'"L'LB'lU'J 1 , (ARGUMENT ON ' Local News Items . . . Wmt Uupcrt Dallrj i3ctof Friday, February 4, 1949 HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY TUBE BABIES . . BEAUTY . . . UTILITY ... ECONOMY WITH IUXBffl811i!BSS!!ft ARE UNITED AT QUIET WEDDING At a quiet ceremony Thursday evening in the Manse of First S.O.N, whist dance, refreshments. Saturday. Feb. 5. (30) Mrs. Fred Jensen sailed yesterday afternoon oa the Norah for a month's trip to Vancouver. S.O.N, whist and hard time ATTENTION! Rummage Sale at Moose Temple, Feb. 4, 2 p.ni Olier Bcxner sailed last night by the Prince Rupert to return to Vancouver after spending the last week here on business. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Donaldson and family sailed last nleht on Q. How can I remove warts? A. Castor oil, lemon juice, or kerosene, applied several times daily for a few days, will cause them to disappear. Applications of oil of cinnamon Ihree times daily will remove them without 1 - Lombardi's By CYNTHIA LOWIl Y ' KKW YORK (P -How is society going to accept' test tube l-c c;t ? . That's a question currently ccn.vonting jurists, lawmakers, cof 'ologists and mornlisU in the Fi::;.!sh-speaking wr.J. ..re they to be cokle-e.l the le.'iliinate children oi husbands ffvAPLY WEATHERBOARD I United Church with Rev. R. A. Wilson officiating, Miss Eila Mae McDougall R.N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart McDougall of dance. Prizes for be.it cos the Prince Rupert for a trip to tumes. Feb. 4. (291 i lnoxis ut (his Douglas I ir Plywo odin stock iroin 1'J lu 4 f" t available for early delivery BERT & McCAFFERY LTD. 4 MJMKKIt BUILDING SUPPLIES i rilUNK 116 soreness. Q. How can I treat house plants that have become infested with Insects? A Try sticking a few sulphur matches, heads down, in Charles Aberg of Massett, Is Vancouver. Meeting of Job's Daughters, Friday (Tonight) at 8 o'clock, sharp, general business, silver and wives when the husband is not the actual parent? If the ai swsr is yes, when Is a test hi'v? baby Illegitimate? WhaL sailing tonight on the Coquitlam Spring Suit SAMPLES to return, home after a visit to Ellerhouse, Nova Scotia, became the bride of Robert Theo Col-lart, Prince Rupert, son of Theo Collart and the late Mrs. Col-lart. The bride, wearing teal blue suit with brown accessories and talisman roses in corsage, was attended by Mrs. Gordon McKay whose costume was a , wine- 1 I X'sul rights has the chiW? The hii.band of the mo.-W Does l.iother commit cu'.tay II i to the soil around the plants. Spraying with a solution of naptha soap and water is also effective. Q. How can I impart a creamy flavor to soup? A. Place a piece of cheese. the city. Mrs. Charles Stevenson sailed on the. Prince Rupert for Vancouver enroute to Chilliwack where she was called on the death of her father. Announcements Ail tdvertiaeni tliia column will be cbnrged for k i nil montb t as coU word marcn and entertainment. iu Mr. and Mrs. Neil Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kingston and Jack Martin are sailing tonight on the Coqultlam for a round trip to Masselt and Port Clements. " . ,Fjre ilt,iii 'I'hircl Avenue ,r 1 hirst Street ut about the size of a walnut, in colored suit with black access- each quart of soup, before serv- ories and red corsage. did cunsider- I Robert Parks was groomsman. vie submits to ai .I'iciai in-t'liiination? At th moment.. j zui,' religi ma and la op'nion ' 'heir status is due cifi'.a. In Great b'italn a woman rc-c nca an innulmea; of- her marriage on the ground.'. ' her hi .-land was incapable of iui-i-'l relations. The court re--fied to he: Infant ch'id as 11-le timate despite the fact ing, and It will impart a rich Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Busslnger k i a small r or I Following the ceremonv. 11 creamy flavor. Bernard Allen, British Columbia manager, of Canadian National Railways, is arriving in the city tomorrow from jthe interior accompanied by Mrs. I few friends were entertained at leave on tonight's train for their home at Telkwa after spending a few days In the city follow p Wood.sidc. The .n;- as Mi1. WoocI-hk ami suddenly s. It is believed i ;ul opened up 1315 Piggott Aveiyie where the couple are making their home. PROSPERITY IN HAMBURG ing a trip to, Vancouver and 'Allen elsewhere in the south. They Cambrai Chapter, I.O.D.E. Valentine Tea at Mrs. G. G. Withers, 715 5th Ave. We., Feb 10. . Cribbage, Whist, Bridge at Catholic School Hall, Feb. 10, 8 p.m. Lutheran Church Valentine Tea and Home Cooking, Feb. 12. SPORTSMAN'S NEWS Annual Game Dinner, Feb. 1G, 1949. The United Church Valentine Tea at the home of Mrs. A. J. Dominuto, Feb. 17. Canadian Club Public Meeting, February 23. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keller oT or the clothes. The man who can't says the others' are black-market operators or business were accompanied by their two granddaughters from Bella Coola. I.'