Prince Uttpcrt Oailp rectos H ; i Laurels to... Friday, December 10, 1343 bs... rls" Glee Club New Teachers Miss Jokonovish tOjtr Irene Ilansen. Reporters Margo Brown, Juan Moller, Donna Kerrijhan, Mary McAfee, Esther Harrison, Kathleen Smith, Deslika Penrfi. I ARLETTA HAMILTON for the ; wonderful work she did In organizing the cheer squad and I the Up 'iliuht drill. Althoueh Girls' U' Miss Jokanovlch, the Grade 7 tey as spuu . 'ay this year and ap- TRAIN SCHEDULE From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturct: 10;45 p.m. For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:00 pun. ; , WRATHALL'S . , PHOTO FIMSIIING, t Developinr. Printinc-- ' Enlarging - ' QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies '' ' ,fly 25 memoem u.u -pv and 8 Science teacher, hails from Vancouver. She is a graduate of Britannia High and the Vancouver Normal . School, She came from Vernon where Pontne x W .lUltff f(',.,. i'.' ,jr first meeting they el- the turn-out wasn't very encouraging at first, Arietta went r!2ht ahead and built up a club that boo"? rrhc-ol spirit 100 per cent. Thanks should also "be given to the members of the squad who gave up 'their own time for practices. Srers: Diane Kennedy Student Council President, Diane Kennedy was horn in' she spent the last two years. There she met Miss Gibson and,;;aS,t;i,S.XS,l.a?.rJ..!t.S1S..Al.i3i; Ketcheson. Unt. Jo" Nancy Htll. president they made plans to come to A WEEKLY RECORD. Students'Council Leads School Organization The student council organization of Booth Memorial High School for 1948-49 follows the pattern which was adopted and successfully followed last year. This consists of three council bodies: the Senior and Junior councils, representing the Senior and Junior high schools, respectively, and an execu Dolly tr... .. .... The CONSOLETTEi Treasurer, ry n.piu iz, jy-ji. when CHEER LEADERS Lenora . ade she moved t0 West . Margaret BtTaOwn. at Vancouver where she was a Convener, Marie Ma"' ; pupil ln PauUne Johnson FLEETWOOD F a u g h t, L i 1 y Sylvester, S i d By LOOK AT THESE ' FEATURES Youngman, Lou Van Pykstra and Song Queen Joyce Tatter-sall for the splendid perform New Shock-Proof ,rU plan to be ready to jny of the school function might arise. Miss i also planning on en- Pick-up. Prince Rupert together. " Miss Jokanovlch professes to like Prince Rupert very much, that Is, all but the rain. She and Miss Gibson batch together and so far enjoy it immensely as they have had no ill-effects from their own cooking. Miss Jokanovlch' s favorite activities are playing badminton, dancing, and eating her favorite, food being liverwurst and stuffed olives and the one disliked most is prunes.' New 12 - Record ances they put on the night of the basketball games with Ketchikan. Not many people real Changer. popll in Pauline Johnson School, in 1942 she left the south and came to Prince Rupert with her family, attending Borden 8tfet School ln Grade 6. All her High School years have been spent at Booth. "DP has been an active participant in school activities. Since Grade in nh h..B tive council, the school Council lW01eeClub,n the Music Scratchless Re Ua Festival nexi spring. ize how much elfort and practice was put behind these shows. cord reproduction. English Celes- Polar Bears Drama- Club tion Speakers. I 1 ! 1 ... , 1 : bs - I Ml , 1i j ft ' - -s ' ll t 1 : I .... . i i : 1 3' l n..'....l. - - I .-ig ior Eo-Me-Hi now, has cheer lead crs and school spirit compar able to any school, any place. Powerful Super- ..... r'.,K rfinmr' ...... v'u wnose responsibility is to deal with problems pertaining to the school as a whole, and to handle all student finances. The election in' October for the ' School Council aroused much interest among the students. Following nominations for various offices a lively cam- Hel Radio. Were Feted of the most popular! , RalnDlrcUl and she hag (ilin o 1 fin rvtf ...... r Beautifully Finished cabinet in E " year - - ea on the school softball team. BponMH -c "-" She has also held nositlnns In This year, as in the past, a the student government, i.nst. ,nd Miss joKanovicn. jn on staging about four walnut or mahogany. , LOOK at this Price!! banquet was served to Ketchl kan's visiting High School bas f i time in the lays some Miss Gibson Also from Vernon Is the senior Art teacher, Miss Gibson. Besides Art she teaches English and Social Studies to the Grade 8's. Hhe home town is Edmonton where she took both her University and Normal School training. She came out to B.C. C1CQ OS V -- year she was vice-president of i Paif?n wa ne'd w'th the students the school. lBo:n "all out" 'to support their As school president Diane pro-! cn',s'n candidates. The latter poses to "revive school spirit to i were B'ven an opportunity ' to the extent that every student address the school at a special participates in some srhool assembly ln the Civic Centre. In ent of the club is Barker and Secretary Is Marjorie Lieman and Christine Currie. Serviteurs were Joanne Langridge, Lorraine Youngman, Donna Kerrighan and Lil Sylvester. .Later in the day a High School assembly was held at the Civic Centre." The Kay-Hi boys were introduced, followed by entertainment and speeches. Alec Bill was given a much deserved vote of thanks lor his efficient coaching of the Rain ketball team. Friday morning, December 4, a group of Grade 12 girls prepared dinner for 31 guests. They were Principal and Mrs. A.' M. Hurst, Vice-Principal and Mrs. R. D. Cleland, Diane Knnedy, president of the Stud brand. M. B. function. I know I have a coun- i the election the Proportional BARGAINS IN RECONDITIONED RADIOS ' ;' 'St RCA 7 tube Mantel, 5 bands, 4 short wave spread bands, $55.00 S Marconi 5 tube Mantel, short and long S4(J.OO j' RCA 5 tube Mantel, ivory plastic cabinet ......I.... $27.50 K Westinghouse 5 tube Mantel SH'.SO ' NOBLE & mcM then and before coming here cil that will .support me." Representation system of voting ents' Council, Kay Hi's Coach taught two years at Vernon. Miss Gibson likes Prince Rupert very much, even the rain Hollister, and players of both teams. The banquet was held In the teachers' room which was Edith Prlnglc R.N., who n here for a couple of n rnnnection with her is hospital insnector, Thursday night by the makers. A trio of Kay-Hl boys that is since she got her new raincoat. Her favorite recrea was used. The slate of officers for School Council is as follows: President, Diane Kennedy. Vice-President, Mona ". Lyke-gaard. ' Secretary, Laila Husoy. Treasurer, Larry Moore. suitably decorated with flowers 201 THIRD AVENUE WEST Passengers sailing on the Princess Norah from Prince Rupert for Vancouver Thursday afternoon Included Sam Jcy, J Day and R. Porry. PHONE .... Ji tfi George on her return to, was ' persuaded to add to the entertainment after which the assembly closed with "God Save the King." ;,er. . , tions are swimming and dane-ing, and her hobby is clay modelling. Miss Gibson does a large variety of art but she specializes in portrait drawings. Her favorite donated by the Students' Council. Special credit is due to Home Economics Instructress Anstey, and to Christine Currie who planned the affair so well. In charge of the kitchen were Shirley Taylor, Arietta Hamilton, Mary McAfee, Maresa Windle, Boys' Sports Representative, BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Eric Moore. James Forman Jr. sailed last Girls' Sports Representative, night on t he Prince George for ( color is teale blue. Arietta Hamilton. FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT: Now on Sale - the 7 NEW LARGE BOTTLE Vancouver. . J. M. N'CE RUPERT P u b 1 1 cations Representative, Mary McAfee. tLE COLLECTOR Clubs Representative, Esther D MESSENGER MARGARET McLEOI) OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BUILDING Soda, Perfex and Harrison. Past President, Art OLsen. k-jiger Ale Bottles PHONE RED 751 The Senior Council President, Christine Currie, is the Senior Council Representative on the. MATTSON'S "iOLSTERERS AND iN'ITVJRE REPAIRS School Council, while the Junior PHONE BLUE G93 P.O. Box 1184 Council President, Joyce Farrlng- ton, is the Junior Plastic Materials Joplllo Mattresses ks Curtains k'ads