j was for glils 13 to 10 years. The' ar.,1 ? r, Support is Enthusiastic ' i:um h' A 2 t . -I Prfncc Rupert Daflp j"3cto3 Friday, May 13, 1949 in i arc auu ivu , iJ.U'h i Continued from Page 1) nounced 'them to have "three' , "-' tnx-i "iiiu none voice t,, did full justice to the test song, Wlon,', "h 5 "Under the Greenwood Tree" eJ m , QUallt'-all did very well on the b son- sons or dr pI Pot... J. , , i ian setting Mrs. Johnson not- : adjudication of the choir's per-i ed that William Griffiths had formance, Mr. Bligh declared it directed the play and in me was lovely and indicated fine training. In "Beyond the Span-i j lead role a Lord Satterinsham. ihs Main," he remarked that had given the best performance i ka tcdepndent dsli j newspaper aevowc to rae upbuilding of Prtne Rupert u.d il communities comprising northern nd central British Columbia (AuUturuwd u Second Clas Mall, Post Office Department. Ottawa) PiiblUhed ererr afternoon erept Sunday b Prinoa Rupert Daily Newt Ltd.,' 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia, j O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRT. Managing Director. TIMBER OF CANADIAN PRFSS - AtTDTT BUPFAO OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION , I StTBSCRIPTION RATES ""Ti,--, c Carrier. Per Wk. 20c; Per Month. 75c: Per Tear. 8 00. i"' By Mall, Per Month. 50c; Per Tear, $5 00 - their choice. The marks ,, ,v,.. . L'Hl - .,!., .H(., . clo.-;e, Gloria Irving receiving 82 grjni" f 1 f r.. fH t t . - t I of the evening. Allen rormun. "ie cnoir naa given u a jusiy. ! as Dan Brown the .sky pilot, was opening as suited the piece and, j convincing as was Billy Gray In " Prayer Perfect," full express- (George Evans, the lovesick ion had been shown and an at- cowhand, and 'The Honourable titude of true reverence had ! Gerald Fellows (John Currie). been conveyed to the listeners. The adjudicator praised the EVENING SESSION ( j work of Cliff Knutsen as Sam, Mrs. Earl Becker acted as ) the handy man, and Dorothy program chairman for the eve-( Keehn, who played the part of ning. The seven o'clock session 1 Dolly Blaine the widow. in the common lounge was com- 1 During the intermissions be- posed of solos by three age tween plays the audience was groups. In the first, girls under ( entertained by Murray Boas i 13, Ivy Gillespie was awarded H! VtrrV?,. and Robert Jensen with a vio- 80 and 81 marks on her; two j tin duet. "Paganl Waltz," a songs. Alanna Cushwig was Riv-j piano duet, "Banjo Pickanin- en 82 for each of her two while Gj i-t i;, ' . i nia," by Marilyn de Kergom- Marilyn De Kergummeuux re- .1 rr :: 2 . meaux and Robert Melvin, and celved 81 for each of hers. All i two selections by the Booth three of these Terrace girls had Memorial Hih School Girls' sweet voices that promise to' Choir under the direction of develop well. Miss Marjory Anstey. In his! The next group, Class XIV, v w. ' Ray Reflects . . . Get to know YOUR arm 3 . . . and Reminisces 1 City Faces Crisis ha? been given the city council by WARNING its finance committee chairman and indirectly by the provincial Department of Municipalities that the time has come to call a halt to plans involving financing by borrowing on the municipal corporation's credit. In addition to that we are well aware already that the limit of taxation has been about reached as far as general expenditure outlay are concerned. So the city is finding itself about at the end of its financial tether although the requirements of even ordinary maintenance and upkeep are hardly being met, let alone making provision for expansionary requirements that increased industrial activity, business and population is bringing to the community. There is much the city of Prince Rupert should be doing today. Large problems have to be grappled with. Schools, public services, streets and utilities are crying for attention. A nigh emergent state of affairs exists. The day of small town municipal administration and petifogging is over. To be realistic, it is a serious situation which is going to require competent and objective handling on a really business-like and long-range scale. CONSIDER NEW ZEALAND ISSUE of private enterprise vs. socialism THE is much to the fore these days as British Colum-' bia faces two general elections within the coming six weeks or so. We have been hearing of the good things that are being accomplished where socialistic governments are in the saddle. Of remote New Zealand we publish today a direct report on conditions after years of socialistic regime and it makes interesting reading. A well known local professional man gave his observations before a city service club yesterday and we commend to our readers a perusal of what he had to say as reported elsewhere . in this newspaper. Dr. Montgomery admitted that much has been done in New Zealand in the way of social benefits and the ANNOUNCES ELECTION Joseph Smallwood, premier of Newfoundland, announced the first election for Canada's newest province will be held May 27. The announcement was