iiriTjnfmttffmn itod A Y 'til SATURDAY -7P.m.-9:05 p., Kauio Dial Prime ttupcrt Daily J3cto$ LtD. Friday, January 23, 1913 RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITIZENSHIP CFPR 1240 Kilocycle 1 ropular Science Ati fatloon - S it ti Saturday Shows A I i 2 00 4:25, 6:50, 9:1(0 ALAN LADD OAK RUSSELL WIlllAM BENDIX Borden Street School P.T.A.. r Hears Impressive Address Highlights of the program at the monthly meeting of Borden Street School Parent Teachers' Association on Wednesday eve pared to live for them so that they may be worthy of the' sacrifice of those who died to establish them. The showing of "Klee Wyck," the story of the life of Emily Carr, British Columbia's noted Jj (J BAPTIST CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING Gratifying Actuvity In All Branches of Church Work Reported Reports of gratifying activity in the Sunday School and junior groups were received by the annual congregational meeting of First Baptist Church held Wednesday night in the Sunday School room. The meeting was attended by about thirty persons with Rev. Fred Antrous in the chair. The boys' class, with a membership of 55 and an average attendance of 40. has been par- ning were a talk on "Citizen- author and painter, is very viv ship" by G. R. S. Blackaby and idiv told in the moving picture the showing of two films, "Klee f that name which was ereat.lv (Subject to change) FRIDAY PM. 4:00 Ed McCurctv Shiga 4:15 Stock Quotation? 4:30 Especially For You 4:45 Sleepy Time Story Teller 5:00 String Styliiigs 5:30 Mu.sic by Sammy Kaye 5:45 Community Calendar 6:00 Beat the Champs 6:30 Three Suns and a Starlet :40 According to Record B:45 Recorded Int. 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Men. at Work 8:00 One-night Stand 8:30 Boston Pops 9:00 Dream Time 9:30 Prairie Schooner. , 10:00 CBC News 10:10 -B. C. News Wyck and the "Voice of the enjoyed and appreciated by all.,' Prairies, National Film Board The second picture, the por-1 ice.--, mi k. Moore, trayal of a Manitoba Music Fes-prlncipal of King Edward School tival at Winnipeg, with its im-operating the projector. I pressive sineine numbers, had a r ! I r ill I h' V 'i Yah - 1 ! j ticularly active, the meeting was Unformed by Mr. Antrobiis whn LQQ BETTER! PEELbETTER I SE I LTKA-VIOI.ET SI N LAMPS Can be used in ordinary socket Three times as fast as July sun Accepted by American Medical Association AVAILABLE AT: Now o y Si3il RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Plume 611 313 3rd Ayf . - .. 1; I S 3 v f w ' i 5 1 1 V I has been in charge of it. His assistants are Henry Friensen, Fred Wilson and Rev. John Lin-ney. Mrs. A. E. Martin renorteri thot 10:15 Mainly About Music the mission band also had been 1 10:3011 Richards Orch. In his thoughtful address, Mr. particularly timely appeal in Blackaby dealt with the value view of the Music and Drama and obligations of citizenship. Festival that the Prince Rupert The Statute of Westminster had Parent Teacher council, with clearly recognized the status ol tne support or zzs ssoc:a:ions, Canada as a member of the is planning. British Commonwealth of Na- Ronnie Black, accompanied tions and the Canadian Citizen- by Mrs. T. B. Black sang pleas- ship Act of 1947 was actually ingly. 'putting on the statute books of BUSINESS SESSION Canada the implications of the PRECEDES ENTERTAINMENT ; 1931 Statute of Westminster.! In the business session pre-. But legislation does not and ceding the entertainment th? 1 ' cannot make good citizens. It members heard reports of the I may state the conditions neces- j P.T.A. Council from President nary for qualifications, but true C. Hansen, and Mrs. Blackaby,' citizenship goes much deeper, i the latter giving a full account Canada is nominally a Christian! of the preliminary meeting held ! atuvf. iverase aupnri.inpo u- 11:00 Weather and Sign Off 40 and at one meeting the-? were 85 present. Mrs. Martin is assisted by Mrs. W. H. Waters, Mrs. T. Lloyd and Mrs. W D Smith. SATURDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clocfc 8:00 CBC News The Sunday School doubled Its attendance during the last year, Mrs. W. D. Smith, superlnten- EX-KING MICHAEL IN SWITZERLAND Former King Michael oi Romania, accompanied by his mother, former Queen Helen, and an unidentified aunt, are shown on their arrival by train at Lausanne, Switzerland. One of Michael's first acts was to phone. his sweetheart. Princess Anne, who has left Copenhagen for Lausanne. She is