., the husband hiuai; was the father f the ph'.l I. Conception had been a.Jtl by a physician. With this as a rpringboard, By GEORGE BRIA HAMBURG AP) The sign on ; who cheat on taxes, or foreign the door of the plush Atlantik ers; Now and tnen you are re demands were made that the minded of the poverty. Germans . ,tj,n uncm w a i .scene and ex-f iil i Unties. Mil 1.. Srliulte. who ie r.Vctiue.sday from , ,J 1 . i v (!ck't;.ile.s to 1 the Prince iiu-.;, nt I he United j'.I List night on Hotel still says Verboten to all Germans. still scramble when you dump Skagway were passengers on j the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through toj Seattle and points further south' on a holiday trip. Mr. Keller is a well known Skagway merchant. Rev. W. P. Bunt, secretary of home missions of the United Church, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert on his return to Sickly kids beg cigareles as your automobile ashtray, in the streets. A wide variety of pure wool imported cloths to choose from Soft West of England fabrics and hard finished Worsteds Homespuns Scotch Tweeds ' and Twists in patterns selected by experts. Specialists in Hand Needled and Bench Made Clothing, Lombardi's Suits are made .to . your indi-; vidual measurements and guaranteed to fit. the British cars roll up. Minstrel Show, Prince Rupert Canadian Legion Hull, Fri. Feb. 4 (8:30 to 11:30 p.m.) "Bring Your Missus ( Night." Members of W. tJ A. aid husbands, Legion members and wives. Admittance by membership card only. (2j) Mrs. E. H. Elklns sailed last night on the Prince Rupert on Half a mile away, right in the Don't be tortured by middle of Hamburg, stands an other hotel, the Esplanade. There 14 Rotary Club, Feb. 17 and 18. Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter, I.O.D.E., Tea and Home Cooking, March 10. March 17, Tea, Catholic Hall. are no signs here because this is a German place. i Vancouver after inspecting missions on the north coast and ouusn government fettle by i law the social statu 3 of children born of artificial lnsemina-; tion. In the United States the subject has occasioned much speculation. New York State, as a result of the legal action, passed a law In 1948 which establishes test tube children as legitimate when the husband has given express or implied consent to artificial insemination. Elsewhere, it's up in the air, subject to legal interpretation by the courts. CANADIAN DECISION In a recent Canadian case Vi tor Vmir Inside the panelled rooms of the Esplanade, waiters in tails attending the meeting of the Prince Rupert Presbytery. UT W Get relief fast. hover over prosDerous-lookine PAPER :EMENTS Put a few drops of Vicks Va-tio-nol in each nostril. It helps dram sinuses, brings welcome relief. ViCSCS men with beautiful, expensively-dressed women. A dance band plays far better jazz than one can hear in a British-requisitioned club. Presbyterian Tea, Church Hall March 24. Orange Spring Sale, April 13, 2 to 5 p.m., Oddfellows' Hall. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 21. ' The United Church Spring Sale, May 5. St. Peters Bazaar, May 12. AIR PASSENGERS VATRO NOL pNoV, a trip to Vancouver. . She will attend a family reunion mark-l int? the ninetieth birthday o! her father, I. N. Kendall of North Vancouver and also sessions of the provincial Red Cross organization. Rev, Hugh Dobson, western secretary of evangelism and social service of the United Church, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert on his return to Vancouver after having attended the meeting of the Prince Rupert Presbytery this week. Outside stand the kids, this FRIDAY Valentine To Vancouver C. D. Owens, where the husband-did not consent to the pregnancy by a Candy g uuuoi uie cniia was held to time begging from Germans. I This Is Hamburg, 1949. The feverish pulsa of currency reform has given the city a Pari-sion glow. Everyone agrees it's the most luxurious place in Ger ANNE'S ue- inegiimatc, and the wife T. Stevens, G. F. Pike. To Sandspit E. Ellengrude. From Sandspit C. Hansen, Mrs. A. Jones. G. Newbcry.- From Vancouver Bruce Sung Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE guilty of adultery. 210 FOURTH STREET There was no moral turpitude involved In the adultery, the Canadian court held, but the THURSDAY many. One reason may be that it's a port; another that the bombs which wrecked the outskirts spared the centre. At Q. Would it be all right for a man to buy an engagement Prince Rupert Florid 300 3rd Ave. Sox 516 Tel. To Vancouver D. Chapman' pregnancy of the wife without J. E. Mcrryfield, Progressive Conservative organiser for Brl G. Ladner, V. L. Dryer, F. Wil her husband's nnnrnvnl mined. ring before he proposes to the) Flowers lor All Occasions son, Mrs. F. Timmermeister "lghl Ulousand8 ot u6hts tinkle luted "an Invasion of the re- nmri.iniv f.n. r.,. around the beautiful alstcr. ' girl? A. No; unless he thinks there Is no possibility of the girl refusing him. Usually, though, the ' ' - .wivvtwu. 