made at a convention of the Newfoundland Liberals which Premier Smallwood is shown addressing in this photo. C. P. Photo MAY 15 - MAY 22 A public meeting in Ontario there is always a beautiful un-recently found itself unable . to certainty. In the last general sing "O Canada" for a logical election, the popular vote was, enough regson. Few could go according to the records for beyond th opening line "our the government 2.352,557, and home, our native land." There against the government 2,267,-was a haziness about the tune. 703. And 800 were present. In other words, they knew precious little George Wilson, working news-about "O Canada," good, bad or paperman, has completed sixty indifferent?. "O Canada" in- years on the Cornwall (Ont.) deed. "O Ye Qods." ! Standard-Freeholder. He writes ' all copy by hand. Photo shows Warnings to stay away from him using lead pencil at his Alaska if seeking work do not desk. If what he turns out is appear to carry much weight or more unforglveable than the ( na.la' Ann) i- yur Annv il St. iiiiiirtiinity l.i c. tu L i. , 1.1. CROWDS AT OPENING Continued from Page 1 In May 2.'ml, 1M, t, unil an-1. ..I, I, iic .i ,,a. PRESENTATIONS IN NEWS OFFICE and color which the young singers gave to both their songs. Mir.s J. C. Urquhart conducted xlliliiliuno a r.p. Cana.U Man, ami rurilini rMnl. rr nli,,, uu ran fH tu kirn i,i..r. i. riiiiiiiirnl. Iiiiiiiiii( ami m, C.anailian Army, ft ul. b (ur ,i U rrk aniHiUM. mi. hi. j ,, and m.-r the Conrad Street choir In Class conviction. Of course, now handwriting of a certain re-spring is here, the risk is less, porter we know out west, it's But the head-wagging and cau- a miracle Mr. Wilson is still Prior to departure for Nev Hazelton, where they are taking over the Omineca Herald weekly newspaper, Mr. and Mrs. T. 1, Mrs. A. Rutherford, the Borden Street group, and Mrs. J -7 Kuilander that of King Edward Thr (.unniLnn Army Aunt l, Fraser were honored at a small tioning never did appear to get ajve today. The linotype op-anywhere. Always comes the erators would have attended to movement from the south, much thut little detail long before he the same as the tide pf settle- reached his present age. ment that crept westward after I the sixties, in the face of all rt is nof summer, yet the farewell staff function in the emooi. executive office of the Daily In Class II. grades 3 and 4 par-News of which Mr. Fraser for t iripated from the three elemen- - trmlvt h uh full eilu. , 'i' i J ... ' itrugrammei,. (iiioriuniiir hn ,;' tuupU tl ii lift frnrnms ptt tniikfi the Aim a Th CaHuilinn Army Hrwnt I kinds of stories about desert skeena River highway this mid-1 many years has been mechanicr.1 tary schools, the tost selection superintendent and of which being, "Candle Light," with each Mrs. Fraser was formerly an group choosing its own second office staff member. song. Mr. Bligh stated that, in In the absence of the president this class, two choirs were good nut miuk n to nirn men uiih nun limr ttmr 1 im ifwrr fwrf: lands. Injuns and what not. May is coming into general use Yet they carved states out of , perhaps earlier than ever be- territories and built scores of ; fore. It's being taken lor iv,o nmonv h p. Pt-rrv tVi'- while the third was excellent. busy cities. t tf -, -v mutlvrm itrntpon mid rtfuiptnmt t i - V 't f K ixt for time lprnl in training wniutti: aM tnnoury wr llw marrl J.i.l li granted that at last we've a real t road not something to- drive ( over part of a year, and keept managing editor, G. A. Hunter, While the test song was. ,fficnlt nresented Mr. Fraser with a club it required simplicity and sm- Tidy up the tow-n, and while cerity in its interpretation. This one is about it also brush up. thinking of in a dubious sort of I ' ...... !.. u.lnn bag and Mrs. Fraser with a way. ine nigiiway, uuui uuiuib .. , a . J shave up and shine up! It is not expensive to look and feel trim, unless it is the cost of effort. Usually, it pays. No. 1 1 Psriennal Da pot, 4ik Avanua I Highbury S".et. J.ritKo, VANCOUVER, I C. . was accomplished especially by the Borden Street choir, according to the adjudicator. Choir leaders in this class were Miss G. Foster of Borden Street, Miss H. House of Conrad Street and Mrs. E. Piche of King Edward. Grades 5 and u from four city schools entered in Class III to toilet set. Sentiments suitable to the occasion were expressed with Mr. and Mrs. Fraser responding. Old associates on the Daily News staff made a presentation to Mr. Fraser of a handsome engraved cigarette lighter, this presentation being made by a crisis, regaraiess ox cost ami without an hour's waste of time, was intended to be what it is, one of the best. The government stand committed to maintaining it and it is .evident this course Is being followed. Heavy travel is looked for this summer and the day is coming when year round usage will be seen as a matter of course. Se sure fo see your oca urn cap Well meant advice is perhaps permissive during election time, particularly if it leans toward counselling caution. The woods are full of prophets who know bevond all Question that tlQlN T H I CAMADIAM IIMf OtllVl 01 HSIIVI I'd Like to Sail" and one S. L. Galloway of the mechani- smS free choice. Mr. Bligh compli- s anA ari ,gnnn. i, anj thi cal department. mer Wi the four choirs, stress-. or that side cannot falter. But Advertise in the Daily News! ing their excellent sense of rection. They all gave the vor of the sea to their sea son;; AW.v,vwAv.v.'