accompanied by her father, Prince Rene of Bourbon-Parma, and her mother, Princess Margrethe of Denmark . During their stay, plans will be made for the wedding of the princess and former King Michael. i-uuiiujr ttiiu me iiiyn sianaarns i i-rybuunzing interest m tne local Drama and Music Festival ! The Borden Street P.T.A. will i cieni, reported. OFFICERS FOR ! YEAR ELECTED support it and a committee! headed by Mrs. J. Garrett arid officers were 8:15 Pick of the Hits 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9.15 Records at Random 9:30 Melodies for Juniors 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Band Stand 10:15 World Cnurcli News 10:30 -Concert Favorites 10:45 CBC News 10:55 Weather Forecast 11:00 Mu.sic for Dancing 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded 11:45 Personal Album The following elected: Deacoius P. H demahded by Christianity t.hould be the objectives of all Sdtte'ns. The various freedoms 1 art-Canada's but Canadians 1 must accept the responsibility lermaintaining them. Freedom t ot raligion, of speech, from want, JfrtWffear, can only be guaranteed toy the measure of the ef-JforfTnade to safeguard them Lindzey, C. H. A. E. Mrs. Blackaby will explore the, that there were ninety - one possibility of entering a group members. Mrs. Crawford Moore, in the adult play section. I treasurer, presented the finan- The resignation of Mrs. T. A lcial report. MacKeown as secretary, owing Following adjournment, de- Daggett. For i'ast Service on Transmission Belting write or call PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Wholesale Distributor Goodyear 1 ire & Rubber t o. Lid. 712 Second Avenue Prince Ruper! Elkins. H. M Martin RUPERT LOOKS GOOD TO HIM , Representative of Big Merchandizing Concern Visiting City ..,5C Ui aa ac- ngntiui refreshments were Church Clerk-H. M. Daggett Communion Convener Mrs. J Armstrong. I The speaker emphasized that cepted with regret and Mrs. T. served under the chairmanship of Mrs. Lincham. B. Black was unanimously chosen to fill the nosition. feunday School Superintend-, ent P. H. Linzey. i Mrs. Flood is chairman of the' these freedoms are being 'stantly challenged. The.chal- Ilenge must be met. This could be -done by being loyal to coun-jtry, by living it and by unsal-I fish ervcie to anu lor it. There must be an adequate knowledge ,ol the principles of citizenship, 4nd Canadians must be pre- Envelope Steward A. D. Rit- 1 i , ; . ,. to be chie in healthy financial con- Bulldlng Committee-A. D. LiT' program committee and also re-j. ST. ALBAN S, Hertfordshire, ported on the next meeting. Mrs. ! Eng., (P Ven. Claud Thomas H. E. Amos, literature convenor, 1 Thellusson Wood, 62-year-old reported new subscribers to the archdeacon of St. Alban's, has magazine. S. A. Cheeseman's been appointed Bishop of Bed-report on' membership showed ford. j Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. El- . lUm aCCUiea 10 dlS" "I think prospects for Prince Rupert are definitely on the up-trade," says Norman Carter, supervisor of mail order offices lor T. Eaton Co. Ltd.. who is spending a few days in the city on company business. Here on an official inspection and "siz-ins ud" trio, he said hp haH re Short or Long Your hair ran linonie you either way ii'niiiiue me iHiMuuu or aeacon- kins, Mis. A. MacBroi)m I A new hosuital visit inir ess as of this year. Plans for com-) a church dinner in the near fu-each:ture were laid JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue will be formed mittee month f ST The meeting concluded with report delivered by the serving of refreshments hv Financial ceived some "most ennnnrncrino- information'' in iiiinihr roiiahio ' A. E Martin showed the church .,H t- I lauiia ui liii: i ) urHpn nn I PeOpleS"' Solid Comfort i and conservative quarters. It met c f,r,W n t.nn ,- .4 1 - Let Us Style Yoir luii . Beauty Lane Salon 218 4lh St. f Blue I a. jcai -dUU-a-Ililll agO that Mr. Carter, formerly local 1 I V JUST WHEN I '"v f f THINK THE WHOLE 3 V WORLD'S CONE TO I -JtrJ VV4 POT, THEY BRING- a. J OUT THESE GOOD ) jy, kw X iTX Ol FASHIONED (K representative of his company here, left the city but he observed that, in that short time, he had seen many changes for the better. He was particularly impressed with the brightness Jt Third Avenue's electrical il V:-V MUNI OCrVlVAbr; "1 I II lumination by night. "I don't think there is another citv of i v- .J n rf-x i"i i ii m . J NOTHING IS TOO GOOD FOR BABY . . . V.,.. ! jf