Local News Items Prince tUipcrt Dailp rectos JCtD. Friday, January 23, 1948 The Quality Tea our NEW CHAPTER OF I.O.D.E. FORMED War Brides Form Charter Nucleus of Duchess of Edinburgh Vuit With ten war brides as the nucleus of membership, a new chapter of the Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, has been formed In Prince . Rupert. To be known as "Duchess of Edinburgh" Chapter, it Is to receive its charter at an I.O.D.E. dinner meeting on Friday evening of next week from the provincial organizer, Mrs. R. J. ASTORIA'S MARRIED AT COURT HOUSE At a wedding ceremony performed at the court house house Thursday afternoon by Government Agent G. F. Forbes, Miss Eva Tchir of Edmonton, became the bride of Leonard Goozh, also of the Alberta capital. Attending the bride at the civil ceremony was Miss Dorothy Roberts, while Joseph Tchir, brother of the bride, was groomsman. The groom is chef on C.N.R. Superintendent C. A. Berner's railway car. Mr. and Mrs. Goozh will leave on tonight's train for a honeymoon In Edmonton after which they will make their home at Prince Rupert Truck Drivers and General Labourers Union meeting Sunday, 2:30 p.m.. Carpenters' Hall Fraser St. (14) Miss Frances Leeming of Victoria, who arrived in the city Wednesday for the wedding of her brother to Miss Joy Foster, last night, left this afternoon to return to the capital city by air. T. J. Connelly, Chicago pole buyer, arrived in the city on last night's train after a trip ORANGE PEKOE Are Here, Sir!' HERE'S A TREAT FOR YOUR FEET ... J. T. Harvey returned to the city on last night's train from a brief trip to Smithers on legal business. Meeting of Int. Union Operating Engineers, Carpetenrs' Hall, Fri. Jan. 23, 8 p.m. (19) Judge W. O. Fulton returned to the city on Tuesday night's train from Smithers where he conducted a session of County Court. Dean's Quality Cleaners, pick-up and delivery. Phone 283. (tf) Annual General Meeting of the Prince Rupert Fishing Vessel Owners' Mutual Protective Fund will be held In the Civic Centre common lounge, Sunday, Jan. 25 at 2:30 p.m. All members please attend. (20) WANTED Interested young men between 17'i and 28 to pre ft . . ' A I , through the interior on business and sailed on the Prince Rupert Sprott of Vancouver. At the same time dedication will be conducted of a standard which Mrs. Sprott is presenting to the for Vancouver, Peter Lakie, CNR. divisional freight agent, returned to the k-t si LETTERBOX Shipments of these famous Shoes are now arriving regularly . . . city on last night's train from a ! new chapter. I Mrs. Leslie Bevington is regent-elect of the Chapter with Mrs. Douglas Stewart as sec trip to the interior on official business. NORWAY STILL RATIONED Editor, Daily News: Allow me to correct an ac GIRLS HAPPY AGAIN Principal Hurst Lifts Long Dress Ban - Gloves, High Neckline !. ' ' By Daily News Staff Writer) ; The girls of the class of '48 are wearing a "new look" these flays a they go ahout their scholastic fluties. Although the look has to do with dresses it is on the young faces the change has taken place. For a time this winter the girls wore very long faces at the thought of wearing short-skirted dresses at the June exercises. But spirits1 a charge of J count in your paper of January They're tops in Styling and Craftsmanship Convicted on drunken driving, was sentenced seven days in 22 regarding statements made Murray Oliver, Wednesday to jail with six retary. There are ten charter members. There are believed to be about thirty war brides In Prince Rupert. Duchess of Edinburgh will be the fourth I.O.D.E. Chapter in Prince Rupert, the others being pare for Canada's defence with the Royal Canadian Navy Reserve. Recruiting officer In at VARIOUS STYLES AND SOLE WEIGHTS S13.50- $18.75 tendance at H.M.C.S. Chatham week days 9 to 5. Monday by me at the Gyro luncheon last Wednesday. There still is rationing in Norway. I stated, however, that during my visit to Norway last summer, there was no rationing on fish and vegetables and for this reason there was always plenty of food. Likewise clothing Is still strictly rationed but the . mother chapter, Queen Mary; Cambrai and Galloway months' suspension of his drivers' license by Magistrate