a i nnni Monday, October 31, 1949 Art Club Is Active Group Leoo OUHL isr : monthly meeting ANNOUNCEMENTS St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nor. 3. Moose Temple Card Party, Nov. 3. .Civic Centre Bridge November 4. Lutheran Tea and Home Cooking November 5tn Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 8. Presbyterian rail Bazaar, Nov. U HARD, HOT Prince Runcrt Teacher's A&s'n the city; Sunday evening on the Catala from Butedale. Another flourishing cultural Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Scott, of San Francisco, passed through the city on Sunday night on the Catala, enroute to Hyder. Alaska, where Mr. Scott will inspect the Riverside tungsten property, of which he is the owner and which is one of the consistently steady producers of the Portland Canal districi. Tuesday, Nov 1. Ladies' Lounge! Civic Centre 8 p. m. (254)lgroup develPin8 at. the Civic i Centre Is the Prince Rupert Art O Boy Scout As The Misses Lillian and Ethel Club which Is meeting regularly Boclation Annual Double K Sted Tuxedo meeting, C 1 v 1 c , Knutsen returred to the city with Mrs. J. T. Harvey as presld Centre, Frldayi " ule viuala eunaay evening ent and some twenty members NOV. 4.,. Civic Cfntr lariioe' Advertise in the Dally News. ""mens vacation in the enrolled. Local characters and 80utln- objects are being sketched and at t&McCaffery lounge. All interested please attend this important meeting. Mr. and Mrs. George Frlzzcil tne meetln3 last, week the sub- 1 1 M I T K I) (258) twho have been snenriimr the i ect was a fully vocaUonady garb- 17. - Women of the Moose dance. Oddfellows' Hall, November 18. Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra Concert, Nov. 18. I.OD.K. Chapter Fall Baz PHONE 118 H. J. Young returned i i.h. n.,l s"mmer and fall at the Skeena ed local Sherman. HERE'S Sunday, afternoon' rm' (hv raJRiver Hot Springs will return Miss Jean Faure, noted local SUFPLIES -BUILDING i MtK- mosun from a business trin to c iyy Wluim another week. U,l ...... I - " aar, Not. 24. Ma.sset. - artist, Is acting a.i instructress and black and whites in pencil Is the present form of drawing. The COat AND Trousers other Kinsmen and other boys St. Andrew's Cathear&l Fail Bazaar, Nor. 26. Saturday. '' IN S Community Ratepayers Association meeting to be held at joined the morning group. Sale of shell-out tickets will re n United Church Xmas Bazaar, n suit in some hard-working boy or drawings are In three-foot lengths. ' . ; Next subject will be a live dog. Officers of the club are-. Honorary President, Miff Jean IS Dec. 1. . i i Crange Ladies Sale, Dec. 7. East End- Community Hall, Tuesday, No. 1, 8:15 p. m. All ratepayers cordially invited to girl winning a bicycle, which is Salvation Army Home League to be the grand prize of the Hal lowe'en celebration. Sale of fancy work and home Faure. yen attend. .'. .. (255) SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned. nd endorsed "Tender Mr, and Mrs D Blackstone tor 8cow Grltl i,n, L01""" Platform,, arrived' in the p'lt.v KnnHav .MJ Coola. B. C". will be received The club plans to light three cooking at Sons of Norway Hall. jbsrrvjiirc sen l.iS1'1 bonfire one at Gyro Park, one President, Mrs. J. T. Harvey. Vice President,1 Mrs. I,. . M Dec. 8 at 2:30 p.m. uutll 3.00 pm. (E.D.8.T.). Wednca rung on the Catala from Klem- Greene. - tu. . 'streets rad Street school for the enjoy- You 6aw it lu The News. Secretary - Treasurer, S. A Cheeseman." . . .. day. November 23. 1949. for the construction of a scow Krld and loading platform at Bella Coola, B. C. Plana, form of contract, and specification can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the office of the ment of children in the varioti1 can. (or .lich will i Prte of the c"y- , Charles Durham of Usk, arrived In the city . Sunday even- .a,r,.n at I For the last two years, ceirbra- W2i Wit- ..V.ltaia IOllOWlni: a nhl.f tenr TV-nartnu-nt of Pub Smart, Double Breasted Tuxedo Coat and Trousers, THE ONLY. RAILWAY SEIVIN ALL TIN PROVINCES Vtlt to Vancouver. He plans to'"- Works. Ottawa, at the office of iightfil iiMtion of Hallowe'en In Prince Rupert hai been noted lor its lack 1M HI I lilt 1 m w Post Office -A return to his 'home n the ln.,"p uisinci r.nKmr, dnzen I of vandalism. Kinsmen