----- - . ' ' . prince ttupcrt Dailp rectos LtD. Friday, January 23, 1948 .uueucndent dtlv newspaper aeo?e3 to the upouliaing or Prince Rupert nd nil immunities comprising northern and central British Columbia. (Auttturlzed as Second Clam Mall. Post Office Department, Ottawa) Statistical Report Shows Civic Centre Is Real Community Hub Do Prince Rupert people use their Civic Centre? It would seem so from figures contained in the statistical report submittal by Program Director Neil Ross to the annual meeting of the Civic Centre SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Tlty Carrier, per week, 15c; Per Month, 65c; Per Tear, 17.00; Bj Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, M OO. . f "- f " yv 1 v I 4 MS Association last night. The story was revealed undramatically in long lists of figures showing the number of events held and the num- ti t i 1 A glance at what went on in the building is also revealing. Athletics and gymnastics, ol course, dominated, but not by much. In the athletic field, basketball was the greatest H Pr ber of people attending and participating. It added up to 144.715 participants and an additional 30,000 spectators. It added up to 174,-C56 people. That means, theoretically, that every man, woman and child In the city vUited the Civic Centre mine than 19 times in 1947. That is theoretical, of course. Actually it was not distributed that evenly. Rome visited the building lor one purpose or an Warnings of Danger r.PJTAlN, Ernest Bcvin, the Labor government's IN foreign secretary, sounds a rallying cry to -western Europe to organize itself against Soviet Russia's aggressive encroachments which, if persisted in, he declares, must lead to war because Russia's co-operation is essential to peace. Former Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Former Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden instantly agree. In United States President Truman and Secretary of State Marshall fight to put into effect the plan of economic aid which they hold is essential ' if sixteen nations are to withstand being swallowed up in Russia's communistic totalitarian expen-Sion . In Canada, Prime Minister Mackenzie King sounds a grave warning against the spread of communism and Mr. Coldwell, the national leader of Canada's Socialistic party, hopes that the Prime . Minister's warning will "contribute to a better understanding by the people of the seriousness of the "An important part of my diet ever since my fist ,. has Ken Oown Brand Corn Syrup. Now, ili.it i!Uv right fur a little character like myself, hut let mtr t. J , these rown-urn sure arc lutky what with Muni v them Oown Brand Grn Syrup with so tn.inv u dishrs. And she uses it in her haling, too, as a I ean lurJIy wait uniil I'm old RED HEADS OF EUROPE MEET The Communist leaders of Italy, Britain and France are shown together at the opening of the sixth national Communist congress in Milan, Italy, where Communist party delegates from eight countries heard "Imperialistic America" blasted In many languages. Left to right are Palmiro Togliatti, leader of Italian Communists, who Uwk five hours to say what he thought of his own "reactionary government"; Hugh Pollitt, leader of British Communists, and Maurice Thorez, French Red Cross boss, who is still smarting under the defeat his party suffered at the hands or Frfnoh Premier Schuman. drawing card. The two gymnasiums had a total attendance of 44,452 at 1.185 events. At these events. 22.961 people were participants while 21.491 were spectators. D Prince Ruin'it people use the Civic Centre? In the auditorium, the percentage of participants over spectators was even greater, due to the large number of dances held tneie. Out of 38.250 admissions to the auditorium, at 204 events, 29 800 were participants and 8.450 were spectators. The auditorium. Incidentally, was the scene of recitals, dances, conventions, theatricals and re enough to have sonic hut walllcs or pancakes smothered with del ic ions Oown Brand. If it's its good as it is in my cereal jnmniinm!" J SIGN OF SPRING I'll WH-Ii other, literally hundreds of i times while others, and they i were few, Jid not enter its doors 'at all. I Hie main gymnasium and the 'auditorium accounted for the lereatest numbtr of admissions. The gym had the slight edge, I with a listed total of 38.788, ' while