EMnre Eltitsrrl DrtfTp nnu3 rl I . W-dt. . , r ." . Basketball U VS. M.i gathering this wee's that the E. C. fishermen's co-operatives are the biggest o their kind, that Saturday, Becrniber 3, 1949 Time Table Dec. 3 Rupert Hotel vs. High School. Exhlb. Kajr-ht n. Bo-Me-Hl. Dec. ft Stones vs. Kinsmen Corn's vs. High School, North Star vs. Fashion, Brownwoods vs High School. Dec. 10 Boy Scouts vs. feei Cadets, High School vs. Stones, Merchants vs. North Star, Co-op Vq Hrnum i-rvrwHo lima iW" ! I WpiW,TW l.(H - - mrtfiiMTVrl'i J Iiiimii'm 'il 4 i... i....i., i vfciiiu iu in- ivrM.i( i n ,f s . r a iv ts, ' - Dec. 13-Boy Scouts vs kin,, in.,"'' Tbarw4 XL iv . - "X ot the I o.-op lo iCt'vivo Sen raricts - Mtrkinj t lie twith anniversary .of the amal.ua-tnation of the I'riiice Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association and the North Island Trollers' Co-operative Association, over. 1(H) members and delegates met in the Oddfellows' hall here this week. Principal spvakcrs wore T. H. Somison, Vancouver, u.ananer of the mid-west tU.S. A i division oi' the h-henVtrsjuV t.f $5(j.diHMo finunre t:i. lie """"ant H,i o-np. f ' c. 17tfm ets-Boy 8cou.s vs olaf vs. X School, Iligh Merchant vs M..J ."Brownwoods. I train sima the riu- Mond&y. Wefltlf 8:00 p m. om tb un- But what ii tl,j. ri 1 take? h's thi: ( j. J to the monr-v-riw, ( nnv rtio r.tig..r ,1 rrintt for f3f I of (hht ,nil J And yet, 1,T , u-l tr Mm I.ifr Mw,r J fion plan onlv i ri,. to l hr- nion-hlv if,.' for flip hmio iflt ,, of the nu'irttnir S omI in 'hi n, m , j o'V 1'lvi.e. Mr. II I "Iton't i:,U a ,-Uu,,J lti tilt tiTiie(i, W aterfront - - IVh&s o : i t ... o-iiii-.iiiiiii.ii .Mil l in?; packer. The resolution will be 1 t-iken mi fit the mvt Annual ! ir.tiiv'. Delegates to the meet- iim included A V. Hiil. D. O. Mae-! ' Donald and Martian Berg of the Fislu-nm,,,-s cooperative Feder .,t:on; Collin McKea and Alex Ry ton of lne United Fishermen's Co-operative Assn.;. Oeorpe Ciieenw ell and John Donaldson t,f Kyuquot Trollers' Co-opera ttve Assnand Bill Sutherland of: th? Massed Co-operative Assn . Following the st mi-annua lmeet-n:t. a two - d: y mertlng of th? Fishermen's o-operative Federa tion, of which the Prince Rupert Co-op is the largest, began today. Since this week marks the unth anniversary of th? ineor- ix.ratuni of t'ie rrinee Rupert Fishermen's Co op, it is tittine, to comment, as other local lead ers have done on the determina t ion prudrnce ami tievoiiou i POUND TROUBLE Goalie Walter (Turkt Broda, left, has been suspended by Managing Director Conn Smythe of the Toronto Maple Leafs. We're not running a fat man's team." said Smythe, ordering Broda to cut his weight from 197 to 190. Gil Mayer, right, 128-pound netmlnder, has been called up from Pittsburgh to take over big Turk's chores. Smythe also has bought another goalie, Al Rollins, from Cleveland. (C. P. Photo) If fny how a lot of r-ople take a elmme when tliev tmilil a home. They grt 6 oil Hint of trouMa wilh the plan. They want ev'erviliirij nuliiding ftrcimTineii kithent the lat word in bathroom, picture windows, and. ,4. hinds -jiiI gardi-n. The rn'onVy rr:iiie-j'nents are perfect. In fen. fif-U t'h or twenty vear the tinme Will lie really heir. Ju-t rcyn-lar payriicnip. lomewlnl like rent, only Iieltir, !xi-anf thev 'iret iwtriielhitig more for ihnr niorev than jut the privilt-fe uf ti v illi; in a 1hhi. T.B. Seal Sale is producer co-ops. in Canada and