n Prince Uupcrt IDafl? recto Tuesday, January 4. 1S49 nqr TfcSport sho(s !t,Evit And !t Was Real Gale i Pity the poor Old Country soe and (o. Ltd. err referee! Now and again re- ports loll in oi the oealh-an !- little-glory boys who are forced to dodge the odd fiyine brick i Can Soply You With LUMBER Including Fir, Cedar, etc inside a ba.sket for an inrau-lw " T UoM u-hirtle. HaDDilv for thif.n.j:er?ayalu!rnoon'"he; Weather Man in Hateful Mood Vent fipleen on Window and Townsfolk viewea. v.un an pvi lepr afj-.i-r-' ' 0iir, ,.ihvz.- . u j r v ii'w- thf.lr way jcro.s gleaming ice ; iand breuhting the fury of thp gale. le Kli.fi a U.V..I.. . For MEN v And BOYS MCTTS AN ROY tX)THr.)4 AND tsnOFR AT CHEAT SAVING MHCE8 MENU DREHR MTIKTS $2..T to $1.00 1 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS $4.75 to r.7." MEN'S SILK TIES 50c to MEN'S KCARVF..H Paisleys, etc. $1.50 FLOORING-In Fir or Hemlock SIDING ill Types SASH md DOOR s and down. i7 d":'"5 DOT II ILLS ALHKRTA in u - - m m 4 The Fihmk j in all M.es for they were unable to ri;. , Un JUnPa,J-Driving rain soaked through j "Gone with the wind, I reek-outer garment, and wet un-'trn," commented the mtttw. derclothex guve one that :lam- There v.cie a few rlher remark-: my fceJmg. ;a well. PHONE r. I jis only a fifty mile blow does jnot know his stuff." He gav another yank at his cap. "It's more like seventy.'" A newspaperman, homeward bound With an armful ,.t ! IncIJne. Kor about a hundred feet, lravcJUn on stomach instead (rf legs, he made excellent time. The let-; ten and papers and small purchases were r.atti:cd nkyward i and, when tout i,khted, were general rtirec- Noel J'mk'h, new jiljiiid pro-1 pn pri lor, Mr- has a 'l5!esbl bl,M;k d0"- B'"h ylng to stand: Av'!n,,e- A w,rt "f fU -"f mv.. uo? siraigni up lor him buelx again l" .. ifc ut5 (stive on ui. i,7ir,nnu.-e on fait . OPEN TO CAMABA AND NEWFOUNDLAND ONLY Mined, ao fmi afro pt Uiaeruou. aiuiunum chim. sue .urr fcoc. Card urnnima. uaata Notloae. tuixml Notim uJU. ' - 1 r i i Zrl'a 1 ..... s.... .ornx. 11UUIILIS PRICE iUled Aflwrtlg to payable in avn.. f. from epboain,,. MORIAM rim it cm loving nfmory of a dear . mother Jid. grandmother. run 'a Semi-Turnished 2- Mrs E. Btnanan. who passed ,uu'n auue. iJa Park Avenue. awav JaiTfary 4. 1948. I 7.' Saiilv med. FOR RrvTnZ ,uZ 'T. ! MAYORALTY RACE- Deputy Mayor Jack. Lloyd of lUlifav and Mayor Arthur Pettlpas of Dartmouth congratulate each other alter skating a dead heat in a challenge race. Lloyd who stli bad enough breath left to puff a ci'jar, was subbing for Mayor J. E. Gee i Ahearn. ho iaid he didn't want to tafce advantage of a former goaltender. P.'ttipas, right, who issued the challenge for the speed contest. Is a former hockey goalie and sports -writer. TOP-FLIGHT SHOW FcTvFciTRE -Mr. awn Mrs. Boo Cameron ,ir L-..r7u, lrc 'yjJ' Evening c:hth u nA ik u.t Iiht f.ky wan full nf Th v ! bailed hbh fi ' , th'h . I .Tv, n on t. ZZn il "?ZTt ' ToZul Zl 1, . --.- 111 'f ' ' '" " anyone who tries to tell me thin' t us i fir i fii m x. t M 22 "V . u.iuoucu. j-jivaif Bain. AdoIv Washincton Bik or 1-..... ' Phone Black 4'JO. i2 mm FOR RENT Sleeping Room. 801 Bordn Street. ufi FOR RENT 7 room unturnihiW ""T:.010 in G p- Tinker U Co. Ltd Phone 57. i tfi FOR RENT To quiK coupie. 