- - - - - Prince Rupert Doily News Thursday, January 5, 1950 For the latest in IDEAS and Sons of Norway Hold Meeting Weekly whist drives and daiio s o fthe Sons of Norway during the New Year will commence Janu- m cwrm. fr wpt-k. tw. h, M.itiin ;5o fvr iiw h,v, Ray Reflects ... . . ami Reminisce modern MATErI 5;v . H ; if'.., ttt . . f k4 - . ' IPe Ire Con cornet " 1 ary 13, it was decided ut a meet- . The New Year started quietly as a rule, work will together. Be- hig of the organisation in their in Prince Rupert. Not even a jore this reporters invited to re- nn" last ni!nt short moot- -SEE ISLAND CITY iu its- si i r. General B-iil(,TS- Sii, safe blown. tire have fumed find stalked. ing was presided ovsr by John Freidhiem. away. Others, smlllngry pledging 50? McBr'de St. , , .. ... confidence, remained. But H quite . ,.,, . , , Amtx'lcan :inc' Canadian military Mrs. William Jruii;, pioneer res-forces wil go away up north to olten the one wll left- discover- lt)pnt of Alice Arm, is visiting find out what it's lUe in mid- ed the following day what it was with friends in Prince Ihipci t for winter. There arc plenty of civil- all about. A row in the council is a brief pe.I.C ians, residing away down south always first class copy. There was j E rn,.im . . uriut, to th(. who could give them that In for- onL, during a Monday evening (.itv "Weri' "dlv v,.n.h.. jSaving Pnco 'nation. jears ago, when, with no love lost lraln aflur havm. .,. in T..... For I -HE FAR EAST and the Pacific give promise of being the arena of th? cold war in 1950. Possibly Russia is satisfied with the progress of her influence in Europe during the past year or so. Maybe she has been adequately checked. In any case, there seems to have been a settling down of the crises there although there is no telling when some incident or action may cause another flare-up and once again turn . attention to that quarter. Meantime, the Asiatic sphere, is the scene of mounting crisis and uncertainty, intrigue and anxiety. A year ago we might have believed, or possibly would have chose tc have ignore the possibility, Hrifcii within .twelve months the communists would mm mm Men & Boy between mayor and aldermen, the I ace over New Y -:"-. lie reports Matthew Halton, Canadian latter made the occasion one of a g(MHl crop tl mart(.n jurii (n K'ditsponrteint -In Ixndtm, has embarrassment for the chief (jlat arPa already shon he :is a protty fair magistrate. Action was quick and - - Eiiesser, He Is loitT.Ticht and positive. A constable was sent - Men's SUITS n 1 ' "tt? - jTt X ' - J i W v. wool worsted. A rca definite, and has plenty of com- for. petition. This New Year tee tells . gain, perfect fits $37! Men s TOP COATS Medium Melton r.! smarlly tailored bargain $2, Men's DRESS SH,!RT jiV e completely overwhelmed continental China the wonkt that Bi'itish leot1on Experience is said to be the s a't hffndTChwcniH ani tnr best teacher. And considering fortes wifl be iT'twmefl. No "Ms what It costs, it oiiRht to be. Ex. and mo bnts." So radh for lititlc old Matt. The British Ministry of Food . can buy a South African tinned sh cacd s"oek' ore local Trienfl -ho rto to "f nU - ... , . than salmon from British Col- Moving, racking, Tinting, Shipping and (icncral Callage anil Storage Complete Reliable aiM Efficient Service, also a.inU fur Chl.auxni Liquid Air Co. Mil., for Oxygen, i.eelylene nnil nil welding supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Co' 2nd and l'aik Avenues Est. 110 rhmirs (1(1 ami KH ifwoulrl be standing ready to pounce on the last big selection from $? I "9MttJnlist stronghold of Formosa. It is a significant thing that Great Britain should , this veiy week be breaking off with Nationalist ?hina and -recognizing the Communist government Like it or not, and it is not necessary to speculate or VVfren know how close in relationship and material Men s TIES . ,, gifts. Latest shad from Mrn's SWEATERS umbia. Bo It's being done. Consumers are now discovering It takes a lot of thought, as well as work to disguise the taste of snoek. That's quite unnecessary where the glorious sockeye from B. C. is concerned. And who on VAys fo" MAJESTIC ROBSON-Vhis is the glorim sight the raH -traveller sees during a five-minute stop a few miles west H 3aspe, Alta, ir tlhe ,e womwl 'as there as to the breathtakmg heart of the Rockies. Mount Rdbscm, -snow anfl mist shronding its silent majesty, rises H2.S72 feet Into Wie cloufls. ' 1!T'y8 w'm" , ' the old '-women's , .;, - (Of Phot-o) saying place J ' is In the txime" itnd ave it go nullovcr and buitor styles, wools, all from 53 "on the phone" instead s'ippoi t royiot Kussia and Communist Kussia may ; -r . : be,4,hat is, a very notable diplomatic victory for Reel i EVEN POPULAR GIRL bappy, and often these pr. prestige and influence. Other western powers, in- HAS HER PROBLEMS . 