I I i I i I i 10U, so - i )ii "Ma and Pa Kellle" MARKETS tfrfnre Gupm Dall? I3ffcf Saturday, December 3, 1949 MAN KAINST m..'.4 Kinsmen Had Busy Season Improvement of Lakclse Camp and Other Activities The Kinsmen's Club of Prince Rupert has concluded a very act- III rst j ti,.;. n Moderate November WOMAN a W & i M HHT II 1 1 k : f . lllllll FIVE TABLES AT BRIDGE PARTY 'At. u fui Illicitly Civic Centre lriitt;o tournament five tables wore at play. High lady was Mrs. Arthur Silvorsiiles and F. W. Griinble was high yian. fBuSgfp'l , fresh fruit Bananas, io u Apples, cooking, 31b 2d Fancy Macs, 3 lbs. .... 29 Lemons, targe Cal., doz. .50 uruepeiruu. Cant., 3 tor Oranges (Navel) 22-..50 Dates, 1 J . .35 Vegetable Celery, lk 17 KhuDarb. 2 lo .i Beets, bunch - 10 Parsley, bunch -la Turnips 06 Spinach 2 lb .27 Radishes, bunch .03 Mushrooms, lb - ' Head Lettuce 20 .25 Cooking Onions, 3 lbs io Cauliflower, lb 30 .40 Tomatoes, Calif. 2 lbs 4d Cabbage, lb it- Tomatoes. No. 1 lb 19 ! Ive Club year which included Iwork on the Camp for Kiddles at Lakelse Lake, Peanut Tag Day, Shell Out and Hallowe'en bonfires, fireworks displays and Kiddles Christmas parties. During the past year the Kinsmen succeeded in establishing' permanent buildings at their Lakelse Lake Kiddles' Kamo. but - mm (tHt...wiMc of m TV mm shoii Potatoes. 10 lb 50 because of heavy expenditures I Cumumbers lb 17! : Peoples Store : Elegantly Fashioned For Glamourous m Moments 5 rr w, tt. ton mutui 1 lir thereon, were unable to send any children to the Camp this season. However, with the proceeds ifrom the May 24 contest and I Monte Carlo Dance much was vegetable Marrow, lb 07 Squash, lb .10 Canned Veatcaiiles Dill Pickles, eal 1.65 Cut Oreen Beans, fey. 18 iu. 3 reas, fancy .,, U wmm. s ,plev M ,acii in irni n I (fii Nothing U Boast About But Better Than Last Year Prince Rupert enjoyed a comparatively moderate November. As compared with November ol 1948, the sun was seen tor a longer period, less rain fell and the mercury did not slide below freezing . In 20 days oi last montn. 11.74 Inches of rainfall was recorded. At this time last year, 13.78 inches of rain had fallen. But the overall 11 month total of precipitation is greater this year. Up to the end of November In 1948, amount of rain recorded was 90.28 Inches as compared with 92.34 Inches so far this year. Maximum temperature last month was 68 compared with a 49.4 high during the same period last year. Minimum reading last month was 36 above, slightly higher than the freezing low of 26 in November of 1948. The mean temperature last month was 46 t,bovc In comparison to 39.7 last jear. The sun was out Tor a longer period last month than in November of last year 29.7 hours against 13.4 hours but the n-month 1948 total of 1015.3 hours .23 .18 .23 m ihi wumi ftooua Mied Vegetables Diced Beets, per tin - Wax Beans, choice ..... Mixed Peas and Carrots ... toon, to Wed. 7 p.m. - 9:20 I; 2V ! . K UllttJIWII. d IU1 I O i I-,wi I ? . . . . Of! ,w Hn I I 1 Baked Beans, 15-Ow. tin, ea. . ' Tomatoes. 28-oz .23 . .22 nit achieved in the way of switching the camp from canvass to frame construction. Of the gross profit of $1160 two hundred dollars was spent on the May 24 sports parade for the kiddies. With week-end work parties manned by members of the Club and Interested outside helpers, also skilled carpenters and foremen from both Prince Rupert and Terrace, a T-shaped building was constructed at the Lak trrsh M1K Quart . Pint 6:00-Stagt ' yi" 7.00-CBC News 7:lU--Week-end Itcvi CFPR Radio Dial 1243 Kil jryclcs Cream. Vt Dint 7:20 Siwciul ttss 8uiJect to Changei l4l L-&pi";.:-,C-:i. - Medium Pullets riutler - -la, .28 i .76' . .65 .. .67 .50 First Grade, lb Margarine, lb Cheese Canadian Cheese, lb Milk Evaporated Milk, lo-oz. una. 2 lor Case Flour Pastry Flour, 7 lbs. . Flour, 49 s, No. t FLYING SANTA A group of orphans greets Edward Kowe Snow, famous New England author, lecturer and adventurer, as he arrives at Sydney, N.S., on another leg of his annual "flying Santa Claus" trip. For 15 years Mr. Snow has distributed gifts to light-housekeepers along the Atlantic Coast. This year, on his first trip to Canada, he will drop gifts to isolated communities along the south coast of Newfoundland. (C. P. Photo 7:30 Little Symphc! 8:00 Makerx of Mu ... 8:15 John Usher 9:00 CUU Vancouver Oiih. 0:3" V.vs,). r !!ur 10:00 -CBC News 10:10 - CBC News 10.15 -A Canadian Di Canada 10:30 .prelude lo Mid 11:00 -Weather and S .33 .7.50 .66 last year surpasses the 825.9 hours i this year. hard else Lake camp. The base of this building was 20 feet by 40 feet and the 1c 20 feet by 28 feet. Over 19,000 board feet of iough lumber was rafted seven or eight miles down the Lake to a point 250 feet offshore and man-handled 400 feet to the campsite. The site had been cleared earlier in the season but actual construction did not, start until the later part of September . The building has been complet- .3.60 1.82 ... .78 MONDAY - A, 'I Terrace Catholic Women's Fall Tea TERRACE The Catholic SAiunuAi -rjvi. 4:30 -Sports College 4:45 Music for MKlrrns 5:00 MuMca! Program 6:00 Musical Varieties 6:45 "Coto the Troubadour" 7:00-Reeord Album-7:30 TBA 7:30 Organ Music 8:00 Musical Program 8:30 Current and VUkc f:00 Variety Bandbox t:30 A song in the Air 10.00 -CBC Nf.VS I0:10-CBC News 10: 15 Harmonaires 10:30 Dal Ricrarris orer 11:00 Weather and 8in Oil Sl'NDAl AM 8:30-Recital B:00 BBl News Riid Con.nirnUry 015 Music of Many LainU 3:30 Harmony Harbour 8:59 Time Signal m Maximum wind velocity this month was 34 miles per hour recorded on November 2G. Maximum barometer reading was 30.4. recorded November 19 and on November 26 the minimum was 28.5. General convener was Mrs. H. Doll, who witli Mrs. A. Hoben-khield kept everything 'running smoothly. In the evening, cards and bingo in the hall al.so ilicw a good crowd. In the fancy worn stall were. 7:00 Musical c!w 8 00- CBC Npwj 8:10 llrrr's Bill (Jm 1.18 .. .29 .25 .22 .15 24 .5! . .29 .34 wheat Flour, 24's lea and Coffee Coffee, lb DeLuxe quantity, lb. . j Dices Oranae Juice Blended Grapefruit Tomatoes. 20-oz. ea 28-oz eal Ion ..... AijdIc. 20-oz. tin. 2 lor 48-oz. Canned rruus Pineapple, crushed ....... Pieces, 20-oz . Apricots. 20-oz . Cherries, ancy, 20-oz. ... . Women's League held their fall! tea and sale In the Orange Hall ; ed since that time with the ex Christy and Mrs. II. recently, drawing a large crowd I Mrs- w- as usual. The hall had been'Cote .......... .33 Morning Souk Mlislr lor M'i Little Concert BBC Nt wr; h t Mriilng Dvot .Unii-nj; ?. min Tllil'- Hitnai Kllen llarri.s Kiiini!; S on M'lKfv Turt NEW ROYAL HOTEL ception of a few minor details which, it Is expected will be accomplished some weekend before the end of this year. The building has been well .41 .33 38 Others in charge were: Novelties Mrs. J. Gordon . White Eeiephant ;::s. beautifully decorated by the ladies with evergreens and berries and the stalls were laden with 8 15 8:3(1 :4 tl.OO li ii an J::.:i 10:011 i0:ir 10:10 10:4.". ll:(m 11:15 11:35 .29 .30 braced with interior snow posts ! 8ods t0 sel1- loganberries. 20-oz. Heaches, choice Lard Pure, lb '. Shortening ill 21 .31 A Home Away from Home SMil(lltiaUli W'l Home Cooking and Candy Mrs. Irving, Mrs. Kofoed, Mrs. J. Lever, Mrs. A. Paulson. In the kitchen were Mrs J. de 10:00 B.C. Gardener 10:15 Just Mary j Soap KlIidTKartPii , i; soao. race. Dar 10 2 lor .25 SO Rooms Hot and Cold water and should come through even ' a severe winter without damage. t0 Camp for their holidays. The actual cah expenditure on A profit of $125 was made on this project has been $"50 with the Kin summer auction and accounts still outstanding of $250. $270 from the Peanut and Shell As well as labor considerable Out campaigns. This money will material was donated or good be used for Christmas treats at i iaunarv. catce Kergommeaux, Mrs. Bissonnette. 1 Soap Powders, large 41 .45 Serviteurs were Twrs ! 11:31 " Cherries, U lb, pkt. KoiiiiiIimii Tinn lt-.-.