that the Prince Rupert Fish ermen's Co-op Is the largest in the coast federation. That alone physically, is .something to boast about, considering that the movement is older In other parts ; i lie country and has enjoyed mme uiiidanee. Admitting Dr. Couth's statement that those o" the west coast learned their ct iteration from those In the miir- itimcs. it must be said that thev . . AeliieicmenN of Prince ftupert S. .i Cadets in the past should b ta'Pets for present and fu-j ...iiilu.iu ..t flic Ctirnfi til aim ...... t I U I llll lllli 1.1 I'l 1.1.V VI-. f I ;H. iiariy iv. V.JUUUU, ihuihuium , Kt-re tary for the Navy League oi Canada, told an executive m,viin;; of the ci'y League branch while here recently. Here i n a vi-.it in company Sitli Lieut. laiiiiiamiei O. J. Maiisor.. ai ea llicer. Sea C.'deU, Mr. Gillard out lined the wowing program of tiamin- and education wnieh Is being made available to mem-, bers ot the vaiious corps across' Canada. Purpc.se of the meeting j v.as to lay plans for future ac- tivities of Captain Cook Sea Ca-j dct Corps and to discuss gener-) ai matters of the League which sponsors the corps. Commenting on the achievements of the local Coiiis. Mr. GiKard congratulated ltd Forma n, son of the leal Lea-ftie president, on W inning a Navy ; league scholarship to Royal j Poadsi Joint servfees school. , P. i scholarship l:ich had previously ben won by John Kennedy, ftl- r ; s" ", ulls cl1" ,le alsu maae re-j ier:iiee to Caoet Billy Toderas : v.ho represented Captain Cook I corps at the Sea Cadet Empire tormer cadet Albert Eyottson who represented the Corps on a trip to England aboard H. M. C. S. Warrior. Enlargement of the lo- I cal Corps was urged by Mr. Gil- I l:.id who n.vrtert nut thif its! objective is the development of .-...,4 .iir.-.wK-.l. i'(l Attn V. it is too big a task to re-mould ! the adult, therefore we are directing ur attention to out youth," he declared. "Good citizens are thost who. in youth seized the opportunities avail- to gain useful knowledge. When they are 'nature, they use that l Eiiowieage lor tne oetiermen: oi FLAVOUR! ndian Navy", particularly si .since "on of . the objectives of the league is education of the public in mailers regarding th? ;: navy and merchant navy " Re sumption oi rule snooting, m whirl! the Prince Runest Corns Ls alre:ldy ee,,ing R,xTrt re-gested fuelled in yriirs past, was su-,Chll) sxmse ,0 3100 letters of tuber-that by Mr. Gillard. He said witVculasls Christmas seals which it trams from the corps the best t ait ft shootina r,, has sent out . This ls Soroptim- JOHN T. FOWU 1 t ,,,rrtc inr.im.;,,,,,! tho r.. vl at h invito !lf-vt A.uu.t ,;' srs iira Assiu?cf! co. nr 106S Amin'rose Avnue f, ft ! ft-der'ation !rir. woo oi'tl'i'.tt ; progress made In the last '1'-: iiute arid presented intoiouitioui apgarrtlnjt mvrket ctuniit'im jriruuRhoiit N.ulk Amenta. I . was emphasied by Hie st ukers , that such Information was :uu avuilable before lisherm'tvt were organized ro-opera! ively. A. J. W'Ttck. Vancouver secre-1 tary of the B.C. co-operative Union, exphut eo me work oi his .'Organization. Other deletes pave similar reHU'U j Donations of t$'M each were Authorized by the meeting for I the University Student Co-opei-Btlve housing scheme of V. H. C end the United Nations Child ten's Appeal. Buiktins; puvram i'or 1950 will Include installation t-f a boaster in th.' ammonia re-iriperation svstem The packer Ogden will be