jpriiue ttupcrt Dai'lp rectos Friday, December 10, 1913 THE DAY fflo tu D - - - - ivi y 7 iniMMAQjf Rup-RccClasscs Enjoyed Widely, Form Vital Part of Chic Centre An awful lot of muscle has been kept in fiddle-string trim and a considerable amount of adipose tissue commonly known as fat has been dissolved from human frames at the Civic Centre's Rup-Rec classes in the last three months. Instructor Margaret Slinn, who conducts a be RANGERS IN PUCK DEAL ITA! if u y GOV'T OFFICIAL UNDER ARREST EDMONTON L. P. Dennis, acting director of travel and publicity for the government of Alberta, was taken into custody by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police last night on a charge under the Criminal Code Involving fraud and breach of trust. The Attorney General had no comment to make on the case prior to its coming up in court. wildering number of classes at New York Fins Its Hopes on Husky New Rearguard, Allan Stanley NEW YORK, l' The harassed New York Rangers today pinned -fresh hopes on a husky rearguard obtained from the m'nir leagues for two players and an undisclosed sum in cash. The total is s;id to be worth 500,000 to $70,000." Allan Stanley, 22, six foot two inch native of Timmins. Ontario, is the centrepiece of the deal. Ranger Manager Frank Boucher-called it the biggest deal in Ranger history and the biggest In the National Hockey League for a minor player. Ed Jullman and Elwyn Morris, were sent to Providence Reds of the American League, plus some cash, in the trade. Rangers are now at the bottom of the National Hockey League heap. solve away leaving a streamlined silhouette. It is more likely to turn Into muscle. the Civic Centre and In city schools, hasn't much to say about the fat. In fact, she would prefer that it wasn't mentioned at all but she is more than mildly enthusiastic about those toned up muscles and the con HOTEL ARRIVALS HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY sequent well-being which they inspire. Weekly for the last three months, Miss Slinn has been Prince Rupert A. Awld, Edmonton; D. De Ker-gommeaux. Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. G. Kearlcy, Prince George: Mr. and Mrs. M. Sheehan, Woodcock; Mrs. J. Smith, Woodcock; Mr. and Mis. Perotrovlch, Kct-r.hikanB. B. MulUn. Juneau. giving instruction in games, rythmic fundamentals, gymnas - n i n i i n w r v . r Q. How can 1 prepare oyster plant? A. Oyster plant should first be washed, then covered with boiling' water. Cook from 45 minutes to an hour, or until soft. Then peel, cut into de CANADIAN LAKES The inland lakes of Canada contain more than half the fresh water in the world. cm r ju uiniru DEMANDS ACTION Shortly before the French coalition government of Premier Henri Queuille came under fire on charges of laxity in handling the recent strikes. Gen. Charles de Gaulle airs his opinions on affairs in France at a press conference. Deputies identified with de Gaulle's Rally of the French people movement presented motions demanding urgent action. tics and dancing to an average of 540 people ranging from tiny tots to adult women and she! Larioon - Notch; Sews 7 Dm - 9:10m SATURDAY mtmi-. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY sired sizes, and serve with 2-4. -tt: 00-8:05 FOR RENT Street level offices nd warehouse. Phone 640 or cream sauce. Q. How can I dry an article 530. (tl) quickly, after washing, when NEW LUXUILT STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT i INN or jail sat G and ia C( t( ed idt HI ,501 pa vr iv ,ds the there Is no fire in the house and it Is a rainy day? A. Hang the garment in front of an electric fan, and see how quickly it dries. Q. How can I remove a disagreeable odor from the kitchen? A. By sprinkling ground cinnamon on the top of the stove. finds that for uersei; and her "students" the accent is on fun. Everybody enjoys it. The classes close on December 1G for the Christmas recess, but will re-open on January 3. The closing will be accompanied by a social for the Rup-Rec ladies class. Besides the Rup-Rec ladies class, which has an enrolment of about 70 and an attendance at its semi-weekly session of about 30, Miss Slinn's weekly ' calendar includes classes for junior girls, 'teen-age girls, junior boys, 'teen-age boys, apparatus classes for junior girls and