I?Hnti HUBitl iriftoi Ld COAL 'Announcements Saturday, Dtctmber 3, 1943 er Can Canadian Legion Aux. Dri'Jge Whist and Cribbage. Wednesday, December 7. Crange Ladies Sale. Dec. 7. Salvation Army Home League Sale' of fancy work and home cooking at Sons of Norway HalL Meeting Prince R u p c r I Teachers" Assn. Tuesday, Dec. Civic Centre, 7:30' p.m. (283) Your Locker Plant operators at 230 Second Ave. operate a retail meat and fish counter for service o; the general puoiic. tf After a brief visit in Vancouver, Mrs. B. Adolph returned to Prince Rupert Friday afternoon IT'S HARD, HOT AND CLEAN-BURNING 'ow ert & McCaffery PHONE 118 mui tMHKii-biiidim; sunns . t TV Corn Milikr. tJ.. "Don't close the window on my' account.' .,-eriisinK is payable in udvance. Please, refrain from i;ussiiit(i.s, 2a per word per insertion, mirimum Birlh Notices bOc, Cards ol Thanks, Death Notices cs, Marriage and Engagement Announcement: i. 5PKC1AL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE iir thanks Likes Looks 01 Prince George Impressed with the future outlook for the central interior city of Prince George js Maurice Brydgcs who has returned to the city after a ten-day business trip to various interior points between here and there. Everyone at Prince George Is confident that their's is destined to become central British Columbia's biggest metropolis due to Its strategic position as a transportation - centre and its industrial potentialities'. Dec. 8 at 2:30 p.m. Fourth card party. Catholic Hall, Thursday, December 8. C.C.F. Tea and Sale 2.30 Dee. 10 at the Civic Centre. (287) W.O.T.M Card Tournament, December 15. All Welcome. Scotch Dance Oddfellows Hall December 16th. Moose Christmas Tree, Dec. 17, Moose Temple 2.00. Oddfellows Rebckah Christmas Tree, December 20. Sim mm Even for double the price you can't buy anything better than wnniih t , tuxtrm STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR A VANCOUVER and Intermedial- Torts Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservation! Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPER1 BC. I DRUGS i . : . . k.: ' I I '.".I For MODERN Storefront Designing and Materials . see ISLAND CITY BUILDERS' SUrrLJES General Builders' Supplies 505 McBi idc St. . Blue 820 l-UST A.Nli K)IND LOST rldav nlnht. 1lu"st7c rimmed classes. Clara V.ir-leldt. Reward. 283J LOST Slice o Dog buddy, black, brown and white. Answers to the name of "Raus." 13.6 Pmirot Ave. (it) HELP WANTED IMMIGRATION Inspectors JoU to Jodu. at Prince Ku-uert. B.C. Full particulars on poster aisplavcd at National Employment Service Ollice and Post Onice. Apulication 1 o r.m s. ooianubie tnereai. should be filed not later than December 14. 1W49. with tile Uivil fcfcrviee Commission, Ottawa. (Hi CUSTOMS Excise Officers. $1980 to S.2MU. at Prince Rupert. Full particulars on posters displayed at National Emulov-nicnt Service Olfices and Post Ofllces .Application forms, obtainable thereat, shouldl be filed not Inter than December 14. 1949. with the Civil Service Commission. Ottawa. (Ill WANTED Reliable rmuse-keeper to care lor 15-month old babv Kirl. Box 629. Daih News. (283) WANTED - ResnecOabl e house-keener for widower with three children, modern home, roov. home assured. Slate auc ana waues cxnectcd. Anulv Rav Oullon. Smilhers. B.C. 283i SALESMEN WANTED UNLIMITED possibilities selling Da tented 31 to 1 uower tool Ainazinelv convincina 2-min-ute demonstration. Prosoectr everywhere . Exclusive territory. Write for attractive sales proposition. Palcoseel Co. Limited. Cornwall 7. Out. ""SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED Typist desires position. Box G31 Daily News , (284) I CANADIAN LEGION (B.E.S.L.) ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE 3 P.M. SUNDAY, DEC .18, NAVY DRILL HALL Presents for children of t"paid-up") members of the Canadian Legion, and deceased Veterans, resident in Prince Rupert. Names, ages and addresses of children (UNDER TEN YEARS OF AGE) should be mailed to Secretary. Ladies Auxiliary, Canadian Legion, Box 473 or handed to Auxiliary Representative at Legion Hall between 2 and 4 p.m. Mon., Tucs., Wed., Dec. 5, 8 or 7. List closes midnight Thurs., Dec. 8. on the Camosun. I St. Andrew's Cathedral Voluntary naval church parade service Sunday 11 a.m. Fellowship hour after evensong with report on General Synod by Mr. F. E. Anfield. "(It) Paid Visit To New Brunswick John Currie, pioneer contractor, who moved from here to Cobble Hill, Vancouver U., two years ago. Is, in the city in the course of a brief businss trip. Mr. Currie, who was born and grew up at Stanley near Frcd-ericton in New Brunswick, visited the proviuce of his birth last . September the first trip thrc in 59 years. He was called east on account of the Illness and death of a sister. He met numerous relar tivs and renewed old friendships-. He also answered many questions from those who were thinking of the new northwest. Speaking of New Brunswick, Mr. Currie said he noted indus trial developments. There is more going on in the way of providing timber for pulp making. There Is a deckled Improvement in roads. Aviation is more in general use. Mr. Currie flew east and west. SENATE LEADER Senator Wishart McLean Robertson, government leader in the senate, also is a minister without portfolio in the federal cabinet. He was president of the National Liberal Federation from 1943 to 1945 the first years of his service in the senate but resigned as Federation president when he entered the cabinet in 1945. He was born Feb. 15, 1891 ,at Barrington Passage, N. S. His father was a speaker of the Nova Scotia legislature and his grandfather was a member of that legislature. (C. P. Photo) -. GET YOUR INTERIOR PAINTING PONE NOW SI'ENCE & M ATI UK ' Painters & Decorator I'lioiie Blue 215 P.O. Box 1111 tor old gold. Bulger's Moose Whist Drive and Dance very Saturday night 8.30. (It) 6. ?r I 11 M Dasgctt over R. x Monday at 7.30 p.m. (283) Constable and Mrs. E .Anderson relumed to the ritv ih Camosun Friday afternoon after a holiday In Vancouver. Just Rcceivcd-Croyaon Burberries, all sizes, 12 to 42 Annette Manscll's. , tf Civic Election Rally at the Civic Centre on Tuesday night at 8.00 p.m. Under the sponsorship of the Junior Chamber of Commerce. All candidates will speak during evening. (284) Just Arnvcc. ampment of Norwegian Imported fishes; Dry Lutefish, Anchovies, Gaffelbitcr. Also Alaska fat salt herrin-r Limited supply. Please place your Christmas orders early. Phone 21. Rupert Butchers, (tf) NOTICE Midland Pines service station Is closing December 1 until fur wier notice. (282) Is Honored At Pretly Shower A surprise bridal shower was held recently by Mrs. W. Wain, 1144 Ninth Avenue East, in honor of her niece, Mrs. Elsa Floss, who recently arrived from Europe and whose marriage to Ervin Undstrom is to iake place on New Year's Eve. The guest of honor was seated In a specially decorated pink and white bride's chair and presented by the guests with a pretty corsage of pink :arnations, her favorite flower. 