Club ,v Bill Loiuk i members hope that their efforts $75.00 Tuxedo $83.00 Stock Sizes jingle Breasted With Silk Vest . . Building. New Westminster. B. C, and at Post Offices at Bella Coola, Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. Note Upon application to the undersigned, the Department will supply blue-prints and specification of lf Kinsmen j will help maintain this year s ob-t corner 1 servance on a trouble-free plane. terlor shortly. Mr. Durham went to Vancouver at the first of September by car over the Cariboo Highway and tells of "astonishing'' improvement work being carried out thcron. . , the work on deposit of a sum of 2000 In the form of a certified :on area j frc sold u the ily. Classified Ads. Oct Results. Made to Pleasure Tuxedo Coat & Trousers $83.00 bank cheque payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works. The deposit will be released on return of the blue-prints and specification i on aw It in the Newsl within a month from the date of reception of tenders. If not returned within that period the deposit will be forfeited. Tendera will not rfe considered un less made on printed forms supplied We have a limited number of Tuxedos in stock, but if we do not have your size we can promise quick delivery from the factory. by the Department and in accord' ance with conditions act forth there is payable in advance. Please refrain from as, 2c per word per insertion, minimum Juit one coat of B-H "Frewonette" cover unsightly kaltomine. wallpaper . . . give yon ftt walla wilh "liny wuable turface. Driea to th touch im couple of houra. Cf)ctrtiS Mi 50c, caras oi i nanus, m-am notices, n and Engagement Announcement: 82. In. Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered bank In Canada, payable to the order of the Honourable tbc Minister of Public Works, equul to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian Notional Railway Company and Its constitu i DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICK ncE I HANTEtJ UNION MEETING . Tfrere.wilf be a meeting of the Construction & General ; Labourers' Union Local No. 1427, in the Carpenters'- Union Hall, Frasef St., Prince Rupert, on Tuesday, November 1st, at 8 p.m. All -newly signed-on members are; urged to attend, so that they may be initiated. , ' Business General. C. L. Moe (Sec'v.) ,-. (255 i? Friday, WANTED To rent small u.pt. 1 iiirta"-- tut - : . m . m ma - v U otf i" . If m a Kuoeri.i or house, uniurnisnca. bv j, beloved young married couple. Kc- ent companies unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and Interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certi Fhone 311 McBride Street r-ie? Ot- ward. Phone Blue Bito U8j r alC S I m w . ATM A if V If rjrt jir-1 r An l w jm manteu wiwi j, tit, uiapu 000 to finance a business that will eive a substantial In fied cheque lf required to make up an odd amount. By Order, J. M. SOMERVII.LE. Secretary. come and security. Box 002, D.ulv News. . (259: Suv. U. a Fair- t.ncnU. SMITH &HWHS Department of Public Works. Ottawa, October 24, 1049. IH) WANTED Housekeeping room cabin or Apt, furnished for niunlp no children. Phone Blue 923. (2M) PLUMBING AND IfEATING Phon. nl PO. Bos 274 Your ap iii!ixin WANTED TO RENT artment, suite or small house. Star's Sty le vcar Are You Planning i To Build? 5 Then plan with 1 builders, mn who t J know how to select ' J ' materials and use them to give J you -: J the most satisfacJ ; ( tion. Call on us. ; W keep costs down, i . but give vou the ':' very best.-:' jj "Blur Book" k your Csnd4'M time tabfe' gIUt tm r)UrrV M LtntuU, if 1 Si;.' Cove ' '2361 ! furnished or ouierwisc, win 3 receive care oy una ,uhj- '.m. viry . 1 25b ) Klwnal Occupancy Nov. ism. aw. Box 607 bally Hews (256 WANTED Metal, cooper, brass, i and car batteries.