.vw,v Conductors in the various groups ROYAL PORTABLE! TYPEWRITERS CITY OF PRINCE R UP BUT Notice He Curfew Broadcasting Price $87.50 to S97.50 TONIGHT 7:30 to 7:45 p.m. were sister m. at. nose or Annunciation, Mrs. E. Piche of King Edward, Miss J. C. Urquhart of Conrad and J. S. Wilson of Borden Street. Adjudicator Bligh expressed pleasure after listening to the two rhythm bands. Both band, made good use of a splendid variety of instruments. Conrad Street band made excellent use of the drurrts and castanets. E'r-den Street band effectively in- bettering of living conditions but he. pointed out, however, the high cost in taxation and the bureaucracy and loss of incentive and enterprise which has resulted. The doctor's report on New Zealand is of timely interest and gives good food for thought at this time when we are being offered here alternative idealogies of government in both federal and provincial fields. It is hard for an empty bag to stand upright. BRITISH LIBERALISM "THE SHADOW cast by Britain's Literal party I still seems a bit blurred around the edges. Whether it will loom large before the 1950 general election, or fade into political oblivion is not yet clear. The party's three-day annual conference at ' Hastings, Sussex, did not supply an answer. Amid the crowd and clamor some 1,400 delegates attended there were fighting speeches and scenes of high enthusiasm. But it was difficult to determine whether the Liberals will be able to increase their tiny team of 11 members in the 640-seat House of Commons. Clement Davies, 64 -year -old Parliamentary leader, was sure it can. In general, the Liberals' recovery program calls ; for strong anti-monopoly measures, progressive reduction of food subsidies, close scrutiny of government expenditure, reform and control of the structure of nationalized industries and "co-ownership" in industry. One thing emerged definitely the Liberals will ' not make common cause with the Conservatives. FEATURING: t. I IXCKR-I OUM KEYS t. MAGIC MlhGIN ' . 3. STANDARD SI7.K KEYBOARD NF.W, SPEED Y SPACE BAR 1 1 -i. 1 The Curfew By-Law directs that: ' under the age of fourteen years "No child shall be on the streets of Prince Rupert after the hour of eight-thirty o'clock in the evening during the months of October, November, December, January, February and March, and after the hour of ten o'clock in the evening during the months of April, May, June, July, August and September unaccompanied by their parents or other proper guardians, unless for some unavoidable cause." Commencing Monday May 16th, the siren located on the Besner Block will be sounded at the curfew hour and this By-Law will be strictly enforced. ' II. D. THAIN, City Clerk. j troduced singing and dancing ! into the instrumental numbers. ; The former band was trained by j Miss Urquhart while Mrs., Ruth. I'Olil I'NDERWWOOI) AND SMITH 'NA ALSO AVAILABLE erford trained the latter. NOW AVAILABLE CITY OF PRINCE RU P K RT , Notice to Motorists I 1 -iiiMijuai iiiTi-aal SERVICE for HEALTH Hon. Herbert LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Good Health Is A Priceless Astf YOUR & n vnn WE'RE NOT BRAGGIN' BUT PROVIDE FULL PRO'l i ' otoDICALH ' DOCTOR . PERW N CONSULTING YOUR & r.r,T TT DUAPMACY SEKVll- Plumbing Trouble? Section 35 of "STREET TRAFFIC & PARKING BY-LAW 968" reads as follows: 'It shall be unlawful for any person, being the owner or having charge of any vehicle, to allow or permit the same or any animal or animals attached thereto, to be stood or remain standing upon any street within eighteen feet of any fire hydrant, or within fifteen feet of the building' line of any street intersection, or a greater distance than one foot from the curb, or in any other position than parallel with the curb. Provided that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prevent any vehicle remaining stationary up to the property line intersections of streets at lanes." The Police Department has been instructed to enforce these provisions rigidly. THIS APPLIES TO BOTH PASSENGER CARS AND COMMERCIAI VEHICLES. II. D. THAIN, City Clerk. . n m. LM ANSCOMB Minister of Finance "Forward!" British Columbia!' CF1PR -TONIGHT 7:30 - 7:45 p.m. 'iViWi'.ViWiWA'fW.W Hours: 9 a.m. to ; i ;iiwl!iysi 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. to P CALL "t BLUE 846 We're kinda proud of the fact that businessmen make It a practice of bringing their friends and associates here for lunch. i Civic Centre Dining Room For Reservations and Chicken in The Rough Phona Red 705 SAAN1CH Plumbing & Heating