Even UioiiiUi we a:ri!ic our own need.;, the baby must have the best. That Is our policy in sc!et- ' lng ittins fur Rie care, feeding and hialth ol baikc. Yoil can dcix-nd on us for the bst quality and h; ;1-est standards in products and medicines. ' PHONE 81 Oirmmes it nags omparable size in the province -hat can compare with it in attractiveness." he declared. Mr. Carter would not be drawn out when asked about the possibilities of his company opening up a full-fledged retaii . - I XT' aims y JUtlet here. "It's something i " " w mmri 'c j . ' 1 i " t-W-v ! n V"S7 Tr Jon't know a thing about," he told the Daily News. LONDON (P-A 7! -ton shell, nade for a 31-mtn gun which Krupps, the German manufac Good for you. flA j' Oigm$tiblm J'i os roosr. Jej. I ynJtmu'V turers, said was the lamest in '.he world, is on display in Lon aon s Imperial War Museum SINGER j Y Immediate delivery of nr. a treadle and electric sewlnj T t , , r..-.4 , Nightwear and Housecoats BEDJACKETS PYJAMAS HOUSECOATS Year After Year the Mecca for Wise Buyers iN THE SUPRKivIE COURT np ;f i ii i iiiui nines in rnnrt tuy i " I and distrirt. ! SINGER W'E DOCTOR SHOES IIEfX THEM ATTEND TO THEIR DYEINO SAVE THEIR SOLES MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. BRITISH COLUMBIA , IN PROBATE yinthe atter of the Estate of walbert Harvey Thorp Otherwise nown as Culbert Harvey Thorpe. and IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" Take Notice that bv Order of His ."i?ll!o,ludfe ,w- Fultn made ine 19th of January. AD. 1948 nas appointed administrator 31 ,r the Estatp nt Palnort Scuinir Machine CoJ HOT AIR FURNACES! OIJDKIl TODAY INSTAI.I.Kn TOMOKKOW Let us put In your inexpensive Kum-furt Furnace now before the busy season starts. I Phone 864 Prince Rupert ;. ii.''"4 &figi 4i Thorp, otherwise known ns r.ni. X THOM SHEET METAL MMITF.II 253 East First Avenue beit Harvey Thorpe, deceased. All parties having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to furnish s?,me pro- Vorified t0,ni? i)n or bl'fore &AZ 0,1 February. AD. 1948 after which date claims filed may be paid without refer- Plioi.e tilack H81 ii "s -1 i mm mm cm ir m s Store! People When You Use Our PVREX WAKE OLASSWAKK ENAMELWARE Come in and see our rooking dishes. They'll certainly please you. a HIBBBBliilB SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. J"1 anv claims of which I v hen had no knowlede All parties indebted to the said Estate are hereby required to jav the amount of their in-detedness t0 me forthwith. DATED at the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, this 19th day of January. A D. 1948. GORDON F. FORBES Olficial Administrator, ' Prince Rupert. BO, r- . 27i GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT i NOTICE Is hprphv ,iu .v.. .. LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street The Popular j u I'hnne 37 P.O. Box 511 wms& f PRINCE FliASER STREET the 1st of March 1B4H th. . i P.O. Box 1118 , CSSM RIIPFRT 518 Third West l!l I) rnnce Kuport Good News! We have just received a carload of Donnacona IVallboard 4x8 $68.50 per M. -.Kura anaaiun Legion No. 85 Intend to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a vetrun' Huh n Sails For In respect of the BLONDIE Pretend You're Cupid, Dagwood! at NW Corner 4th and Columbia St., By Chic Yovrt oicwnn. a. u., 1st noor. upon lands in t I I ' L ' ' ! B"!?! i 1 '.iTiTTinnrninni,-! i r,i . . 11. r LL' lil' . I Ii i i' ML ! Il l mraurvn ,., , 1 PT I rrw-i .VANCOUVER JLl INTERMEDIATE PORTS (WELL, I'M f-JCI" SITT" I "u a "Jt No. 13 Ac 14 and Block 15, section -. map 1087. Prince Rupert Land Registration District In the Province of British Columbia, to entitle each member on the premises reasonable quantity of liquor for nrrsonal consumot.frtn nn tua EACH THURSDAY , j AT 11:15 P.M. lsog. and entitling the club to pur- this. I'll irS. "' hyfit 5:VV-' ii '' X ' If Wtm ,m Q tiinue liquor irom a vendor and sell by the glass the liquor so purchased to Its members and quests, for con For KETCHIKAN trDN'ESDAY MIDNIGHT sumption on the club premises In of accordance with the provisions nie uuvutBMEni LIQUOR ACT" OHDEK NOW WHILE IT LASTS PHILPOTT, EVIIT & CO. LTD. PHONES 651 - G32 Coal - Lumber - Building Supplies - Paints and the regulations promulgated For information call or write City. fr Depot Ticket Offices. DATED this 12th day of January, 1948. R. H SHARP, Secretary, Canadian Lei?ion B I S.L. Branch No. 85. TOTNCE RUPERT, B.C. Air" w y T-JI ' -.JJ - .: