f ptfru Hupeti Daflj? Fut&Z a r n n Radio Dial T:y. Iky 13, L I I K "40 Kilocycles (Subject to Char. IT PAYS TO ROLl YOUR OWN WTTH We are pleased to annoanee that we can bow appry BRIQUETTES iYo Slack i i i FRU3AI 4:15 Stock Quotations and ! Interlude 4 30 Footllght Favorites t 4 43 Seepy Tim Story Teller 5 00-MacUiiian C!ub Quli ' 5-30 Don Me&ser ar.d His ! Uianders j 5:45 About Town j 6:00 Muiical Varieties J 6 ;3a-Melody Time j 8:45 Plan tail n House Party ill-.' - - - - ' 1 - i " 1 fc- - ij- X- (' - ' I '3 t ' .- vi-' - Cigarette Tobacco Clean to MUD, SWEET, BRIGHT VIRGINIA CALL C51 rOR AI L VOl R COAL NEEDS The famous Foothills Lump, Ek, Nut and Washed Stoker Coal ill wj - Clarified A.li Gr Vfni saw K ta 11:31 Message Period 11:J3 Rec. Int. 11:45 Persfjnal Alburn QUESTION OF OIL Chocolate is cocoa with the .oil left In; cocoa U cocoa with the oil taken out. 8 H PHILPOTT, EVITT 8 CO. VETERAN NEWSPAPER MAN Gorge Wilson, veteran reporter and district editor of the Cornwall Standard-Freeholder, this man. Still in Rood working wwtpaper year marks 60 years a a day. Mr. Wilson U a reporter of the health and on the o every old school and. a this htwws. writes ail hLs copy phot:), SMITH & E SATURDAY P M. 12:00 Saturday Magazine 1:00-Hi-Road to Song 1:30 -Time for Music 2:00-Ballet Club 2:45 Thiji Week LUMBER ISL'ILDING SUPPLIES A. MacKEXZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" SIPPORT THE MUSIC AND DRAMA FESTIVAL 7:00 CBC News 7;15CBC News Round-up 7:30 Coalition 7:45 Social Cretst :00 Vancouver Thtitre 1:30 CCF. 9:15 Canadian Short Stories 9:30-Bat the Champs 18. CO CBC News 10:10 CBC News 1015-TBA. 10:30 -Curt Massey Show and Fish Arrivals 11:00 Weather and Sign Off 8ATUKXJA t AM. 7:00 Musical Ckx-k 8.00 CBC News 8:1 Pitt cf the Hits 8.30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 8:00 BBC News 9 : 1 S Sadd le Serena de 9:30 Melodies for Juniors 9:59 Tme Signal 10 :00 Bandstand 10:15 Continental Serenade 10:30 Cocert Favorites FRANCOIS LAKE j 3:00-Piano CUL-isWa i 3:15 CBC News HAVE HAD YEARS OF PLUMBING AND HLAT1NG EXPERIENCE PHONE 171 V! "; mirr nnurn ram cv t rrccr at 3:25 Rec. Int. 3:30- DivertinM-m i THURSDAY AND FRIDAY May 12 and 13 .27 3rd Ave. West Phone 775 T"' .S"A 5 nrr ai ir irrrr r nu.viLw.n "n SITE CONSIDERED I Mr. and Mrs. Corliss, sr.. ar? vLsiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Corliss after having been in the States for a year where Mrs. Corliss was nursing her bitter who was very 111 and recently died. BURNS LAKE John T. Gav- J 'ZsXZSriQ vi-lopmnt divi.vion. Department Wayman Weldon Is Lack in the country again at Souuhbii FRAS'COIS LAKE -Seven snow geese came to the Partington farm as soon as the snoW melted in the slough near the house and have become quit tame. A few days ago twelve more flew in and joined the others, also a small Canada goose. This gray one looks strange among the white ones. These have caused a THE Skeena Construction I Cabine 01 i race ana l.naus'.ry. consulted local authorities here la.t w-ek as to the control of the hue watershed of Tweedsrr.uir Park. The canyon below the outlet of Cheslatta Lake is under consideration and also the outlet of Natalkuz Lake in to the' Commodore Cafe "Better Than Ever" Builders and General Contractor! t 10:45 CBC News and Com'ty 10:55 Weather Forecast 11:00 Musical Program 11:30 Weather Forecast SUMMER TIME IS STORAGE TIME FURS STORED REMODELLED CLEANED AT REASONABLE PRICES GLAZED at ! after being away with Mrs. Wei-jdon for several month. Mrs. j Weldon is back on tle staff of 'the Juvenile Delinquents Home in Vancouver and will o.'oba'jly stay there for a while, rt Weldon ranch is now ownd by Mr. ! Weldon 's nieces of H vlywood who will build a summer home j on the property. i t ! good deal of interest and biivc- iBest Food and Service in City' NVchaco River. Tran.sportat.on FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORK! CONCRETE WORK AND P.EMODELUX j of material will be no pack- J Phone 17 for Send-Out Order J i rhird Ave. David Chow, Mgr J nonei muu inurr im rvii..i. rus-ii'i