r PR0VI?CIAL LI33A.1T, 113 VICTC.1IA , 2. C. DAY 2150 onnEs DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BH1T1SH COLUMBIA'S NIWSPAPCR Published at Canada Moxt Strateeic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PHONE 81 VOL. XXXV1I1, No. 21V!. .PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 3, 194a. PRICE FIVE CENTS jioveriminnieint Lrackisi owsn D OUKinOOOITS hob' t RUPERT COMMUNICATIONS J" Antigonish On Two-Day Visit : I 4-i AS BEAVERS FAIL TREES Police Reinforcement Sent To Nelson District Threat of Vigilance Action Spurs Authorities , to Action Special Railway Guards 4 The Canadiui. Navy frigat" H M.C.S. Antigonish slid into harbor here this morning for a two-day visit in the course of a training cruise on the north coast, 4 .aVws Tallinn !'' before the winter freeze-up put all yitalifms in and out, of Prince Rupert out of commls-jjclwk yesterday afternoon until late this morning, a tuuil failure involving the Canadian National Tcle-ucrciai lint's and the transmission of radio network The P"il of UouWe was 25 miles west of Terrace. lEw Buyal Canadian Corps of Signals radio teletype ,e io tlif rescue and was handling some of the com-jjpss iliis morning. News Canadian Press ; Daily dispatches were among iat was held up. VICTORIA (CP) Special police details flew j She carried a crew of 140, most j as.. ? oi of them uiem trainees gaining sea ex- j into the Doukhobor country of the West Kootenay perlence. p: 'tti today as the government put the heat cJn the fanatical Sons of Freedom with action aimed, apparently, to end once and for all seemingly senseless violence in The sleek vessel moortl at the Canadian National dock where she will remain until Monday morning when she will leave to ( south central British Columbia. Six more will be i oV.. T. return to her base at E;uiiimalt. I HP EVANGELISM NOW TABOO Rev. JamrK A. Munro at l ocal Church for Two Weeks Evangelism Ls taboo In Coin- s Good Antigonish left Esquimau on Thursday. Captain of Antigonish, which has been a frequent visitor here before, is Lieut. Commander W. S. T. McCuily, R.C.N., a veteran navy officer. His first official act this morning was to visit Mrs. Rothwell V.A. President Mrs. William Rothwell was elected president of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion at a meeting held in the Legion hall Friday night. flown to the Kootenays on Monday and at least ten officers will be dispatched to the scene from other parts of the province. This is the government's answer to threats from Nelson that vigilante action will be taken unless the authorities act at once to stop recent dynamite bombings near Nelson which have been blamed on the Sons of Freedom. This ls the latest crackdown on terrorism that T-Greatly ciicuur-!,T'iHi veteran min-t financier of Stow-,k returns from n 'ore which has Just muni.sl. China and the Christian Church has been driven underground says Rev. James A. Mun- Mayor Nora Arnold at the city hall He was accompanied by Lieut. Commander J. D. MeRae, commanding officer of H.M.C.S. YHher elections were: first vice-president Mrs. D. Gomez; Chatham, Lieut. Thomas Sheer, ' second vice-president Mrs. D.'has swept widely since the executive officer. H.M.C.S. Chat- Dean secretary, Mrs. D. Specrs; . Doukhobors were split Into two ham and Canon Basil S. Prock- Mrs. O. treasurer. sections shortly after their ar- Ciccone; Mrs. W. sergeant - ab- arms, tcr, padre of H.M.C.S. Chatham. No formal entertainment for ARMY HANDIWORK -This Bailey bridge was er ecicd by Army engineers when Capiiano Creek, swollen by heavy rainstorms, tore eut a huge sea tion of the Capiiano Bridge at West Vancouver It did not last long and collapsed Thursday nig ht when Capiiano Creek reached new heights. A new one is being put in. ' (c- p- Photo) the visiting navy men has been planned in the city, although hospitality of the Canadian Leg rival from Russia fifty years ago. Home made fuses, a symbol of the Sons of Freedom, were used a week ago to detonate dyna-mit blasts that ripped up railway track thirty miles west of Nelson. Trainmen since then have threatened to quit work Montgomery.. Representative to the music and drama festival, Mrs. J. S. Black. . Executive Mrs. F. Ellison, Mrs. H. Anderson and Mrs. J Yalloway. (pim his Silver Tijj j ro of Toronto, a secretary of the Trail .Mueller. Nine (board f ,!,.!, of thp pres. Tip ore yielded a ( bylcrian Church