the auditorium was visited by 38.250. j The new .small gymnasium, which did not open until November ( 1. ran up an imposing lor yr liot'toM hve recommended the ine of Crxisvn Brand Corn Syrup as satisfat lory mrhtt. hydrate nctinK ti milk modifier for hoide frfl infants. CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP THE CN0 STAKCM COMPANY ITD. Momttti To onto hearsals, public meetings, tea.i, fashion shows, school assemblies, amateur contests and children's parties. Do Prince DAINTY GERTIE, THE GULL, SPURNS COURTSHIP OF RAVE, THE RAVEN A sure sign that spring is just behind the next curtain of rain, is the action of the birds that belong to Prince Rupert's airborne colony. They have commenced to act in a manner usually attributed to youn',r men when their fancy has been stimulated by th:1 spell of spring da vs. , record in two short months. It was used by 5.210 people on 314 Runert nrople use their ivii' jdut Jis ( fat the nd cipa nay floe itboi !tior )ho lurli 'the govi styl 1 be 'son 'col del jtioi glo big Ion Soi $30 I'paiate oeeasions -mainly Rup-, Centre Since anybody in Prince Ru A'l ManWattvran l ttm4m Cr t'arrll pert who dixs not belong t ' last one organization is con In his normal state the Raven 1 waterfront two Ravens wcr"j on a warenouse root i the birds sat calm'y appears to be the rugged, pon Parched rtprmic tvnp n n f a i v p n tn ' One Of aloof apparently intent on the "flighty" action or easily stirred parade of clouds. The situation. f Even here in British Columbia, C.C.F. Leader ijarold Wind; parries the attempt of the communistic L.P.P. to attach itself to his party. So no longer can it be said that those who ex- press alarm over the rise of comunism are merely war-mongers or red-baiters. " It is quite obvious that a tenseness as to the international scene is developing comparable to that .of the days of Munich when, while Chamberlain .'and the others appeased, Adolf Hitler continued ;in his campaign of ruthless expansion as far as he could without fighting but planning, with Joseph 'Stalin even then cognizant, for a war of aggression. ; The peril of the situation can hardly be disregarded or temporized with in view of the warnings on every hand we hear these days. 1 It was not so long ago that some of the things '-that are being so frankly talked about today would have been considered in the realm of fantastic prejudice. Now it is significant that there is such rmeral agreement on the acceptance of the factually realistic menace a menace which appears lqoming from without and creeping out from within. RHEUMATISM by the beauties of the opposite passing Rec and sciiool g y m n a s i u m j classes. I'rohalily the most impressive thing about the report exclusive of the grandeur of its numbers is the fjet that such a large part of the people who entered the building did so as participants In some event, rather than just as spectators. Another point to ponder is that, while practically every able-bodied man. woman and chikl in the community made other one evidenced no inten d sex but at this time of the year he aouarently throws dignity in the weather. Its bright eyes sidered practically a hermit, it is to be expected that the lounges and meeting rooiiw were well putronized. They were. Any attempt to list the variety of meetvgs neld in the Civic Centre would add up to a lot of words, so the totals will have to suffice. There were "72 meetings held In the building, with an atu-ndanre of 23.989 Do Prince Rupert people use their fixed on the aloof one. aside and enters wholeheartedly 1 were Every few minutes lie would shuffle sideways a few inches closer to the object of its affection. Between shuffles he into the spirit of courtship. The other day one of Ihese large black birds was having himself a limp finwn nn t.hp mild flfit. of mm lor Spring! Printed Jersey Drosstis All Sizes and Colors oui ld Ws others whi h Havs Creek, the tide was Rawn's wa-v. fU'x,n" and there was "Rave," Tho-mW a Mimf use of the Civic Centre Civic Centre.' (lun.m the last year, there were Without going loo deeply into Raven, right in among a whole nls "" "u "'' mid seem they lin: The ml tier! one n ::o v.A on v s hi- it V more man ijitm mai nemu in s, o flock of bathing seagulls. I Observations indicated that a little gurgling piece he spnke membei ships taken out. do. e 4 D U V,r. ' the Raven's advances weren't jrom ume u,,lr tne otner wa.