FSC7IHCUL LIBRARY, ;Wcabs J VICTORIA, B. C. ORMES DRUG en Daily Delivyer NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHONE 81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 2. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAYt JANUARY 4, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS T j ( . II - o mad rKansas I'own ) Die As I t - Southern States Swept TWO DEAD IN ipi. ,' ,'! j" l'f? " ? - - "I ' ' ' ' ' - -agement of Industry and 5 Enterprise Advocated PLANE CRASH Calhulic Brother and Pilot Lose Lives In Manitoba WINNIPEG & Royal Cana By Fierce Uinter Storm WARREN, Arkansas (CP) This weeping and torn timber town today counted forty-six persons dead and nearly three hundred injured in the wake of a tornado which hit with a thundering roar late yesterday afternoon. Two other tornadoes had killed four persons and injured more than sixty in northern iLouisinia and near Eldora, Ar- dian Mounted Police are today f Chamber of Commerce President I For More Active Participation was still seen as the principal basic in-Vince ljupert but reference was also made ) and ltpidly developing timber industry investigating me aeams or a cleric and the phot of a twin-engined Anson plane who were fatally burned yesterday when the aircraft exploded and burst tentialiinportance 01 tne tourist industry C ,rQ in presenting his annua) report tired last night as president of the uuo names in iniu-aii' near Island Lake, Manitoba. The dead are: I lit' 1 Prince Rupert Chamber of Com Brother Ulderic Petit, aged 32, merce. Dr. Large referred to the MINE TROUBLE FLARING ANEW Fresh Distrubances As Saskatchewan Tie-up Enters i nf Hi A Pen tiniesw. .- tT- IUnHn kansas. All through the night dazed survivors at Warren (population 7,500) stumbled tnrougft ruins, of a twenty-block industrial and residential area. Warren is' 100 miles southeast of Little Rock.-.. At daybreak today 150' Nation growing appreciation that seem- " " , , a"7a" 7 ., ttory t Lac de Bunnett, Mani- cd to be marking the work oflobat and victor yasinski 34 the Chamber of Commerce on Winnipeg pilot. ine sKi-equippca plane was Third Mc.r.th ESTEVAN, Sask. Vlolenci, court actions and union rivalry have accompanied a strike of behalf of the community but called for more active participation by the public generally and the business men In particular In that work. The para approaching Island Lake to land and refuel when it was ripped by explosion and crashed in flames. al Guardsmen and state policemen started the back-breaking task of prying through the wreckage in searcn of additional bodies. Major Jim Hurley expressed fear that other bodies would be 1 r- mount concern of any Chamber of Commerce, he believed, was 200 lignite miners in the Este-van-Bienfait lignite field. The strike is today In its Mihd to promote the advantages of the private enterprise system as op SAFE AT recovered and predicted the death toll would reach at least month. . fifty. One of the seven companies SEATTLE The storm struck at 5:45 p.m. affected has announced it will HOMES FOR AIRMEN Quarters for married members of the permanent forces have proved a problem across Canada. At the larger establishments, the government is building homes for the.-e men. One of the most recent developments Is Middleton Park at the big R.C.A.F. base at Trenton It will eventually contain 450 houses but only 125 are built or being built at present Tli : tir.st 10 were opened recently. Tills R.C.A.F. photo shows the location of the development The wooded area in the centre will be a playground and parkland (CP Photo) and lasted only fifteen minutes cease operations. , II as 'Misill Sitka Troller The walk-out started Novem posed to a dictatorship by the I state which could only ensue through the adoption of any of the many 'Isms. The most notable development of the year In the Chamber had been the rapid Increase In membership, said the President's report. Dr. Large believed there has been a corresponding In ber 3 as the United Mine Work Been in Port for Month SEATTLE, Tlie trollln-boat Julie Lu, reported to have been missing out of ers of America (C.I.O ) sought wage Increases and working, con but the arrival was heralded by an ominous roar. The Louisiana blow killed a farmer and an eleven-month-old baby and Injured twenty-nine persons. After leaving Warren the storm skipped to the vicinity of Eldorado, killing two others and Production of dition changes. MAYOR OUTLINES YEAR'S PLAHS AT 1949 COUNCIL'S INITIAL MEETING HI) - Or. William v jlalc professor of " . fc Queen's Univers-. v ...s granted ttie Can-r......a Award this week r.us, j long active in festivals, was one of ::i." 