public Reiat'.Tw r Aid. H. M. Dag'imt. ' COMMITTEES 1 Black FiMnce CIislrma d .i-OtV : 4 f Long Distance to Quetn Charlottes Prince Rupert Chamber of Cummer', on recommendation of fts public ntfiities committee, r Advertise in theDa;i,v Ruilderham Public Works Mayor Nora E. ArridM Ttarn appointments to standing cl committees from the 1949 cl . -l A Ka f ire rrtOtfMT ri CHAMBER WP EXECUTIVE Officers nd WtectoM Fwr 1949 Electe O. R. S. Blaekaby, manager of th Bank of Montreal, was Monday night elected president of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. L. M. Felsenthai was elected vice-president and E. T Applewhaite w a re-elected sec re ta ry -treasurer . Members of the executive council for the year were el Prince Rupert Fl( 300 3rd Ave. Box 18 j decided last night to make rep-i resenUUons direct to the BiinU- 1 the year last night and filled th.f Flowers for All oJ library, parks and other boards ter of transport with a new to with the appointment I nKicr--r " 5 1 - sr.'& - 7 , & II-. ; extending kft distance teie- men and other fill liens. . J - f" Here are the appointments; Finance AM. T. K. Blade i chairman , Aid. W. J. Mclean, 1 I ITT V CtMA ected in the persons ef J. C. Oil-ker, A. D. Ritchie, O. A. Hunter, .3 phone service to Massett and 'possibly other Queen Charlotte 'Island points. The committee ' reported that the local telephone ; department was ready and wilf-' ing to co-operate in the hand- ling of such traffic but was un-: able to do so at present sincp i authority was lacking to use facilities which already existed. Board of Works-Aid. G. VT. , J-ft, Ruriderham (chairman Aid. G. ' Ajf6'"' '' itl t T. N. Youngs. Aid. T. B. Black, Aid. W. F. Stone, C. A. Berner and J. D. McRae. Oath of office to the new president and vice-president were administered by James T. Har- B. Casey, Aid. II. S. Whaien. I -aJ. , I Utilities Aid. H. M. Dagfiettjl ' 4 Business people on the Wands vey icnairmani, aju. . n. tummn, Aid. H. 8. Whalen. Health, Social Assistance, Police and ltwnstn?-Ald. W. f, etrnui ti-KalfffMnr AW 1 wsaii ' V. - 0 A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" January Bedding Special consisting of f Steel Tnbmg Bedstesri Steel Rrotwwi 9tt Sprin; Spr',:; - Filled Vlat tress m rr, 4 4'6" 'ALL FOR $59.23 SPRING -FILLED ALISON ' MATTRESS SPECIALS Royal York, panelled $2l.H Royal York, plain . .. S29.5 Sani-Filled $27 3 Alt above have high-; tempered foil springs. ML -SPECIALS- CASH . , FREE DELIVERY Phone TI5 327 3rd Ave. In addition to, the election of officers and presentation of the report of the retiring president, Dr. R. Q. Large, gemmtl business was conducted by the meeting. A vote of appreciation was ac -V4 V h - -o ' iff' 'WiIibmbij, V have told the Chamber that it would greatly facilitate the doing of business between Prince Rupert and the Islands if ready long distance service wa available between this city and such points as Massett and Queen Charlotte Ctty. . McLean, Aid. J. N. Forman. j ; Pioneer Home Committee j Aid. W. F. Storie (chairman), i Aid. W. J. McLean, Aid. - J. tt. Forman, W.'G. Sheardon, G l Saa South by fa: Process Li corded the retiring officers and eeeitive fr their mwcessfnl Enfoy K rettlu! tttjm efforts. President S. O. Furk of the E. HiUa , Zoning Committee Aid. (1. B. Casey (chairman), Aid. G. W. Rudderham, Aid. H. M. ' dtioti, the delidow m the itc4lent trvic Pimcen bimr. MERCY WORK CONTINUED There was no let up in the activities of the R C.A.F. Search and Rescue unit at Halifax during the Christmas season. Mindful of last year when the staff spent a hectic holiday season, a Christmas tree was. Installed near the plotting board to give the required Yuletide touch. This R.C.A.F. photo shows, left to right, Fit. Lt. W. E. Gordon, Saskatoon; LAC. C. Stevens, Didsbury, Alta.; FO. It. E. Marleau. Cornwall, Ont.; and LAC. A. Latham, Seal Harbor, ITS. Last Christmas season" Seirch and Rescue reported three mercy flights, a mUsing artcraft and two ships in trouble. . (CP Photo) CliJt Ford Fund Trustees E. Arnold, City i Mayor Nora PRINCE RUPEi Clerk" H. D. TrM!n. Aid. W. F I Stone. ! CHIROPRACTOR John F. I- Hushes, D C, Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 fr Appointment Horns 10:30 a.m. to 13:30 p.m. and 3 to 5 p.m. Evrvrsos Monday and Prtdny, 7:30 p m. foi those unable to come during tin day. - RECEPTIONIST tn attendance afternoons. r m0004 SAILINGS SiftiVund ; Junior Chamber ' of Commerce, I a head table1 guest, spoke briefly. With Prince . Rupert on the threshold . of a