HOTEL ARRIVALS Print Rupert Da ftp r3rto ifsr.daj. June 23, 1&43 Em tives of Grades Six and I've were in charge of the salt u'-i-;0r the direction of Mrs- s A j assisted by Mrs h ; C. Food. Principal j, g Vi-nJ son was in general charge. Ray Reflects ... JR. RED CROSS SALE IS SUCCESS Borden St. School Raises Seventy-Five Dollars Friday Afternoon Reminisce . . . Prince Rajx-rt James Barry. Vancouver: V,'. Stevens. Sfciclegate Mission; D. 3. Allen, Vancouver; M. L. Nohn. Vancouver; O. Kerley. Teliwa; Ha ln4epeBdect d:y OfiDr-T aercta to upeu3:cl2. o? 'raw , ""JS ftcd u eoasmunittra rojcpr-.TBg norrSWTi -! err.TsJ BnrUi 0.umDie (SutboriM M fiecrma CuUU. Pl Orf: IPrrnt. CKtw) Prtnc Rupert Daily Kew Ltd, rd Avenue. Prmc Rupert, British OolumbU. O. A- HTJOTR. Managing Editor. H O PFRRT. MmT-o Director. tfZMBEK OF CANADIAN PP.FS3 AlTDrT BCF.S'O OF CIRCULATIONS CAKADIA DAILT KF5TSPAPEH ASSOCIATION O. Moscrip and W. Traeeer r,r The widening usefulness of air- in a place called Prince Rupert Guss, Burns Lake; G. P craft Is noted more as every fly- In the holy hush, the pioneers y SpetisU MEN'S AU.,V(), ecBSCP.rPTio rates Cat; Cmer. Per ek 20c: Prr Mori.i. TSc: Per Tear. MOO. B Mll. Per Monia. 50c. Per Ter. 5 00 , time comes around. Sprayed from tried t5 kid one another into, Thomas. Victoria; Mr. and Mr-i. The Borden Street Junior Red Stanaard Oil Co. of Bf'ish . . , . , Columbia arrived in the ci'v on on Cross branches he: their last thp r.m Clmo!,un . . K; yesterday after-sle sale of or the trie school school year vear Frirfav Friday. noon from Vancouver, bein here and as a result, the sum of ' 5 1,ere for a hri(lf "el vi VUt ,, 0n $75 50 was raed for Junior Red J" above, countless winged pests believing that, after all, eondi-; Leach, Port Edward: T. A. V. suffer swift death. It is much tions were not so bad but that jremblay, Victoria; Mrs. F. Ab-more effective than individual they might become worse. Yetjbott antj daughter, Vancouver; and SIITJ ... Mrs. O. Sells, New Westminster; t cross activities- The sale was j action, such as slapping one's it was a threadbare sort of com self on the wrists, or possibly, iort. -. . i n ur. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hart, Namu: patronized by parents and' tltTION .f 8We-krrasU P C. Bostrum, Masset; Miss J. oiner jricnoa wnne me pupus unmentionables. It should be a simple enough matter for an air- themselves found articls avail- I, " firmed tot .ir M Something unusual happened j common, port Simpson; B. T oinei. i.-.i S --"-us, asMtertmfB Spetial MI.VS REs able for their nickels and dimes, o, Auu,i i. in u o: 8ine September of last year ' L" Dl8tr,ct rr M-rme b, the children have collected al- to eut u Mvm ftm Pir t4J; most twenty thousand tea and , Hemkwk. uui nuni. u an br coffee coupons. This is a trlb- "tlT,Sr " 8,"a",' .Rlvrr- . . . . 1 Binn4.H Ann. Range S Out Land ute to their persistency and to oumct. . their steady determination to' Thrre y-r uiS iwwd f, n l:ve up to the motto of the or- j M 01e to MWn1 ganization "Service. In addi-iuie ' uctir m penn may aubmit lion to the sale of premiums oi-ivea i the iuur f . , . ! auruon and trbMl aa oft vid " such as aluminum ware, nvrex . . man to steer up the Skeen River, this year, at the Trooping of the) Phillips, Masset: Mr. and Mrs. drop low and, with a cheerf'J Color in London town. One man ' McKeen, Vancouver; Mr. and ' Good Morning," destroy 117,- fainted and some of the others irs a. Stringer, Victoria; R. 000.000 moi0.uitos, no-seeums and seemed a bit unfamiliar with. Hetherington, Fort William, Ont.: black files of both sexes. the drill. These little lapses were j Raynor, Winnipeg; O. P. Smith, , blamed on the Second Great War. Vancouver; Wr. A. Bowman, Van-It has perhaps not passed un- Soldiers had been through des- couver; D. A. MacGibbon. Win-noticed that, to date, numerous perate fighting but could not nipeg; J. Vallance, Winnipeg; R. charges f;om pubiic platforms march well, in an old and for-: Lane, Vancouver; I. Barltrop, (have been promptly '"nailed." mal movement of units. But that . Vancouver; D. H. Phillips, Van- J Doswell Prince L , . , . runner parueuiara maf be A- s"rts Vj: trom j T SHlRT rR-Latet ,t,i,1 tment. Spri, BOTV WOOL J PA.MS-Srmi-d,.; wtment, HfrCui Blue and Speeial This is merely mentioned uray. was not exactly their fault. AnrtiC0UVer; D. It I . 