-- one thoup.nt altogether acceptable to the gulls but he didn't appear to rushing things a bit or maybe :: Time after se suaaeniy renieiurjfu-u un discourage easily tide was low enougn to go mus.se: 'PF.AKTNO of ston-nress-news, here it is. lhere .--- i x S1 is an announcement, mat rcneidi ami jo"1"-"" GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alteration. Floor Sanding a Specialty BLACK CREPE SKIRTS WITH NEW SIDE DRAPE ALPINE SKIRTS ALL COLORS -SIZES 38 TO time he edged up to a pretty little sull drying herself on a mud bank. Time after time he commenced his routine of ruffling his chest feathers and making bubbling sounds likp wine pouring from a jug but each time the gull preferred an- gathering, for before the ruffling Raven got within? chMmmv distance, "Gertie" had ttiken off. Seemingly too dejected to follow, the black suitor remained upon the warehouse root, his head bowed, looking like a silhouette w. r. governments will co-operate to set up a iational Institute to fight and if possible conquer rheumatism. It will promote research and treatment similar to what is being clone in trying to solve cancer. Rheumatism does not kill but for all-round misery of body and mind, and economic losses, it is a disease that takes a lot of beating. other dip in the fresh water to , of blark mlry. P.O. Hox 721 I 'hone RED 561 SPORT JACKETS for Ewrv the Raven's attentions. At another section of the' Advertise in the Daily New: r r HI ( M. i 1 ft r, LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PRINTED HOUSE DRESSES ALL COUJRS AND SIZES A W Ik. ! ' TOC H PADRE IS ROTARY SPEAKER ' Compares Life In England, I Australia, New Zealand and Canada WW? 5 ,v M7 1 ANNt t MANS:1.- '-W-J(i&;"''.'- - UPSTAIRS IN STONE BUILDIM 'I Impressions of the attitude towards life in England, Austra-fca, New Zealand and Canada Tvere the basis of a witty discourse by Rev. Gilbert Williams, 1 IQV-i- . USE of. London, England, administrative padre for the Toe H organization who was guest speaker at l,he Prince Rupert Rotary Club weekly luncheon Thursday. While superficial differences exist, the fundamental attitudes of the people fall into three J?, -0 eff w fiTu M Bulkley Valley M main clasiflcatlons, he Indicated COAL AND SAVE those who show little incllna- n to either think or act, those o think but decline to act. Dieferring to complain of the OK activities of others, and those Whose mental functions are translated into action. 1 From the second classifica-(ion, lie said, come the types cf people who long for the return Get 25 More Heat From A Ton of O Your doaler can supply you BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES Telkwa. B.C. ' LIMITS WM y freh"y Iafy ten1er ppinach E nff-. from the fields! DHnor Srtinarh is ready for K CZ 't I '' instant use. No vasle! Three quarters of u ''''Sf'jjt I f ' poiinl in ra. h pa kU(le that's equal to one and a half S2Sa jwiinds, lxmglit in hulk. Get Delnnr Spinaeh from 'iSs yA your lealer today. F.njoy it often! j,-' X XUrne oiUpt th'Ucloun Drliwr refetablen witt also hvln rnsr the rrgetahtp prohlrm 1 hnr tfuya f Z0 "" Asparagus Corn-on-Coh Crrrn Pea Cut Own Hn Mma Hi'hiim J m n n nn m rs ftsJfes INCOME TAJ f the "good old days" resisting changes because it disturbs the early pattern of their lives. He advocated an adventurous qUtlook which would strive to adapt the changing ways of life tb the benefit of the people, nrging that whatever political and social structures result draw their strength from God. Rev. Mr. Williams was thanked for his address by club president Lee Gordon, who also welcomed as guests Dr. R. G. Large, Q. P. Tinker, C. P. Balagno Rev. Basil S. Prockter and R. G. A. Hannon, of Prince George. COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Maae' VALENTIN DAIIH Your Dally ALL-WEATHER BERVICt Returna prepared -' R; E. MOKTIMJ' 324 2nd Ave 'Near i Hollywood CaU .PRINCE Rt'PRRfS NEWEST AND M0J Grocers - Restaurants - Camps EGGS OF QUALITY TJP-TO-OATE RESTAURANT OPF.N PROM 4:00 P.M. TO 3:30 A.M. ' Special Dinner Every Sunday -5 p.nvto8r CHINESE DISHES A SPKClAI-Tt is CHOP SUEY CHOW MPIN . FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 Direct from Cloverdale Year around supply, shipped weekly from Vancouver. HIGH Cl'RRIE P.O. Box 131, Cloverdale, B.C.