L?rinrc Utipcrt Dailp r-Jclus RETURNING Fndav. February 4. 1&49 ta unmu iu n An luJf prnqent anif nevti-ipet devoud to the upbuilding of Prince Rup., feud ftj commnnitl- cm' p--anf northern nd eentriu rmb r-olun,Li ; (Authorized u Second Ciau Mali. Post Orrice Dt-pnrtmrnt. Crtumn i j SUBSCRIPTION RATES CUT Carnr. r Welc. 20c Pr Month 7V: Per Twir S"0 -V -".ITi , By M;i. Per Month. 50c; Per Year. (Sul j IT PA YS TO ROLL YOUR OWN WITH X 4. t Paying Teachers TEACHERS of Prince Rupert will, no SCHOOL doubt, derive some measure of satisfaction from ' the finding of the hoard of arbitration which this v. eek sat in their dispute with the board of school Cigarette Tobacco r -y . Mi i pjorn St-lvig, Norwegian art-, i 1st and Mrs. Selvi?. 'ho will be t remembered by Prince Rupert j friends, will sail from New York February 22. for Norway.; I City ! They will resume residence in . j their native land, sfter a sojourn ; f in British Columbia and Alaska. They lived in Prince Rupert I for a while travelling fro.s her? j to Juneau and o.her northern ton', n-s. j A letter has been received from Mr. St'lvig. written at ! Poi-t Hop. Ontario. He men-: tioned that they hoped to end the serits of rr.bhaps which oc-'ctinefj since they It-it the north 'Mrs. Selvig still vears a neck-to-hip cast following injuriea received in an accident on the '. Skttna Highway when a hawk j flew into their car, hitting Sel-; vig in the eye. t Passage on the steamer sail- MILD, SWEET, BRIGHT VIRGINIA Oroun dhcfjl u.itti.g i:swg of the register, organ mulc was played by Mr. 6oiland. A reception ,lo!kv td at the 1 - IS HIGH C.P.A. POSTS.- P.. V. Ryan of Winnipeg ilefft and W. G. Townley of Vancouv r -rigr.', v.ho have lti named to important poet in Canadian Pacific Air Lines by G. W. G. M .-Conn-hie, president l Canadian Pai -'tie Air Lines. Mr. Ryan Wimre executive assistant U the president in Montreal, while Mr. Towr.ley has been made general manager of operations with headquarter in Winnipeg and later in Yan-eoiwr wV.en traiif-Paiinc sorrier to Australia, New Zealand and to the Orient are started. The appointments are dwifned to co-ordinate the new Fadfic services with existing domestic operation. Shadow IjJ CALGARY TRIP FOLLOWS RITE AT ST. PAUL'S The secure . home OI Air. iiiui ia;3. iMirisun prjnre Ruwr- . St. Paul's Lutheran Church trustees on the salary question and awarded them a compromise- salary increase. The trustees will now have to dig that much more money S13.541 fer 19S out of the long-suffering taxpayer who " sees so many other municipal needs staring him in the face these days. ' There is no disputing that, in the case of the school teacher, the workman is worthy of his hire. There are very few of us who in our daily avocation have a greater responsibility than the school ; er. The teacher has as the material on which he works, the most important of our assets the children and the youth. To chisel on the teacher's salary is the last thing " w hich any taxpayer would desire to do. The more " w e can pay them the better quality of people we will get in the profession and the more ample the supply ,,-;n i. Radio Dial CFPR been was the scene at 5 o'clock Thurs-:day evetting of a wedding which 1240 KilnevcHi : ing litmi New York has booked. Row?. Bojcon btieei uui-su were received by the hostess. Wio w.i attiietl in a suit ol grey, with matching accessories. Toast to the bride was pro-po.-eJ by Mr. So4land with response by the bridegroom. A lovely wedding cake was cut by the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Repp left last iiighl oil (lie Punoe Rupit on 'subject to Change) i . 