H-iVT EiVr? Mxii I--.- 'Ski rrj rtliiU- a prlnil nsTrrt rfl TZfzi -rf- hi; Yi:-"a StiS F:t. r.. Ii;.:;., vr SlV.. ..V L:,; ttzis were ir'; ia i j jef? S P. "STtoicie; IT PA YS TO POLL TOV?. OVM V7Trf :Sport Shots .33 j5 if tl a: i? a s?u trier V-t ir- -J tr . Jrca i '-to t--r. He 6frr4 im tkS(? r,k.. British CflS ; .: "I j -2 r rrr i. i.-- i A--s.i...--.:je J? C .rr.tJ : - . - j TH! ONIT 1AII WAT SEtTING All TIM MOIIICtt Cigarette Tobacco MUD. SWEET, I ? I O - ! VUOMI i'r..tiT jv.5pr3 zu2. r..- -. , t hir so; Hi It J UIIIM.J.M. WW UI .DM 'IJJIf WWS !." ' ,n,, i C.T. O- ei--i P-i.-C-i- i.-i BrT.r.f "s Vx PiT,. -m. it Cyrr M-x-gxa t f Ote 'i-a iry v, vi r-ir.- u- Ritd-o Dial CFPR I2 K-:-7-i 3 t-i-si.: i-'i . i-,.. i'.?.- iv t i,.: ju fi.' i Ii-.tr i- J-. t-v. n .,..r AT-i a ?i.-2 rr i- Aif s t'r."r Ci-t. r. (.v.'itr - - :Vi-0-'.ii Vi.. . i- .... ;s Attention Housewives REAL FRESH FISH sJSSf :irti.-i a ra r. cri ta: r.j cr. j '-p t3 taic i-taruj cf it. Ecy's dr;te jt i-: Tfe Lifva at-tact afiis aid Fsn !a;n- the ball ar.i brat M-jcr aai7 ti Pt t-e lt- S -D W-.'-r i--I HH i . TERRACE MEAT MARKET MHTS ; r.mtH I.CS . FOtXTKT oi:AijTY-:-hJ'.via; 3 Battrr -re J-Kfcy h-n (1 K f story 1 11 :1V-L;irkl Fif3 Tki i 11:34 Wtatbrr r t i 11 II M-Ks.?e Pw-od j 11 :4. Ueciuia H fit rrf lK V hrjl-r-IUMlt" m Canada FARGO TRUCKS ;PLA' .'$10,0 Bpee CAI HE; ) Ilea net 7;ia f::.t 'Si V. jk-S.il li&J :15 L;vrai Ft'r: Tar 10;:tH-CBC Sei 11:00 "Aa.r and FV.h Arnals Biit-r hih cr-2s t':pr.2 I -.hrr.gh Morgan"! haads but th na.'! vis scrar.'&4 ai7. S."-.tll cared frm Pavlikis Mizz-.-r: ttacted -12 and ci-ar-l Mor- . gars rut eff C'jrr.-ii'f cr--t Grer as xi. C ,rr.--I! -as j jirivutg hard and keaied j A.-rrtrori's pais afairut the 'tar .tn M.r?an t a'.en ar.i-,th-n got held of the r jr.l iar.d pat it Ihrtugh to g:v toe' ' Lgiwn a to gcai 2ad. Battery lined hard arid Go.-nez ar.d jVerxh -aent all -out b'Jt over-, j anxiety fptn-td thir atrr.ps , and full time earri aith the-i Legion ainner ty two clear, gcals. j Th !..'..'. rrx.v; Sr, vxk at Rart 1,1-Lv: 12C H'.IJ. 1-ton Kxprrs ir2" W.Ii. 2-ton ( haH ami Cab ith Ktinforced Frame and 2-Speed Ktar Axle. t 170' W.IJ. 3-ton C'hashiM and Cab with Reinforced Frame and 2-Hpced Hear Axle. PM !2 00 Mi-Day Ki-3iM 12:15 CUC VS !2:2- FT'jgram P-iamf 12 30-BC. Farm Broatf'-i't VI. bey RMordd IrswriwI" 1 ;0O Ir..,rrr.'Zio 1 ; Afmoor Concert 2:0 In a VfiU-i M'xxS 2:SQ Mosical Program 2:45 CotemfrntarT A Crar.t 3 w Musical Program 3:1V Sf-rtnade 3 .30 DiTcrikr.f'isU) AnniUE REFRESHED Enjwy the kicking, toothiwg tpit of Canadian National night -t-ntl f,JmMl Jiiwr. benh or ruuent. KtUx ia irood1tiooed twnf t spevd otr mitrt of wn.j.xh ruadbui You aAe, tcJ and rtfrtLti, all fur aaAhrr djy. Sttil a march on Father Time thi pScaumtu ot-rmuKi ci Canidian National. Travtl by una (u dependable all-ead icoke. ! Re: ! " '" t ., Ht rr I ,.TIio ili.',' "trlei WH iiss o 7:00 Musical C!t a oo cbc 8: IS Momtos &n? 3 30 Mjf.x lor Wjtitn i 4$ Litt C'AJXZX 9 00 EBC Srws'and Co.-r.tT Rupert Motors J Tarr.s : : Canadian l-?ion Krajs; ' FS US A MI Wi AdterUie in th DaUy Vri! I Alexander. Eby. R. Smith. YeJ jlar.d, Greer. Aird. Baxter, Crn e!l. Arirtrong. Murray, Brem-; fi : loll It lotice I it tl ' om Ion .1 Jllcat JerUl BUrt vritln ' . W f 1 ! r ' - - i . m v-7 i ; & CZ UrTZ "vf F2 PRINCE RUPERT ; VirtjlM; . - . ... a:V ( r--ijtew. M -- u---, ---- - I UI Mill iir HI I ' v i ncoi pfm . Dv Tl LImvJ ALLLI 1 OPEN DAILY IUOM ..Tr'" T"""V. 3:39 P.M. TO 11 P.M. j . j : Z-1 . Saturdays - 12 Nn ., fL Jl' 7 . . to 12 Miunight i ' -p., ' '.'.. PHONE REO 769 i IZZZZZFrZZZ I '- ;-'j - - Bwl in Clean and Pleasant Am " "1- 5T f ' V . ' I?E(il(g1!lHl K hr rto j f Til The products of our farms and forests, factories, mines and fisheries are worth twice as much as ten years ago. And Canada's exports are more than four times greater. Canada Is the vorld's third largest trading nation under ' Liberal policies. The Port of Vancouver has had a 30 increase in tonnage in 1948 over 1939. The greatest dollar volume In British Columbia's history has been reached in our primary, secondary, and agricultural industries, while the increase shown in retail sales is . second highest in the Dominion. Protect your stake in OPPORTUNITY : PR OSPERITY - SECURITY PI Tktt .dvtrtlMMtnt if no publiiK.J for diapUyd by A Uqvof Conkol Botrd Of . h lk Gov.wm.nt e( BrHiiti Columbia, IMMEDIATE DELIVER 9 ! ; i t ( , NOW AVAILABLE 16,000 Pounds Gross Rating 150 and 165-inch Wheel Base d Fine Ne WOT Replace That Old Truck With One of These oiinrninn aiith nun DflllV !sFR PUBLISHED BY B. C. UBFfiAt ASSOCIATION ourLmuii HUiu hiiu uuui LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Third and Park Avenue PRINCE RUPERT In Skeena Supporl Ted AppleVha'lte 'Your Liberal Candidate