the complete approval of the. paying guests. . j: CARIBOU ARE PrfttK JUtpertDsilp rectos ' Vfiday. tWembpr 10, 1943 Just what happened to one!' iar from antl Isolate Jack Kiser, who was billed as j, SCARCftOT H,. .. u cos.- JJcLaughlin's opponent here, re are :- uf h., MHU.TI- Mclaughlin faces 5.u r p r i s e opponent in wrestling card mains somewhat. vague. All that can be gathered Is that Kiser Is fighting In Oregon which means RECESSED-EOGE ANCHORAGE Caribou herds In Alaska have become greatly reduced and there Is danger of practical' extinction unless a stop is put to ovcr-nuntlng. The caribou roam al! over the north and, because of these STONQBORD 111 aI--'" nu' This Is t,e , U- S. TiT i Where two lentrths of Ice. Stonebord coma together, the' a true uniform channel. With a broadJcnife apply; the famous Stonebord joint filler, ihen a strip of re-eaforcing tape as furnished, then smooth off with, more filler. The result a strong, reinforced invisible joint Former World Light Heavyweight Champ ot 'etat ivic Centre Tqrygjit A straining aircraft landed at the Sea! Cove air base this morning and jdischarged from its tortured fuselage two iTfcrambulating mountains of muscle who are here to' maul?each '.other' in ,'theCivic .Centre gym tonight m the first professional wrestling .bout Is the son of a man who achieved a 'Belle ve-lt-or-Not" headline from Ripley for winning the heavyweight, middleweight and lightweight championships of that he cannot be at Prince Rupert at the same time. Instead, the Vancouver end 0' the deal replaced him with Bill Varga of Hollywood, California, and all signs indicate that Prince Rupert profited by the exchange. Varga says, and he can provide photographs to prove It, that he Is a fQrnier world light-htuviweifcht champion and that it was nature not competition that lost him the foot-wide belt. " He won it In 1941, then e nter-ed the United States Navy where Stonebord cornea end-bundled' two sheets taped face-to-face to keep them clean and perfect Stone bord is smooth, hard and durable, takes any decoration, is vermin proof and fireproof because its cor rr the world In a gigantic wrestling is mineral gypsum. . 1 1 u tournament at Trieste, Italy, several years ago. in the same ring and Bill Vargo, of whom more will be' said later. " Mr. McLaughlin ,whp weighs jn at ' .183 pounds,1 has been From the sharp cut ,of their rainment jou would take (the gentlemen in question' 'to ,be businessmen and businessmen Tonight's wrestling bout will be started off with a series of preliminary boxing matches In to packed nouses at Made by Western Gypsum Products Ltd., Winnipeg they are, in a" way. .Only it Is a! grunting fly, I il 1 inkMini4M ... ; ' I HWM r . ,. he taught sundry forms of may- Exhibition Gardens In Vancou- pretty rough business.1 nem 10 American warriors dui, volving .local boys, trained by Joe Ward at the Armory. There will, it is understood, be some 1 ver, commuting from his Sea SOme reason or other, began MnLlPOTT, EVITT CO. Ltd. .Island homestead. His last .fight t0 put on weight In the govern- good talent In action. was with a worthy named ,Qus There was ' Jack CThe Cati McLaughlan, a ' veteraei of many vlscissitudes In', the' jTlng, who two years ago raised the blood pressure of Prince' Rupert fans when he laid low Bill Pearson ment service. He reached 192, his present weight and no forms Refereeing the boxing will be Russ ,Gtzke, a .newcomer to COAL LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES! flOIIE 65j Jqhnson who lost the decision to The Cat. He has, he says, beta wrestling about once a week to Prince Rupert who held the for pier amateur middleweight championship of B.C. and dur qf dieting pr exercLse will put jum back to his championship avoirdupois. '.Hollywood, says Mr. Varga with an e nvlous look at prince 184 I. Davison i 164 194 221 Totals 1000 1200 1121 CLOVER LEAFS- IUKI i 32 48 J. Long 129 Low Score 58 Handicap 48 Totals 670 151- .Tht nmt4 ki 1- u I 870 ! tturt's abundance of mois KINGPINNERS P1NBU&TERS A. Pierce .. .173 "rr"i t m ! Ifdii 221 150 Grasdal DECISIVE PLAY IN MIXED LEAGUE ,' City Mixed Five Pin Bowling pinners after one or Us most Le.igue approaches the' end of. decisive sessions of .the season, th? first half of. its schedule: This week's meet saw "seven with Maceys at the top, carry-; teams make clean-cut" scoring in' a two-point lead over Head--sweeps, marking up four points 158 09 48 .805 114 153 83 69 254 254 .188 ture, is In ''sunny" California and his envy of our moist climate Is eenuine. Water. It stem Is rip. 150 174 103 13ti 173 7r 962 147 116 97 ing the war was athletic director of the Vancouver Boilermakers' Athletic Club and the Wallace Shipyard club. George Howe, who literally lost his shirt at McLaughlin's last light here, is going to enter the ring again as referee In the McLaughlin-Varga scramble. 157 120 112 181 200 15t 237 111 201 S. Cojnadina 120 J. Shenton 184 W. McKenzie 122 !. McCaUum 2W N. Kinslor 203 Handicap 36 ?2, ttnlU-lv ehilrt In ralirnrnlo 178 214 Q J -" ' I " J ...... V ... VUIUUI IIIU. 195 " ft" mar s it4ti Ball " K Shrodhl .. Gibson" Stapleton .... Jtapleton ... Johanovlijh Handicap Totals 36 36 57 215 215 127 40 15 .Rated as top headllner on M 1 nwiy of the ,US. circuits, Varga ,U08 1086 1125 -'each, to hold the league stand Totals ..... RfVKSi 40 928 1001 314 154 153 193 190 - 1 1 1 - -rj- - .... G. Brodie 181 'ill B. Pavne 148 228 I. Keavs .-, 153 122 L. Keav 242 196 V. bifversides 2b6 212 V. Turcotte 201 133 Handicap 75 .73 Totals 1266 1213 MALKINS A. Leatnv 144 141 E. Schild H 117 H. -Claverlng 178 132 D. "Taylor 148 108 A. Taylor 189 199 Handicap 18 68 Totals 1044 937 BROWNWOODS 1 C: Clark 169 207 G. 'Hull 169 120 E. Hull 81 E. Bassev 146 240 C. Maundrell 198 190 B. Woods 221 238 U Woods 175 Handicap 75 75 Totals - 1059 1217 123 218 114 193 89 152 t: Hart 101 F. Wright 18 E. Sweeney 142 H. Pluvm 135 F. Moore 89 Low score 173 2661 125 210 105 121 127 111 154 953 68 1.1EAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED ings relatively close In the upper levels. Pushovers, Clover Leafs, Brownwoods, Dodgers, Maceys XXX, Kingpinners and Pioneer Laundry each took three games from their opponents while Headpinners and filibusters achieved two wins. Standing of Mixed League to date-: Macey's XXX 42 Headpinners '40 Pioneer Laundry 39 Dodners 39 Kingpinners 39 Overwaitea 37 154 Handicap ioi ,879.1043 Totals 189 133 fcLeod tf PIONEER LAUNDRY 94 E. Knutson . E. MORTIMER ; 24 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) ( SuropMors to Minn J 270 162 264 122 75 175 230 153 110 186 219 236 .134 ,134 ;169 434 231 135 159 194 235 217 --.53 High scoring honors .went to B. ' Vuckovich of .Wingers who B. Windle . P. Menzles R. Moxlev . L. Erickson C. Erickson Handicap Totals .... CHRYSLER MARC.- INDUSTRIAL ENGINlJ Pushovers- Ciove Leafs .... Ma'lkfni...::-. B. C. Messenner Brownwoods- Wingers Silver Streaks Hotshots Maple Leftfs : High School Bo'ks :- Pin Busters 53 53 964 U26 ,1203 MAPLE L DODGERS 3. Ramsay V. .Menzies I Anderson .. G. Anderson .. 151 .191 221 Ml fft BEST v- 166 P. Thompson Complete Stotk of C:.; Parts and Access 12ZX WHARF ST, Emji, VICTORIA, BC 200 174 173 168 195 225 199 174 154 150 200 214 209 1 j. Thompson 224 135 149 124 176 143 197 213 128 J33 146 A- Shearer l107 119 R. Shearer fowled a 303 in a single game and Jl. Woods of Brownwoods ' whose .723 was tops for three games. Games, won and lost: Pushovers 3, overwaitea 0. Clover Leafs 3," Wingers 0. Brownwoods 3," Malklns "0. Dodgers 3, High School 0. Mac'ey's 3, Hotshots 0. Klngpinners; 3, Bo'ks 0. Dniiriin Ann? r E. Mastell 150 F. Mastell 194 Handicap 26 H. Hampton 26 26 135 94 90 9U 153, 159 '- 90' -90 970 1065 Low score ... Handicap .. Totals Totals 1157.1160 1129 HIGH SCHOOL-1- SAVO G. Baterrian 126 I. Dunn 36 J. ienkins 107 BC. MESSENGER T.' 8mith--;.-.-..:.'r.-50 L. Schroeder ; 113 159 105 171 112 124 17-2- J. Urqhart 109 , D. Haualand . 43 99 84 147 73 72 227 216 918 Pioneer Lauhdry ' 3, Maple 185 205 143 169 162 275 135 243 129 253 W. Oarbutt .-. 149 HOTEI Hanoicap 216 216 H. Swat field .156 L. Swaf field ; 85 J. Schroeder - 236 A. Wide 134 i Handicap ' 99 d G0!r ralv-. rf-: Totals 806 1059 Leafs 6.' Headpinners 2, B.p. Messen gen:-;-: .. Plnbusters 2,.SUver Streaks 1. 131 1181 Vour Best Eating JPJacc .FULL .COURSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Banquet Hall or Luncheons, Dinners and Parties ... Chinese Dishes 99 Carl Zarelli, PH iniais . . iuj lusi HEADPINNEKS 1 IN HOTSHOTS H. Schmidt 99 C. McKinlev 123 r c- 1 ,.n 144 179 107 PHONE 37 P.O. a A. MeMeefcin 233 T. McMeekin -209 OVERWAITEA F. Comadina 210 K. Paul 119 140 150 122 177 179 204 131 N. Withers 173 220 197 206 143 169 FRASER STRI 202 2.10 16fi' 174 170 163 ijo n.. ouueii 11 J. Fleming 117 1 40 i?2 b. Ballinger 141 iii M- Fudeer 174 'J Honrllnnn tin 197 B. Withers 190 PRINCE RUPE 238 V. Wrathall 138 182 116 193 139 125 129 25 92 92 . QQ i."iVA,.tM U, . . . right for a strike! . Hit pr miss! you'll enjoy bowling with your friends on our alleys. Open fb general public Saturday and Sunday afternoons and evenings. Monday Tuesday and Thursday evenings after 8 o'clock.' J. Comadina 192 176 Handicap 6 6 Totals 863 1064 1038 165 Totals--...: 1142 1117 1111 ft- ll..;tx,,.jX).Ui! J ii x Pirva vv-v 909 1012 -...! CAFE R. Tuob : 226 M. Kuzlk 112 J. North 171 L, Vanetta 107 