3amcs were played d v r i n b which prizes were won by Mrs. "Jcrneicc Hale and Mrs. Donna George. Highlight of the cvcnlnj; was -he presentation of many gaily wraped gifts wheeled in on a 4illd's wagon festooned with pink and white streamers. The vagon was brought in by two oys dressed in white, the 9-ear old son of the guest of honor, Thomas Floss, and his cousin, 7-ycar old George Mar-chlldon. , , Following the unwrapping of 'he gifts, a delicious buffet sup-jcr was served by the hostess. The guests included Mrs. !. Wain, Mrs. Elsa Floss, Mrs. E. Clapp, Mrs. W. E. Denning, Mrs. W. Field. Mrs. Alan Hale, Mrs. Pat Sims, Mrs. A. P. Crawley, Mrs. B. Sprinkle, Mrs. Helen Marchilldon, Mrs. W. Murdock, Mrs. Lloyd George Miss Jean Faught and Masters Thomas Floss and George Marchildon. It Pays ui AQvertlse! Dollars fC vjl? Trees BUT YOU CAN SAVE MONEY AT Blue 992 ucu'C RADIO im o CLIN1C For Satisfactory Service 718 2nd Ave. W. Blue 9!)2 Money and Trouble Can Be Saved The next time you hear of a "ire say to yourself, "I must get ny heating system checked by THOM SHEET METAL to make ure that it is In shape for win-3r weather." And the next time you hear of i fire say to yourself, I meant to lhone THOM SHEET METAL nit I'll do it now. And then maybe the next fire mu read abo'it won't be yours 'ither . . 1 For furnace; oil burn ers and general sheet inetaj,work Phone Black 88-i THOM ; HaYe You Any Talent ? for AMATEUR SHOW ' Dec. 20, 1949 Novy Drill Holl Dancing Till 2 a.m. 4 Dukes Orchestra Details Red 471 , j ORMES DRUfiS MECHANIC available; eas .or The well paved streets of ' downtown Prince George might well be an example to Prince Rupert, Mr. Brydges says. He also noted that the 'streets there are well marked withj signs, something which Prince , Rupert lacks. The highway between here and Prince George Mr. Brydees found to be in deplorable condition at this time. There Is deep mud in all but a few sections and between Telegraph Point and Salvus the potholes are particularly bad. Highway traffic into Prince Rupert can hardly be expected as long as the road is allowed to remain in such conditions. (It) Cherish A Timely Gift. Ladies Watches From $24.75 up Confidence is off all jewellery Phone 264 Gifts PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS-WEEK DAYS. 0 A.M. TO 0 PJM 8UNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 1 PI 7 P.M. TO tf Pi. i Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 Dm. and Sunday Powell wishes to jiv iricnds and re-;?x Rind exures-jaitiv. and for the jl olferines from at the loss of her Mrs Alice Leiuli-X Mr. and Mrs. ,x,,i, Mr. and Mrs. " anil Mrs. Cecil yiilv. Gladys and t4i. . ntri KAru hit.. I'll HUU a. , t d iamilv. L, M. i t)i B. Association. J(,K.MK.NT S J. W. Webster, : Ave wish to an-aiurmrnt of their j .or I Murray, to Fullcrton. of New fourth son of the tuiicrton. Sr. oi C and the late I Mlerum. of Vik-T.ie wcddlna Is to me swing.. KSONAL !A1K- Permanriit-J wilh Haca-Pelo ..tnarictble discov-jec. Haca-Pelo Is to kill the roots and contains no vmical.s. Lor-Beer junville, Vancoii- (H) M (OI.IHiKS SKHVICE NATIONS I, r.ir Winter EX-. Write M. C. C imkrUin Bide Ua. h) L- 1I2 Chevrolet inian. rnce jmi.i. May be Hern ?n. irs I Id. CJ8I) Hillman Minx :.v new $1500.00. -i 922. (282) .549 Ford Custom j ;ued with radio, m tires, etc. New a. Sacrifice for m. Phone Green -.837. (286) - CliP.sterf ie!d In i'.i'n Price $7500. k 985. (282) -fr'o