1 so that, in the event of future the soiaier who took a weuk George; S. Penner, Vancouver; there were plants for sale. For "" vicurfia. b c . w ttw uit- scarcity, when such useful hard- turn could probably have f ur-. h G West Vancouver- R Den-;. v. l.u , rtei Pi.rt-tr. Vaneuuv-r. or prince Kuperi. a v-. ;no,m, Vancouver, u. uouit, counter 0f homemade whistles in, ware Is needed for construction nished good reasons. purposes, the situation will be more readily grasped. ;F;ag,-v:?grx-'- .: ,;Prince George; R. M. MaUiews, that found a very ready sale. . . j I Prince George; R. S. Millar, and the noise of whistles of all j AIR PASSfcJVGERS nAce-irrnd ! Vancouver; O Garso. Seattle: pitches testified to the popular tr l - 1 1 Linking Alaska and Sk??na Modern Campaigning THE remarkable developments of communication WITH and science, election campaigning is due for some streamlining and modernization, it is becoming evident as a result of the current battles for the ballots. Particularly in the larger -"centres, where the radio is so accessible to all, the clay of the public meeting appears to be about out, except possibly it be for personal appearances of the leaders and the candidates which may be regarded as a caurtesy to the electors. Apathy to public meetings, as shown in the slim attendance at meetings in Prince Rupert, is general. Something will also have to be done about the radio too, since the political speeches on the air are becoming tiresome in Canada as they have been long since in the United States. Of course, the radio can always be turned off or ignored when the political speech comes on but that is not popularizing the radio. Newspaper use still seems to be the most effective means of campaign advertising. One of the great advantages of the printed word is that it can be taken or left. It is there to be read and mentaily digested at any time and, if it is missed on one occasion, it can be referred to again. The message is not lost and gone forever like the uttered word, be it in the meeting or on the air. Experience is showing that, in spite of all the new developments and -possibly, indeed, because of them, there is still no more effective way of conveying a message and conveying it pleasantly than by the printed word. ly J. Buchanan, Smithers; J. ity of the article. There was Hins, Watson Lsland; C. Hartie, also a very ready demand for Queen Charlotte City; P. Phil- cut flowers that the children lips, Vancouver; L. Mackey, Van- had brought from their own gar- j Highways with Haines Cut-Off and car barge service and cak-! ing Prince Rupert a sort of trar.s- ! c.rjk. To Vancouver tSaturdayt S. cens. The Junior Red Cross execu- couver; A. V. Smith. Smithers; HL E. Whyte, Victoria. I The XI rtm$i irs Family f.. portation cooplir.g-pin, tying ail Penner, J. Franks, B. Rody, Mrs. together appears to have caught W. Scherk, Miss E. GladLsh. B. the fancy of the north and it Campbell, J. R. Maddigan, W. L. can t be said the south is in- Bowman. different. The scheme is iirge: To Sandspit (Saturday Mr. liniment SMITH dn .wr We are proud to announce our appointment as I0R AW AND PAIN PLA' .'