- See B. C.! Furniture, thxxl prices, (254) I LOST AM) tUUND LOBTKntttlna tow with knit- 7 chairs. Hill m s '26' Oijsmobile PRE-XMAS SALE STARTS NOV. 1 12 Only Wool Slacks (Reg. $8.95) :St2esr144VlS-.f $3.95.. - 20 Only AsitM Skirts $3.95 & $4.95 12 Only House Frocks (Size 14) .... $1.49 Unit ana oikik, somewnpre un 5 th East. Phone Red 633 j (255) "u bfiter, at recent-h Blue 527 1254) carriaw JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenu SITUATIONS WANTEJI GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS The Continental Limited directly serves Montreal, Ottawa, ';. . Toronto, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and ( . . Vancouver.' This famous train has all the modern comforts for long distance travel air-conditioned coaches and .; .'" v. "through" sleeping cars with various types' of accommodations, rooms and berths . . . observation lounge cars. Enjoy delicious dining car meals . . . thoughtful, courteous service ... ample room to move around. You arrive refreshed and relaxed when you travel by train. See Canada this year. Gd Canadian National. Mp. 1020 WORK WANTED Capable woman to look afUr. cnlldren in daytime. Phone Red 59 ( 234) F OK KENT SD".-ia.lv RED 561 P.O. BOX 121 i Mark 3 25 Only Uniforms, Smocks Asst'd Sizes & Colours $1.95 5 sporting FOR RENT Sleepinit room, re Box 605 spectable young lady. w. HO 'M $3.00 Limited t2a5l Daily News. Mh and FOR RENT Large housekeeping room for gentleman, to ruiiiide d So sales . 0U.nv:i share. Close in. Pnone ureen 448, between 1 p.m. to 6 pm (258) SPECIAL Rayon Briefs 49 Slips & Half-Slips .... $1.49 FOR RENT Sleenlnir room In St. 5t. 1280) ' name;, "' Shivels, ':, Adam,' 'lord Bros private hwne. 418 Orcen (255) .m AC HEAL ESTATE 1 inlenanc COUITISY ANt SIRVICI Whtthir tt kami or "going pltxtt" oil Jut contacts uith Ctmaditn Sdtional, jou uill experienti tourlesy nd sri(t. FOR SALE 61 x room Wartime house with garage, fine view, newly decorated, with range uamshe'l GranoKs te Mixers W Nelsor ; Stockpili AND MANY OTHER BARGAINS AT BARGAIN PRICES ' Baby's Flannelette Nijrhties Newland Wool (3-ply 1 oz.) and heater Full price '"-Terms. R. E. Mortimer, 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88. (257) nu:e Port And a thousand other TOYS in our large NEW STOCK which has just arrived for XMAS MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW AT 30 I :ners an; ah Stce Nahona Nati,..,i CaNADiiur 10 Off All Cash Sales on Coats, Suits, Raincoats and Dresses. mConw and Uv "Shirs Wise ssonns. Irom Na-Co. Ltd., itfi FOR SALE For Cash Four roomed house, partly furnished on Park Avenue, lots 7, 8, and 9. Block 2, Subd. Di. 361 Terrace Bids on above must be In by November 10 and addressed to J. H. Smith and R-M. Oory, Executors of Estate of late R. W. Riley. Highest or any bid not necessarily accepted. (17). l2a: AXRL1MES STEAMSHIPS HOTEIS EXPHESS TELEQaAMU Furnl- BAILWAYS 518 3rd Ave. W. Box 1118 Phone Red 400 wice Fix- Plato, . Disstim Loeslns FOR SALE 5 room house; 7 Roofinii; large utility room; furnished naiims I or or nnf uniinnlshHri! umishvri' hiLsement: IL Close In: ramrretc founda' wrlterl See Our tlons. Also a 4 room house .Hist off Mi-Rrlde: btisemenl Hey Kids!! 1 Get Ready For rental cottage at rear only $1000 down. For these and 'Black 324. 7k Complete Display of others. See Armstrong Agencies. 307. 3rd W. Ph. 342 or Ureen 297 (eves.) (257) im Practic- llllialllkll Mr ' 12581 f ..kitchen' WIS 011 FOR SALE See this Value 6 room house on Ambrose; 3 lots; view; basement; plast-ered; lnunediatie occupancy; priced low for quick sale; Includes oil stove and other iurniture. See Armstrong Agencies Ph. 342 or Green 297 (eves.) (257) , . (258) Kaien Co-op DON'T LET "BLUE MONDAY" Get You Down. Come in Today and oee our WASHERS . GAS MODELS $194.95 ELECTRIC MODELS with water pump $ 1 67.95 ELECTRIC MODEL $157.95 ELECTRIC MODEL $134.50 PAYMENT PLAN CAN BE ARRANGED THROUGH OUR CREDIT UNION PHONE 179 BOX 1127 251 THIRD AVENUE : For : Fire Crackers, Masks FLOOR LAMPS TABLE LAMPS BOUDOIR LAMPS Priced from 11. bes S24nr nn fOR SALE Newlv nainted 4 p.,';i-uu LtJV or 4 room wartime, wish- back A i Roman Candles, Rockets TQi 1254) ttn nn &nc nn Porch, bunk-beds for children. Fully furnished in excel-nmt condition and on large lot $2,000 down. Apply Ro-bt E. MoniUdor Ltd. (250) uor. Win , Call - (tt) Make your choice at . . 02 $j.ou iu a.uu tor I (255) 0ilt NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. LTD. MJSCELLANE0U8 CLEANER CUTTING SAWS Your saws will cut cleaner, fuer, faster, lf they are filed by machine. Mechanical pre- PHONE 210 BtSNKR BLOCK PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. STEWART, B.C. w eves. "'"u, quick service. Brm your sa-ws to u. Saw Service twr.i '"u ,11-ri Ave. E. (3