boys and a girls' game hour. There are also, of course, the THE NEW Inglis "Sterling" WASHER m For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT Oi l IC E PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" LINGERIE GIFTS The Wallace Way For all sizes from small to extca large, we have a selection for personal gift satisfaction. At WALLACE'S of Course tiny tots class, a highly popular JJ function which is regularly at-jJJ tended by about 70 moppets and y semi-weekly periods at Borden Street School. "yytf''"'! ESS y The ladies'" classes, held Mon- JJ Jl'ST ARRIVED -McBrine's A precision-built washer o "Inglis" for whiter, easier washings, with less wear on clothes. "Finger Touch" ' Wringer Release Automatic I'ump Drainer. Lubricated for Life sin n li A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A : A A A . . . Mok thtir Christmas Mtrry with rca Vic tor records The Qift 'thut keeps on Qiving Baggage Twin Set single or in sets. V V days and Thursdays in the apparatus gym, start off with marching' and running routines, proceed to rythmic fundamen v tals, folk and square j dancing, passive exercises in pairs and Men's Leather Gladstone Travel Guard Baggage. Something new in design and covering. See these, Xmaa diftH usually end with a rousing game of volleyball and elementarv SEE THIM AT Peter .... 3.50 Little Black Sambo's Jungle Band 3.50 Rapuzel 3.50 Hansel and Gretel 5.75 Twelve Dancing Princesses 4.50 Uncle Remus ..' $3.50 Little Black Sambo and The Twins 3:50 Pinocchio 4.50 One String Fiddle 3.50 Pee Wee The Piccolo .... 3.50 'Elbert's 'Appy Birthday 3.50 BY RUPERT RADIO & ELECTR tumbling. One of the most popular y a y A large assortment of Floor X Lamps, latest design. A YARDLEY of LONDON classes is the 'teen-age boys who get an obvious enjoyment out J splendid choice of Lamp n ni BUY AND USE CHRISTMAS SEALS (Above unbreakable Children's Records) A of, the group activity, although g Shades. v V y v V y y y y y y v y y y v y y y y y y y y y y We have a few Cellarettcs A ANNE'S COLOGNES $1.50 and $2.50 Health that same feeling is carried through all the classes. Rup-Rec activities make up a large part of the active atten I Alice in Wonderland Ginger Rogers and Cast 5.50 Spike Jones Nutcracker Suite 3.00 1iATH SALTS $1.25 and $3.00 HOME .MADE CAN in walnut arriving. Tricycles, Wagons Pedal Cars. Dicken s Christmas Carol (Ronald Coleman and . Cast ' 5.50 The Littlest Angel (Lorctta Young) 3.75 The Happy Prince (Bing Crosby and O. Welles ..2.75 GIFT SETS $$2.50 to $10.00 A , A and tt A A A M.S (.IFT BOM DcLuxc DELIVERY PHONE 422 Order Now B Pied. Piper of Hamelin (Ingrid Bergman) ... A & SHAVING HOWLS $1.25 2.75 dance at the Civic Centre but because it is not "exactly a "spectator" sport, its ramifications are not broadly known. Climax of the Rup-Rec sea- i.n ...ill V. i 1 .It 1 GIFT SETS $1.85 to $7.50 A A Class! lied Ads Bring F A A A large stock of Furnishings and Bedding. Hxxx We are here to serve you ANY GIFT IN GAY HOLIDAY WRAP-NO EXTRA CHARGE A A own win uu Vlic 111(1.13 UlhpiU : y V next Spring when members from j A A i McCUTCHEON PHARMACY A For the Ladies C Watch our Window Display an classes wm snow tneir skins to the public. But regarding that adipose tissue Miss Slinn says that the A y y F'ractieal Gift LIMITED Third Avenue and Sixth St. Phone 775 3rd Avenue 5 y Phone 79 That Please Your 3tmas (Sift. STORE LOVRLY LINCKRIK xxxxxxxtxxxxxxvxxxxxxxxxxxxxi.xxxx!tKX'zx,ivxx chances are that it won't dis-.w, Delightful thiec-piccc ensembles. Truly a womli-rlu for her. . BLOUSES- Tllnv art. rirpsinviKmhmlrilMl'fl luilul-UiUnUtl and cd. All sizes and colors including black and white. The M est stock of blouses in the city. HOSIERY Sheer Nylon pencil seams, so practical a K"1 MEN SHOPPERS WELCOME EVERY COURTED EXTENDED Xmas Gift Boxes Free Annette Maiisel nurss salon ' Vm HOLLYWOOD ca Most Up-to-Dato Cafe the City 1 " Open from 8 p.m. l Wc Specialize in Chinese DisjM'S CHOI' SUEY CHOW Ml N FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 TERRACE Skeena Restaurant TERRACE LLOYD SAUDER, PROPRIETOR nnnn pnnn nnoi) Sundae v w m..r j. r w Open 6:30 a.m. till midnight. Closed 9 P-I". SO'i and 100't DINE AND DANCK Bring your friends and enjoy yourselves IN COLOURFUL CHRISTMAS WRAPS AFTERNOON TEAS 3 TILL 5