Us Velvet is Leader j and talent. Figures re re-j-vealed in bathing suits, poLse in Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, August 30, 19J0 Small Tov;n !l$TAR9jn F.j FMhiftK CoiChlt i By MURIEL NARRAWAY . Canadian Press tSaff Writer T "" Y I L . T J M K v- - -,; ' r i SB? LADIES SLIPS Nationally Advertised 11 Good Loo!(crs By James P. Hackett ATLANTIC CITY, II (AP -' There are more good-looking girls in small towns, than i big cities. Arid that' .not because there are more small towns than .there: we big cities, either. Proof of this beauty pudding I tod the sweet Jmeu P " kitchen fvening gowns and talent on the stage of huge Convention Hall. Face has taken on less Importance in recent years, much to the dismay of spectators. Many yolce their disappointment in the selection 0 Miss America, arguing any number of the other girls are "pretyer." ' Jii? judges mark score cards on personality atjer breakfasting three mornings with the -contestants. Pur-Ing the public showing, the scorecards are marked for igure, -poise and talent. The J5 girls with the highest cumber of points become finalists. They are' scored all ovr again until fiye are chosen. From the fiye, Miss America is selected. LONDON (P Velvet, with 1U 'sumptuous femininity. Is In the 1 forefront among London's fall i fashions. i The big ten of Britain's fashion world make' of it for everything from crinoline evening gowns to day suits, accessories M ' A.V.rinUS bV , rlman'j mustard & promise of. taste. L free rec,pe and gloves. Velvet Jackets with plaid 5u-le!le , Pacemaker 3'00 and ;. Formula 4.00 each FRASER & PAYNE L L01ID skirts are the choice for day wear. These are proving more popular than the all-velvet suit, w m the loqktng. It's getting oo to Miss America (time again, and this year most of the entrants are from -mail towns. Oh yes, there are some big city girls in .the contest. As usual, 54 girls will compete in the Miss Afl?erlca pageant Crom September 4 to September 8. They'll repreent 46 states ALASKA HIGHWAY Public camping grounds, service stations and other facilities are provided at 250-mlle Inter 1 'J 1 : ' ! ' - , . u l - f 3. . - . ' 1 ' ,r" i - if' vals or less along the Alaska BROADWAY CAFE highway- (Rhode Island and West Virginia are missing); four cities. Wash --r- -s-- ( ington, D.C., New Vorfc, Phila delphia and Chicago; and an- aaa, Alaska, Hawaii jtnd Puerto Tk.tyi Best Food as the old problem of rubbed" skirts Is avoided. Norman Hurtnell, the Queen's designer, shows two flare-skirted coats, in black velvet with melon-shaped elbow cuffs of white ermine and mutation mink respectively. These are matched to detachable neck ties. . Hartnell uses yelvet in cocktail dresses, evening gowns, negligees, hats and gloves. ( 1 A beautiful, full-skirted even , Ins' dies with matching jacket ripnor0fprt in open-work flowers outlined by rose-colored bead- li Velour Is equally popular. with velvet and wears better in travel clothes. A full-length velour cape by Ronald Paterson, in ginger, reversing to black, U equally suitable for day or even-ng wear. A startling innovation Is the full, loose coat In black and vhite rhefkerboard velvet. r$ TAXI ico. They will vie for the Miss America title won last year by Jacque Mercer of Phoenlxvllle. 