P"r prince Elupctf DafT? Tutfts Saturday, Decim.bor 3, 1949 John Sande Of Walter from Sinclair Mills. Prince j George and his daughter, Mrs. M. Neilson of Erickson. Manitoba, who arried on Saturday for the 'funeral. Terrace Buried JUNIOR CITIZENS' DAY Editorial "Future Citizens" At Council Meet TERRACE Funeral services' were conducted in the Anglican Church on Monday afternoon for the late John C Sande .aged 82, who passed away at the home of "- - - I ip jiff 41! Jpf. A IJi applk-atrorts for position to be filled in the city on Future future, his son. Ernest Sande. Booth High School's citizens city council attended All Set .For Students To Take Over Tuesday A mettinff was held on Ihe 29th of November in. the Civic Centre with Eric Moore the Junior Citizen Mayor, Miss M. Lykegard, City Clerl and several members of the Junior Chamber of Commerce at Citizens Day have been' Bom in Norway, the deceased came to this country at a very early age and has lived with his son in Terrace for the past 18 months. He Is survived by four sons and one daughter, 14 grand- the meeting of City Council this week and observed how things s re to be done in preparation for their own brief tenure of office next week. With the exception considered by the Junior City Council and most suitable applicants were chosen. From an avail- r of "City Clerk" Mona Lykegard,, children and S great grandchlld-who sat at the desk with City I rPn a sister and brother in Mani-Clerk H. D. Thain, the Highjba. GUM BOOTS Children's ' Sizes 8-9-10 Regular $2.50 TO CLEAR $1.95 GUM BOOTS Misses Sizes 11-12-13 , Regular $2.05 TO CLIAR $2.25 GUM BOOTS THE - FAMILY SHOE STORE LIMITED tending. Mr. Cleland was there to represent the, able 57 positions, 53 have school. The business discussed was in connection with Future Citizens' Day . , Mayor Moore s spiech oH Jun- School Mayor and Alderman observed the proceedings Iroin the spectators' seats at the rear. While the business of the meeting was discussed, the students paid close attention in order that they might h;ve some idea of On loyally Percy -Mallett conducted the funeral services and the hymn sung was "Jesus Lover of My Soul" with Mrs. Norrington as organist. Pallbearers were, Lloyd Johnstone, Clarence Michiel, Otto Lindstrom, Geoffrey Lambley, " i lor Citizens' Day received a pood Oral of disscussion and it was de- Wouldn't It be simpler to ask the hostess what been filled. The most sought-after jobs were those of Stewardess ami tilot for the C.P.A. flying from heie to Sand-spit tt is 5mi:d that students chosen for the various irositions will lo the name of the record is?" cided to have him Introduce trie Oh, Utere 4s tTracti Uiat van the duties exu-tUd of them on candidates ior the civic elections ttM, ' on December .'!. It was also de-On Royalty, Ts true,' cldrd to have .he Junior Council' Some life trow preeisety 'dead, meet at 10 a.m. on December th. Beeanse this trait they knew. J. Archibald December 6. In general the stu-'Vic Pcrduzzi, ol Norway Principal mourners- were the dents found the meeting interesting and educational, giving The J.C.C. sponsored Student Others 'Wish that they had Mo. immediate members of the deceased's family including his son, I Parly J their best to make Fut- Possessed this quality. 3rd Ave. Box 638 Ph. 351 most of those present theh first Mike Colussi, accordionist, provided the music for the dancing which followed. During the luncheon Intermission, a chicken larfle was won by R. Morgan. Whist winners were: Ladies: Mrs. Alice Good, Mrs. Knut Slatta. Men: O. F. Morgan, Knut So think what loyalty could tfc,j tire Citizens Day an an- insight into the affairs of lh For folks like you and me. I , . . , . , rvnrii ,n(l dancing was the 1,,. evening at the Sons Dance on December t) was confirmed nnd the prices set, student card also needed Tor admission. Gti?sts may be Invited on a basis similar to that used at the school dances. Invitations will be nuai event on vne scnooi - lad, let's " rail hrre Take Wie Principal Allan M. Hurst., Assistant Principal R. D. Cleland jy raid party in tne curriculum. ..cw.w, land Junior Chamber of Com extended to all the people' whose j positions were taken over by stu-j merce President Harold Hamp OF TASTY MEALS AT TUB Rex Calle Chine' llsbe a Sprclltf CHOP SUEY . CHOW MK1N I Nineteen tables were after which, dancing y!. . h' ill chaw consisted ' ,. Fred,'t ;,---.':' Who to a friend stayed true,.