new era of industrial expansion, he saw the need of an even more- active continuation of the work ef.the i two chamber 'of commerce I bodies which had worked in such splendid co-operation and ; harmony in recent years. The new president, G. R. S. j Blaekaby, urged , the Chamber Wage Committee Chairman of standing commfrtew. to take up the "challenge fo thei Am PASSEKCERS pioneera"- in- contmued ef-j- To" Vancouver Mr. and Mrj. fort to work toward the reali- j Laurie, D. Moore, J. Slatta, Mr j zation of Prince Rupert's des- and Mrs. W. J. Nelson, Mrs. if. WEDNESDA Y, J. Prince Rupert Health Unlti Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS Delegates All Health Commit-j WEDNESDAY JA tee. WV.IlYFQTViV i-. Classified Ads Bring Results? Advertise in the Daily News-! tiny, ine new vice-president, L Jessop, N. Baker, Mrs. H. F. Pul-M. Felsenthai, pledged his be.si j ten, Mrs. H. Mork, D. Main. efforts. I To Rjinrtsnit.Mr Millo T iWrnmi Board Drtn Aid. A M T T. U B. 1 Black, Mrs. M. St Roper. A. D. Ritchie, Bruce Steven. Mrs. B For InformatloL a; reservations coma D. n. E. Maclean, Gener. I "1 ' . i ' Z , ' . . .. . "l Lr I'VE ALMOST. Pi r4l3Mf.i MOW 11 s r f I V MY BOOK .DEAR i JUST J C i II Kr-vl Ha ffP traai dagwodd, i wismVs- I ( have a few more V S. Prockter, Mrs. W. 8. Kergln. j Parks-Robert McKay, Aid. a. W. Rnddreham, Aid. O. B Casey, j Aid. H. S. Whafen, C. P. Bnlagno, 1 1. What is wrong wttn this sentence? "She ran the whole way without hardly stopping." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "delusive"? 3. Which on of these word is misspelled? Affrontery, effluence, affiliate, 4. What does the word "ostentatious" mean? 5. -What is a word beginning E. V, Forward, W. D. L&mble, City Engineer Don Stewart. Civic Centre Delegates Aid. with ap that means "specially suitable"? ANSWERS i 1. Say, "She ran the whole: way almost wrtt afwii' , or, "with hardly a stop." 2 pronounce the e as in me, u as m SWISH., into the New Year cube, s as in so ('not as zi, ac 1 l r SIXTY-FOUR S'i I rSfc 0 J I ' . TO iLttK : I cent second syllable. 3. Effront-jery. 4. Pretentions. "This is true (philanthropy, that buries not iti h gold in ostentations charity, but builds its hospital in the human heart." Harley. 5. Appropriate. SHIPS and with the gay assurance that comes with that feeling of being groomed for any occasion. Snwt Sixteen has a tint display of itrlklng formals and after-five gowns that fit right in with th holiday mood. CLEARANCE SALE Prices that will bolster your Budget COATS Fur. Fur Trimmed and Plain DRESSES Wool, Crepfes, Gabardines, Bengallnes and Taffetas " BLorsES arid pluses WATERFRONT A Bringing the first of many An ma 11 deposit holds any purchase and tlie Sweet Si I ' SM T nice,crispy Breakfast ff?$ j ' C 'Kif iV-T I large cargoes of similar material to be delivered by the Frank I Waterhouse Line from Vancou Personalised BUDGET. PIJN can be used to take ca the balance. No Interest No Carrying Charge. ver, freighter Chilliwack, Capt. I Harry Stephens, is due at Port Edward at the end of this week I with 350 tons of cement to be used in the construction of the : new celanese mill on Watson i Island. The Chilliwack U alss i bringing general cargo for vari-1 cms coastal points in this area wm - iiii i - - . . h yw-. -. ,,, ., i ,r, , v . '. . " i r" " " . fzvF'si 1 ' -.-I- , including Ocean Falls. Klemtu. Sandspit, Queen Charlotte Islands, and Alice" Arm which will I be thre northern extremity of ' I ... , J- .n- t-ifTrr'iT- AHNOW I'FEEU ); NOW YOU HAVt J I I t . "w"ir"nfM'-,A r - .J ,' la this voyage. .; f. m -to sleep ,f ,?r v(-Huiyi i i i w ri"rx sc&s j'v" -. .- H- ; . FOR ALL TYPES OF PRINTING . .4 OFFICE SUPPLIES HOME- STATIONERY GREETING CARPS PENS AND PENT! SEE Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 6$ and 68 SDilih I'riiitim? U C7 Besner Block Phoiif COTTAGE CHEESE Pocket Knivl Carving Sets New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY PYREX DOUBLE BOILERS Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Table Cutlej Casseroles NOW AVAILABLE THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LT j '. '.-Jft. 1" g?Egrs ' Ctj. 1W King ftitura Syiiate toe, WrM rfghtt iwmi -feaw V j I II EV rvnH ' ' -"srVrTrrrr I t i 1 I I guess i'wilu "1 HOLLYWOOD Most Up-to-Date" Cafe i the City to H Open front 8 p.m. LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL n . We Specialize in Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY CHOW MkLN ; FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133