PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. PROVINCIAL LIBRARY, - 113 VICTORIA, 2. C. Z.Yi Z onr.iEG CHUGS Wmm Daily Delivery PHOIIE SI NORTHXRN AND CBNTKAL BKUISB COLUMBIA'S KTWSPAPXa Puhlishwi at Canada's Most Strategic PuHfir Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL XXXIX, No. 3. PRINCE RUPERT. B. C, THURSDAY. JANUARY 5, 1950 PRICE J IVE CENTS Mauds Off Policy C A Ir rt KM r n r O, Military Aid X : Y k Fi " ir r or rormosa iono kono ? Tenders For New School Buildings Bv Mid-March Plans Finalized at Conference Between Board. And Architect Last Night United - w 1V ' CHARLOTTE .POSSIBLE ROUTE of CHIGNECTO CANAL' jailed SlattsioHii'tunB tangica up nun 7 V i Stales Department of Stale was asked yesterday by 29 members of the crew to arrange nve,! protection for the Shanghai-bound American freighter Flying Arrow or to authorize their re' rase from Chinese ( ivil War Warning irom rscw Zealand Minister 3 'IP r J" SF x r,vl! r f "'TJV ..I.!. i, T" .. .. 'ASills't' 1 Ui 1M. yi i i jcmuciiw iiuniun contract Ionian me vessel. PUGWASrf ,whml an American 'hands off" policy to- lw '"" aiso asuea mat AMHERST ""OX I'.. rT mi iki 1 island of Formosa. In a con- 1 the "hin's; press repatriation Mr any united Tend'.'rs for the new Booth Memorial bchool buildimr, estimated coat of which is placed at around $195,000, and King Edward Public School building $325,000, financing of which went through the vari- ous stages of ratification last year, will be called possibly by the middle of March. Announcement to this ef-, v - lett was made today following! NationcI Copital " staU'IlU'llt, lit" said tilt' United .States has MO Slates seaman who elm-Is to leave cc , ,to .is,, its .trmed forces there or iiecomc invol- "'f shl ra,llor ,1,;,n M for u,e v ,... . , . ., mined port. in the civil coni lict in China. No military aid or N(M1P of U)C slli)J.s officors conference last night at Hie -i(iied til-; rrrw's Klaltinent. Brown's Mill Fire ' - uuld be extoiidetl. her major pulley state- (, Formosa. The report came ,n Formosa had been ex- irol,i Nationalist naval sources in the Immediate future .Aleii aso said that units of tegular meeting of the board of school trustees wilh Frederick Brodie, representing the Van-rouver firm of architects, Sliarp Thompson, Berwick asid Pratt, irf l i i .'--. i 1 i 1 luff i ii n a c m - - r"1 A i " Confined To Store Beautifiyng Of Ottawa Skfrna Member Tells Gyro Club of Plans for Expressing . Canada's Soul in Model ; Community the Soviet Asiatic fleet recently arrived at Dairen. Navy sources predicted that the -invasion would come from north-trn ports such as Darren and T.slngtao. At Sydney, Australia, New either Mr. Truman Secretary Ucun Aelieson. Crcidciit coni: nned the .alon Hut 11 le adminis-i would keep hands off etonee' problems of the e Nationalists unless in i m wlien further architectural and .structural details were discussed. Working drawings are now in process of preparation preparatory to the calling of tenders simultaneously. - In view of the heavy building viiy the United Slav's be-j Zealand's minister of external ' " directly involved mime Informed sources ' STUDY CANAL PROPOSAL The federal govern merit is coQsktrring setting up a board or tugUi- "eers tci' determine the economic possibUities of a canal across-the isthmus of Chignecto between Nova" Scotia and New Brunswick. Tlic proposed 18-mile canal.would link the Bay of Fundy and ".:Ut"e Qulf of St. Lawrence, providing an all-inland route down the east coast. This map shows the "'canal that Marl timers have Li mind and the ports it would serve.-" ' C P. Photoi don have said that Grcut There are food supplies .... on hand for at least three or four weeks for two families residing at Browi's Mill on Ecstall River which was vUied by fire on Monday. The blaze was confined to a flairs. Frederick W. uoidge, today advocated a Pacific pact to hold the line against Communism. "If we cannot stop the tide of Cjn-.munl.