- He lives on H'- and bread, , , His costume black and white in hue, His term 4s twenty years and two, His guilty friend went free, (dents on Junior Citizens' Diy.' j Dress Is to be optional. Girls' Glee Club LADIES' BOWLING Gurulerson, master of Some business was arranged for, In order that the Junior ton accompanied the junior civic leaders to the meeting. The Junior Chamber of Comerce is sponsoring "Future Citizens" day. On Tuesday, December 6, selected members from the High School student body will "take over" key positions In the city's civic and business life for a day. The second weekly meeting of the Girls' Glee Club was held In Council should have some work at So think what loyalty could do, ,? and Mrs. C. Strand, - uf the refreshment . .Assisting Mrs. t re Mrs. A. Lund, Mrs. Second Avenue opposite Prince Rnpert Hotel 7:00 am. to 3:S0 a.m. Phone 17J tor Outside Order room 9. with Mr. Huber as spon the meeting. In which the alder, i For 'folks tike you and me. men, mayor and all those con- I LEA6UE SCHEDULE Dec. 6 Noble & Wick vs Scu-' by's; Rupert Radio vs Brown-woods; Variety vs Wallace Pharmacy; Stars vs Wrathall's; Big Sisters vs Commercial; Annettes vs Belmonts. r.ected with city administration 1 on loyalty thus ar you've read, ksen. Mrs. J. reocrsen, sor and director. Officers for ths coming year have been elected as follows President Jackie Ratchford. also Assistant Conductor). will participate. In the afternoon the council is to be free fof activities now being arranged. Johnson, Nels Was-;-fd HenrJksen, RflRnar i and Harald Helland. YORK That virtues are so few, But sometimes profits can he had . n loyalty you knew. If friendship you would chance pursue, This Wait will pay the lee. Vice President Madeline Voungman. CAR TUNES PRODUCTS THAT PLEASE Personalities I i iV MAKE SURE THIS YEAR So think what toyalty could do, For folks like you and me. Secretary Treasurer Benita Windle. Pianist Margaret Strachan. Assistant Pianist Mardell Soiland. ' Some payment will be given Benita Windle Treasurer of Students Council Benita was born in Prince Ru MID. The Best in the West ; Ask for Canada Packers Products you. Though good or bad It be, pert, February 13, 1934. She re So think What loyalty could do, For tolks like you and me. YORK ceived her primary education at Borden Street and King Edward schools and came to Booth In j mm Waterless Town AT YOUR GROCERS grade 7. She likes swimming, bowling and Softball and her hobbles are dancing and collecting sheet music. She is taking a commsreial course and plans to be a typist. She spends a few AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT . '.. hours at the Kinc Edward 8chool V -A fl 1 1 typing for Mr. Moore. tt voo dcnV AOJUST YOUR in ED TO KM CONDITIONS. YOU CON T HVi A CHINAMAH't CHAIcr Of GETTING ALLOW EXTRA TIME FOI 0IT-0F-T0WR Santa's Smart Assistant V if II your subscription is In arrears and you do not receive your paper, please do hot blame the publisher, the new boy or the post office. Juf do a little straight talking to yourself. Co-operation Of subscribers in this regard would be appreciated. It weald iav a lot of trouble and everybody would be happier. Subscriptions are payable in PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD 8HIPBUILDt'RS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding 10 DELIVERY CHRISTMAS DAY Oil DEC. 26 POSTAL EMPLOYEES WILL ENJOY THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY AT HOME The ancient Neolithic man With nature did comply, He drew his water In a pan From streams that ambled by. One heard him heave a heavy sigh .... As daily bent he down, He never