replaced with a rewer ve.isel atui the mecliivv approved an extraordinary bond is- Commodore Cafe Betk-r Th-n Kver" Jflest rood and Service In CIt)J Phone 17 fur Send-Out Orders Third Ave. Dnvld Chow, Mgr ; tolt'amp at Ottawa last July and to ( t.ilte part in the Dominion of Prince Rupert and it Is h.rping to respectively. Mrs. H. Astoria and Canada rifle competition at Con- co!let'1 $250 as compared with jMrs. J. Hanley ( men's i, took first nam;ht rangi", Ottawa. Lieut -000 lasl vear wnen Kinsmen honors in cribbage. Winners In Commander Manson said that he had it- Prince Rupert district bridge were Mrs. A. Iverson and hoped that P'ince Rupert ca- extends to Hazelton to the east, Mrs. J. Connery. mien's. t'Ms would bo able to attend aStewart and A'1" Arm In thei m charge of the tournaments Profeswnulftmt Uusin an idfa which has been the keystone of its growth. The fact that everybody in Prince Rupert, or even Canada i-: not n Co-oo member, or even sympathetic to the formal prin-(iples which inspire to? cj-op- ;;ativ? movement, will come !iu surprise to those who are mbers. Thi.-.king members of j the movement se this as a chal-i tenge and the uninitiated as po tential co-op?iaurs. Sine? this column has r.o ln-ter.Uon of disserting on the pec-t:tii(ie of co-ooeration as oo- . , .:n, t.,. I rational bivonac In 1950 to be held at some Sea Cadet camp in central Canada with representatives of corps from coast to c cast. HOl L.L AKil V ALb Pnnre Rupert . O. D?an, Vancouver: E. Kar - rison, city; V. Milligan, tuncou-; vpr' O 7iiirprL'ii Vnnuivir' W I Tocker. Port Edward; E. D. Grey, , ,, . Vancouver J. McGilhvrav. ! - ' ! chikan; L. Whaley, Ketchikan; HiSt'vl IU VOOll'VLlLK'U WC Villi ill: , , .,.... . .. . ... . . themselves, their families anc the philosouhv go a, uuu anf , ,,., others and.tf the country be K ok on the achievements of the , . ,, I threatened, to rallv to its de-cii-op.rative movrmeut m these' ., . ... , rt ; fence. He U;ped city cadets tc I participate in the League's eur-The statement made at was a re:U essa, ,n(wt on ..0r Can- M. Martinson. Port Edward; Mr., the pass baU an() ,hp eame and Mrs. J. Gosnell, Port Simp- j speeds up accordingly. Referees son; Miss M. M. Bray. Vaneou- for this game, were two basket-ver; G. Oulton, .Vancouver; W. i ban veterans, Sid Woodslde and Rosniati. Biitedale; B. M. Smythe, j Don Forward. i CANADIAN LEGION LA. CARD PARTY Semi-monthly bridge, whist and cribbage of the Ladies Aux- i'lary of the Canadian Legion was held in the Legion hall Wednesday night with six tables at play. First prb.es in ladfes and men's whist went to Mrs. Flor- viu-. Miiler and A. J. Croxford and serving of refreshments was committee under the convenor - 'ship of Mrs. W. Rothwell and consisted of Mrs. J. S Black, Mrs. A. J Croxford arid Mrs. D. Kerr I f 4 t v : " f ; I f 3 i ; ' gzA !M mtl ' LABOR AIDE Paul Emile Cote, Liberal member of parliament tor Montreal Verdun-La Salle, ls parliamentary assistant to Labor. MinLster Mitchell. A Verdun lawyer, he was born Sept. 9, 1909. and first entered the Commons In 19-10. iC. P. Photo) it uiiU... Always in favour. . .Alwars in Meets Response Prince Rupert's Soroptimist , 'sts' first year to handle the Christmas Seal campaign in north and Queen Charlotte Is - j lands to the west. : a Miss Phyllis M. Mooney. R. N.. Is chairman cf the local tuber-! crtloSis seal sale committee. Oth r committee members ar irP tt r fr..i(.i ti.. i-:. nie Poxon, Miss Ann Mcl.eod. 