Cushions, etc. ond-Hand Furniture tr ,-11- : I j !' ' ri1. $w 818 P.O. Box 523 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches PLATTER. CHATTER 130 Second Avenue NCE RUPERT, B C. 2f th Street Phone 655 iRCE L. RORIE Well, record fans, here are tountant. Auditor, rtc. the ten most popular discs of the day. 1. "Buttons and Bows." Tax Returns Compile! Block Phone 387 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS 'ER HANGINO AND OOD FINISHINO Building and repairs of all kind ades, Styles and Colors "On a Slow Boat to China." "A Tree in the Meadow." "Twelfth Street Rag." "Maybe You'll Be There." "Hair of Gold, Eyes of Blue." "My .Darling, My Darling." "My Happiness." "It's Magic." "You were Only Fooling." 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners f. P. MOLLER Phone BLUE 155 xfcJainger Ale j Mixes in Any Company ! SERVE COLD Quarts 25c plus deposit : 1 PHONES Black 087 Red 894 evenings P. J. CHENEY DENTIST. P.O. Box 1670 Two new records that are be F1 5, SMITH BLOCK P.O. Box 1401 'MO TECHNICIAN FOR YOUR ROCK and CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed Voicing and Repairs coming very popular in tne south are "King Size Papa" and "Love Your Spell is Everywhere." The former is a slow jive with Julia Lee on the vocal and there is good music ln the background with the brass section standing out. Th other features Peggy Lee on the vocal supported by the Dave Barbour Orchestra. This piece has A Latin-American flavor and some may recognize fIKE COLUSSI f ! t one BLACK 756 9"2 loth East Cartage Ltd. i I,' QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden II re Is and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. it as the theme on Tony the Troubador's program. Nellie I.utcher and Frankie Lane are still among the most popular vocalists according to record sales. "P'fte Moving Service ! "t-Packing Cartage! As a Christmas shopper I'm tops. I never make a mistake; My gifts to friends and relatives are alwaysexactly what they want. My secret? Listen ... . " I send Royal Bank Money Orders, with a personal card . of course. They get the cash and buy just what they want. That makes everybody happy. Best of all, I can buy Royal Bank. Money Orders for as little or as much as I like, an important ' " consideration these days. So if Christmas shopping gets you down, try my simple solution. Your nearest Royal Bank branch ' will be glud to co-operate. Snd a Gift of Cash us RoyoV Bank Money Orders THE ROYAL BAN CI OF CANADA cNoklity.Qust ,tt BLUE 980 chstrontiistiulit-rn4w fnllowiiiR'-tcajJiMMm!. (ttwi'rt MTMkniiR. forkM. SHtatl fJT4a. i knives and one butter kutf ndsuparnpoon. - 4 intittTii illustmtrdisinv. lyCohONAi ion. AlsonVrtlrtibl iitthtLAUVllAMll-'lONplittollu Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. If a formal wedding is to tkp nlace at noon or during the CHROMTEIIIM netal moulding for home-craft use. Simple Cut nnrl o-ioir trt inctol Simnlifrl in eio'ht (Retail Pun-hoM '1 ax Kxtra.) afternoon, what should the male ractical shunts tr cnir nvorv home need. No attendants wear? A. Cutaway coats, with striped trousers. F'al tools required. - D. W. G. STEWART, Manager DISTINCTIVE SILVERPLATE PRINCE RUPERT .BRANCH - HOMPSOM HARDWARE CO. LTD. Good news for those who have had to postpone llieir Dally Rews Classified Ads get Quick Results! Connodore Cafe purchase of flatware! We are able -now to show yon a group of attractive chests, filled with Canada's most beautiful flatware Commi-mty! We are featuring ttxlajr the two most universally loved patterns 'Goroiiaiioit";. and "Lady Hamilton". I ft IT n a ator Ignition Ghesk-Up Your car's ignition system is especially susceptible (0 winter's rigors Have it Checked! 1. Battery checked. 2. Distributor overhaul. 3. Spark plugs cleaned and set j'1 'Hi J TO ROLL YOUR OWN VVTH 1 COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" Best Food and Service in City Phone 17 for Send -out Orders Cisarette Tobacco ! 1Mb Ulwiktv (Utile j Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. Advertise in the Daily News! Hid. S W I J, BRIGHT VIRGINIA