In Canada, who Band a net return: is a visitor in Prince Rupert. Mr. half iin ounce oTlMmiro will be here for the next ,-ind 73 ounces of couple of weeks on business In 23 percent ami (connection with loVal Prcsbyter-nt A smaller ship- (ian Church, particularly the mat-an mince of gold tojir of filling the pulpit which Is minces of silver, : now vacant. He will preach this fijuniO at the first, Sunday and next and will toll the i .SU'wavl, alter a cone-regal j,,n 0f conditions In the iiivir I i arrange Orient, whence hn returned this ill in iiiei.s iiijcwu-jicar after a six months' visit. He silver Tip. ;rJet ii) cicui with Japan und For-iii mi Mie 'pi"J f 'aio;.a tomorrow and China and .'"i 'ilMna iril'fiMU:i a week from Sunday. In i n;; into twii'T' et vii w of fast-moving military and ion has been extended to the sailors. Mrs. Black was in the ehuLr. "Open" sl ip will be extvuded to city resident;! by Lieut Com Reports from various commit-, in the Doukhobor cojntry un-tees were ifiven bv Mrs. T. Mor-iUiem. Today oatrol cars me mander McCuily and ids olficer; I ow. Mrs. J Tavlor mid Mrs W ceded all trains travelling Donlc- oi Sunday when the vessel will be upeu to Inspection by vtr.itois Kothwell. . notour routes and special rail- guards have been It, was announced the annual way car t'Uri'ilmas tree for children t 1 a c e d Milder "fen 'years "te to" he held! bridges." at stated strategic ' 1r fiiiiinir,ttit;-rlK'fit'e.il 'developments in the December 18 and a "Mring Yourl The former No. 2 in Hie iVfisnur; Night" Is to be held' Koyal Canadian Mounted Police December 18. is sroing to confer with the A $10 donation was made to British Columbia police on how Ihe Pioneer Christmas Dinner to combat Doukhobor uprisings fund, by the Auxiliary. i in the Interior of the province. Orient, his discourses should be uf timely Interest. ' Kvt ryuie has to be making a technical contribution," said Mr. Munro to a Dally News Interviewer in speaking of condi l. Hill feel, to pi. Si tv.il lllllrs mil'lll funtl the ore vvtilelt ;Si"il was packed out li i vi' Imtii employed ii-' simki in on Silver nn p. i u! I heir work ili'vliipeii.nt. The K'lMi-ii out in two tions in China after Communist Following the meeting refreshments were served by the refreshment committee. regimes take over. Carrying on between 1:30 and 1 p m. Diesel Pumping Plant Suggested For Shawatlans The city's venerable steam pumping plant at ShawaUans Lake which, despite its ago, did yeoman service during the water main break last October, will be replaced by a more modern pumping unit probably diescl powered. Authority for the City Engin- eer to ask for bids for the pur-( of evangelism is out officially it was announced yesterday in the House of Commons by Min-ister of Transport Lionel Chcv-rier. F. J. Mead, special' consultant to the commissioner of the RCMP until his retirement several months ago, will go to British Columbia. THE WKATHER 0"!d Mines Ltd. was mk in 11120 and the Yet many Chinese ministers and congregations still meot secretly. Rev. Allan Reoch, cine Presbyterian missionary, is still in Pciping, having chosen to remain there and carry on relief work lather than leave with the taking over by the Communists. There are five active Presbyter-Ian missionaries in Yuan Prov-irontinuert nn T?t 21 'puny consisting of id associates is still Fifteen hundred (Synopsis) Several degrees of frost were reported from Interior stations Jast night and coastal points were close to freezing. Low temperature at Cranbrook was 13, at Ashcroft 17, Vancouver 31. A new storm developing FLOOD DESTRUCTION Rampaging Capiiano Creek ripped out part of the Capiiano Bridge at West Vancouver, isolating the community from Vancouver proper until the Army put up an i'rprmind work has C. P. Photo) Hesitation On Timber Orderr emergency span which was in turn swept away. wit. chase of a disel pumping unit of casion the students put on a tJt-l'ri'inicr back in 'zM unci Evan Uar- 500 miles west of Vancouver equal capacity was given by city 1 council this week after the Island will reach the coast this highly enjoyable show. Line-ups Kay-lli-Nelson 4, Lewis 9, 'a resumption of op's Morris Summit aldermen were informed that the Canada Having Little Satisfaction in Ascertaining Prospects OTTAWA, Q, The? United evening, accompanied by a moderate rainfall. Interior points can look for showers Tinker 10, Hinman 3, Boyd, o(t