5J kJ". eluding Canada, will now either follow suit or ignore Toronto The prettiest, viewer earth wants to eat anything called snoek? That's ment enough. F O N E Men's TROUSrRsJ Municipal histoiy here that city councils and h press dress, all wool wor good assortment .-i-l-i om CABS Men s all wool ploj heavy SHIRT-JACK- good shades. Real Stand: York Hotel, 3nl Ave. the situation. ' . most popular islri fi .jflass often -wfch lib- world so open nr" 1 has the nwst troubles Jess compiex. at, ts rnwfc harder Tor q Thee milita'T and dinlomatic events the Ult't Illima-3 '"Ki diplomatic eeius -across across mc - ., mo6mh girls to believe tr. Pacific "water , of emit importance to us right MacPherjon, u years Vl,lws w to w 1 women at "Victoria nt the r r t i i 'i i I Collepc ,.T.m Tm a a Ti,.. r"m hol,, bellpvpr !" here in Prince Rupert. Indeed we are perilously luniveisity TTnivplcitv ot nf Tr.n.n roionto. pro- i , .i m -n tc i. i a gressive education, not exactly lr close them. will affect future and co They our are -students' problems stem from a hands-off policy but W leaving rife. with implications which have the real possibili- emotional conflicts that must bi a student alone to develop in ty Of fnvolving US directly and personally. They are "spelled before they can be natural and positive trends." bargain .1, $5 I Men's SOX big ....something to which thinking people cannot shut REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX , RETURI.S PREPARED their eyes and ears. WINTER HOLIDAY . F.. MOllTIMKR 524 2nd Ave .Near r'JTKt selection, new desi good quality, from 5 Boys' SHIRTS shades, from $1 Boys' SWEATERS assortment from $1 Boys' SUITS in grj! dine cVoth, douL breasted smartly ta. ed, bargain for . $16 Boys' PANTS, cot . i Try This Grand LUNCH or SUPPER TREAT! pancakes or buckwhiats Rflular SIm r 3 4 lb. ICONOMY Bof i. worsted, all woo! twe EBY & SONS Contractor "F.PAIKS - K:f(tnEl.MNO FOUNDATIONS Lot us help you plan thai now home under the N.II.A. smartly tailored from $2 , . ....,..7 Boys' and Girls' STCC INGS and SOCKS 4 from nm Scuby's BALAGNO FlonV, r-lM.l.r l.rrrll ?K". Hilt 1193 I AT THE . biipress Hotel VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA . Winter smiles in Evergreen Victoria l . . . where-lhe ivy-clad Empress I SPECIALIZING in igning and Remodelling Russ" Gatzke CONTRACTING OF FURS JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Hotel offers its own special brand of Old English hospitality. Close ot hand there's golf, tennis, riding ... swimming in the' warmed sea-water Of the Crystal Garden pool. All this . . . topped off by fine food and traditional Canadian Pacific service offers a delightful winter holiday in a pleasant climate where your dollar is worth one hundred centsi Information and reservafiorfl from coy.-Canodion Pacific agtnt or wrlft ' Hcfef Monoger. t ial Phone lllaek 279 Box !5.rS AT THE LOWEST PRICE THIS YEAR, LAST YEAR OR ANY OTHER YEAR. to1 BROADWAY CAFE Empress Hotel VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA NATURAL SILVER FOX Neck Pieces Best Food $25.00 Guaranteed inest Cooking urs 7 a.m. to 1 n' FUR COATS For Take-Home Orders Phone 200 3 ON FRIDAY MORNING AT 9 A.M. THESE AND MANY MORE BEAUTIFUL FUR COATS WILL GO ON SALE AT THESE LOW LOW PRICES. , Muskrat Back Coats, Full Length Star! the New Year Right For RADIOS, RECORDS, ALBUMS and . ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES It's Values for You i f $26500 $175.00 $189.00 9 Pyrex Ware Lunch Kits Muskrat Flank Coats , Mouton, Beaver Shade, Full Length Pocket Knives Percolators Mouton, Beaver Shade, Three Quarters $175.00 Laural Lamb Covered Roasters Thermos Bottles THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD kZand-c-wurap Extra strong nd heavily waxed o keep food freshtf Icn9r. No wste the serrated meul edge - $125.00 $89.50 $150.00 $225.00 $195.00 $395.00 (Mouton Safari, Brown Shade) Coney, Full length No. 1 Quality (Brown Rabbit) Black Seal (Rabbit) Grey Kid, Full Length Grey Kid, Hip Length Hudson Seal (Hollander Dyed) CONVENIENT TERMS ARRANGED n even tear exactly Sivet vhe you want it; l.i,.S.i.....1,,lil.S,,S,S.S.,S.,9...,i(,1X.S(,,,,5 TREATS BILL SCUBY FURS FOR YOUR WALLPAPER HANGING For Your Interior Painting and Decorating Call SPENCE & MATU1K Phone Blue 215 233 1 1 Street To Start the New Year Right Baked fresh daily RUPERT BAKERIES LTD. G19 3rd Ave Phone 643 302 3rd Ave. Box I3fi2 Blajr k 416