aovn p been photographed by several people every day. They pry no attention to either carr or people on foot and will not take to the wing until a person U within a few yards. Then they alight again a short dLstance away. i train or dog proposition and a railroad to the selected tjtel will be a necessity. Mr. Gawthrop wxs accom-t panied by C. A. Bf-i ner, sup-r-1 intendent of the C.M.R. between! Prince Rupert and Red Pi js, balance in eay mor.lbly payments orer a penoi m years. Free Estimates TOR FURTHER INFORMATION j J w. Armstrong, supernuen- dent of ferries, spent tvo a.id ; a half days here last ?veck in-, S specting the new ferry. ! 547 PHO. BLACK zZ4 F0.R( and T. H. Ki efe, general sup', r-intendent of the C.N.K. in BC TURNABOUT luminous fly, I The lake Ice is grey and but it wlll a ,0 Scuby The Furs c Box 13G2 '( MEN'S I'NUKR WEAK Combinations, ait size fultoni, spins a web in the larva stage to catch spiders. j Advertl in tne Lraiiy riews! 302 Third Ave. DON'T J1ISS THE FUN AT move it away. If there is nc wind it will probably disintegrate and disappear. SPECIAL . $2.23 MEN'S UEESS SHIRTS AMI SPORT SHIRTS persons had hospital bills paid by HOSPITAL INSURANCE in PRINCE RUPERT GENERAL HOSPITAL during: Jan., Feb. and March, 1919 !rtA.1.4L 1.IJ 10 SJ.IJ UMBERLO For lfcut.-.i.,!U;,ni::i. iM..illM'tiM.iii.ttUiiiiti,ii:littiiti.u7 7 MEN'S SOCKS For dress K. work SPECIAL 4llc to S1.2 Bo You Know? FRANCOIS LAKE BASEBALL CLUB j FRANCOIS LAKE A Baseba'l Club meeting was held at the MEN'S WORK- PANTS Bi FISHING. BOATING. HUNTING, SWT selection SPECIAL $2.93 to SI.7.' MEN'S RAINCOATS Good - "'. hm' v ran- style, ail sizes DANCING . . . AND MANY OTHER Fun for the Whole Family at LIMBK? Make your reservations early and he surl Happy Holiday in the Bermudas of th I m SPECIAL $9.00 MEN'S DRESS AND SEMI-DRESS PANTS (jood fit and .B.C. Hospital Insurance Service home, of R. E. Lord at Tchesin-kut Lake on Sunday afternoon. The following officers rere elected: President, Sam Shaffer. Secretary - Treasurer, M r t . Claude Lord. Captain, Claude Lord. i FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT II well-made SPECIAL SI.23 to $10.73 LODGE LTD. PHONE 563-OR UNION S 1 OFFICES PHONE SM. MEN S SHOES For work and that the Government assistance paid to war veterans taking university training is not paid during the period of summer vacation? Many of these veteran students have family responsibilities not always associated with the civilian student. Like a large proportion of their younger fellow students, they must have employment this summer, if they are to continue their studies next fall. " I dress, ell-made For Building; Supplies PHONE 3G3 I Executive C. Snvdr f: W SPECIAL S6.43 to $8.75 BOYS' PULLOVER SWEAT Routley and Bud Lord. BROADWAY CAFE ERS New styles SPECIAL $1.30 to S3.93 At the close of the meeting Mrs. Lord served a delicious lunch to the large and appreciative gathering. j Rupert Motoi Ltd. BOYS' WINDKRKAKEItS Shower-proof, all sizes SPECIAL S3.2; MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractor BOYS' PANTS Tweed, all wool and cotton, all size well-made IN THE SUPREME OOTTRT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND SPECIAL $2.73 to $1.73 If you can employ a graduate or can offer summer employment to an undergraduate, please 'phone or write the Executive and Professional Liaison Officer at your nearest NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE office NOW. III the Mater of the tstate M (; MOW OPF RATING FROM r.ARAr.r Rim ding FORMfl TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judee W. O- Pulton. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. I ma on the LINDSAY MOTORS, SECOND BEST FOOD BEST COOKING WRATIIALIS PHOTO FINISHING Developing. Prlntine KnUrgin QUICK 8hRVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies th day of May, A D 1949. appointed Administrator of the estate of Gus Clerf. deceased, late of Ter ENUE-AND FIRST. STKht PHONES 566 and 866 race, British Columbia, who died on the 9th day of December, 1848, at Vancouver, British Columbia. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY 1 The N.E.S. is a Community Service Use Your Local Office Department of Labour I.AVO kF.OITRY AfT Re: Certiorate of Title No. lllO'il FOR TAKE HOME ORDERS 608 West Third Avenue LING the TAILOl CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 412 for Appointment HOIKS 10:i a m. to 12 mo p.m. and a to 5 p.m. EVENINOH Monday and Friday, 7:30 p m. toi thou unable to come during the day. RECEPTIONIST In attendance afternoons. All persons Indebted to the cald c;tate are required to pay the amount of their indebted nei to me forthwith, and all persons having claims against the said estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 30th day of June. 1949. failing which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C. this 10th day of May, AD 149. OORDON FRASER FORBES Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B. C. (121) in NOTICE! Clothes remaining Florists Box 1193 BALAGNO Phone Green 787 to br HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister of Labour A. MacNAMARA Deputy Minister j i i r. nno vpnr are ana unciauneu aitci j--- - , 1 nc(r.mAf OflVlSPS US 10 IWW B.C. Ad 4 outc uiucsa luovuiuvi Please trive number. to the North Westerly Five (51 aires, more or tew of Itt Ki Tliniioanit Two Hundred mud Fifty (ti'!5ti), Kunee live (.") ot I1-trlct. WI1T:REA9 sntmractory proof of long of the above Certificate of Title, Issued In the name of Oeorge William Hoult has been filed in thin office, notice is hereby Riven that I shall, at th expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, lKBtie a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lout Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert. BC. thla 29tU day nt April, 1949. AD ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. ! 12H I TVG. THE TAIL' . o -.w t.reet-P.C Sh ingoleen Property Oivne Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. caU Lindsay's Cartage' & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phone 60 and 68 SAVOY ? HOTEL W. L. WOODS, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT SHINGOLEEN is AN IDEAL FINISH FOR SHINGLES FENCES AND ROUGH LUMBER. IT GIVES NEW LIFE TO OLD ROOFS AND LONGER LIFE TO NEW ONES. MADE IN MANY ATTRACTIVE COLORS, IT WILL BEAUTIFY AND PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. "(IOVKHN.MF.NT t.IQt OK ACT" (Section 28) Notice of Appllratlim fur Consent to VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Chilcotln Friday, 5 p.m., Catala PACIFIC FOR ... . GENERAL CONSTRUCTION REMODELING and ALJEKA WOm CEMENT WORK, NORTHWEST CONSTRUCT PHONE 563. : FREE ESTIMATES COMI'f W HOLLYWOOD cafe Transfer of Beer l.lrenw NOTICE IS HEHEBY GIVEN that on the 11th day of May A D. 1MU, the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer License No. 8218, Issued In respect of premtaas, bPlnB part of the premises known as the Savoy Hotol situate at 60S to 814 rtaser Street .In the City of Prince i Rupert, Province of British Cotura-1 bla, upon the lands described as ! Lots Thirteen (13) and Fourteen : (14) In Block Thirty-three (33), MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY Stevedoring & Contracting Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, May 20. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, May 13 and 27. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Thlrd Avenue Phone 508 ft COMPANY LIMITED t (Section One (1). Map U23. Prince We Specialize in Chinese Dishes AT YOUR SEKwh Rupert Land Registration District, from Carl Zarelll of Prince Ilupert to Willis Lloyd Woods of 1013 Robson CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, General Stevedores and Contractors Stevedores for Canadian National Railways CABLE ADDRESS HEAD OFFICE "PACIFICO" PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. .-vWI the Transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. tbla For Outside Orders PHONE 133 is APrnEC A CLASSI11ED AD IN THE DAlLV NEW! EARLY ADVERTISING CCP i?in day of April, A D. 1949. WILLIS LIX5YT) WOODS. (118) i