sieam boiler, which dates Bo-Me-Hi Wins Opener In International Basketball Prince Rupert Leads All the Way to Finish Up With Ten-point Margin Fire Calls This Year Are Fewer ohaslii. Lund, Leask, Anderson, buck from m0i ls ln nee(, of rc M' in l'.triO after a "Ai'm, Mr. Toot.il cx-'ipiiiini) that Stewart overnight. Tomorrow will see Kingdom Is showing 4 "ereat continued showers on me coast deal" nf rptlfor.o in ii.. ..!., fr another era of ateHorCl0Udy Wealh6r ,n ln".the amount of lumber sh0 wl The month of November has I seen city firemen rush to nine Reynolds 1. Total Z7. , placement. Bo-Me-Iil Carlson 4, Spring F Cost of rcpwrlnu or replacing B. Srlierk 6. Webster 7, Moore 6, Bill 2, Ratchford 4, McChesncy, mlBM range between $6,000 Sharpe, Kristmanson 2. Total.and $10,000, Board of Works 37 ' chairman George Rudderham Ladies' League The regular told his colleagues. A works rec-Icague fixture played between ommendation suggested that, in-High School and the league- stead, a modern diescl unit be leading People's Store team, purchased at a cost of $9,000, produced the best basketball of Su(,h a unll Akl(,rmaI1 Rud. thr, nunnlnrr Tn frnt. it un& hv . . . ... uupuiv irum uanaaa in limo, a j Department of Trade spokes-Varlable man says- Sunday. Despite constant prodding by and to- Canadian officials ln London, in tern- the United Kinadom 'c6vern- (Forecasts) North Coast Region-cloudiness today and Showers tills evening night. Little change AoSiiNGERS :,'"'i' (Todayt C. Miiishell. calls, only one of which caused financial loss. This brings the 1 1-month call total to 78 as compared with 94 in 1948. W iToilayi- Mr. imd J I'o-Me-Hi rooters were out in full force last night ',o cheer their team, on to a decisive victory over this year's edition of the Kay-hi team. It was a Prince Rupert victory all the way as the students took a margin over Ketchikan early in the game to lead 10 to G at the quarter, 20 to 10 at the half, 27 to 15 at threc-diiarter time and to - I During the same month last wis, Mr. mid Mrs. E. Mrs. M. Demchuck and perature. Winds light, lncreas- ment is still leaving ln abeyance ing to easterly (30 mph) this the possibility of giving marl-evening and decreasing to time countries another contract southeast (20 mph) after mid-1 next year night. Lows tonight and highs General' expeqtatlon is that vti , V .. . cerham said .would nave' a tti till..' r,. IUn t-il..irftf4 mi u,c u pumplng cupacity of 1,250,000 division for many a day. The gallons daily, equal to that of the nuniA tioc .-ill tinrt nn nt. ftlll lie was ,..in hv n ten ooint nun-Kin, the, seconds left to to play play, It would also be i steam Plant. limi. nnri'a three minute over- t o' :.... . . : J"tt"u, Britain will make a sharp cut 44, year nine calls were received and the men at the fit 3 station hope the situation doesn't become worse. On November 6 at 11:30 a.m. the fishing boat M.S. was rocked by a gas explosion. Docked at the provincial government float, Cow Bay, fire on the vessel, owned by Walter Morns, caused $30 damages. ri;i'i, t'. Jacoj.M !"". Miss M. rberg. Bray, knocked out cold, and carried off the rluyins; luii r by the twi final score beln; 37 to 27. Only In the final period did Ketclii- Rupert 34 and 40. much cheaper to operate. time period was played. Rusty Thain of Peoples, was the hero1 City Engineer Stewart told - A. pi: i Friday i kan outscore Rupert, and thai St. Jonrs Amuuiaiice mi n m j ()f Ule ovcrume period getting council that he favored diescl Helen-. baskrt. Typical of i " two quick DasKcis, io give ner power over gasoline power oe- by a single ti i- exiinl.e'l that lie will lie j team team a a four four point point lead. lead. High High cause cause while while there there was was only in the 500,000,000 board feet she purchased from Canada in 1949. Most of the pinch will be felt on the east coast. The outlook is better on the west coast, where the United Kingdom timber controller has called for tenders to compete for a 100.000,000 board feet contract to cover United Kingdom requirements for the first quarter of 1950. fnr to- ficnooi aiso scoren mrce points slightly more man ji.uuu tiiuer- hack In the line-up most exhibition and play-oil' ser.es games, tills first game of a two-game total point serle; was ragged, with a lot of pour .shooting anil sloppy chei-kln-Toniuht should see both teams nlchl's Kniiie Coach Jack,'" " overume, ana