'muted Oeoifji Myrtle McCom- LOCAL PIONEER bie- dauihtr ut Uie ,at Mr antl j .Mrs. McCombie of Winnipeg, IS BURNt-D OUT 'and Almander Repp of Prince I Sid Hardy, who many years Rupert, formerly of Calgary, be- d fare a eroui) of fritiul The iJlea.sar.t er,oua' is known as Cr; it stem tht a start in n(w V second of Ftbr ht ' take a i 4: sees his shw slumber for ar If the sun u w. BRITISH ' Oiiiy lo'jtaf; who aoctswa-r in "ijrt-.hia hove bt?:i n, nuneymoon trip to Vancou ; has been for a long time :n tne rue was peiiormeo oy ru?. uiij ver and Calgary. They will xf- grocery and meat Duineas ai a.. una. i turn to take up ris:d. nee here. Farm Prices Major Issue By GEORGE RONALD Canadian Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON J-One of the hie battles of the year is expected v h'-n the government's Farm Price-Support program comes up for congressional review. The issue is whether the prices of major products should be maintained beyond January 1, 1950. at the mandatory 90 percent 'of parity. A long-range, flexible support system is scheduled to go into operation on that c'.-Ue but some groups in Con-sress have indicated they will Gowned in white satin brocade j roth u.e outw j U gixm have crt on p; incess lines, with train j bcon employd at WatUon's tip-veil crowned bv a coronet of ' holster j eluM). l 111 ' V-- Meanwhile, the harassed local taxpayers are lab FK1UAT P-M 0(1 Ed McCurctv srntu 4:15Siock Quotations and Interlude 1 -30 Sleepy Time Stories 4:4i-Easy Listening 5:00 MacMillan Club Quiz 5-30- Keyboard & Console 5:45 About Town 6:00 ?'isical Varieties C: 30 Mai kin's Melody Money Time 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up 7:30 Feidler Conducts 8:00 Your Favorite Band 3:30 Citizens' Forum 9:10 Citizens" Forum News 9 : 15- Emma Cas'or 9: 30--Prairie Schooner 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News I Forest Grove near Portland,' lore., had the misfortune to be. I completely burned out recently. It was a $75,000 fire which des-' troyed his premises. However, there was insurance coverage I and Mr. Hardy is going back j into business again. He was a 1 well known football player here ' in the early days and is a bi o-i ther of Fred Hardy. oring under the financial demands of ever increasing local needs and there would appear to lie ample justification for a greater measure of external support tor the communities in this matter of educa- . tinn or autre besoms, the oruie was-given in marriage by Nelson Rijy.e. She carried a colonial rouquet of orange blossoms and red r:ses. A pearl necklace enhanced her costume. Matron-of-honor was Mrs. MvM?rit Mattliew, wearing a sut n ol blue crt-pe, cut on princes slines. She wore matching accessories and rarried a bouquet of pink carnations. Groomsman was Milfred V Our children being not merely a local but a national asset, their development would reasonably . appear to be more than a mere local responsibility. The dispute between teachers and school trustees over wages merely points another aspect of the U"ek to ditch it and keep the p resent program in effect. 1 j (Parity is a legal standard ter ; measuring actual farm price, i It is declared by law to be fairly Sweet Sixteen Spring Sludi to do just Ha A v- 'Mi ,fi' 'necessity for a new deal Oil the matter Of School fill- j equal to farmer and consumer. io : 15-Bill Ciif lord's Orch. . Bridge Classes Prove Popular Garnet Huil and Mrs. R. . Moore had a class of 20 enthusi- astic bridge disctples Tuesday right of this week at the regular instruction session. Cards were laid on the iao:es and the budding players supervised in appraisal and bidding. The i next party of the student : group will be held tonight. i Parity prices are set by compli- 10:30 Biltmore Hotel Orch. Seated government formula for 11:00 Weather and Sign Off ancinp, something which has already been recom --mended but not fully implemented." t every major farm product. All Gabarfc . . a re based on price and cost . . Gaba-a existed in th' i , levels as th-y ! 