111:1 , . .,1 C.i.rli.-V, 4 ,-,.., I It It's night life one wants, WEDNESDAY s;nrtsnit Sandspit ; ! Ml From h w:." "s. ujuiuieiu me same tish Columbia and pioneer business man of Prince Rupert arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert Wednesday from Ocean Falls, having arrived thcro earlier in the week from Van r.innpr . .opinion in another case Commodore Cafe FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM From Vaneouver-K. Morgan,! The iur"al of the Amoncan r, .,;.... i a ... . .. , H. Baker, B. 1 iiiivuivi juhi, aunn itniif, n say about the choice of the ring, its style, color, and so Inrlh. 1 "'LU,l-a' -sociauon editorialized Price E Bedford 'jin 1939 that "the concept of couver. Mr. Mcrryfield sails on 1 y j rjilVies the Coqultlam tonight for the I. How .should one place the yueen Charlotte Islands. Word has been received in ' Prince Rupert from Vancouver i that Simon McDonald, who left! Prince Rupert on a holiday visit south, continues to be under A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE " LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" knire and fork after finishing a course at the dinner table? j A Parallel across the plato, with the handles to the right. Q. II someone "cuts In" on one's partner at a dance, would it be proper to "cut back" on this man a few minutes -later? A. No ;but you may "cut In" on the third man If you wish. m COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Fver" Best Food and Service n City Phone 17 for Send-out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. one can go to the Esplanade, or the Tarpantella, or a place called "Er Und Sic" ("He and She"), done in cream and dark blue. A bottle of good champaigne costs 35 Deutsche marks. At the export-Import rate of exchange, the only official one, this is $12. On the Black Bourse, which is the way most foreigners get their marks, it figures to about $2. The aura of prosperity has got under the skins of the British occupation people. Verboten signs on British clubs don't mean much in the way of who's who when the Germans have better clubs. The Esplanade had a fashion show just before Christmas. Statuesque blondes paraded about in rich costumes for the bejewclcd clientele. Actually, it's the rare German who can afford the clubs T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT ' SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT medical care. Mr. McDonald, In the service of the War Assets Corporation, left for Seattle last November and not long after became seriously 111. He is Miltridc St. v i: it f in i.i You Saw It m The News. JJS3 I now In Vancouver. Just Arrived ! ! CHINA CABINETS In popular waterfall design with sliding plate glass doors and roomy linen drawer Price $8tl.r0 Phone 775 327 3rd Aye. legitimacy seems to demand the child be the actual offspring of I lie husband of the mother of the child," and added that if a third party were the donor, "it seems the child is illegitimate." The actual number of test lube babies today is unknown. A survey made in 1941 disclosed that 3.C49 children had been born by artificial insemination in the United States. It is generally conceded that an accurate estimate is hard to make because the parties involved do not want it known. "With adoption it (the test-tube method i is the latest resort of the childless," an official of the Planned Parenthood Federation said, "but as long as, there is any doubt whatever .1s to the status of such children, couples will think a long lime before they go ahead with it." For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICII PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. MJS, t IS Deluxe Delivery PROMPT? YES SIR! FAST? YOU BET! COl'RTEOL'S? YES MA'AM! PHONE 383 . Wc Buy and Collect Bottles p: SHOES - 2000 pairl I COTTAGE CHEESE I iNew Creamed Fresh Madej i VALENTIN DAIRY i Plumbing or Healing Call SMITH & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 274 Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE 1 !! r I It Pays to Advertise! J Vm ONE PAIR OF LADIES' SHOES AND WE j GIVE YOU ONE PAIR FREE! FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY 1 REDDY KILOWATT T : tow Electric Servant "Plenty of hot water is a 'must' when Mom has the family wah to do! And she needs an electric hot water heater to keep her amply supplied." J 10 fAJUINT ON 400 PAIRS OF , Col lADIES' AND D1SC0UN0 LEATHER SALE PRICE 99c SHOES . ((JE3 HEN'S EATHER SHOES "And just a word to tlie wise! With an . automatic electric hot water heater you yet all the hot water you need all day long for dishes and cleaning and showers! Why struggle along in the old way when you can enjoy the wonderful conveniences of an electric hot water heater in your home!", f'W of Ul res' Shoes $1.95 ;I8S.0F MEN'S BLACK AND BROWN OXFORDS I ir t bale Pried - $4.95 A AND ENJOY NJ0Y SII0R TO0TOEAR m 7 DIFFERENCE RENCE u J , J