wir'r Print neper! DafI? mm ' ' ; Friday, May 13, 1949 - cjI ITT" Sport Shots VlAV For lots of British Columbia sportsters, June 4 and 7, when hard facts of costs were laid players selected to meet New-before the public. These were castle are saying a thjng or two. They are slated to pick up $20 reflected la the prices already wneher the New-only listed and which can compare P' gainst castle t- dyings cli."y to boxing prices, says Wat- f . competing will get another $10 gon ',. . ' for a six-week training grind. Split of th. estimated j $28,000 WaUon sayg one J gross eate exnected will be a . , 1 r v., : J ; Newcastle United plays in Vancouver, are the red-letter days of the summer. The touring In- v. f 4. V t T t vaders wUlfacBC. all-star . complicated affair with pre- TndTe -SSTuS it- squad which Hkeiy wouldn't be vincial amusement tax, adver- 'onJnt L S his assmhfd for n r,th. j ... content wun wUh wnai aircaay n3 it ..j . . biaii u b.uuju. u .iv on offered. But reeardleps. sion man uus. Ana so a fair the list. Thn tho nnmininn percentage of soccer fans are Football Association pockets 60 telling themselves they'll be get- percent of the remainder, Watting a look at two unique teams, son says, and the B.C. section Even so, says Jim Watson, (Van- takes what's left for a $3,000 the demand for tickets from th3 Interior and Vancouver Island centres Is said well on the way to "fulfilling the promoter s fondest hopes." , V ; r StJ Som Soro gel get good good imoking imoking advice advice I I J" 1 1 f , wheo wheo farhau fatheri toy toy "Smok "Smoke Old Old Chum." Chum." I I I ' ti couver Province) there were one guarantee and other matters. or two gasps when the cold, Perhaps naturally enough, the' Advertise iu the DaLy News! Enjoy the fresh, rich flavour that makes Old Chum jurf right (or day-ln, day-out imoking. Start today . . . with a package or half-pound tin. IT'S THEIRS! Happily clutching the Allan Cup is Captain Bobby Copp of the "Ottawa Senators aff the Senators won the trophy emblematic of thJ Canadian senior hockey championship. Saturday ni(;ht. Ottawa defeated Regina Capitals 5-3 in Ottawa to take the trophy four games to one. George Boucher, coach, is the man on th e left with his hand in the air while eyeinf, the .rophy are, left to right: Eddie Dartnall, l?ay Trainoi, and Nils Tremblay. (CP. Photo "Ivdgwd Sm mt Je Mf 5& ofllOua&ty Timely Recipe MING FOR TomaU Meat Halls 1 pound ground beef Va pound ground pork Vi cup cooked rice Woman Attaches ! Husband's Pension CALGARY The Appeal Court of Alberta has upheld the authority of the- Alberta courts to garnishee pension funds held by the C.PR. for a former employee no wresident of Vancouver. The three-judge court dismissed the appeal of the C.P.R. against a judgment In the district court last January that Mrs. Olive E, Gorman of Calgary is entitled to attach $735, her hus HMIIIG POOL Vt HASKHALL SCOURS National Pittsburgh C, Brooklyn 11 Cincinnati 3, New York 0 Chicago 3, Philadelphia 4 American Boston 2, Chicago 1 Washington 1, Detroit 2 Philadelphia 3, St. Louis 9 Western International Yakima 6, Bremerton 1 . Salem 13, Vancouver 11 Tacoma 5, Spokane 4 (10 innings) Victoria 6, Wenatchee 8 (11 innings) Pacific Coast teaspoon celery salt teaspoon onion salt bl Op.-niiiK t0 Talie yisi : rat this year. There will be supervised activities during the summer month In McClymont Park. The club was advised that several more reservations were available for delegates aboard the steamer Chilcotin which is being chartered to bring the convention party here. As a result of the Klondyke Night held last Friday, the committee In charge reported , t District Convention Month 1 tablespoon prepared ' must ard 1 No. 2 can tomato puree the official opening 10 3 cups of cooked rice for nests durinK 'e occasion Dash of black pepper district convention to be band's pension money by way of ' garnishee proceedings In Al-I Method-Have the beef and n Prince Kiipcri nrv berta for unpaid alimony. ; the local Gyro ciud, ai.inat upwarus oi iuuu wm uc pork ground together, or mix them well if ground separately. Mix in 4 cup of cooked rice and business luncneon ( realized. nth.y of this week, A dinner, aance ana caru the seasonings. Shape into Try a Classified Ad for Results. diwsday small balls, making about ten. party for Gyro members, their ( offiwratlmis to put nnai Hollywood 9, Portland 5 (12 innings) San Francisco 10, Sacramento 1 Oakland 7, Seattle 6 San Diego 9, Los Angeles 1 I . , but the quality of Harwood's Canadian Rye Whisky never varies. Aged in the wood . . . full-bodied ... it is distilled hy master eraftsmen to meet the demand of connoisseurs for a smoother, mellower whisky. swimming wles ana menus is ocmib jjiuh- , on its new In a saucepan dilute the tomato puree with an equal proportion Tnere ; ned to take place wiunn tne ! M.Civmont Park of water. Heat. Drop in the balls and simmer gently until coming fortnight. ( Past President C. G. Ham was a pointing bee by mem-:ip of tliese fine sunny wn. in the chair at Wednesdays I BOWLING FINAL meeting in the absence of Pres dub authorized a budget, the meat balls are tender and the sauce has simmered down to desired thickness. This takes about forty-five minutes, but it round work ident Maurice Brydges. ;0 Ir plavg NEXT THURSDAY Final play-off for Mixed Bowl can be