1T30-14 period". An TRUTH ABOUT WEATHER W HILE it must be admitted a few squalls have j Farmers nw are getting much more than parity prices on beef ! cattle, veal calves, lambs, hogs. 1 kllUlUtjV . . Jersey VV neen tejt in rnnee Kupert, there has never ' "been the faintest desire to deceive never the slight- j turkeys, rice, flaxseed, cotton-seed and milk. Close-to-parity I pi ices are being paid for cotton. I Slacks, Gafwria Bfousev, lt pu i;i!:. -en urge to have created tne impression tnat conditions were other than the absolute truth. Therefore. 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News - l' -..f tb? Hit. 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News Commertar? 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30 Me.od.es U,v Junior ?: 59 -Time Sitnal tfi Bandstand 10:15 World Church New, 10:30 Concert Favorites , 10:45 CBC News and Com'ty IP: 55 Weather Report 1 1 :00 -T B A. 11 :30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period ll:33-Kec Int. , 11:45 Personal Album when from tempest-lashed, Vancouver come state Sweet Sixteen s Fer.soia!i7efl BUD0ET PLA5 for your conv.'niene. No Interest -S .!- y,;.-an.s. wool and chickens. Le.ss - than - parity prices are b- ins received for rye, corn. cats, "alley, hay, peanuts, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, tobacco, : pples, prapefruit. oranges, lemons, butter and eegs. Senator George D. Aiken Rep. Vt.i, the man who almost single-handedly pushed the flexible SMrVtR VICTORIA sr..vrTi.K Tuesday, 1:30 p m.. Camosun Sunday. 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM. .STEWART AM PORT SIMPSON Sunday. 1! pm ments supgesiin.q- its worse in rnnce laipert, we raise a work-hardened hand, and utter a resounding protest. When there's no fog, no snow, no slush, no rain, when the air is clear and crisp, the sun beam- mrr ii'nm flou n fr -liiL- if U.am Til.- 4Ur,- -f.-ki. LINGUIST IN DEMAN'D KITCHENER. Ont., Cf Rev Jo epn Cramer ot Kitchener House of Friendship, speaks '. eight languages and is kept busy quite apart from his reau-! lar v ork at the city shelter. II translates many letters from Europe and is frequently called in as an interpreter. 12:30 T.B.A. '; 2:00 Musical Program ; 2:45 This Week 3:00 Piano Classics 3:15 CBC News ' 3:25 Rec. Int. 3:30 NBC Symphony Orch. MP-- Price-Support program through Congress 'aft June, contends: SATUkda f M With rigid 90 percent price 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies uppurts. farm commodity prices 12:15 Rec. Int. FOK SOITII QtrtlN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Tan. 28, 10 p.m. FOK NOKTn Ql'KEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam, February 4 and 13, 10 p m. rKA.NK J. SKINNER Prince Kuuirt Ateul luird Av Pmw days) we want the world to know it. FISH AND WORLD FOOD FISHERIES are said to be vital to the food supply and economic prosperity of at-least sixty-one nations and some producers are declaring that the supply of sea food is by no means as great as it could be without risk of- depleting the' source. On ould collapse and pull the 12:25 Program Resume l.oie national econornv down with them." FOR YOFIl The flexible system, due to vTVS FOR ALL TYPES OF PR1N Utke effect next January 1, unless the law is changed, would tie farm prices il the genera! OI I K E SI PIM IES HOME STATIONERY trends, of the United States ec ' ITNS A' onomy. It is approvea in Drin- the other hand, some industrialists are. eager for agreements to restrict what is called over-fishing. From Great Britain comes the warning that, if SEE iple by such organizations as he National Grange, biggest anner group in the country. A big question facing the gov-'i nment policy-makers is wheth-r it is possible to have govern Fancy Cards that will please your true love Funny ones that will tickle a friend's sense of humor. Cutout Books for the children who like to make their own Valentines. GET YOUR VALENTINE SUPPLIES AT CHIROPRACTOR iohn F. 1- Hughes, D.C, Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment hoiks 10:30 am. to 12:30 p m. nd 2 to S p.m. tVKMMIS M indsy ehd Fririay. 