Handicap 25 ' Totals 970 PUSHOVERS C. Whatman 130 J. Warren 15 J. Graham 296 M. Flynn 168 E. -Anderson 181 J. Paul 184 Ull'Iiitor'LM 245 152 205 Steve 130 166 199 P. Roberts 95 113 161 J. Dunbar '41 B. Uzick 207 B. Vuckovich 137 J. Thornton 1',5 A. Matheson 158 173 157 181 307 160 " t08 3rd Ave.W. phone 200 140 1 R. Roberts .132 168 168 130 M. Smith 78 83 78 5 117 141 157 222 174 160 218 131 129 180 157 215 Handicap 45 45 45 Thl Totals 1156 1016 1057 Smc .WINGERS G: Rudderham .... 164 D. Ward 155 W. Husov 127 B. Vuckovich 273 C. Reil 144 171 219 69 303 148 218 166 152 28 134 138 153 54 825 N. Shepherd 145 54 54 Handicap Totals PIPES CICA 1062 1182 CIOAKETTES I.IC.HTKRS POH GROTT - - - ! .. 5 Mitchell Currie I -. .CIGAR ST0 V V u '" I RUPERT MARINE REALTY WHOLESALE AND Bt TORUTONtfT P.S.' TO HE WfJ H riinrOLATES OAK (J. f LAI'SF.V snvv 13 LIMITED Phone 363 .We Take Listings of BOATS FOR SAW: OR CHARTER BKOKEBS Vi BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR Ql'ICK. SALEX OR CHARTERS ' (Just East of Upsett's, Waterfront) 548. .. . . Phone Green 975 BUILDERS - and - - , -CONTRACTORS Attention Plea ALL BADMINTOX PI' If Your Rarqtift ff NEW STRING ' ' Thone A. B. nODGES North Pacific Cann and ship your ram' "7 VI A rtHtmaH (gift INVERNESS re HEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home " ' J 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold-Water PRINCE RUPERT, JB.O. dob Kl P.O. Bot 1M for the Motorist price $4.00, $4 50. VH urn Ik h,tmnt ) 'm Mtinktd r k . OevtkiMi J fttiiOi CelwuW.. I??.thi.n .cu,t . more acceptable than a Chrysler A.pPr.-v.e? ?.ri5a,lion Serylee Contract for $7.00, or a Credit Note for Gasoline purchases. - Aut0 Accessories make Meal GUts: Cigar Llehtcrs Fop X J sh!elQS. IDumlnated Memo Pads Auto Jacks Auto-Lite Spark Plugs or any of our many tUu ? smaller KX Drop In or PHONE 806. GREER BRIDD1 CONTRACT) You'll enjoy the rich, fuJLKbodied flavour of Captain Morgap Gold Label Rum in a Rum Highball, tall and mellow . Pour one jigger of Captain Morgan Rum over a few cubej Of ice and fill lass with soda or dry ginger ale, Use Cola if you prefer t and MOTORS LTD. j LINDSAY BUILDERS r Annowipement I . . BOAT OWNERS are invited to visit our showroom to see the SIMPLEX Gas and CUMMINS Diesel Engines' now "pn ' - : 'display: ; - 'T We maintain a parts and first class repair service and are equipped to servfee all makes arid types of Internal com-"' bustlon engines'; ' If you are contemplating the purchase of a new motor be vapt am morgan Jo I 1 WUIB wm It s the COLD LBEL . CONSTRUCT ALTERATION ELeii Cafle U aure to see the SIMPLEX Gas and CUMMIJIS Diesel lines. REPAIRS WM . for Tasty Meals Chow Mein ... T large range ox sizes and types to choose from. Economical to buy, dependanble to operate. ' Dte fjaqhine Works Chop Sucy The rich flavour and full body of Captain Morgan Gold Label Rum result from master lending of carefully selecfed rare old rums. Chinese Dishes a Specialty 1 Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:0Q am. to 3:?0 a.m. phone 173 for nfin nrA. Floor Sanding ; A Specl RED 561 of-tywr coviNANr or miush coiimim.