-iin hi Asia of hat use is the Atlantic Pact?" ii pljns to recognize Com- activity planned for the coming year the -entire board was named to Uic building committee Tor 1950. Routine business at the meeting was comparatively light. Plans for the making during the next 20 to 50 years of Ottawa Into a capital city of beauty, dignity and symbolism un-cxcellsd by any other capital city of the world were discussed b E. T. Applewhaitc, M.P. for Skeena, in speaking before i China on Friday or faai-and lias so notified the iimnL, ui the Conunoii-i the United States. he asked. Doldgc was in Syd-'the of lice and store building ney enroute to Colombo, Ccy-1 which v. as destroyed, James Don- Much More Snow, There was little correspondence. tlie Communist sphere j ion, 10 aucna a conference oi aitison, mm inanui r, uwiw u lljnnu and Pakistan 'Commonwealth foreign ministers. hast nit?ht follow lr a trip io th'.' Rail present were Dr. R. O. I the Prince Rupert Gyro . Club ! plant. The inlli Is intaet, ana Large who was re-elected chair-1 at k,s .weekly luncheon yester- none i 'lie noiws v ere umni'-u ' Thirty hiehes of new dry snow by (lie flaiw.H. Tli ere wan no one in the store :ivn the diplomatic noil J uUr Tinr;'s Pelpins re- j H irnia and India acted In ' ,l)'-r. Pakistan announced j ignition today. i us Communists, wllh .ii he lp, v tic reported j MOST DRIVEIIS PASS VICTORIA OI 71.01)0 drivers tested by the Motorvehlcle Branch since November 20 on No Train Cut Hero man, Bruce Brown, Mrs. in Becker, A. J. Domlnato, W. J. Scott" and Mrs. M. M. Roper, ' ' secretary. - The November accounts $545. Ti, and December accounts. $18,597.68 were ordered paid. - fell since curly this morning around Salvus in the lower Skee- ' rra Vs'lfy hut Is under control as ' fa as railway service is concern-' ctl and the regular train from the casfr due "at "10:45 'this eve nliiR. Ls expected to get in two at the time of the fire, Mr. Don-nld.son said. Tom Brown, one of the residents, had been in the store hair an hour previous In the. course of making fires there and Talpch. Formosa, today t; s.sins ..hips fr an Invasion ,T) HOLD Yl'GOSLAVIA I,OMM)N The I nittd States bill oppose any Russian aggression against Yugoslavia which is clearly threatened at 4he. present time, .George: V. Allen. American ambassador designate to Yugoslavia, told a Canadian Press C onference hrrr. ''America Is fully sympathetic to efforts of Yugoslavia lo maintain -its independence and Irecdom," Allen said. . . Jasper-Prince Rupert line of the Cnnudlnn Naliuual Railways, i ODAY'S STOCKS in other houses on account of the extremely rold weather. Coming from one oi the houses lie sa'v umoke i.smilnu fnn the root of the store, near the chimney. It was so cold tliat even fire ex- ' Mrs. Roper read a , report, .summarizing attendance at a recent, conference in Victoria of school board secretaries. Emphasis had been laid at the conference, on budget affairs and that school estimates were not lo be exceeded. If a higher estimate became an essential that such a request be made. day. The local federal representative felt that this was a subject which should be of interest to Canadians far and near since "Ottawa Is our capital, belonging to the people of Canada, ,, who pay for. it handsomely and justifiably." Ottawa is by no means jus!, another cil" but a national city in which ve all have not only a vested but an emotional interest," Mr. Applewhaite declared. The capital of Canada served three functions (1) as the of government and diplomatic representation, (2) as the headquarters of the cultural Institutions of the Dominion, and (3) as a community in which people lived. Although sponsored by the Dominion government to large not being eou!-burniii5, is not uf-tccted ly the ejl hi train service o.i various lines of the Canadian Nationul Railways which has been announced because of coal .shortage, it Is learned at local hours "and fifteen minutes lalJ j jv.l'b a .snow 'plow coining alon j iii'troiit (f it. , j I ' Tuesday night's train from the i East, here delay being partly do: ; to snow conditions in the low r I Skeena. finally arrived at 8:i) lust niglft an tithe train for tin. Fa:;! left at 1:35 a.m.. five hours ; and 35 minutes late. j liiiguUsliers were fro-.eiv There was no in sins iu mm nyiann, offices of the company. Trans- - that sta'ie oir It was fortunate that there w is no wind to spread ihe con f'.agt'J Hon Office sat fell through the Hoi into th; tide water below, j Store stock and records were in-.! , , ' 1.. 41. fi.... ISIIW1HI1 Two Years In contlnental main line service of i the company is not affected. j According to local Information, j several prairie lines are hit by j the curtailment, some services i being cut Iron- six to three trains ' a week anci others from three trains to two trains. Certain i trains are cancelled. I wttl M Penitentiary An application from Joseph Goscoc, f oi-the position of vice-! principal f King Edward Schooii was received. j Few changes have been made in committees such as school finance, personnel, grounds and resolutions. The necessity of adequate fire insurance, covering school furnishings and general equipment, was discussed briefly and finally referred to committee for report at the next meeting. estimates the loss at $4000 some insurance. 5 1' I' J' I'll '..Mi Ci I .til ' Vancouver 'line 05 I'jrile O.aO : Cun 02 XX 05 buo Quartz . 1.3C ?rcas . . .03' 2 Icy Mascot 32 . !ic Eastern 08 I Oreille . .. 5.00 3.20 itltr Border 03',it ateer 14 ts MacUonald .... 2.50 ' 02:!., P Creek 1.18 ik Premier 41 u River 11 in Gold .08 J Valley .05 l Canadian 4.0 utic 1.35 imnl 53 K 8.10 rul Leduc 1.42 v Oil 13.00 11 1.70 'fir Pete 4. all 35 !l Canadian 0(1 Toronto Two years in penitential v at : NKW YORK SIN FOLDS NEW YOI1K The New York Sim. famous newspaper which started 11H yean ago, teased publication today. It has been sold to an evening rival, the New York World-Tclcgram. Hoy Howard, president of the World - Telegram and of Scripps-IIoward newspapers, announced that, begin-nig tomorrow, the newspaper will be known as the World-Telegram and the' Sun. PLEADS INNOCENT MANCHESTER, New Hampshire Dr. Herman E. Sander today pleaded innocent i'i a loud voice to an indictment charging first debtee murder in the so-ralled mercy slaying of an incurable woman eaiicrr patient. The state agreed to his freedom pewling trial under continuance of his $25,000 ly, twenty-five failed to pass the tests, it was learned here. -Age and eyesight were the two chief reasons for rejection. ICE IN VANCOUVER ... VANCOUVER A freezint; rain made streets exlreniel; " dangerous in Vancouver. At th.: airport 29 above was recorded-Morni.r.j flights were cance'Jet. owing to the extreme hazaru on flying fields. i TO TALK ELECTION LONDON Prime Minister C. R. Attlce and Herbert S. Morrison, deputy Prime Minister, will hold a secret talk tonight on the date of Great, Britain's general election February or June usually well-informed sources indicated today. x FROST HITS CALIFORNIA CHICAGO Winter's cle-mc.'-,ts deal' duniai;iiig blows' over wide ar -as of the Lnitrd States from Southern California into Dixieland. A blast of sub-frce.iiig weather endangered the in ilti-miltioii- dolhn citrus and vegetable, crops of Southern California. Scores of families were made homeless by floods in parts or Indiana. I II vi lis and Kentucky. A snow flip on the mailt transmission line along Falls River across the Skeena caused about half an hour's Interruption in power teivice into Prince Rupert late this inoniii g. It was a sloicy-oiid-u-lialf i .structure mea-sui iiifc about 30 by 50 feet. ' ! Owing to thick lec in the Ecstall River, it Is impossible at , present to reach within a mile i ' mill a half "f the mill by boat, i i 850 To Hear B. C. Premier New Westminster was tin sen - , lence imposed in city police court ! yesterday afternoon by Magis- ! tratc W. V. Vance on Oscar white, a native, on a charge of breaking and entering the resid- i cnee of Reg. Crozier, Fraser Si., i early on the morning tr Box-1 lug Day. Principal