3 Novelties Mrs. D. Gomez. Church Calendars Mrs. G. tu"uce tUipttt Duilg jctou Friday, December 1 J, 1948 Local News Items . . . Kclsey. ST. PETER'S V.A. BAZAAR East End Parish Hall Venue For Fancy Work Shoppers The tea room, previously decorated by the Y.P.A. group for S.O.N. Whist. Dance and Re Moose Whist Drive and Dance freshments, Tonight 8 o'clock. every Saturday Night 8:30 (291) their week-end play, took on a mysterious aiospnere but proved quite cosy. The stage drapes made way for the at Civic Centre . Dates .uiu V" lusmruuu, minimum uuarKa, auo. Birth Kntlr-rJ"ThSJ. Notice., Funeral rfotlcei. JarrL. nd Engagement Aunouncemenu: f4. FECIAL. UiSl'LAY. DOUBLE PRICK Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mostad sail (It) Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Montador sailed last night on the Prince ...titinif u payable la advance. Fltuc refrain from telephoning. St. Peter's Church Hall was tractively decorated tea tables., Mf MOUIAM I JOK SALE ed Thursday night on the Prince George Jpr a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. E. E. Dale sailed last nig it on the Prince George for a very busy place Thursday afternoon, when the Women's George for a trip to Vancouver. Duchess of Edinburgh ChaDter under the direction of the Aux- iliary. Those in charge were: Kitchen Mrs. Wilfrid Mc n lovinii memury ui FOR SALE-Coleman nil ii7 SHIRTS Auxiliary held their annual pre-Christmas bazaar. As usual, , i oa , er, used only 6 months PhB. Rummage and Home Cooking Red 377. (291 , SATURDAY ' Sports p.m. 2:00 Teen Age Badminton. " 2:00 Adult Casual Badminton. 7:00 Teen Age Badminton . Basketball League Games Sale, December 11. Fairway Food FOR SALE Bicycle $40.00, used a two weeks' trip to Seattle. Ceorge Hankinson, son of Dr. C. H. Hankinson, sailed by, the Prince George last night on his Market. t291) u.".y iu uionms. no 7th Ave (291 ANNOUNCEMENT Acme Lean, Mrs. Albert Dalzell, Mrs Jack Ritchie, Mrs. William McLean and Mrs. E. T. S. Moore Serviteurs Mrs. Wilfrid Tay lor, Mrs. A. Wyatt and Mrs. Robert Kelsey. ' The members felt well re many ladies wended their way down to carry on the search for special Christmas gifts and to enjoy a cup of tea and a chat with friends or to pick up some delicious home cooking of which there was good choice to take FOR SALE Two guitars, one return to Vancouver after a visit here; m, uuc, one 0:30 Intermediate: Fashion Clothing Store has just received a full shipment of Men's Croydon 'uunlitiT. so Kcntle i;df 1 1 ul memory she f'loiisi nights she fci'ie. but all in Himself knew what :ier home and gave .nembrred by her Barbara. Mother and s mivi brothers. pudiuitn wun Hawaiian at w.w....... aii ut lima Ambrose Ave. or Phone Black 152 Burberry Coats. Get them while they last! (291) Your GIFT STORE the Prettiest Store in Town with all home for the evening meal. The warded for their work on see (291 ing the fine turn-rout, despite vs. Merchants. 7:45 Junior: Rupert Hotel vs. High. . 8:30 Senior: Brown woods vs. Bo Me Hi. 9:45 Women: Miller Bay vs Dom's. manner of lovely things to choose from this Xmas. The adults, as well as the children, patronized the candy stall, well laden with candy of almost weather conditions. FOR SALE Pure bred Cocker Spaniel six weeks old. female. Phone Blue 346. 29U Mrs. L. W. Kergln sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver where she will attend the "capping" ceremony TOTEM POLE GIFT SHOP, 211 ii I . ' v every variety. Mrs. Don Yelf is a passenger Oh SALE Sixth Street. (It) J. A. Baillie, C.N.R. travelling of her daughter, Miss Dorothy FOR SALE One grey wool coat, size 14. 650 7th Ave. East, (tf) FOR SALE OR RENT FuTnTsh-ed house. Big 4. Close to bus. Phone Black 438. (291 1 Canon W. F. Rushbrook, with a few complimentary and en Kergln, at the Vancouver Gen Bulletins o 7th Av tiiimii as "Palmer puditor, who has been here on RELIEVE PAINFUt. OT 3J I , and cottaise at aboard the Coquitlam today returning to Tlell after a trip to Vancouver where she attended' the recent marriage of her son, Jack Yelf. VALUABLE WOOL couraging remarks to the members and patrons, declared the i,n lurniture. Rood MACHINERY FOh SALE official business, sailed by the Prince George last night on his return to Vancouver. 'i film im Pot'H eral Hospital training school for nurses. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Yeomans are sailing tonight by the Co- bazaar open. Mrs. J. Prince, pre crson Ltd. (2H2) sident of the Senior Women's McClarv white en- An overheated electric motor Auxiliary, received, assisted by mi Kunue eauiuoed quitlam on their return to Mas- TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date tvDe National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National MachineYv Company Limited. Vancouver. Bc- ait The wool clip of Australia's sheep in 1947 was valued at i nut oil ourner aim Mrs. E. Hodson, honorary pre-j sident. i In the Broadway Cafe brought out the city fire department at ott t r;t--L with stove. sett after attending the funeral here of their father, Matthew m m Put a few drups ot Vicks Va-tru-nol in I cacti nostril. Southing 1 Aaarjat Yeomans, who died earlier in .Fxrrllmt 2 bed I 1 mi V- icliuf comes us( ROYAL PENSION TOU RENT the week. (in 4th East. 10 o'clock this morning. The motor received heat damage. Sam Joy, who left- the city Thursday night on the Princess Chaucer was given a pension niircti. electric nie- DROPS by King Edward III. IH'll will' HWK. r William Thorn, proprietor of Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd., sailed FOR RENT One three roomed suite, fully furnished. Private bath. Washington Block. Phone Black 490. (291) i Those in charge of the various stalls were: Honje Cooking Mrs. W. B. Skinner, Mrs. M. Viereck and Mrs. A. Griffiths. Sewing Mrs. G. A. Hebb, Mrs. A. J. Croxford, and Mrs. William Wallace. S3 (KID. AUU1V Koutn !jr Ltd. I232 ii!ie!'t(ki',,''s'e,t'e's,s,t's'S'',e!,',! -Centrally located 4 FOR RENT One double room and one single room, furnished. 650 7th Ave. East. Phone Red 471. (tf) fk a, on the Princess Norah Thursday afternoon to return to Vancouver after a business visit to the local branch of t he company. He was accompanied by hU father, C. Thorn. Norah for Ocean Falls after a business visit here, is boarding the Prince George at the paper town tonight for Vancouver. L. F. Bayzand, traff.c supervisor, Canadian National Telegraphs, Edmonton, leaves " by time House, nwiy a. (22) 4MTuodce Sedan, shupt-. Phone Blue . (291) .1 Make your Christmas shopping easy Buy him an ARROW SHIRT and know that your gift will be appreciated. Our Christmas shirt stock' is now complete. A beautiful range of woven stripes, prints and plain white broadcloths, in all sizes and colors to -suit every taste. - AKROW SHIRTS, NECKWEAR HANDKERCHIEFS All suitably boxed for Christmas presentation. WANTED Candy Mrs. Wm. Davidson and Mrs. H. V. Tattersall. WANTED Car batteries, car radiators, brass and couner; paving good prices See BC. FURNITURE CO.. Black 321 -House on 8th Av-t Kor particulars ,ii tiu7. (290) if S Cashier, Mrs. George Viereck. Announcements All advertueiteMiM a tola column will be charged lor a lull montb . at 36 cent word WANTED TO BUY Gnnrl small this evening's train on his return home after a two-day visit here on official business. Although Mr. Bayzand years ago was local .manager of Canadian National Telegraphs at Prince A house for cash, furnished or uniurnisned. if reasonable ft Milady's Wardrobe is never complete She can always use another DRESS, a Phone Black 935. (292) ytiebcc Heater. lc cnamois lined 14 Men's rubber . ii Apply 514 7th (290) iTn. troller Chee-t piniipoed. Pnone 'or Prince Rupert i. Co-op. 29H Special Xmas Bridge Party, smart SWEATER SET, a lovely BLOUSE WANTED Junk scrap iron and George, this is his first visit to scrap steel. Phone 543. 292) Prince Rupert. i HELP WANTED or a SKIRT. And of course LINGERIE, especially BRIDAL SETS and dainty SLIPS are popular with Milady. WkJ 1 1 Civic Centre, December 10. St. Peter's Y.P.A. show "Fantasy," St. Peter's Hall, Dec. 10 and 11, 8 p.m. Concert at Lutheran Church, Friday, December 17, 8 p.m. AIR PASSENGERS .-Sulcd tenders ad-; & x 6:8. Prince Ru-. lor iinu.se and lot a Ave West, will be o Dcrcmbcr 15. Low- HELP WANTED Clerk for office, competent to keep books and records and be able to handle typewriter and do general stenosraphy. Please write stating qualifications, evperi-ence and salary expected. Box 422, Daily News. Moose Christmas Tree, Sat Plumbing or Healing Call SMITH & ELKINS Phone 171 Box 271 ;v lender not neres- euUl. 12911 To Vancouver Mrs. M. M. Pa-ton. H. Peterson. To Massctt-M. Finley, T. D. Stoekdale, A. Hale. It is so simple to shop dt Sweet Sixteen. Select your merchandise and pay a small deposit. When you call for your purchase use the PERSONALIZED BUDGET PLAN to pay the balance. No Interest-No Carrying Charges urday December 18, 2 p.m. sharp. Oddfellows' and Rebekah HELP WANTED Experienced chocolate dipper for full or Xmas Tree, Wednesday, Dec. ia Sell Nlw and Used Hardware, etc. Use! I'uriuble Cira-s. Kitchen tiets. Va- n From Vancouver W. Varna. J. McLaughlin. part time work. Reply to Box 22. 2 p.m. A PETER ieaiier.s. Milan lancy 141 Lauv iicws. Ktvuig iiauit! of last employer. (290) S.O.N. Christmas Tree "Dec. 23,1 From Sandspit A. McLcod, G. 1 Lol'L'iih' Hoots. Lou 7 2 p.m. Parents are invited. II. Kirby. N. Blaunt. M. Reid METAL WORK V PAN PLUMBING Installations and vT ' jl i . . , of Particular Interest are our . 1 J 1 5 -'-Uy1"' TAILORED GABARDINE DRESSES 1 H QtfsM$ih!f&. rs. New and Used RaiH'crx lor wood, on'. Kitchen Chairs, J Tviiewnler in best nee Desk unrl Chairs, t Chest of Drawers, v British India i ii- lor vour furni-i B.C. FURNITURE 0.1 (til Repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel Roofing. Letouriau Si Sons. 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) S.O.N Christmas Dance, Dec. 29, 9 to 2. Refreshments. Everyone welcome. Music by Mike Colussi. S.O.N. Whist Dance, refreshments, every Friday, 8:00 p.m. Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions GIFT SHOPPE Xmas Cards Novelties Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping , and General Cartage and Storage . For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call ( f t Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 LOST Ati'l) FUl'NU New Cups and Xmas Gifts FOUND Keys in 2nd Ave. Owner may have same bv calling at the Dailv rws and paying for this advei'Jspnient. ttfi S.inev design. Keati- Lending Librarylf-K a. r Siie or 4 for .$1.75. hrwiiKis Gift. BC. -Kt CO. (tf) Phyllis Pullen -4 mom house. 1381 229 Third Avenue West LOST 4-month old white fox terrier with brown markings, somewhere on 3rd Ave. Child's pet. Answers to name of "Soot." Pleasue Phone Blue 729. You Saw it in The News. street. Excellent con :wd fur quick sale. (tf ... y-. y .M.....eK.....ts1B.taj:A:i I f FOR YOUR CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM m : 1 ttin i ; v XMAS PHOTOS Order Early Chandler & Cowgill For Appointments PHONE DAY: GREEN 389 NITE: BLACK 613 216 4tb Street Combining Suits Single 'If-hrrasird ; perfect Beauty and Accuracy tylr. Special ..$37.50 If Wool Gabardine tor-made. Reg. $15. $30 M Rnrnjn Topcoats Sold bij Leading Jewellers ivcrywhere ID Ms. Sm-i'hil S22 and Work Pants For Boys or Girls 0 . fi5 I? lu fliotisc from. rm $2.95 to $13 '"wircakrrs New. mshn; all-wool, per Tots or Teen-agers ps THERE ARE TOYS AND GAMES If IN OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT TO PLEASE ONE AND ALL . . . truni $S MU All-wool, good y "wn. Regular $5, V IF IT'S WEARABLES FOR " -. t $3.5d '"il Pullover x VOTE :u HAEOLD S.WHALEN II I M O II II r. K WE HAVE A COMPLETE J LINE i WA sm.s, !, i,30 "Iv-liir dross and 111 us. From $1.2" if.l Mi arc se (r tinir . I, .4 Jt v I i& : Ww.l3.ply, best WFLLS LTD. .7f f V Y- VJ I sj Mgr. WELLS (PR) LTD. VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Cardtfim Sunday, 11 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. ' FOR SOUTH QUEEN . CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Dec. 3, 17 and 31, 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Dec. 10 and 24, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Aeent Third Ave. Phone 868 IV ELLS CARTAGE LTD. 4"c Now .... 30c ; V. i r i o lor mi- rO) g lcoi Sets Make " lifts. Regular $3.05, Independent Candidate for ALDERMAN A Progressive, Far-Sighted Public Works Program 'I s Juniors of the f 1 fantily, don't for- I j ' ? V & sret the Crown- I I ; $3 Wee Tot to Six . .. cais i Also j BLANKETS, SLIPPERS g DOLLS and TOYS "Try Us and Sec" J -THE- J STORK SHOPPE 303 3rd Ave. W. Blue 810 it Wm NOW AVAILABLE SHAVING SETS for the. Men COSMETIC SETS for the Ladies CHRISTMAS CARDS for Distant Friends Gay Decorations to Brighten Your House and Tree (lift Wrappings, Seals and Tags The New Improved "One Man" Power Chain Saw 1 M in the woods, this lightweight tool is proving its under all sorts of conditions. !"'' Air-i ooled Motor. Flywheel Type Iguition. Jlltt"iiatic iCcuVi starting. Ball Main Bearings. mm mm 26 Inch 3J Inch $315 LOOK FOR THE y; NEW RED AND WHITE $25 I "Hum,,,... . , if ,, ,,,ii,.:ihic "c Kupcrv faaies iui &Aua h i' Phone Ited 400 I 518 3rd Ave. W RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE GOLD SEAL LABEL v. Avenue P.O. Box 173 'hone 63;