4 win uai. ADUiv Zlo 4lh East. . 'tfi WANTED WANTED Piano puniis. Phone Green 153. 7 w ANTED Car batteries rp, . Harlem CiobeTrotters With ! Famous Jesse Owens and Table Tennis Champ ! Prince . Rupert E sport . fans , wil l have one of the greatest sport day and Tuesday. January 24 . . ', ,s ,K w StS. nl l0be Trotters rotters nlnv play . n a t ,k n tc.ot nijsium. The world famous colored team will come here dir ect irom a series or eames at ,. . Madison Square Oarden St. 7 n"i5 Stadium and Other Midwest and Western . , ... . I. V cues. January 23 they wid play m Seattle, flying dir - & Week... MvKvi?1,"!8'1" ln e Civic Centre FURNITURE CO. ' Black 321 WAVTrn t.,i, ... . "ret" it doesn't happen often in Britain but sometimes the ques tion is it worth it?' crops up. . involved in tiie Job. I I Few referees net $240 a season. Many of the smaller frv are well out-of-pocket. Most of jthem regard ref-reelng as a hob-i by more than a ease of e:irnins ..... r,tA .UilK v. not pay for the cost of newi football boots, blazers, watches) and the wear and tear on kit. iYet their zeal makes it possiole for nearly 500.000 amateurs to Play in organic games week-! ly. Kiheit-uaid soccer referees tZZl ofel et U,r p, ( sional league games. At the othr end of the scale he picks up 40 cents for amateur league I games.) While the soccer men have to ! be relatively young and fit for' frequent dirty weather condi-' : tions, the cricket umpires are I generally older. Eut they say it's haru work out in the sun. They are paid 12 for a first-class tnaUrh 124 weekly with third class rail fare and up to 1 dai)y for hotel expenses. Fixed scales for boxing arbiters are laid down by the Board of Control until a f.ght reaches the big money class. Then when the gate is between 1.001 and 1,500 the referees get 17 for a top-line bout, riiiing to as much as 200 for a majoi major scrap in a 40.000-gate show. of tickets are stiil available but sports fans will have to hurry TX 1 1 aopWrcd by 4w Lkixk GwoJ or ik. Ci w ha c-t-. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. PHONE 37 ?0. Box 5H PHASER STREET PRISCE RUPERT tyei. rnone Mi. tfi WANTED To"l?T VTiT, Huuie. Phone ttiii" between ueieen a in. and 5 Dm w 'KTHJ To rent For one r ect to Prince Rupert for their . ,n wWrh recejwd anU , lrTn 7 tf:TvRUPT lhey:the " x- rervatio. al eo on to Ketchikan, Anchor-! of th. tYlt,ltnr, Print your and tui&nem on a plain lvt nf pmpmr. mil ni, Utftimr with Kobin HjJ FViur Uuant Crti6cat, to: ftobin Hood Flnur CrmiM, Ho 210, Tmto, Ont. tWH Mck 3 ntrie will i drawn from ail the mail ved. The thrw? rim wlxne nnK are drawn iH be edvned by taVra to txnnpU the foHowtns. In 25 word tat "I likn Jin Horxi FW lrmw 4 Rkmkm.ii. if y,,u mn- to mrb-u. tr mtw, are Imand t. win mop rf tivw P.K1 H ' moi MiiiMm cMicilet Mm imiiini V on mm oi mm imcky Mum nottfiod Oach wwk. la. awarding prixot, judsMI npinirim wiU b bawvi 'Tl the thougfit nprwrl in yrxor letter, tv on tie writing ability bwn. Judges' d.