FAMOUS IPrhtrc Uupett Daflp J3ctos Tuesday, January 4, 1949 day, January 13, 7:30 p.m. Adult Club badminton Sun 4 McLeod Tiver Coal . Now Available K(I(J, NUT AN V STOKER SIZES ( r At The Civic Centre HANDICRAFT, RUP-REC WORK RESUME AGAIN An intensive program of Rup Rec classes and handicrafts has been resi med at the Civic Centre following the Christmas holiday recess. The program, which began last October, includes a wide variety of physical classes as well as handicraft instruction for all ages. The Rup Rec classes bgau Monday afternoon with girls" organized games, directed by Miss Margaret Slinn. The han OUTSTANDING CONCERT ARTIST COMING HERE High critical praise has been awarded in New York and eastern ' Canada o Harry Adaskin, Canadian concert violinist, who will present p concert in the Civic Centre here on the evening of January 6 with Frances Marr, outstanding . pianist as accompanist. Mr. Adaskin and Miss Marr are best known in western Canada for their radio work which has been broadcast over the networks from Vancouver and Winnipeg. Mr. Adaskin was warmly received when he made his New ' ' , t r- I with ALBERT & HcCAFFERY LTD. COAL LUMIJER-i- IJU1LDING SUPPLIES HONE U6 Extra Trousers day, January 2. 2 p.m. and Wednesday and Friday, January 5 and 7. 7 p.m. City League basketball games Tuesdays and Saturdays, January 4, 6:30 p.m. Juvenile .League Da.sketbali games Tuesdays and Thursdays, January 4, 4 p.m. Handicrafts Monday, January 10, 3:30 to 5:00 Junior boys woodwork classes; 7:30 to 9:30 Adult beginners leathercraft cues Tuesday, January 11, 3:30 to 5:00 Teen girls leathercraft class; 7:30 to 9:30 Mixed adult advanced leathercraft class. Wednesday, January 12, 2:30 to 3:30 Tiny tots mothers leathercraft class; 2:30 to 3:30 Shellcraft class; 3:30 to 5:00 Junior girls doll dressing class; 0:30 to 8:00 Junior and Teen boys leathercraft class; 8:00 to 9:30 Teen boys lfcatheicraft class. Thursday, January 13. 2:15 RAYER WEEK) I ; " dicrafts will commence on Jan " ERVICE HELDj York debut less than two years ago in a program of modern uary 10. First of the Rup Rec women's keep-fit classes also was begun last night, the next to be held on January 6, Here is the program. Rup-Rec women's keep fit classes (17 and overt Monday and Thursday, January 6, 8 p.m. T1 t- The reputation of Fa s h i o n-C raft Clothing for a high standard of excellence has been well established for many years. of St. Andrew's, With Major W. Yurgcnsen of the Salvation Army delivering a sermon on the subject of prayer. Major Yurgensen spoke of the need, both personal and on a world-wide scale, for Christian-Devotion. Organist during the service was Mrs. F. E. Anfield. The final hymn was "Eternal Father, Strong To Save." Services will continue though the - week at various city churches. tlrst of the Week iJ Prayer jl vices sponsored in he city tis week by the Prini Rupert :'iistciial AssociationAvas held III night in St. Andre's Cath- ... I ..II niitirinitiiin iflv works which included a performance, the first in that city, of the Canadian composer John Weinzweig's Sonata. The appearance of Mr. Adaskin and Miss Marr here is another of the series of fine artist programs which have been sponsored by the Civic Centre during the last two seasons. cdial wan a hiiju wisnsn' irh braved high yinas, par ivup-nec junior boys evm Senior art class: 2:30 to 4:30 Dating- r January lianT, 4, I6'.13 4 ears Tuesday, I Leather sale and use of equip hp service was inducted by p.m. nent mm Basil S. Pirfckter, I rector Rup-Rec teen girls gym classes 13-17) Vednesdav. Jannarv 5 Saturday, January 15, 2:00-Teen age art class. t 7:30 p.m. 1 "To Save Succeeding Generations from Scourge of War " These words are taken from the preamble of the charter of the United Nations. Presented here is a child's eye view of the international organisation which is pledged to protect their futures. The U.N. is currently meeting in Paris. The children meet Said Ibrahim Hassan, representative of Yemen. His ceremonial sword rivets three pairs of eyes while his turban draws the attention of the fourth Rup - Rec elrls t.umhlmir FUNERAL NOTICE classes (9-13t Thursday. Janu SEGUIN In the citv Rnn.-l.iv: ary 6, 3:30 p.m. shoe Boys organized eames (9-1 Si January January 2. 1949. Jc.-ooh Jules j Si-suni. aged 7t! years, of 931 1 1st Ave. W. Requiem Highi Clearance ..-I , Thursday, January 6, 6:30 p.m. Outstanding com-, fort, wear and appearance will assure you of satisfaction when you buy one of the new Fashion-Craft suits with extra trousers. Local News Items EXTRA!!! Rup-Rec junior girls gym classes (6-13t Friday, January 7, 4 p.m. Rup-Rec teen boys gym classes U3-17) Friday, January 7. 