W. D. Vance in city police court. Oliver was defended by T. W. Brown. Axel Berglind, charged with supplying liquor to an Indian, was found guilty and fined $50 plus $3.50 costs in city police Rapids. ana laces went up wiu-n ran- mal sown and haven't hart nights 7:30 to 10:30 Training commences immediately. (21) Watch the Classmed Ads! casion to wear it since. On the other hand the girls think that, while a short white dress may not cost as much as a long one, the situation Is much improved and everybody seems to be well dressed. court yesterday morning. Berglind was defended by Roderick FUNERAL OF MRS. LOGAN it is just about as impractical.. Now that they have the green liKht many of the eirls are nlan-l MacLeod. On a second charge, that of supplying liquor to an i and scorched earth policy In the interdicted person, Berglind en- northern part of Norway, this sinus PAIN Relieved Fast This Easy Way! Put a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol up each nostril and eel it go to work bringing quick, Sk-v soothing relwt mTm from miserable VICKS w T' cinus pain. VATROHOL tered a plea of guilty and was 'was done by the Germans as given suspended sentence plus they withdrew before the Nor- 13.50 costs. wegian and Russian forces. Thank you, Mr. Editor. Dr. Jens Munthe ning to buy the materials and tailor their own gowns. Another point against the long formals was unless the boys of the class wore tuxedos, they would be improperly dressed, conventionally speaking. In the opinion of one of the girls, if they waited until all the boys acquired tuxedos, they would be passed worring about graduation gowns, at least cipal Allan Hurst changed, his1 nay to aye on the question of! Jloor-length formals. .';When the young ladies parade' tholr charms during the gradual tloh ceremonies, the alf alr should, be a sweeping success i for they will be attired in for -1 mal, flopr-bru-shinn gowns feat-1 uring the "New Look." But If j the skirts are to be low, the( tame thing won t apply to thf-1 gown tops. Off - the - shoulder: styles will be barred and if the gown has a low neck line It wiil be up to the wearer to- make some changes by adding a lace collar or some such attachment depending on the girl's imacina-jtiort or creative ability. Long gloves will also be worn for the bin event. "-One of the arguments aKain.it long dresses y.s inf expen.se. Some of last year's (jrad.s paid $30 fit $40 and more for a for- Classified Advertising Pays! Final Rites Yesterday Afternoon With Rev. A. F. McColl Officiating In the presence of friends and sympathizers, final rites for the late Mrs. Margaret Logan, wife of William Logan, took place from the Grenville Court Chape! of the B. C. Undertakers to Fair-view Cemetery Thursday afternoon. Rev. Allan F. McColl. pastor of First Presbyterian Church, officiated and Mrs. J f -x For h Men and Boys RUBBER BOOTS L.7ft. Hip-Length, 34-Length Crrrt" Knee High AnkIe H1eh RUBBERS IN ALL STYLES GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. P.O. Box 737 624 3RD AVE. their own. for speedy baking C. Gilker presided at the organ to accompany the hymns which were "Abide With Me" and ' Jesus, Lover of My Soul." Inter MOOSE WOMEN INITIATE SIX NEW MEMBERS Six new members were initiated into the Prince Rupert Chapter, Women of the Moose at the monthly meeting Wed ment followed In Fairview Cemetery with Thomas Morrison. Frank Roma, William Roth- well, Ivor Moe, Ted Marsh and I -V Sidney Tindell acting as pall bearers. . 1 Announceri ents All lTrilr.lirti- :n ItlT: rniun w'l be chhrKPd for n full BMUl St 25 cents a word. Conrrfd P.T.A. Care! Tarty, Jan. 28. S p!iV : UJ.A.tv,U, dance Friday. Juii-ttaryy 21, Oddfellows' Hall. 7 Burnt Uaii.fojHcrtiiiid buffet There were floral tributes from Mother, Brother and Sis nesday nfght. Inducted by Senior Regent Mrs. Percy Bond were Mrs. Robert McKay, Mrs. Sparks. Mrs. W. Gomez. Mrs. Frank Derry. Mrs. M. Thomey and Mrs. M. Hopkins. After a brief business meeting, the members enjoyed a session of whist, ters, the Sherwood Family, Mr Since 1847 the name McClacy has stood for the finest in stoves that money can buy. See the smart full white enamel models now on display at . . . and Mrs. Robert Nesbitt, Mr and Mrs. Charles St. Clair. Uni ty. Saskatchewan, Mr. and Mrs sppper, L'resbyterian C h u r c h winners bei.ig Mrs. J. Dickens' Yule and family. Mr. and Mrs Ian 26. and Mrs. Tweed. The meeting i Serstad Mr. and Mrs. Bussher f United Church Congregation concluded with refreshments served by a committee under Mrs. J K.isprr. ftl Dinnfcr Meeting. 