cooKea longer ior a ;oing TO THE I'MTKn STATIST ffarKoorf'. la en a( ml ait tmmdtng fmlel., taiwnl, ins League honors covering the tnlcker richer sauce Or it can 1948-49 winter season has been BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL be prepared ahead of time and re-heated. Serving To serve, place the GEORGE L RORIE TERIOIl DECORATINU v DELIVERED FREE arranged for next Thursday. The finalist teams are Johnny Comadina's Headplnners, winners oX the first half, and Allan Matheson's Macey XXX's, who jt ,t Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. hot fluffy cooked rice by spoon-, fuls on -a hot platter. Indent:. -G7P v yr if ' Income Tax Returns Compile! PAI'KR 1IANGINO jj.il BION PAINTING I UAHMER PHONE BLUE 838 ton of each serving with DacK took the second half. Decision . t. form rlng or'nest Bener Block Phone S87 Oft ... . . i I., will be made on toiai pin.i in Flsn out the meat balls and put: three games Phone 654 Q2 . one In the center of each rice nest. Pour, sauce, re-seasoned to taste, over the meat balls. V'S RADIO CLINIC Steamship Movements .r SdiL-.lactory Service CALL 53 1 Scnind Avenue West HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 For Vanrooret H a ,. HUNDEIDE z s YEARS O F W II I S K Y-M A K ING SKILL Sunday ss. Uoqultlam, 10 p.m. Tuesday ss. Catala, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. , Prince Rupert, 11:15 p.m. WATKIN S DEALER S5c per dozen paid for empties labeled by any B.C. Brewery fit This dyertiitment is not published of diiplaycd by th. Liquor Control Board Of by the Govemmmt of British Columbia. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS ' Seventh Avenue West BLACK 8!)0 Box 296 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Minora Blades give Minora outlasts and "outshaves" Ordinary double-edge blades. For fionest-to-goodness economy, try the quality blade In the low-price field. Fits your double-edge razor. From antourer BLONDIE R. P. J. CHENEY By CHICK YOUNG Building and repairs of all kind Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners DENTIST Sunday ss. Catala, 11 p m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 10 a.m. Friday ss.t Coqultlanv 1 p.m For Alice Arm and Stewart Sunday ss. Catala, 11 p.m. From Alice Arm and Stewart TO 5, SMITH BLOCK 7C5 P.O. Box 1401 PHONES Black 887 Red 894 evening Tupsrlav SS ' Catala. a. m. i P.O. Box 1670 ARROW CABS From Ocean Falls "' ' 1 24-Hour Service TllONE 646 !t and Courteous Service BRYDGES and McLEAN iiiiiiiiiiiih111'- II - 'iiiiiiiiiiii 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiii7 'T!r,!!rV "N SEE"HeF?e1S THE UPSTAIRS aoSET- m ( CWSV CEPTAINUV ( U CALL THAT J W J f RIGHT HERE IS THE SHOE RACK",. f7?V ,S SMAPT - , 6MABT JWHES v , ; ? .Tf'SS3 r?) MV SUPPERS ARE ON THE SECONOt Vjf( LITTLE OCG TO ? JH I "AVE TO CX?AW ) , . .l' ' " ' ' 1 Cop Ito! r.;,n s.,j, , i u ,., .. "r'aU r."!"1- ' .j . ' . ..'t-J ,' Wednesday ss. Prince ttuper: 10 a.m.. For Ocean Ffis Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, 11:15 p.m. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS PIANO TECHNICIAN ln8, Voicing and Repairs Income Tax Returns Compiled MIKE COLUSSI Besner Block Room 31 PHONE 600 Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East 'KINDLING WOOD MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING wc Sack Delivered Jto Raw and Operator Available for Hire JNE B & W TRANSFER Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box 62 '' . (ueiXO )' ' - - A "ELLO" ;j f TRVING TO CUPEJ ; yfT V . V TV2 LETS SEE . - ff jhf V DAODV OP LOOKING J 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. Green 188 f TOWN MACHINE A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS WUKK.S "nts lor SIMPLEX OAS A LETTER... ...from Toronto DEAR CUSTOMERS: Well here I am a long way from home trying to find new and beautiful things for your 1949 gift occasions. I have looked over the samples of over fifty five factories and wholsale houses and when the during the next few w-eeks goods arrive In Rupert think I have customers will I really hope our done a good job. Many of the pieces hf' never been shown anywhere till this year and 1 mos of from present stock before the Items have been sales tax. They will Include 10 cent the new per china, silver" copper and glass as well as the new jewellery and many interesting new things. pINS DIESEL ENGINES lies o...i . . . 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B.C. -i "civice ana rarts Owners an t Iri.i uacia Ul ' ' 41 Mglnes are Invited to 'WWronm ,.i . MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BTJILDINO . view our vuri- t and talk over equip- For viTn Hope to see you soon. ..I1? CONCRETE WORK JOHN Bl'LGFR PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. Box 1184 J. SAUNDERS I w Modem 17.nnlnin.nt 1 plfv I ''ill1111111' If F'OTII lip'''. I ; 'A Ifl f " ii ' t C HERE 1 AM, ) . -4v-n (TELL THE 1 'SJ 47 TT Yr BUOTV ... i'm selling X 7lTjt 3' Jno'Xu' ? wn.L,wMefW Tffl(?9 cb " -A. - STATUETTES--) 2Ph T ?JE.1)9' V-St5 ( 1$ THS MAN??X'Wl ' H y9S m exact -S7feV 'aiT-S 2 S HE'S gone rC rxF - IV IS?? sfcfe OJlf ..11 y t : l,,J2,...ticH'?'" V"fy-,. -It,,,;.. T . - -r- - U Work Guaianteed to, . Mtjim REPAIRS IbA a . WelU Cartage Ltd. Cemplete Moving Serrice ft.SK HOSPITAL Crating Packing Cartage I BLUE 188 RED I Decani at