'lans granted the ty t governing com- Negotiations to settle the strike crease In interest in the city In will resume at Reglna tomorrow Chamber matters. Thanks to a Mines Record with pension fund payment de Sued construction, telephone f Injuring more than twenty. very aelve membership committee under Chairman Joe Scott, mands of the union the last rehabilitations traffic control term development. The other The tornado arose out of a Sitka with two men aboard, lias beer! in Seattle since December 8, the United States Coastguard rcHrtcd Unlay. The boat had been reported missing to the United States Commissioner at Sitka which port tlie vessel left November 22 for Port Orchard, Washington. The troller is operated , by Clayton Harris w.io was accompanied by Nicholas and park beautifieation were parks will receive their usual OTTAWA there had been added forty new linn- ! tA WHn n.WlY K,(rVit council t C. D. A i.. cited, as projects facing Prince up-keep and not be sacrificed in members during the year There KKKHwoovcKKitfOHoeHeK) temDeratures as low as 25 below eral production hit an all-time high record of $808,000,000 In Vancouver. to the com their usefulness Rupert's VWi city council by had not, however, been a cor , TODAY'S- STQGK&rT Mayor Nora Arnold at the ini iC,liv- 44! .-tStraiiWvnL 3vrtiitk iA- responding increase in the av- " rn-ryn -at, meetings. ctage -BtM'HdHnce- "If we are to be the force of the community we should be, more VNY :RS! than monetary support Is need m unity." , . " ' "'The" Mayor "extended ' thanks to the ciyt hall staff for "efficient and courteous service" given last year, naming especially City Clerk H. D. Thain and Acting City Engineer Don Stewart. - "It i.s with regret that we shall see the departure of Mr. Lock from his position of Fire Chief. ; He has been attentive, courteous and courageous in wits Want to tial meeting -of that body last week. Work facing the council during the year was outlined by the Mayor as she welcomed the aldermen, both veteran and novice, at the first stautary meeting of the yea rat which committees were appointed. Major projects listed werfc: , 1. Telephone rehabilitation. "The electors approved rehabilitation of the telpehone system in no uncertain terms." ed, and some effort should be made to get a more active participation by the general membership," the report suggested. The city should be interested in an organization which had Statistics estimated yesterday. While increased prices accounted for much of the gain over the 1947 peak of $644,000,000, quantities produced were also larger. Output value of metals went up 22.4 percent, fuels almost 44 percent, other non-metallics 19 percent and structural material almost 17 percent. Coal production was half a million tons below the 1942 record but the value of $107,000,000 was seventy percent greater than in that year. Vancouver Bayonne : , -05?i Btalorne 8.60 B. R. Con 03 ;. Cariboo Quartz . 1.25 Congress 04 Hedley Mascot 40 Pacific Eastern 04 Pend Oreille 5.50 Pioneer 3.10 Premier Border 03 Vi Privateer .14 Reeves McDonald 2.95 Reno 06'A Sheep Creek 1-45 bcr Russians 'UK :::: 3T0N, u.c. tr The West Indies Taking Goods OTTAWA, O'-Rt. Hon. Clarence D. Howe, minister of trade and commerce, announced today that the United Kingdom had agreed to relax import bar MARINES ARE NOT LEAVING Report of I'nited States Forces Withdrawing From China Denied SHANGHAI, P Vice-Admir-al Oscar C. Badger today denied that United States forces were being withdrawn from China. Admiral Badger, commander of the western Pacific fleet, said "rumors were based on reports that United States Marines had terminated their lease on the Shantung University campus where" they maintained . played an important part in such improvements as a wider area of express deliveries in the city, better service to the Queen the performance of his duties and we wdsh him happiness in his