$10,0 Bpee Sail' CAI HE) ) Ilea ipTTns net IF est ui house If HAVE HAD YEARS OF PLUMBING AND HEATING -EXPERIENCE PHONE lit DEALER Bkmx I LIVING r2e3T3 sale and the possibilities are and Mrs. T. R. Kelly, Miss L ! there. This part of the contin-' Keliy, L. Orr, E. T. S. Moore, E. ; ent is gradually eoming within Wahl, R. Wahl, H. WaW. j the framework of big business From Vancouver i Friday A.' and, by the time such a service L. Hunter, W. Dunn, Mrs. W. is provided, the traffic might Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilson, be waiting. j E. Smith, G. P. Thomas, J. Ben- jny. i Some of the campaign speak-! From Sandspit Friday Mr ers, feeling doubtful about the ' Kenal. future, have been hinting of aj To Vancouver iFridayf C. E. coming depression, or recession Buck, H. Ross, O. Open. E. Wark. The dictionary defines recession I w- Hansen, M. Phillips, as "a quiet spot." During thej To Sandspit ( Friday t Mrs. thirties, we happened to be living j Downey, Mrs. T. Croaier, L. Lam naagJUVV- III Radios, Ranges. Refrigerators, Appliances and Washing Machines I est! REAL Plumbing Trouble? INSURA? INCOME t bert, i From Vancouver Thursday) hfiss L. MacDonald. W. Bowman. RETURNS CALL BLUE 846 WHERE ALUMINUM? ! A. Anderson, Mrs. J. W. HowiU, ' R. E. M0UT! Itr: 1-'" ;. BlTf ,. 1 llO ..& "trllM : wil Hss o Joillt lotlce tt tl torn ion .1 Jflc'at Jertil alld vrtttn ' . h ! K4 2nd Ave. i.teJ C R" Unf' Sealed tender, will be received p f until nocn July 12th. 1949. by the Zeutchell, F. Dodd, E. Southby,' Chief Forester. Victoria. lor the con- A Rirharrt I Phillip., n. . Mt Bride Street Phene 211 "THE PROPOSED hydro-electric project above I Skagway offers some interesting problems, mrucuon oi an oirice and stores Mrs. R. E. Gladding. B. C. i both engineering and diplomatic, that may tax the 'btk7aVdTi SAAN1CH Plumbing & Heating specifications may be rrom Sandspit Thursday BALAGN0 Phone Green 'ft V Trrace and Smithers. the District HI BILL . Sandison. . Q.C.A. Forester. Prince Eupert. or the Chief i - 77j7777. . , roreater. Victoria, on a deposit of 5 00, which till be refunded upon return of pianj.. etc.. In good ron- Thursday To Ketchikan (round trim The Latest in amon w.thln thirty days. Xf. R. Hann, ' Mr. and Mrs. Fickes . The lowest or any tender not nec- . r11""' Mutrllv .nr.H J. KnaDD. Mr a n H Vfr c r Portable WelcM HOW ABOtTT LUNCHING WITH ME TOMORROW AT THE CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM . . . YOU'LL FIND THE FOOD AND SERVICE TOPS! r25 Tenders must be submitted in an Fleet, Mr. and Mrs. E D IveyJ ...... ivjir utrw fcru i-iiaer lor me Mrs. S. Wood, R. Norenberg, j Stotlon Construction of Ranger Building at Terrace," joules tiars, j. Kitchie, Mr. and 1541 .Mrs. E. Reitel. Mr. and Mrs f HAS BFEN ADIHDl E X T F. X SIVKLY I SHOP . . . FOR Ml WORK . . . SFE THOM SH METAL UMi those n. t r. Fillmore, Mrs. E. Hudson. I To Masset Friday F. B ' Woods-Johnson, Rev. Bunii s I i Prockter, H. G. West, Mrs. E. Jif Mallorv. 3 FIRST AVE. E. JubU ncoi Be: t ' i ( 7 Civic Ckxtre Dim so Room For Reservations add Chicken in The Rough fhone Red 70!l To JuskaUa (Friday i J. Dig-ranes. i HOLLYWOOD cafe MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE I.N Till OPEN HtOM 11:30 A.M. TO 3:33 A.M. The Hon. Stuart S. The Hon. Lionel We Specialise In Chinese Dishes 6; hdr 3IEIX (M CHOP SUEY-CHOW ' en em Ml For Outtide Orclen PHONE 133 Minister of Justice M inister of ransport VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 .pn., Chilcotin Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSOX 8unday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QCEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, July 1, 15 and 29 FOR NORTH QCEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, July 8 and 22 FRAN&. I. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 j I SP eal Tonight abilities of American leaders before that $300,000,-000 aluminum plant is erected along Lynn canal. Our old friend from Prince Rupert, W. D. Smith, longtime resident of the Stewart-Hyder district and member of the B.C. legislative assembly since 1945, said here that Canada has some ideas of its own regarding aluminum. The U.S. now has a two-cents per pound duty on Canadian-made .aluminum entering the U.S. This duty protects American industry and employees. But B.C. has dreams of a big metal plant through harnessing of ; water in the lakes above the Kitimaat, some 80 or ; 100 miles south of Prince Rupert, where the Alu-! minum Corporation of Canada or Reynolds Metal 1 Corporation may built a city of 40,000 to 50,000. : Either maker would want to sell part of the plant's J output in the U.S.A. and that two-cent tariff hurts. It might be enough to kill the project, even with lower wages and power costs. . J At first glance that would seem to make the : Skagway deal a cinch. Except that Canada controls 1 the water for the needed power and the Canadians I don't wish to lose such a big industry to Alaska because of the U.S. duty. They will want to negotiate, and perhaps hold out for a plant on both sides of the line, with no duty on the output of the one. Or else they might let Skagway go ahead if it hired an equal number of Canadians and Americans, and split its income taxes between the two countries. Smith says there is an easier wayto bring out water from the Lake Atlin watershed than by drilling two long and expensive tunnels down from Lake Lmdeman. He says water can be taken from the ; south end of Lake Atlin down a tunnel and trench : f to the Sloko River which in turn empties into the : -Taku River. The latter empties into the inside pas- sage at a point near Juneau. The drop is about 900 ; leet in less than eight miles, if the figures of a : --mining engineer of the Atlin region are correct. But that might mean locating the plant along the Taku or else transmitting the power overland to Skagway, which also could be expensive. . Smith says the draining off of water would also dry up inland waterways which serve industry , of the area in the spring and summer. Even the Yukon depends on the watershed for some of its ; supply- That would mean another big task in al-r locating water. The Colorado River fight has al-! ready shown how involved such a controversy can .: become.' A system of dams might protect the long inland waterways involved or of course the new highway into Atlin may solve the problem itself. ; Ketchikan Chronicle. DON'T MISS THE FUN AT LIMBERL0 CJO 8:30 - 9:00 P.M. For R INSERTED BY NATIONAL LIBERAL COMMITTEE ) "SINNC. HOATINC, II tJNTLVfi. OTHER S"! ! I DANCIXfl . .'. AND MANY Advertise in the Daily News! ' 1 " " " ""' """ " ' - - . , Fun for the Whole Family at UME' PACIFIC Make your reservations early and De w' Happy Holiday in the Bermudas ot I All Types .iTirt'JH (UK r UK THKK INFOKMA 1 lUW - innf.R i.xn riioK r3 OR UNION wuauujs - Stevedoring & Contracting ! PBINTINC OFFICES-PHONE 568. COMPANY LIMITED SUPPLIES FOR OFFICE STATIONERY FOR HOME CREETING CARDS PENS AND PENCILS 0( J General Stevedores and Contractors Stevedores for Canadian National Railways CABLE ADDRESS HEAD OFFICE "PACIFICO" PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. ! ORMl DIBB PRINTING CO. BESNER BLOCK PHONE 234 HOUSEHOLD NEEDS c r- STEP LADDERS CLOTHES DRYERS KITCHEN UTENSn.S CLOTHES LINES IRONING BOARDS OALVANIZEO WAItES PRESCRIPTION OF TASTY MEALS AT THE ' Reis. Caite Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUE Y enow MEIN STOUE HOURS WEEK DAYS. 9 A.M. NOON T SUNDAYS AND IIOLIDAYS-13 SATIN-GLO " - VARNISHES 7 PJ. TO 9 P.M. ENAMELS PAINTS Emergency I, till from 7 p Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. IHOMPSON HARDWARE CO. ltd: and Sin Second Avenut opposiu Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 .m. to :30 .m. Ph0ne 173 for Outside Orders