evidence at tin trial was a bot tle of rum with a fancy j jigger W hich was found In pos-j session of White and which Cro-I lor identified as belonging to iliim. Jimmy Mcintosh, Whiit'y I companion in the breaking und I entering, testified that White nad I .ON IK) N (P Premier Byron j Mr. Donald.son and his coin pan -JolmsMii of British Columbia will J juns i,.i tu yiUik in from the boat , j make a special trip to London to Three Rivers over the iue aiu attend the annual dinner or the wcrt. ti,(.r during the middle of j limber Trad-; Federation, March ; weiin.Mlay night, having left here I , li at which iie w ill be chief guest ' t hat morning . J I and .speaker. The Federation j There is a foot and a half of ! says its (in.ner, planncu lor oiu ,. snow on the grounn. .08 persons, will be one of the largest functions to have been held in Londoi. since the war. Representatives of at least 25 countries will be present. ma 'ii'iie .:. Uic . .. Chinaman Is Found Dead Loo Soo, an elderly Chinaman, who had worked for Ling the Tailor for fifteen years, was found dead at 7 o'clock last evening in his room at the Kine; George Hotel, Second Avenue and Eighth Street. The body was seated on a chair and slumped with head on a table. Discovery was made by the propriekv, Theodore Prystay, after Loo Soo had not been seen for a couple of days. He had been dead over 21 houfs In a physician's opinion. An inquiry is being held by Cor-iirer M. M. Stephens but death is believed to have been due Ij natural causes. .53 .27 : Until the wintry conditions amoiiorale nothing can be done about rebuilding office and store. II will be five or six weeks at least before the mill U reopened. Rain And Snow To Continue extent since 40 percent of it; lands and buildings were owned by the Dominion and a largt proportion of its population wa: in the government service, Ottawa nevertheless had its owr municipal auUiority and was ai outstanding example of mutua co-operation in a communiti of federal, provincial and municipal authorities. Mr. Applewhaite traced federal co-operation for community improvement from 1899 wher. the Ottawa Improvement Commission came into existence with an annual grant of $15 000 until today there was $300 000 appropriated from the fed craL. treasury for the same pur pose. Now the National Planum? Council had hi hand a grea . scheme of beautlficatiou b; means" of which hi this com niunity the soul of Canadi would find permanence of ex pression . w 1th a scheme of development of 900 square mile two-flfllis in Ontario ami three fifth's in Quebec which would involve the removal oi all unsightly industrial developments, centering on a grea', park of eight square block;: flanked by such architectural edifices as the , Parliament buildings, university structures, city hall, community centre, museum etc. Moved from the centre of tle city to the far out skirts would be the-raiiway station and tracks, factories etc. Provision was being made lo? a model city of 500,000 persons C.inadia broken the window by which entry was made and had opened si door to let him (Mcintosh) in. i Mcintosh was found on the p-etn- j i;?es when f'rozler relumed home. White had been release J Iran Okalla only a few months ago after serving a previous term for j THE WEATHER . Synopsis A storm center near Skagway breaking und entering. was splitting and becoming more complex this morning as H moved bond with the stipulation that j he refrain from medical prae- j tice until disposition of the 1 ease. School Board Committees Standing committees of the Prince Rupert School Board for 1950 were named last night at the monthly meeting. Representatives for the various eit.y schools were named as lollnws: Bruce Brown, King Edward; W. J. Scott, Borden St.; Mrs. D. Becker, Booth Memorial; and A. J. IJoinintilo, Conrad Street. The following committees were announced, the first name acting as chairman: Mcintosh drew six months' suspended sentence. .DM', a ii.2: l .yi 5.!0 0 35 , 2 .28 .003 .09 .13 .70 .00" .01 .. .4". . .1 ' 1 1 fMiit' n 'iilila 'iia ! Sullivun 111 YKuile . ... is 1.1'kC '(truck "ii. ma .. .. , 'a " knife ''t' Quebec . ...... -' Itowan .'