prfnee Rupert Daflp 3eto3 Friday. February 4, 1949 Reminiscences By w.i. Reflections jWithdroWS To Church Philpott, Evitt and Co. Ltd. coast is, doubtless, one of the i Can Supply You With !ng Icon of the Church of the Virtrin Mary. She has no servants. Living with her-as a companion is black-robed Sister Sophia Dimltrlou Alverti, a nun in the Greek Orthodox Church. Between them they perform all household duties. There is no telephone. They have electric power only a few hours each night. On rare occasions Princess Alice goes to Athens to visit her nephew and niece. King Paul and Queen Frederika. Asked If there were a passi-Ulity that Prince Philip might visit her here, she declared ft would be "impossible" in less a unn1' M V MBER Including Fir, Cedar, etc. FLOORING-In Fir or Hemlock SIDING-A11 Type SASH and DOOR and Famous FOOTJIIMS AMtKJtTA COAL in all fcizett PHONE csi with "sp" that means "defin-Jite?" . Answers I. Bay, "He had no alternative," meaning a choice of two things. 2. The preferred ac-j cent is mi the second syllable, and not the third. 3. Miscellaneous. 4 per- ter English D. C. WILLIAMS kTlswrong with this l He had no other al - ft" ;U:1t is the correct pro- one of these words' 1-iied? Miscllanlous. ,L. misdemeanor .it does the ord'an mean? , Bat is a word bcein.'iing tainlng to an ideal; striving for an imaginary ideal perfection. "It was the idealistic dam of artist." 5. Specific. Wednesday was the second of February! The playful tradition of a affinity between that day, the groundhog seeing, or failing to see h'.-shadow, and the" slate of t:-. weather for a specified length of time is nonsense. The groundhog legend stays. It comes and is di.seu.ssed, perhaps in a whimsical way. But, come it does, just as regularly and surely as February itself. City and district school teachers will draw more money and no one will quarrel with that decision. There is greater ic-aioii.sioimy attached to the position of a teacher than the most of us thinlc. Par higher salaries are paid many whose importance to society is not to be compared with that of those 1 Who a&Slimp th,. ,.r! uuitatiuii ui making the first imprint on expanding minds. . . Ar-.r- ; 1 I 1" ee" mae OI th: T 'ZllT .5 years in British Columbia and " """1U ,mc tu uu i , ou.iiBuig about it. n,oiii .v.. -wilJ1B W11 luc it ' VI ..'4 W - ;; reasons why life ln'ines: ionf-er. Ouebec to Ocean Fall a Rector On their way to Ocean Fiis where Mr. Stephens will assume duty as rector of the Anglican Cnurcn, Hev. and Mrs. N. A. Stephens and four children are due in the city on the next train from the East. Mr. Stephens is coming from Bed-lord, Quebec, where he has been rector for several years. At Ocean Falls he succeeds Rev. A. Lord who is leaving for Montana. STANDARDIZATION There are about 400 differ- ent kinds of locomotives in use in Britain. Under the national plan for standardizing equin-met these are to be cut down la 12 models. r MIRROR FANTASY The supersition that a brokep mirror brings bad luck came "om tne fact that a shadow or iciiecuon once was consiaerea . ... . part oi tne soul. BOB 1 - i: . Grandmother of Prince Charles Enters en Austere Life ai Sister of Creek Orthodox Church By L. S. CHAKALES TENOS ISLAND Aomn Rri AP The paternal grand-' mtdher of Britain's youngs rrince Charles is wearing tile sober grey of a sister In the Creek Orthodox. Churrtv The (i3-year old mother oft Prince Philip, Princess Alice of' Battenburg, in her own words "withdrew from the world" last July to dedicate the rest of her life to "service." She has yet ?. see her. two-months' old grandson. I ' Every year" she told the j Associated Press in an inter-! view, "each sister is given four! weeks' holiday. I hope to use I those this summer to go to' London to see my son and grandson and other relatives,) ncjuaing my 8G - year old! mother." j Princess Alice lives in four, simply-furnished room on the first floor of a two-storey villa on the end of this Aegean Isl- and town where thousands of Dersons makp hi.inni n . p grimages to the miracle-w ,ork- Life Advertise in J.he baily News! i FACTS 1 l: "-- ' J I "?Ute4t QuoltijTea w(P a x I pOiing. However I would noi attempt to keep the pre-s from making pictures of me during public ceremonies. The press is free. But it .shuuld nut expect me to pose for it." Classified aaver rising aia;w brings results. WANTED Empty , Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT TIIKM AT voi r noort CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PAY CASH PHONE 950 NOW AVAILABLE mm LOOK FOK THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL PROFESSIONAL MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box 52G 330 Second Avenue Prince Rujjt-rt, B.C. A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C. PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR AND MESSENGER Beer, Soda, Perfex and Ginger Ale Bottles PHONE RED 751 MARGARET McLEOI) OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE EUILDKJG PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. Box 1184 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners PHONES Black 687 Red 894 evenings