-iwm wii i- fi-ai. All tritrw UMtoe the property fjf R,iHn Hd FVr M.i. Ltd Winnart will tive the full amount A the priz nyntr by enr Viairnf with eswb entrv !w Guarantee .r-jca2 contain in every m of Tirana rVir TKat m vwh GMrme Ortr&rM, tat prsz. vmiK 2nd JWj.Ofi; and 3rd pri, tiVi fJ WdhmA Cwrufitate, fly Aa Uiewe asr,our! will r tajd' and fanri.v. iiR SALE-1941 Dodee steel-jiKlieri Station Waeon. Apply JJ5 4:.1 Avenue East. i4 l-Ii SALE -New ana Used Fur- iittre. New British India! iMi. New Cups and Saucers Sp.cial 4 for $1.75: New House lisks New Bookci.sfN f-i' i K-tchen Ranees. New Hard- are. Slightly Used Radios. ir.tn:ophones. 3 piece Ches-erfieid. Oil Burner Ranges Heaters, all kinds of other u,se-U! articles at low prices. BC 'CRMTURE CX)., Black 224 itfl 8 SALE 1948 4-tnn DlunmH Tl uclt 3,00 miles, like nrw. Arnilv i 1 ! SALE 85 ho. V8 Marine j inverted engine Completely au.ed New block, heads.! Mills rln anH haqrinn. I r.o'ete with clutch, trans-1 -iuu ana universal jne Red S73 or Bjx 1249. '2i MACHINERY FOk SALE SAW better lumber more onn'Tiirjnv use the modern nd u-.i-to-date tvpe National 'orub Sawmills manufac- ued tv National M-cninerv omDar.v LimileQ. Vancouver !C. (tfi PERSONAL RSONAL Dressmakine and iterations, can 213 A 4'.n Ave. Ea: i',i VE CLIENTS with best of iirences wih!nz to rnt '3 humps with 2 or 3 bedrooms .uriv ciie to shoooing cen- ;OL'SE Buver wants to swap nan lour close in for 3 beo- AVE Small Four on 8th East. .ove and Heater included nmeriia-e occuoancv c ARMSTRONG AOFKCIFS "i 3rd Ave Phone 342. 5 MKT AL WORK ' VBING InU!!atlons and '') -.r: Rwrr-r urr i vORK Tar and Gravel Roof-is Letour-.au ti S;n.s. 625 x'h West hone S4S ufi i;ho!;!f--s ln.ua a te una under vour oil drum '"i eiiT:;na'e thut Iir ha7- Call THOM SHEET :ETAt. LTD.. B.ack t6A. 23 F:rt Avenue. tl' llIKM t I.IOI OK A T- i Sertlrtl 2b I f tpplM-aii.m l a t lu a Vrt!'ini tht on he Cav i Jiiniiary. 1&49. thi un-?r.fi rrjMi:n W cf th E-r.r.;r- stc Lfl'rtj PrirKC I '..X i, t miurf. f..nrTsl R.-t.f(: I 2 or 3 l-r rmi apart metit i,r house rurcUJKxl pmrrrutt Call Hncnn 52 (Trarc Hiipen Hoiti, or ihirt-Biue 3S4 (4( IIIXP WANTED JL'afOfSTAL CLERK. $1380 -1W80. Fu:l oarucuiars on rxs-ters in Po.-t Offue. or Civil V"S Cmmsion. Vancouver. BC. AoDjication forms ootamaole thereat, should be 1 1-ea,n1Sl Jater than January 13. 1949. win tthe Civic Service Corn.nii.wiiou. Ottawa, t It LOS1 LOST One Hetvy 8 25 Truck Cftam. Reward. Prune 53 3j LOST One t..i k fur-lmed Ca:i Pue 03 or leave at L,iiiV N-ws. ,3, 3- FOIND MEN'S SOX for Dress 4fc to irr MEN'S DKF.KK -lVES $2.15 to i.m MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS 20c to 50 MEN S BELTS and I'.IUCES 95c to SI. 75 MEN'S WORSTED SI ITS Perfect Fit and Good Mal.e S37.5W e MEN'S TOPCOAT", S22.f0 : MEN'S PANTS ' For Tress and Bemi-Dres $tJZ0 to $9.50 I MEN'S ;AKARIII.E f'OATi Tailor-Made, All-Wool R-gular $45 - NO V ' $30.00 MEN'S MATS New Styles and Ehad" ' $.;.oo to ss.45 MEN'S DRESS KHOES fW.id Leather, Good Fittlnif Black and Brown S6.00 to 10.00 BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Assorted Shades SL45 to $1.75 BOYS' HELMETS Lind 95c to $15 Hoys OOI HOSE Pure "Wool ;i 90c to $1.15 'i ROYS' T.EXTS and Brace 50c U K5c BOYS KPOHT JACKETS-PlaUlit $5.95 SILK DRESSING GOWNS' Shajrtwng. Han4f-ifib'i;'j(;.".j; Made ln China-Keg. 22 'i0 SOW 7l 5-riEf E LCN HEON SETS Beautiful Jai?rs , P-r Mi -NO.V $25 1ADIE.T 11 ANUKf Rt Iff f f S EnbrowVrJ arid EfJjes 35c to 95c LA DIE V HOSE 55c to $1.05 KNITTING WOOL 3eira ar.d Bats, Bsst Quality Z ar,d 4-Ply-Bi? Variety 30c and 4-o- fc BfVS' PANTS Tweed aS WoriVTs E.? AiVr.T.'i .r. Pr.c 2.75 to $1.7.1 BYS' 'SWEATER- AU-'S'oot A,wrted prices UJUI to $3.7.1 1 I i-aarffc i.. I 1 K&ryfi?