6:30. Jan 28 ; Birthday Tea and Home Cook Mr. and Mrs. Stan Chapman Vanderhoof. Miss Alice Sparks Miss Winnie McCaskell, Mr. anc' Mrs. C. Lundstrom, Mr. and Mrs vv ' ' GORDON'S HARDWARE ing Salle, Salvation Army Girls i Pome January 29, 2:30 to 5. , j r"t!ard Party in Catholic School! HatUJan. 29. 8 p in. j V'Jojo's Daughters Dana, Masai kc Temple, Jan. 30. LONDON 0 The board of J. Kasper, Mr. and Mrs. Attlf trade is considering, the textile Irvine, Keremeos, Pacific Steve-industry's suggestion .that 1.- doring Co., Mr. and Mrs. George 000.000 i $4.000,000 1 unsold "Old Cook. need it! right there when . . . you Phone 311- MiBride St. Uuk" coats and frocks should ramhral Valentin- TV:. Feb I 00 S(,ki t0 Canada. Sweden and I Germany. Advertise in the L-aily News! i!4. 214 4th Street P. II. LINZEY Phone Green 917 It's here at last! New Fleischmann's Royal Tast Rising Dry Yeast, the modern baking discovery thai keeps fresh in the cupboard for weeks always "on the s;. ot" for extra-quick baking, extra delicious results. IF YOU BARE AT HOME lay in a good supply of New Fleischmann's Royal liist Rising Dry Yeast use it as you need it. At your grocer's. Prince Rupert Realty Co. Protect Your Home NOW Against Fire Losses Tomorrow May Be Too Late! GOODWILL GIFTS TO BRITAIN LAST CALL Any person having clothing or food to donate to the above cause please phone the following: Residents living between Seal Cove and Ilavs Creek, phone AM). KOHT. McKAY, Green 419. Other residents phone GORDON & ANDERSON 48 t United Church Valentine Tea Feb. 19. Mrs. A. DorTiinato, 500 Taylor St. j S. O. N. Basket Social and tance, ladles with baskets free, veryone welcome. Black's Orchestra, Oddfellows' Hall, February tO, 9:30. ; Canadian Legion W. A. Spring Ele,.March 31. 5?"Angllcan Easter Sale. April 1. t Orange Tea. April 21. '. United Church Spring Sale, April 29. j i Home-cooked dinner from 6 to f. toe. Bosun Inn. 33) ' ,U. whist and crlbbage, Metropole Hall, every Saturday. M P.m. '431 .4 "y -ir. Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 few d ays- - PHONt US FOR PHOMP7 a few -oniy TRY EUREKA Tank Cleaner The finest cleaner of its kind ever built STILL $99.50 A Few Features: 1. Super suctions-moves 49.9 cubic feet of air each minute of operation. 2. Seven attachments including de-mother and paint sprayer. 3. Easy to empty bag. 4. High efficiency air filter. 5. Balanced handle smart appearance. 6. No oiling no radio interference. 7. Approved by Good Housekeeping. SEE THEM AT SUMMIT ICE CREAM YOUR BEST EATING PLACE Fl IX-COl'RSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND PARTIES CHINESE DISHES BROADWAY CAFE 608 3rd Ave. W. Phone 200 FOR YOUR PARTY It is Good, FRESH MADE and Delicious CIY TRANSFER V.J Uenzies P1IOXE 950 LE.FT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE UNUSUAL VALUES BEING OFFERED IN "NEW LOOK" MERCHANDISE AT SWEET SIXTEEN S SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE. . . . HATS . . . COATS ... BLOUSES . . . DRESSES VALENTIN DAIRY LOCATION! McRAE BROS. Ltd. f .Tf Room 10 STONE WILDING 3rd. Ave West A. MacKemie Furniture PACIFIC REPAIR 2Zt Phone LIMITED NEW PHONE SEE IS FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies ; Consult us for your needs In all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. Cards for every occasion. Fountain Pens. DIB6 PRINTING COMPANY "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 1 KM E .-!;$ RED 367 for appointments CHESTERFIELD SlITES BEDROOM SUITES Beauty Rest Mattress, Beauty Rest Box Spring Walnut Tables for every purpose WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR SPECIALS Phone 77S 327 3rd Avenue When shopping at Sweet Sixteen, use our . personalized BUDGET PLAN . . . No Interest No Carrying Charges l et I HI I'UU Viiur Vlll(i MM'HINK unit at 1 1 IIOMK Al'I'l.lWt KS 8!ti -ml Ac Wnt L Margaret McLeod f OPTOMETRIST THIRD AVENUE j BESNER BLOCK t 7