P.O. Box 1670 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles ' MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. uian -4 year, lie would be required to stay in England because of the King's 'illness. i DEMANDING SCHfcDlLE Tall, erect and vigorous despite her H3 years .the British widow of the late Greek Prince Andrew maintains a demand-1 .. , 1 1 1 1 T - ' "us atiieuuie. usually sne ansi at six. With Sister SoDhla she goes each morning to the Church of the Virgin Mary for worship. The entire community knows "The Princess." She neiiher receives nor expects any more favors than are granted to the other sisters. The priests describe her as a "loyal and faithful servant of the Lord." She has adopted with the approval of the church, the task of starting a nurse's school so that each of the villages on the isl and of 12,500 persons could be assured of at least some form of medical assistance. The project hasn't beci eminently successful becau.-ie of lack of money. Princess Alice is ais ohaving difficultly in re cruiting enough Greek maidens i who want to make' nursing a career. ! While the nursing school Is;, her primary work, Princess ij Alice also crowds numerous acts of charity into her crowd-' ed day. Personal friends in London, Athens and other Eur- i opean capitals constantly send! her packages and gifts. -These the distributes to the poor and underprivileged of the island. "I don't approve of publicising our work, because it is! ficient with in iUea. she saul.' "It is a duty and duty Is its own reward. "1 am neither .statesman, politician or movie star," she said smilingly, in declining to be photographed. "Making pic tures of me at work would be BUSINESS AND PIANO TECHNICIAN i uning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE C0LUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East DRY KINDLING WOOD in sacks FIR AND CEDAR 50c Sack Delivered PHONE B & W TRANSFER Green 186 BYT0WN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX GAS and i CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts Boat Owners and users of Industrial Engines are invited to our showroom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHING Latest Shades, Styles and Colors J. P. M0LLER Phone BLUE 155 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 FOR YOUR ROCK and CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 ; M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed Wells Cartage Ltd. I Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage j BLUE 780 RED SIS MEN'S TWEED TOPCOATS Reg. to $25 NOW $15 MEN'S ALL WOOL YARN DYED WORSTED SUITS Sizes 42 to 46, Reg. to $60 NOW 42 50 Men's GABARDINE COATS English make, Fully lined sizes 36 to 44 Reg. $27.50 NOW .... $29 MEN'S ALL WOOL PULL- OVER SWEATERS, Waffle- Stitch, Special $3-5't, MEN'S DRESS PANTS, Worsteds, Tweeds it Gabardines from , ;.. $4.75 MEN'S WORK PANTS, Cotton & Cotton Worsteds, perfect fit, a large assortment Price from $2.95 BOYS' SHIRTS for School and dress $1.25 to $1.75 BOYS' SWEATERS, assorted styles and low in price ' From f. $1.23 BOYS' RUBBER LACE ' BOOTS- KOW $1.95 ; BOYS' SCHOOL BOOTS & DRESS OXFORDS, Best : Quality at Reduced Prices , ... WRATH ALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarging QUICK SERVICE,. Amateur and Professional Supplies Greer & Bridden CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS Floor Sanding A Specialty RED 561 P.O. BOX Make Your Pcrnk, and he all set to build that new home or to remodel the old one when spring comes. We will be glad to assist you in every way possible. i MITCHELL & j CURRIE LIMITED Builders and Contractors ' PHONE 363 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, PropJ . PHONE S7 r.O. Box 4! FRASER STREET ! PRINCE RUPERT. ; . ACCIDENT REPEATERS . . 1 Menace to your and Properly! O Slaliili s show that i0 of fatal a- ulcnts anil f all accident ar causeil ly tlw "acciih-nt repeat cr." Safety Kesonsilili v (I'ink Slip) Laws are the only known mean hy liili the motorist who eon-tinuullv lias accidents can he loven ttjf the roatl Mini Ae)t uff. h)? Keeanse under this law the acc ident repealer, il refused insurance hy three companies, must ap-ly to a committee who assipn him to an in-buruiee company at an increased premium rate. If hi continues to have accidents due to negligence he Allien refused a license to drive and rightly o. rOMPl LSORY INSl'R 4NCE (C.Trrnnirnt or olhrrxisr) dors not protrrt the public, motoriuK and prdr t ria n, avaint "c'ident rppratrr." Onlario, Manitoba and 4hr State of Nrw York rrjrrled eompulnory type of insurance in favor of Safety lieoiiililily lirrauHe tlirre as no rvidrnre that mm-liulhorf innurane rrdaiced am'idrnta r fatalitira. In Massachusetts (thr only loralilT iu North America Hith compulsory insurance where statistic are published) experience allowed heavy increasra in death aud damage tolls. B.C. INSURANCE COMPANIES AND AGENTS SUPPORT ALL SAFETY LAWS WHICH REDUCE ACCIDENTS AND SAVE LIVES It is U jtmrbi'nefit ami ours 'LUuCs i7iv thai you htmir the facts llicy arc ffren to you alumt aiilomobile insurance. . here by the Columbia Insurance Committee. Jlrilislt