7:30 mass win De sung bv Father O P. Monahan at Church of the Annunciation at 9 a.m.. Wednesday. January 5. Father F. J. Ravner wiii say provers during interment to follow in Fairview Cemetery. B.C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements. Friends kindly assemble for prayers at Gren-vi lie Court Chanel this evening at 8 p.m. rumMage TABLE p.m. Teen Age badminton Thurs- 5 69f Priced at $61.00 THIS AND THAT EXTRA ! ! ! 5 Captain W. F. Robertson of the Dominion government snag-boat Essington has been appointed a justice of the peace, according to a- recent announcement from Victoria. Miss Margaret Thomas, teacher of the native school at Sun-nyside, returned on the Camo-sun Sunday afternoon enroute back to her duties on the Skeena River after a holiday visit in Vancouver. Miss Margaret Pase, who has been teaching the native school City Engineer Donald Stewart was last night elected a member of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. Passengers sailing south on the Camosun this afternoon from Prince Rupert were Mr. and Mrs. H. Camm to Vancouver and J. McKcnzie to Alert Bay. Mrs. Roy Morrison and young daughters, Patricia and Ann, sailed Sunday night on the Camosun for .Stewart where Mrs. Morrison wll ltake over the duties of resident nurse in charge of the Stewart General Hospital f Buy One air o LADIES' SHOES ODD LINKS $2.95 Shoes at Our Regu lar Price and iHKSiWijn!!!'!!"!'""'"'1!!:::::;;;;. ill receive Another Pair EXTRA ! ! ! at Kitkatla sailed Sunday night L E j value for San Announcements Ml advert irenii m ttils C"ymB 1U be chnrged for ft t ill month at 25 mhU a wurd ONLY $1.00 Piirker Mills rikI. N. Cote of LADIES' OVERSHOE5 $2.75 Ms M 1 1 Mallkr. . 1 ft.wwi i. I on the Camosun for Port Simp- . Having been transferred to that point. . . Miss E. Waterman arrived in the city on Saturday from Vancouver and left today for Kitkatla where she will take over the duties of teacher of the native school. Terrace were among distri .students leaving Sunday night Civic Centre Bridge Party, January 7, 8 p.m. Queen Mary Chapter I.O.D.E. Bridge and Cribbage, Civic Centre, January 10. 1 ONE-THIRD OFF All Ladies' Handbags SPECIAL! ! to resume their studies at University of British Columbia after having spent the Christmas and New Year vacation at their homes m the interior. Indian Superintendent F. E. Anfield left today with the departmental cruiser Naskerna for Kitkatla to preside over the election of the 1949 native council tonight. -Rt. Rev. James B. Oibson, Bishop of Caledonia, who contracted pneumonia following a trip to the native mission of Kitklatla last week, was reported today to be doing nicely at his home at Bishop's Lodge. Cribbage, Whist, Bridge at Catholic School Hall, Jan. 13, 8 p.m. Burns Banquet, Presbyterian Church Hall, January 25. The Shrine Club Band will play at the Civic Centre Janu SAUi COMMENCES WED. JAN 5, 1919 "He fell asleep before I finished and I wanted to see how it turned out. ary 31. Modern Etiquette NO EXCHANGES NO REFUNDS CASH SALES BLONDIE Throw in the Towel, Dagwood! By ROBERTA LEE By CHICK YOUNG Q. How and where should a woman pay her bill when she has txr-n staym;; alone in a o I hot-l for several days, and is m at :x !v ,TS sweet )i Xtwis is twe mvbets I ' '' l WILU V0L WiFS 5? S dpap J . S .5 t?T 7 TOWEL IVE THAT I JUST t 5. .. (THE CiSMES FOR) t'fi;(SURE &Jl? D"'?r? r ,EViERSEEN FINISHED V i-'C . ls. me while J t ? ?i---'Sjx& ,-Jki Sj with buttons idoiming 31 a- x- r SSfe wSi wSq 4M wmm uUi 1 lYen; Leaf ready to leave. . A'. Ask for the bill to be sent to your room, that the items may be cheeked and totalled. Then pay the bill at, the de.sk. This will save time in going over the items at the desk. Q. When meeting on the street, should the man or the woman give the first sign of recognition? , A. The woman. Q. Would it be permissable to answer a formal invitation informally? A. No. A formal invitation in the third person should be answered in the same way. for a NEW YEAH Caught Napping. He truly fro the New Year at home and in tin- oiik'e'wilh CALANDEIt TADS Mutt will help you keep your appointments. We also have assistant Daily Journals and Pocket Uiarior,. Opposite Mitchell & Currie LIMITED rtione 363 BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS ANNE'S Health Unit HOME-MADE CANDY IMiohc KLUH .5S! 210 FOURTH STREET FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN 'IN THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRIC DIN INC, KOOM Impoliteness Pays. wmolercJCalc Ormcs Drugs DRUGS I PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOL1DAYS-1J NOON n 2 P.M., 7 PJH. TO PM. ill l'r xDM is ,E ME A P'B Jpcurg aD SAV CAkE-KiOW fv ,r' 1 SOU COULD ScMD ' OFCAkE,CAooy;t pleas? --now wxroo. Vll A twatWtotwc r A tfW hf r-'f?5- . .rvTOir '-MM- km Emetgency bicycle dellTcr from 7 p.m. till 9 pan. and Sunday Dll; car delivery tervlc from 0 a m. till S p.m. arl vice . ... C''-out Order, numbing or Heating; Call SMITH & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 271 r -"a Chow, Mgr. PHONE 81