(l.d llitl'li Mcs..a;;f fVriil Hcoririt liiiri 1'i isolial Auuiu Miss B. Matte. Mrs. H. West Coconut, ih PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 1 1 :33 11:45 P.O. Boi 191 discounts given. A conservative the Civir Centre nn rwPn,her m 1 asmpr was Mrs George Hipp. ?hcoe 281 10:30 Way of the 811I11I 11:00 CBC News 11.03 Capitol Report 11:30 Religious PitUkI 12:00 New York Philharmonic Orch. 1:30 Church of the Air 2:00 Salvation Army Program 2:30 Critically Speaking 3:00 The Old Songs Almond Paste, lb. .3? Fruit Cake Mix, lb .45 Dates, fancy. 1 lb. nkt .34 Seedless Raisins. 2 lbs. .3 Seeded Raisins. 2 lbs. 2 Shelled Walnuts, li lb. .47 S'"e"eri Almonds. 6 oz .3" Snelled Brazils. 4 b. .45 Strawberrv. 24-oz .(' F'"h Pond Was in char?e of estimate from a qualified source The Kinsmen and Santa Claus' places the value of the building will call in at the Prince Rupe Hennettf de Krgo:nmeaux. at $2700.' It is the Intention of General Hospital on the way to;FIorence Normandeau . the Club to build two large bunk- the Miller Bay Native Hospital' Raffles- Iv'y McConnel. VlcW houses next year before the December 23. , ?' P.M. 12:0(1 Mni-Oi.v ..end!' 12:15 CBC ;:.:v.s 12:25 Pribram Hrw 12:30- BC Karm Bnw :NOW AVAILABLE winners oi tne rallies were: !2:55- Hecordfd ll Iff I Rasioeicv. 24 oz .45 Dress To Fit That Holiday Mood A new social season a new group of dresses to help insure its success. Come In and be charmed with our sumptuous dining and dancing informally group. We've many styles ... all colors and lowest prices- McCor- .,uU ila u.au vnt nai-i on Painting Jean loween bonfires for the kiddies ,i, ct ti, summer holidays commence as canvass has proven unsatisfactory for a camp of this nature. Blackberrv. 4-lb. .8i Cherry. 24-oa. Peach. 4 lb .8? 3:25 CBC News 3:27 Weather Report 3:30 Winnipeg Symphony Orel 4:30 The Happy Time 5:00 Sir Thomas Beccham is a large factor in the exceed- -r t r-i r,... t 1 :00 -AfUTiii-iti Ci-1:45 - Comniriilary - Club Clinic 2:00 B. C. School hr ADricot. 4-lb. .'.9 Vanity Set. C. Houghtallng Due to the heavy financial tngly good behavior of our local , Cut Cut Work Work f,hlp table rlnth cloth. J. Lamb- Iarnh burden involved in rebuilding youth on Hallowe'en night. the Camp the Club has started Plans for bigger and better Honked Rue St ' John's Ivd1 negotiations with civic and Christmas serv- party, fireworks dis- tal Vanderhoor ice organizations to assist in fin- play. .Camp and Hallowe'en par- , satin Cushion. J Raa e Door prize o a chlcxen was a won by Mrs C. Pratt Lace runne' won by Mrs. Hipp , .. 6 . y A Cameron Hanoy FINE PRINTING atj REGAL PRINTED i a BLONDIE -Shellacking Dogwood! -2M By CHIC YOUNG Rupert Peoples Store LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL ond i i PHONE 21 222 Set HOLLYWOOD cafe Fiirtfo Trucks MOST UP-TO-DATE CAKK IN THE ("It AVAILABLE FOU IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OPEN ITIOM 3:30 P.M lo 3:30 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese DUhti CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN U f mi 2- Ton Chassis and Cab. 152" Wheclbase with reinforced frame k 2-spced rear axle. 3- Ton Chassis and Cab. 170" Wheelbase with icinforced-frame & 2 peed rear axle. For Outside Orden rno.NE 113 Baptonc Rupert Motors Ltd. rbones: Hi Office, Sit Shy Dries (iuitKly with iK-autmil flat finl,,t Paint twlay-muvc ' (umorrow. I S1.40 ot. S4 512 j V I U 1' '-k-i (Veil f ' J :' 7Hr T 'j f y Stool Pigeons! " ' " A Completely Floored Shadow. 01 vv; .,t',:'jp ; IL-'ji,.' j; -.:!,.,.' " L7V;iwct) RUG? fJ'S-irC'.; & !f'ti,cx. ( f;.-. v isv if I RUB it GS'HrcJi Vl' i x5J f lT ; A7 & f i tf&foz THOMPSON HARDWARE COJII See us for your paint ' and wallpaper supplies Smortcn up your kitchen with SLL U3 FIRST PO.A Your LI JACKETS l,nCL NEW LINOLEUM Wo have just received some very smart new patterns VENETIAN BLINDS Still time to order them before Xmas. Phone and have our estimator measure your windows WE DELIVER PARKA tJ w 5 NOV SUITS $16.51 The Sports Shop We Hove a Large Sclccfion to Choose Frori 32 MtBrlde Street Fbone 111 Don't Miss Our Toyland 622 W. 3rd Are. Bos 10P2