'MrS C G' Ham an(l.M!sS MlIlif I lVance' , ., 'Cont nnpfl from . ... Pa?e c One) S bodily contact, and the Inevit able fouls that ensne thev miiuf Line-ups. Hieh School Lyke-?aard 10, Greenwood 2, Webster 4. Pavich 4. Matson. Keays, Marshall, Pearson, Sedgwick. Total 28 Peoples. Budinich, Thain 11. Howe 12. Bill 4. Dumas. Windle, Bussey. Total 27. j Don Nixon Ls leaving on Tuesday afternoon on tne CoquiUam tfor a trip to Vancouver to attend a conference of hospital Insur-lance officials. iOM saw it in trie News! WW '?ttdulate& as As good as, if not better, than any imported ale. Only s2.47 a case, including tax. 4 DK. r. J. Cf DENTIS1 8UITE 3, SMTTrf; Phone 765 handyjC home m GENERAL COS 3 Building and ftrp UnH Rbb8 - Cfi oil Btm PHONT-i Black 534 PO, P.O. Box 11 B & W TR Cord Wood. Od.. kindling ww! PHONE RKdI , MATTS01 TJPHOLST! Phone Blue 81 , 330 Sertmfl 1 FOR Y0U1 rock & coscF.ri CALL BL11 1 M. J. SAUNfl rfe. Modern Ri1 All Work Guars! A P. CARDNF. CHARTERS ACCOll 1118 Melvlllf S VANCOCVEB MARGARET Mj OPTOMETRl;l Rnom 10 STONE SUIT PHOS HLUE 5!W P.O. BOX 11' GEORGE RORIE publfc Aeeountana t tors. Income Ta ' cdmpiVd O. L, ROR3. 8. B. LAIRD, B C Besner Block WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. S. Whalen, Manager Complete Moving Servie Crating Packing Cartate BLUE 780 RED 818 . QUAUTT REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heeli and Warn Bolea MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ate. WE HAVE IN STOCK CUMMINS diesels and SIMPLEX gas engines. Boat owners and parties Interested are Invited to view these machines at oar shop. bytown machine' Works ... sidn?:y conick OPtCTMETRIST Complete VLs'nal Artatysti ' OFFICE HOURS 9 a m. to 5 pm."' 23 & 24 Besner Block Telepnone Z13 Evenings by Appointment CATHERIJiTE LXURIK PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West Prince Rupert Realty Co ) Prioner, Oreen 667 Dayi Greert 413 Erg. DR. GARNET. R II. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Bioci Phone 52S P.O. Box 1216 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 . J72 lth East HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branchea 204 4th Street , Phone 855 Vancouver; D. Hamilton, Bute- .I.,lu sry.wMwii A Cozy Room In Exchange for your Attic Turn that Empty Attic Into a Bedroom Den For r.stfmste and Supplies IHIONE 363 MITCHELL & CURR1E LTD. Builders ad Contrarton ' VANCt)lVFR VICTORIA SEATTLE Sunday. 9 pm.. Camosun Tiiesctny, 1:30 p m, CoQnitlam Al U K ARM. STEWART ANI PORT SOIPSON Sunday, 11 pro. FOR SOITH QITE CHARLOTTB ISLANDS ss. Camosun Dec. 16 and 30 10 p m. FOR NORTH QVEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun. Dec. 9 and 23 and 23 FRANK Jf. SKINNER Frmee Rorn Agent Thrrrt Avenue Phone Mt' Vv ?f vv; "Ytzr mom? irwi INSULATING BOARD Make yoor constructtoa do'ian do double doty . . . m Donnacona buulating Beard. It build and insulate at the saioc Iim aad at on cost. A Oooucona-iiisul'ted home i Bora comlortabla warmer ia winter, cooler in summer and save oa fuel ooniamption. Inquire about the Buy ases oi Donnacona ... at an exterior sheathing ... a a piaster base . . arUc and root insuUtioa ... as aa latex ioc tinish. - 1 PHILPOTT EVITT & Co. Lid. LUMBER ond BUILDERS' SUPPLIED v - - .'M - BREWERIES NEW WESTMINSTER not publiihtd Or dlspUyed by rhi ft nAk LIMITED VICTORIA Liquor Control Bord COAST VANCOUVER Thil 4d"viirlijrnnf It Advertise to ti . . - CI !t