new Fisk Dc-t Dlv 600-1. Two nover been used. 3 5th W. (2861 --Used doors, wln-w. Phone 543, Call it. W. (tf) 1949 Ford Fordor e and defrosters, tires, Only cluht -ins. Good condt- Apulv N. V. AmU. B.C. (292) t-- Lfdti-c Shop eoulp- " c on building. n).s lrom new " under construe-fc aimrtcrs in rear Aaoiv Prince Rupert 1 (285) 'M7 Pontic low '.new motor. Good f new paint iob. "n 837. (28il) - 1 Rnvii i Murine d 5-monlhs. First' """". Phone Green (282) KNOWN NAMEt wener Sliovcls .Willies: Adam' s: Uttlcford Bros. ORoiid Maintenance .Ovton Clamshel . 1 Hock Grapples: Ui'r, "'"-'eie iviixers; j'l"it Trucks; Nelson t;;'''''.'al: Rice Port-5'"il p,m)S: Na. 'e Scrapers and 'inai All Ktcci ,''isl.s; National I'iis and Convcvors. ';nutlnii from Na-?ililiioiv mi. Ltd.. b p. , . r V t-N, c at Used Furnl- ; warn office Fix- 11C llll.ul no rlHC ts, singer 'Sewing In,. "'"ih uanincLs ! Ne-y Logging Np;v Tci, Wagons, "?s. Typewriter, H TV, o.ivueinii sii ,' . 'Khtly used Ra- Co., Black 324. " - "WriLP1'n kitchen w.rfie d suite, end Dally car delivery service from 0 a.m. till 6 p.m. The Gift. She'll Birthstones For Every Month From $7.50 up Buy With GEORGE COOK, Jeweller riii!.se . References. Wrile u. R. Patterson. 128 Lancaster. Sea Island. Vancouver. B.C. (2821 HVANTf.H . , . WANTED Party to run cafe In Terrace Hotel. 20 chairs, fully cantoned. Doin eood business. Must have relerences. Write for further particular.' c-o Terrace Hotel. Terrace, B.C. 4286' REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE- Five room beautifully furnished, modern conveniences. Unfinished roorr. would make bedroom. Garden IK-ated on I lie water front Three lots. Write R. Ponirs Massett. B.C '283) FOR "SALE- Lame 4-wartime-Close to Conrad on bus line Built in cupboards; well decorated: reasonable: terms See Armstroim Agencies Phone 342 or Green 297 (cvesj (283) KOIl KENT FOR RENT -Sleroins room oi board und room. Phone Blael 000. ,,lfl FOR RENT Hou.sekeei)lntr anc slccoine room ui oui Advertise u. tne Daily News! A LOVELY DISH Remember the 25 tax 527 3rd Ave. "OVER-ALL OVERHAUL" SERVICE ..Steering Is all too often u matter ol life and death. For maximum safety your front wheels should respond Instantly to your every movement. Our wheel alignment srevice may prevent an accident. DRIVE IN NOW! iv IK ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS AT THE VARIETY STORE DO YOUR XMAS SHOPPING UN DER ONE ROOF GIFT WRAPPING PAPER, SEALS, RIBBON AND XMAS CARDS LOCATION . . ,ts,,t llie ,,rart of ll,e ''"siness district across from the Capitol Theatre. SERVICE Enough courteous clerks on our staff to give you the best possible service in the city. The widest VARIETY and largest stock of Xmas Toys, Decorations, Lights, Cards and a hundred other items now available at the prices you want to pay. GOODS PAST RECORD Now on Display 7,.. r. i n... $337.50 6 cu. ft. Leonard $299.50 USE OUR EASY TIME PAYMENT PLAN POWER CO. LTD. Christmas goods handled successfully since our establishment. Our past experience places us in a position to serve and supply you better than ever before. r - Xiijtr AVW NORTHERN B.C. The Store of a Thousand A NEW HOME Plan to Build NOW l'"or Plans anil Estimates It's GREER & BRIDDEN The Men Who Know CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS RED Rfil P.O. HOX 721 Ked 400 518 3rd Ave. W. ?FAr7AJM Box ill -oiuuai chair. 1436 (283) SHEET METAL LTD. j Besner Block Phone 218 PRINCE HITERT, B.C. STEWART, B.C. Bin )'Vrp Chesterfield