& j HEW ROYAL HOTEL a a A H.Tr. Away Prom Hooi a a SO Roonts. Hot a .1.1 Cold Water PRINCE RCPEHT, BC. Pliont m to. Hen 1M TASICOCmi TICTORIA SEATTLE T-iesday, 1 pnx. Car den S-sndaT. II p.m., CojBiUam ALICE AatH. STEWART AND rrttT srwrsoN Btmdaf, II pin. FOR SCTETH QCEEX CHARLOTTE ISI.AN04 Forward is busy handling the Every effort is being made to accommodatt the expected . bre owr Tne Trott are lnf iot . ....... aiiernoon wiui xne gallery 1 "served solely fori . i students. Tickets for the eve ning 8ames are bein? sold to j adults only awrin all 1300 adult iium-u are Deuig oiierea lail ... .... oeais reseiveui ai tne I wo eve- ning an(1 JM adult seats on the main floor ... .. .. . i "J " piacea on sale lor the al , tcrnmn hibition Ticket . ' uesU k- hanflIpd ln thp tir.r tifkeU hare toeen handied Jfti the firgt coni JJm sefved basK , Tne Centre Gym has plate there are no posts to block the vision, and, while first row cus tomers have the best seats, eery fan gets an excellent view ol the fun. The games were oHins.!! booked for January 21 and 2? and seat? fjr the. 21 will now be honored on January 24 only, with January 22 tickets good only on January 25. Hundred .ill Rex Bowling Alley Op.n to general public Saturday ar.d Sunday afternoons and ever,ir;gs. M.mday Tueviay and Thursday eve nings after 9 oclfrfk BARGAINS or ar,c&etvWeek! - 1 -erv man anmu J rk:iA .- fain sti.. OJR 16 15 A.M. l. : I V iL.i s r a. iJ V lV f. t I j9fl 7. Cfas ia ora to (Canada and Nnrfwrnrflarid - excerit err. '.aw m of FOUXD-Cizarette Ushter In"- ' '5 an wrfipusned public speak-it.L-d Owner rr.av have i r and youth worker. As if the tnTf JT thCrldfty-! i. Prt baa- ;-f, "-"j?'"?01 i n.-.nvLm? of the Globe Trotters SITLATIOVS VACVT enU2il tnment s for the aiKttcnce for the pri le cf A robber manufacturer manu-! one ad.T.i.-slon, comedian Ed mecna.cal goii ad ! hm-n traveliing with tuoe.s and accessories and j lr'e team ta keep the fans in an ructer loot tear reouires the ; uproar of lauimer. Riin Hmd Ftew Mai Lniimed, or u art-.aar agenrry and t-w f,nii-. Entry not rrived in time fa- ti- carrent w-n" crnuK will be Ma tntr m etairv trat Mvmm.g am. Kimn wrfl be nrui-d by ir. M i prra iimiwn wi.'l be lti u ibm poiiiicaXMm and aaneuaned or tne Can WaHace mtiom, "Ihey Tell Me," over Traow-Canada .'.etwrx-n. each awse 1st PRIZE $1,000. 1U mil 5500. Zi PRfZI J2J0. Os f nrrs mmm-mxmA is, !, Oxamttsm r st ut h aieypan i t r.in- u.e kf.e ierrii'rT from Prince Rurc-rt to Var-.derhoof. pre-ierativ a-s a .wae line to on" ca"'rur on a a mills, mines eeneral fuwes ani - "raas Comrru.vi.,n oas. Address"i,ii rD;;fs with full detail to Gotta Prch;i A kiiooer Ltd . 526 Beattv St. Vancouver. BC. iHOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE AShXEY ase. Fairbanks, and American, j Army bases in Alaska. j The Prince Rupert series will ! ue more tnan a basketbau exhibition, as the Globe Trotters carry a full complement of stars, other than their world champion basketball team. Headlining the galaxy of sport champions is the famous color- ed track star. Je,Ae Owens, the ''' ruaner 'to break four i w.