'ACK 720 Ariz. The winner will be dubbed "Miss America, 1951" instead of "1950V . , j The change, was made so the Hour- ? mo. to ,1 i.m for Toke-Home Orders--Phon 00 ,3, 4 New and Reliable title would he up to date during L iaafa.aafaaar..ffr Trf H rTJ j jjj M t f W 1 1 . LOCAL COLOR Crew members of 426 Squadron, of the RCAF now flying the Pacific airlift from McChord Field, Wash., to Japan, didn't .have much time for the far eastern terminus before their return flight, but did manage to take brief sight-seeing ; trips in Tokyo. This RCAF photo shows' Fit. Lt. E. J. Boland of Montreal, left, a navigator, and Fit, Lt! A. J. P. Byford of Ottawa, with a local character they encountered. (CP Photo t b COW BAY me reign or the winner. To get back to the small town beauty, here's a preview on some of the girls. . Did a girl from Cleveland or ! RY US OUT! JHONE 79 PHONE 79 r i OH COKTAltS Velvet evening euits with 1 ! beaded rever and cuffs, fitted Iconts and full skirts make a rich Cincinnati win the 'Miss Ohio" , title? No, sir, it was 19-year-old Irene Farren of Grand River. How about Louisiana? , New Or-! leans, you say. Jione. IVfi Rowena I Taliaferro of Winnsboro who .A wtxlfatt represents the state. r. - Canada's entrant is 19-year-' old Margaret Eleanore Bradford of Windsor. Ont. (dod. los.onoi. i"mnrrT? cocktail ensemble. A midnltfht blue velvet dinner suit i"'th rar;,ow. three-ouarter-lrnpth cuffed sleeves, has a dramatically - scooped neckline The back neckline .stands un like the stiffened collar of an 18th-century shoulder cape, the front scoons In a hlph sweeoing curve crrfini !n a narrow V. This reveals a high-necked ! liAirlLJjJ prompt and Courteou.' Here to Serv V'OU FROM ALASKA One girl went a long way to get hito the Miss America cop-test. She's Maxlne Cothern, born in Portales, New Mexico, 23 years ago. She attended Grace-land CoUege at Lamoni, Iowa, and will come to the pageant from Fairbanks, Alaska, as that territory's first competitor. Of the 45 girls selected to com wore Cafe Pjanuary HOURS Weekdays - 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE i'.y and Good Food" sis ? - r 1 olrt in trie blouse which, when the ' InrMr W removed, is found to be Packless. . . i pprvular skirtlines are the un at the front and ('"wn at the back and the petal Hrt ThP intle" U esoec'pllv effective with alternate velvet lor Send-Out Orders David Chow. Mgr. WRATH ALL'S PHOTO FINISHING See our Kodak Camera Line-up. Flash attachments for all Cameras. pete there are 24 brunettes, 16 1 blondes, four black -haired and-one red-haired. I To get the iurie-PR 'nnri ne Mloo and satin, or velvet and taffeta, petals. 111 . -" '- JV I America, the winner must not' ' nnlv nlaacA witvi fir...- t Kodaoolor and Kodachrome j ' (p , TRANS-CANADA HIGHWAY The present Trans-Canada highway has no Rrade in excess of five per cent and no curve in excess of four degrees. , & -". "sine ttnu luce, vi'l but she must show poise, per- , sonallty and talent. All the girls ' are judged on that basis, the - . . a public viewing the figure, poise Film. Developing, Printing and Enlarging. 320 3rd Ave. W. n SWJMMINO CHAMPIONS - This Camp Chickopi, Ont., team set the only Dominion record at the Canadian Open Swimming championships in Verdun, Que. The trio, from left to right are" Tom Benner, Oerry Nay and Bumpy Jones, all from Detroit They bettered the Canadian mark in the senior men's 440-yard free style relay vent with a time of 3:40.1. They also won the 300-yard m?dly "Ue- (CP PhotoV 122 VKffl FINE PRINTING at Z$ REGAL PRINTERS irZrfj PJI0NE 24 222 Second Av, SOON!!' Get All Your Supplies At oulfy Furnace n Moke Your Bills Soar. . . . "ffhaul your furnace ACT 1 t Nutlr- of liitriillnn to apply , to I.m-f Mud In the Atlln Land Recording t)U-trlrt of British Columbia, and attu-te on the Atlln Townslte Lake ahore troirtiMtp between Hlh and Low water mark, and fronting on Lake Street near the foot of Rank Street, tind laying beneath the present Wharf Structure. Take notice that I. Harper