uic unai ence ln cost the diesel being Evans had his subsUUifons score was People's Store 27,' higher the cost of, operating a working effectively and youmij Mo" Lykejraard of High diesel was about $2.50 an hour Ratchford and Lawrence j ncuoui myi-u un ""w"'s iess than gasoline. Hud CHECK-UP ON STEAMSHIPS WEST VANCOUVER STILL MAROONED VANCOUVER - The Army would make no guarantee today that the temporary Bailey bridge replacement across raging Capiiano Creek would be in before Monday. Meantime traffic to West Vancouver continues entirely by ferry. The new Bailey bridge replaces another whicn collapsed on Thursday. l.., at their best. Ketchikan will' Kristmansim gave good aecoini he used to the floor and Rupert i of themselves when . relievim will no doubt pet over their up "inber 0:12 12:0 0:10 19:03 1. 1019 1S.1 fe 21.0 fe. 8.9 fe 3.9 fe in parent lack of confidence their own ability. Mrs. T. Fraser returned to Terrace on last evening's train following a brief business visit to the city. game, garnering 1M puinis, wnicn , ,, ., , ... Council agreed with a suggest-league. is mighty fine scoring in any , lon & Alderman Daggett that Last night at the re- quest of players and coaches bWs from srveral conipanle. be fouls were called very closely, obtained before any choice is and if any tiling It proved the made. t heory that the closer the' game'. The present steam boiler could is called the faster the play be-'be converted easily to a storage comes. If players are avoiding tank for diesel fuel. City Engin-(Coiitinued from rage 41 I eer Stewart said. Dcparlmenl of Transport Investigators I'a.vin(r Surprise Visit VANCOUVER tfi Following first string men. Carlson, SelieiU and SprioK. Another player up from Intermediate ranks tlrs year, who Is coming alonu belter eae.li game, is Chuck Webster who scored s?ven points last night, and played a good game whenever on the floor. Eric ood dis- workiiifr Ketchikan cave a nlav of ball-handlinc eoniplainis by th: Vticouver cny the ball up within .'.linoling rlls-tiince. timi- after time, only to loose it by poor play innler the iv.iiri-i. Nelson. Tucker aiul if council as to the passenger service being given on the Victoria and Nanahno runs, Canadian RECITAL Moore. Ray Spring -and Sid; Rcherk who left the game otij FCNERAl, NOTICE BR ENTZEN A t Nanaimo Kun- well tn Tucker Paciric Steamships vessels mew Ililinl;,,x ..hoWi d up a surpilse inspection last night ( assin!, and t-.tin play. I'TNEKAL NOTICE STFINHERO At Nanaimo. SundHV. Nov. 27. 1849. 0?nr Ciiai les. aeed 22 vears. beloved husband of Mrs. Dolly Stein-Ivrif of L'31 Overlook Street. dav. November 27. jonn. Theodore, aered 36 vears. beloved husband of Mrs. Pearl from Department of Transport D,.liw tlic hih scorer ol Mie iiiveslicatoi-s. I pveniiK' with 10 points, followed The Insure tion continues today ; bv riewi'S of KcU.liikan wnb Inaugurating Installation of New Hammond Electric Organ ALEXANDER E3LER AGNES HARROD Eight-Year-Old Boy Soprano Organist Organist, and Composer First United Church Wednesday & Thursday, December 7 & 8, 1949 Adults $1.00 Students 50c At 8:00 p.m. Tickets on Sale at Ormes. Civic Centre and Church Members five fouls with three ni'iititfo left, all scored six points. The time-out Intervals wee enlivcnnd during the evening by the Bo-He-Hi yell squad, und the half-time period was the occasion for a very fine demonstration on how basketball was first played fifty . years ago. Suitably costumed for the oe- on all coastal passenger ships. Life bells are being examined as Brent7.en of 1423 Sixth Ave. East. The funeral woeession will leave thenville Court Chanel and nroeeed io SI.. Andrew's Cathedral where services will be conducted by Canon S. Prockter at 3.0 n.m.. Mondav. Dec. 5th. Interment to follow In Fairvlew Ceme-terv. B.C Undertakers in 'Ray Spring of Bo-Me-lu played a driving i;ainc from the very start. In fact it was his own drive going Into score that nilcd him full, force against 'Hip funeral urocession will i leave ' Orrnviile Court Cliaurl nnr) nroeeed to St. Andrew's Cathedral where services will be conducted bv Canon Basil S Prockter at 3:00 o.m. Mon-rlpv December 5. Interment to follow in Falrview Ometerv B.C. Undertakers in charee of arrangements. well as fire fighting equipment and boat drill . The only statement was that a report will be sent to Ot tawa. wall with ninety i gymnasium charge of arrangements. ' '