knew, as you and I, The comforts of the town. He and his Pre-Pelasgian clan. When darkness filled the slty, Homeward to a cavern ran And slept till Wawn was high. He had no lltrht to study by, He could not tell a verb or noun. He never knew, as you and I, The comforts of Ihe town. To take a simple bath, this man Deep in a'pool would lie, The 'dim horizon tie would - scan With dark, untroubled eye. He tlld not fret,; or. wondert why He had no laundered gown. He never knew, as you and I, The comforts of the town. Oh modern world, I give you hail. But to the Ancients goes the crown, 'Who never knew, as you and I, The comiorts of the town! Steamship Movement! YOUNG CONSERVATIVE CHIEF Fdmund Davie Fulton, Progressive Conservative member of parliament for Kamloops ,is president of the Young Progressive Conservative Association. Born March 16, 1918, at Kamloops, he studied at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar and served overseas as a major during the Second World War. He was first elected to the Commons In 1945. (C. P. Photo I BPRCIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY FOR XMAS SheafferS "TRIUMPH" BALAGNO Florists Phone Creen 78". Box 1193 :'SS Ves, that's you ... when you select your Kiveabtes ami wearables from ; '; our Christmas collection. Cotne jidw while , assortments are complete. . . See all the smart ideas for gracious giving . . . We'll be wailing for your visit. HON. G. t DOUARO RINFHET, K.C.M.P. oilmofttr . Ctnttal Corp. C. V. Harrison of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals here Is sailing on the Cam BEST HAMBURGERS osun tomorrow night for Vancou ver, having been reposted to the detachment there. ilttnore Beauties Finest in Hots Latest in Styles IN TOWN "It's a Great Life if You Don't WEEK-END" SNACK BAR JIPF.N 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. DAII.t i Just off Third Avenue GIVE THE GIFT THAT PLEASES "ALL-WAYS" Shoff.r'i "TRIUMPH" Pm l matchlnj Finlin Ptncih r gift-choic that It built to pltai In vtry way . . lway. DIBB ANNETTE MAUSEIL frrt Vaneiiuvw I JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. ' - Third Avenua LADIES WEAR 5 Phone 150 Js High Resistance to Rain Sunday ss. Camosun, D p.m Tuesday ss. Catala, 1:30 p.m Thursday ss. Prince Qeorge 525 3-d Ave. W. Printing Co. Besner Block Phone 234 lced from .... $5.50 to $8.50 HE BEST BY BILTMORE HE BEST BUY BILTMORE From Vamnefr 1 318 Gth St. Ph. Orders Blue 02 Sunday ss. Catala, p.m. . Wednesday ss. Prince George, Friday ss. Camosun, 2 p.m. CME CLOTHIN For Alice Arm and Stewart SHORT OF MONEY? Government Has Helped Your Xmas Budget PERSONAL XMAS CARDS From your own Snapshots Come in and See our Samples 10c EA. 25 FOR $2.40 WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Sunday ss. Catala, 11 p.m. STORE From Alice Arm and Phone 359 " Avenue Stewart . .jdmiii' - Tuesday ss. Catala, a.m. 'Ready to Go' at the push of a button Factory Fresh For Ocean Fall BROADWAY CAFE Thursday ss. Prince George. 11:15 p.m. From 'Ocean falls Food With the removal of the twenty-five percent luxury tax from jewellery the government has made it possible for Christmas shoppers to buy more gifts for less money. For the first time since before the war you can now buy Jewellery free of this nuisance tax. So make tnis a Jewellery Xna, that she will appieciate and he will value. Wednesday ss. Prince George buy now and pay later at Manson's Jewellers. Pay only half now and the rest In easy weekly or monthly payments starting February 1st, 1950. For that friendly service where value and quality come first. See t MANSON'S Your Friendly Jeweller Goodyear Batteries for Passenger Cars and Trucks -AT-. From Alaska SAVOY HOTEL W. L. WOODS, Prop- PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1S97 FRASER STREET PRINCK RUPERT PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Thursday ss. Prince George 8 p.m. p.m. For Alaska Wednesday ss. Prince George w--4Lf Hours'! a.m. Phone 632 712 8econd Ave. Remember also that you cftn Fr Take-Home Orders Phone 200