Reed. Prospector, of Atlln, B.C., occupation Propectlng, Intend to apply for a lease of the following described lends: Commencing at Post No. 1. Words There Bui Meaning Escapes HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert j J. D. Green, A. Snellenberg T Clough. R. Brvan. j. h W1U-' iams. R. J. Smith. Opnr-e roh ! you'll be Ready when wasters Ruar! LQNDON Clause 76 of the Vancouver; c.B. Rabbin Van'i Shoos Bill, the 'text of which wss:dernof; C. M. Sare belnfr Its Easterly avt-rijr Cor. vur. thence inenw inn Nor - i - - t A X rn: it t r f.-t-weteriy loo it. tissued today, stipulates, among iott, Vancouver; R. Ram- ' ineriy 60 i 'li.-L LL Southerly SO ft. Easterly 100 ft. all As long as the present rail strike continues nuire ,or leaa to commencement point. Commencing at a post planted at Its EaKtnrly Corner, near crossing of l.nke street and Rank Street Northerly 60 ft. Westerly 100 ft. thence Southerly 60 feet; thence Easterly 100 feet to point of commencement and containing 6000 area Jeet more or. lesa. Use of area to be for Lake Boat Shelter Dock. t HARPER REED. August 1st, 1050. (330) WIICfMEIII if We are not taking any cleaning or pressing at present We shajl attend to efficient service . on -Tailoring, Alterations and Repairing New Fall Samples have just arrived. Order now for better choice II II 0 THE TAILOR Box 286' 220 - 6th St. Phone 649 oiner thUigs, that: rr. "--". m, ana Mrs. Where under any Act passed o 'Tti W Vrk City; Lt' CoL before this Act there is power tn ocatue- .. I affect Acts passed or in force ' before a particular time and that j an Act passed or In force before would, but for the passing that time and notwithstanding i of this Act, have included power that the terms of this Act, apart to change the law which is re- from this sub-section, are not ' produced in this Act, then that ( such as to render that power i power . shall Include power to applicable." iriak4 such provision as will se- j The measure consolidates the ' 'cure the like change In the law i Shops Acts, 1912 to 1933, and' as reDroduced In this Act not-1 other ennrrmnnfo ointi.,' . I et Metal Ltd. for "Iron Fireman" Ave- Black 887 ; t 3 f withstanding that this Act Is not shops. you will be able to make great savings at MAIISOH'5 SPECIAL SALE All of our stock of Community Plate and it, 1847 Flatware may be obtained at their previous prices. Sanson's Jewellery- CAFE SERVING THE B.C. COAST CHARLOTTE ISLANDS PlffiA ... MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY LSSET "W"lK Kl'rEUT OPEN FROM S:M PM. TO S:30 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 PRT CLEMENTS JUSICATLA QUEFJ CHARLOTTE CITY ALLIFORD BAY CUMSHEWA INLET mXm;T w'a Wept Thursday and Sunday . Furniture Fashions SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK Chests of Drawers UNPAINTED iUCE ARM r,tI(E RUPERT STEWART SCHOOL TIME AT W . Ha. M .M'VaJ S W 0,09 AM, Dom's Dept. Store 3 Drawers 30" x 17" x 32" High $15.00 4 Growers 30" x 17" x 38" High $19.00 Mr. & Mrs. 6-Drawers 58" x 17" x 32" High $30.00 Pn. 1CKETS INFORMATION FAVm)SS lFMri...- lungs Plate 0y $cd0ram5 Sure r vnAKLUJ It AIRLINES LTP. For the Boys' and Girls' School Clothing, it will Pay You to" See Our Lorge Selection. We Guarantee Quality at no Extra Cost For All Your School .Supplies Visit Our Downstairs Store . O You May Have the Above Chests Finished In Clear Gloss Lacquer For $2 Extra per Piece CHRISTIE'S Wo'odbilt Products Cor. 1 st Ave. & Mcr3ride :Phone Blue 720 Ki'lQS& Christopher pld9. A')' Freiaki nn .n ci:La. . 1 P Jhi .adVArti-emeot is rot published or displayed by Jh J.iiuor Control Pogrd or ,by the Government of JUritiih Columbia.