7:30 pm. ff thoe unfible to come during the day. RECEPTIONIST In attendance afternoons. wi uva i o I villain JJ1 Ullliv rjfCvlUl .cliC W11A an fihsojute necessity. Heed must' be given the ' eope of operations. The catch, today, is said to be back to the 1938 low levels. During the years of U'lV I-ifVi f., . t C t.,t.; i.1 IJesner Block ment aid urograms without neasures which would tell the farmer ju.st how much land he :wai, Hun uic r-Li.-jjciiMuti ut iiMinig, tneie was an .immediate and far-reaching increase in all kinds of this great natural resource. Not long atro the United States received a re WANT EJ . . .... ..r-l BTI 11 FOR T ould plant to particular crops ;nd how much he could sell. Supporters of the 90 percent Juppoits argue that over-pro-ii.eiion and surpluses could be irevented by the use of controls Al PLICATION'S WILL P.E Art I I I 518 .Ird Ave. AV. Phone Red 400 INO POSITIONS FOR 1949: CAMP MANAGEKS in.T riiFAVh over prootiction and markets. CAFE They would bring back are ' ONE SKI BAPTONE SON ft ii-sr & RUPERT MARINE RA .create allotments and market-ng quotas, inaugurated by "leiny A. Waliace when he was igriculture secretary in the 30 s. F;s of the high Supports quest to assist in bringing about an international agreement between England, France, the Nether-Jands, Denmark, Iceland and Norway to limit the size of whitefish catches. This was but one of several conservation projects. The depth of ocean waters largely determine the number and relative importance of the world's chief fishing grounds. They are almost all within a 200-fathom depth, many being on the shelves of continents, or banks of the oceans. The major sources are the Asiatic shores, and the coasts of Prim1 Always the Betd Place to Eat HIGH QUALITY FOODS TRY OUR SPECIAL RUSIXKKS LUNCHES Box 54 8 trfjue that fanners don't want f to go back to controls. : THE WONDER WALL PAINT Made in a number of attractive colors, it dries quickly with a soft flat finish. SI. 40 quart S4.50 gallon THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. The Butcher, The R CniLDREN S PHOTO SPECIAL!! ONE DOZEN POPvTRAITS FOR SI 0.00 For Appointment Call at The Totem Pole For Chandler & Cowgill OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE in the WOODS You Can't Beat the 218 4th Street Green 381 Regardless of occupation, eeO a pen he can depend on-f why we recommend E Waterman O Parker 52.60 to $18-00 PENCILS TO MATCH IF TRY OUR CHINESE DISHES Extra Special to Take Home! Chow Mein Sweet and Sour 608 3rd Ave W. Phone 200 Europe, and the eastern and western zones of North America. To a somewhat lesser degree the same may be said of the Arctic and Antarctic and certain parts of the East Indies. Production is not less than a billion dollars. The effect of two vast wars caused disastrous consequences for the feeding of untold millions of human beings. Cultivation of the soil decreased in extent, or ceased in different parts of the globe. The labor that -planted and reaped died on thousands of battlefields, became hopelessly crippled or ' yielded to disease. Reserves, stored away for emergencies were destroyed, or made use of earlier than had been intended. Development of fisheries could help- , -j.-rr, I'm- RTC . . . '"1 P. M. WOODBOSS Power Chain Saw with 26-inch blade, $295 32-inch blade $315 plus Sale Tax if applicable PRINCE RUPERT. SUPPLY HOUSE KONSON UG HTl RS Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited for. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED "16 Second Ave. P.O. Box 72 R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) '.I ,L-:' t ,1