retirement. The staff of the Fire Hall have functioned well. In the ambulance service they have saved the city from much cost." Charlotte Islands which centres n Powers, in a sharp: r fc'.ow to Communist luuia tharges, have deli the exact count of Gcr-risoncrs ( war still being l the Soviet Union. t fnur-iiowcr agreement wiiersol war were to have Mil Lome by the end of 2. Completion of the street program. "Last year's board of works did all the necessary ground work for the road pro- .36 riers which have been blocking Silbak Premier Taku River .... Salmon Gold ... Spud Valley .... now on Prince Rupert, Increased interest In our Skeena Highway by the Department of Tubllc Works, the. return of the Fisheries Research Board to tills city, ' .26 .HVi .05 TORONTO MAYOR Oils Canadian trade, with the British West Indies. The West Indian colonics now will permit "limited importation" of a number of products which up to now have been prohibited or severely restricted because of dollar shortage. The goods concerned include apples, canned fruits, a ' v been claiming that '. f German xoldicrs kl as so-called "vol-,ers in western zones "1 think, gentlemen, that we can look forward to a year of accomplishment. There is work to be done and we have got to get down to It." The Mayor poiuted out for the benefit of the new members "that most of the work is done in committee and problems relating to any committee should be directed to the chairman for grain and they were oiueny disappointed that circumstances contrived to prevent the fulfilment of the program they had laid out." 3. Study of traffic conditions. "With the opening of the Port Edward industry and .the ever-increasing tourist business added to our locally owned automobiles, the traffic problem will soon be a major one." and so on. ' "We can, with justifiable satisfaction, state, that we have continued an active Interest In anything which concerned the fortunes of the city and district and, more widely, the Province IS RE-ELECTED TORONTO Voters of this city sent Major Hiram McCal-lum back into his $ll,000-a'-year job as mayor of Ontario's largest Anglo Canadian 4.60 A. P. Con 23 Atlantic 85 C. & E 6.05 Central Leduc 1.51 Home OH 135 Okalta 162 Mercury 13 Pacific Pete 2.85 Princess 38 cooking utensils and textiles. attention. The council meetings and the Dominion. It is on this basis, that we solicit the increasing support of Individuals and businesses In iht pit v. Much re- i.ncal students returniivj tol are for the setting of policy and iNCE HERE city but only for 'one year. . The voters rejected a controversial proposal to give the city council and Board or Education two-year terms. McCallum beat his only opponent, Ross Dowson, hands 4. Improvement of Roosc-1 velt Park. "The Parks Board will' have opportunity this year to j THE WEATHER Symupsis An active storm was developing in the Gulf of Alaska this morning and moving steadily eastward towards the Queen Charlottes and Northern British Columbia coast. Southeast gales are expected along the north coast tonight, accompanied by rain. As this disturbance continues inland tomorrow, rain for the making of bylaws, not the University of British Columbia in Vancouver aboard the Royal Canadian 1 1 Va South Brazeau 20 Vi mains to be done if we arc to realize the dreams of the foun- for squabbling over small prob lcnis." Coquitlam Sunday night alter j commence the job of making spending the Christmas and Roosevelt Park into a beauty New Year vacation at their spot. The electors approved the 'anls HrhiR ucis 0r uus western seaport and y Local Registrants ;1L nms tll0 combined effort of down. Dowson, a member of the Trotskyite Revolutionary Workers' Party, got 23,777 votes and McCallum, 97,715. all to make them come true. There are too many Individuals In this city who owe their fin reservation of one mill for this work and, although this is not a large amount, it will eiAble them to prcpa plans for a long homes here included Inn Mc-Rae, John Weseh, Don Hartwig, A. E. Burnlp, Norman Martin-use n and George McAfee. Guerrilla 'Gov't' Forming In Java , BATAVIA, Java P. A Chinese newspaper today reported the ancial success to the opportu M ll.C. Hospital In-8, which will Identify lor the next six fe received in the rlnce Rupert today peal ollie4' of the finance Service. Toronto ' Athona ... .12 Beattie ...... 