& records in one afternoon. iOwen will eive demonstrations ! in the Civic Centre Gym. ai pes fang on youth problems He Team-owner A:je Sappe rste.n is also bruithiz twi Uhle ti. r.i.5 champions to give a half-tiiae demonstration that is quite capable 't stealing the show. Prince Rurx-rt Ls setting the full show wih all the j aSy as presented in Nex i York's lamed Madisrn Square I Gardens. Civic Centre Manager Don s iisfC'SCRATCHIMG F - - ftca M J,ffr t. . -?. - I9I "")f '" -i-..wt a.dr,. Greer & Bridden CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS Floor Sanding A Specialty w. -. w. li-l Mr Rt- McCr-.ijt f".r W...jun t.x. rr. M&a !t friar fa Rwstue featr. as. ! B ; Mn Pa-.r- .a i.. K KifiAimo. B C ; M j Mary ifc- M t ri: bajnarav. fta.sk JHr K. Oaaeeae. Mfaaeasn- S .r. Lae St Qu s at 312 Third Avnue" q H jW can w km patent leather? irr,hed w lct Number re r,w dua j ieatner Jt Nft-tMo i Map f5umbr a The , did puter: quick Sale ! -t w r. WTTI "- . . ri' tae Prr-Tir.w of Bmnk or t-'r-"r articles of this .I - -tti itwTciwT leather, can be made to look m,.ki. .2nt,. r ii. "V ww by n-bbing it thomuan- J-T " ' I lliklit M.fulir, fls fiih .. .. lESDsirljl VT . -s i P"r. with a cry cloth. I wJlL" ra'mbt" ara that are stuck together? a ,is A. If thev are stuck tfjee'her 1941 Plymouth Club Coupe 1941 Dodge Station Wagon Both vehicles in rood retteral eaedition. Can be and demonstrated at Rupert Motor Ltd. Corner 2nd, I4 and Part. Ave-. PnONE jU. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. ' c--TT.!?.t LK)u or to a piece of paper, place a " 't!Mh ,thln piece of paper over them 'a Twenty-Firct ut of and then run a hot iron over arms OF THl BRI- thla paper, very lightly rP iw. " " sebvict u.ho:K Q How can I c!ivJe bee-kOT bp a yen .; r.oor and turLnUne wax ii J ; A. Mix a little ammonia with , the beeswax and turpentine, and ACT the wax ia di.olve readiiv. Announcement ... BOAT OWJfSSS are lcl4 to vltit ocr aho'STocm ta see the SIMPLEX Get arid CTMMIN.I Diesel Erne nvw on cLsLay. We maintain a part a.--i first clais repair service a.T-i are eqa.pped to seme ail Btcs arid types of hsteraal eom-biwtrfvn engines. If ywi are eonterr.-platlr.r the iw-h ;f a rse-w mr be . a -t "T' ' T" T' t jt e - - Jtte -s U'uiuU. w-A CwiMMw.) avir.Klo. T I at range of r:n arv! Z77t & chorse from. twm!i-il to buy, lepexid ot-? V f-rirn, Bytown Machine Vorlcs " ' . car. j- sArt W 1J.1S.,. - to I,.. ' T:..e N-i 2Vnt-l -mi null u ' !"T rio taat f-mii,.. "Ujiita la t.a k. M ... Reruitrjr RUPERT MARINE REALTY IJ. CLArSEN it SON) We Take Listinzs ct BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE A-VU FISHING EQEIPMEVT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QlTf K. S ALES OR CBARTEAS J an Ea.it of Ltpnetii, XiiicU ... , . Box 54S " lwMt Cnra (IS JOHN H. BULGER OPT05.fETF.L5T John Bulger Ltd. ' ' , , , .TJ.lri Avenue fx Cocriitiam. Dee t . a il, I p m. f eR north ecrrr CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s. CoqaiUam, re. 10 and 24 I p 31. . rsx J. jYi-nnnR , , r- i -''" - l A tvryu tJ8 -r AD. - EFD SSI r o. box iti - .SJ "t of T" , flit