. !lc Long Lac IX A. O. Franks of the Duly Kews typographical staff, wh.', nas been indisposed Tor the pas',, ten days, entered Pilnte Rupert, Gcn-Tai Hospital last night. A mixture of rutn and snow biilicled by westerly winds at 40 miles per hour on waters outside the harbor prevailed In prince Rupert today and the weatherman predicted showers off shore ant", snow near the mainland and Prince Rupert will continue Temperatures have been clinib- Ownership By Public southeastward through uiiumi Columbia. Considerable moderation in temperature has occurred over the province and generally higher temperatures can be c:-. peeled for the next two days over the southern section. Northern British Columbia, however, will experience a return to cold wea VANCOUVER ICE DELAYS FLIGHT inc and at 8 o'clock this morn C. A. Bcrncr, CN R. t':i ' superintendent, is leavivi.v ui tomorrow morning's way freight to attend the annual me.iHr.xof the VANCOUVER iff Public ownership of the British Columbia Flcctrie Railway Co. will be Investigated this year by the Vancouver city council. Mayor Charles Thompson said ther tomorrow, weamcr wm iv-maln cloudy .with scattered rain ing, the reuui.ig stood at 35 above. At 11 p.m. Wednesday the thermometer recorded a minimum of "sen Red'Lnkp 3.10 Air passengers from Vancouver to Prince Rupeit will aisjui be detained at Sundspit overnight tonight. The flight fo the south lull here at 1:30 p.m. lo meet the flight fro it Vane uver which is due "sc.iie lime"' this Ken.ic Red Lak 53 i Terrace and District Bcind cf D j Trade tomorrow niglit- Finance W. J. Scolt, Mrs ')tl Cockshut.1. icta al the Inaugural session of the Becker D. Becker, Personnel Mrs. -ins . 2.2 1.61 C8.f-1 .16 afternoon, having been delayed compared wllh the present 160 showers along the coast and a few snow flurries in the interior. Forecast North Coast Region Cloudy Willi showers of rain or snow today and Friday. Little change In temperature. Winds west, 35 mph, at exposed positions and 1950 city council yesterday that the city will consult with the provincial government on the Bruce Brown Grounds--A. J. Domlnato, inula 7..'..'.. ;wlcourt Z 'We Crow W. 1.95 prospects of purchasing the Brit 23 ubove. The mild spell is welcomed utter the New Year week-end of Saturday, Sunday uid Monday when lempcratur." in Prince Rupert and neighborhood kept hovering close to aero. There was an Icy air and until Monday noon a clear sky but since then snowfalls started and there has been zood jlc':dng, with the scrape J. Scott. - Building All members of the board ish Columbia Electric. "It will be necessary for us to survey our situation," he said. "It ! in leaving Vancouver owing to Ihe ley airport. Passengers .southbound from here are ex-1 peeled to get through to Vancou- ' i ver tonight but the hour will tc too late for the Canso to return here before darkness today and ' Is due back here about 9 tomor 000 In Ottawa city and 270,000 In Greater Ottawa. Mr. Applewhaite's discourse was listened to by a good attendance of Gyros with President Maurice Brydges in the chair and guests in the persons of Stephen Barclay and Clarence Cooper of Victoria. Friday, January b Resolutions Bruce Brown, W. High J ' Ui'4 ;1 Antonio 3.75 "ator Rouyn 31 cr'ie Gordon 2.22 LeP Rock 2.60 geon River r:3 lver Miller .49 1S; 19.4 feet 21.7 feet 8.1 fee; 2:57 14:31 will be necessary to consult the J. Scott provincial government as to Its . Mrs. D Becker will represent west, 20 mph elsewhere today. Winds Friday West, 15 mph. Lows tonight and h'jhs tomorrow at Port Hardy, 30 and 35; Sand-spit, 30 and 35; Prince Rupert, 28 and 32. ... . '. . .. ... ... . , it.. , nnn.J a! Inn R'S4 2.3 feet row morning. sues snovci reara m uie intentions wiin regard to tne iu- uie ooara on uie union oumu ui 'ture operations of the'eompany." Health. ' 21:11 of th land I FPer Canada S .l.S