52 Aumaque , 17V4 Bevcourt 23 Bobjo 13 'i Buffalo Canadian 17 Vi Consol. Smelters 120.25 Con west 1-28 Donalda .52 Eldona .'. .70 East Sullivan 3.10 nities presented here but who will not lift a finger to promote the general good. "It must be obvious that cities RUSSIAN TEACHER IS NOW CATHOLIC NEW YORK (P Mrs. Oksana 'ormation of an anti-Dutch guerrilla government for Java" leaded by four members of the Indonesian Republic's last cabinet. iit,......u.i Uln Pn cuirl do not always, like Topsy, 'just grow If they do, the result is not. all that could be wished. and snow is expected over the southern coast late in the day with snow occurring through the interior. Temperatures will be milder over most of the province tomorrow. Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Overcast today with rain commencing by evening. Cloudy with showers, snow and rain, tomorrow. Wind southerly (20 m.p.h.) today to southeast (45) by evening, shifting to west (30 m.p.h.) tomorrow morning. Little change in temperature. Lows to -j . . , . 4nf- A; p6. t!l cards were mail -y. accounting for tent of the number Registering at the it district office. ves the Prince Ru- In this age, it Is popular, any that Republican ar teacher, who escaped from the way, to plan and we must plan wisely if we hope to accomplish "generally remain fully intact" in Dutch "police action" and escaped the drives of the Bl electoral district. Soviet, consulate here last August, was today received Into the Roman Catholic Church of East much. Giant Yellowknlfe .... 4.90 God's Lake .41 Hardrock 20 Harrlcana 08 Heva 09 Vi Hosco 18 Jacknife .04 Joliet Quebec 43 Lapaska 10Vi Lake Rowan 06 Little Long Lac 80 Imbcr 31, 3,873 per NOT MERE FISH TOWN ern Rite. She said "the Catho pined at the Prince lic Church means so much to 1 ar the limine and HJ BUTEDALE MAN night and highs tomorrow Port Hardy 36 and 42, Massett 36 and 44, Prince Rupert 36 and 42. me since it is the main force against Communism in the world." "The old saying that every dollar bill in Prince Rupert has fish scales on it is no longer Irue but there are still enough fishy dollars to give us pause. With modern conservation methods. lumber of the regjs- 15 IN A 1 UKAL1Z.LU lllp imu flf.iw.twIf.iOv ! wile and children. 1 made out oidy we can count on the fishing Industry in perpetuity and we have .' t li'h peril id. recard- Basketball not yet reached the limits of Its LOCAL TIDES Wednesday, January 5, 19W High 5:22 18.5 feet 17:08 17.3 feet Low 11:22 9.2 feet 23:31 6.9 feet or not the regis- possibilities. For this reason, we :ild lor the full welcome the return In some Certificate of naturalization was given Monday to Olof Herman Hednian by , Judge W. O. Fulton in County Court. A Bute-dale resident, Mr. Hednian is of Swdlsh birth. Initial obligations to his achievement of citizenship were completed last year. Judge Fulton also set over to January 31 a civil action by R. E. Turner, against Gordon Jol-life, of Queen Charlotte City on peheil note carries Lynx 12 Madsen Red Lake 2.45 MeKenzie Red Lake 33 McLeod Cockshutt .... .95 Moneta 45 Negus 2.17 Noranda 54.75 Louvlcourt 36 Pickle Crow .' 2.05 Regcourt 05 San Antonio 2.90 Senator Rouyn ...f..T,Itt.'i -413i Sherrlt Gordon -im 2 15 . i Steep Rock 1.59 Sturgeon River .15 Silver Miller 40 (Mil that. If the pre- (Continued on Page 2) " paid lor the full : aid for the period TONIGHT LEAGUE RE-OPENING Jrv 6:30 North Star vs. High Women 7:15 Peoples vs. Dom's Inter. 8:00 High vs. Morgan's Sr. 9:15 Co-op vs. Bo-Me-Hi December 31 will HARRY ADASKIN Delayed W late connections from the East at 10:45, is 10 at Jasper, tonight's train, due ' lu July 1. . DISTRIBUTES CANADA FOOD PARCELS Michael Redgrave, film star, distributes Canadian gift parcels to old age pensioners ' "Thank You" exhibition In London. Mr. at the Britain Toys Stewart, 91, and Miss Mary Ashley, 75, are telling Mr. Redgrave to old people like them just how much these parcels mean themselves. . ... . a claim of $92.44. The action pvpiUl liioUikUi- tr Farnvm-VMinist hours late and will not be in ! y that the cards had previously come up during December. before 8:45 tomorrow morning CIVIC CENTRE THURSDAY - 1:15 P.M. as fait as they a:toria. '