JFK victo;:!,-., d. c mi (MIES 'DRUGS Daily Deliver win. if v NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S Nrs?SPAPEH v Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port-Trince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHONE 81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 143. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1949 PRICK FIVE CENTS 77 '"fir??"'' 1 a,"- 1 ! X fe. Ap On Austria "Re As 4 A iiw V 1 Big 4 Oo .Foiiff; Parley Comes To A ' J se Arrangement On Germany Is Being Continued aft L ' 1 ' 'v "Live M Let V. Live" Keynote t ..-&'' . M -. - 1 wuL ' ' , ' - , '' I - . i: - '.''-' ' 1 r . ; I- ' t , I i", f f 1 ' " . ' ' .' , f - FIKE Vancouver's industrial Fal.se Creek area still smouldered ('.' hours after the ; a blaze that swept three blocks of factories and injured 13 persons. This aerial ,s the lireboat J. H. Carlisle pouring water ' oh the embers of the fire, which rayed tinned 13 buildings. (C. P. Photo) UNION DAY OBSERVED the graves, the Shrine Club Dand directed by Peter Lien, led in the singing of "O God Our Help PARIS (CP) The Big Four foreign ministers announced tonight that they had reached agreement on principles of an Austrian peace treaty. Frontiers will remain the same as ln 1938 and there will be no reparations.. I The foreign ministers also announced they had reached a 'live and let live" arrangement for the occupying powers. Present temporary arrangements, including lifting of the Russian blockade and continued consultations on transportation and trade, will be maintained. The conference ended tonight tth no decision as yet on the Far East. vr of the dead of then sounded by Legion Bugler In Ages Past." ars was iresnenca w. j. Kance, auer wnicn iwo wnen me giuup ii'tumm w ,ry Chapter I.O.D.E , minutes' silence was observed the city, the parade was re-,n Los-Ion and the Buuler Ranee then sounded , formed at the corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street and marched to the Canadian Leg- -iun Women's Aux-j "Reveille."' .y afternoon with) Rev. George Senda'.r, pastor of ;!iicl ceremonies at First Presbyterian Church, ad Ion hall where it was dismissed j Parade marshall was J. S. Wil dressed the open air gathering :n and the soldiers' ' Cemetery which PICTURED HERE is a model of the new, 10-room King Edward elementary school which Prince Rupert ratepayers will be asked to financ e by a bylaw this fall. Designed along modern lines with all classrooms on one floor, the build ing will cost an estimated $304,920, of which the provincial government will pay half. Half of the $20,000 worth of equipment which will be needed also will be paid for by the provincial government. The architects, Sharp and Thompson, Berwick, Pratt, of Vancouver, have designed the building to sit on the westerly side of the present King Edward grounds, facing on Green Street. Photo by Archer. son. SALMON BOATS ution Day here, sniiips, totalling 70 loll Into parade for- on the tnenie tnai canaaians must guard the liberties which those whom they honored had made sacrifices to preserve. "We are all one in this battle 3 u m. behind the :t Shrine Club Band i ol Hie, ne aeciarca. . ounij STAY IN PORT : nun the Canadian our liberties and these things we S j - i 1 l !i ; : It f - - - . to the Cenotaph . r,nmpmorate are more nrecious Bkeena River sulmon Usher- Die In Battle Four Gun nwn- remained- t, t h cwnaucs Sunday night, letting the open-by without dipping their nets Ing of the sockcye season slip pending settlement of the 1913 i ts were laid at the to us than life lUelf . Those sumo column " by game liberties are beln;chl-Stewart, Regent of i,.nKOd today in a way they have y Chapter, James : ncvcr before been challenged in rut of the Canad-j modern history. We can easily id Mrs. J. S. Black. !lose them." the Legion Women's j Those who would rob Canad-j lans of their librties would do then entered cars so insidiously by promising a :;! travelled to Fair- Utopia ln exchange but they i y. where they lined . mc no mention of the bar-r the Soldiers' plot. I pajn which would cost us the fprlce schedule with the opera BASEBALL SCORES SUNDAY ' American Cleveland 4, New York 2. Chicago 2, Boston 9. St. Louis 2-7, Philadelphia 8-3. Detroit 9-7, Washington 0-0. National " New York i, Pittsburgh 9. Boston 5-3, Cincinnati 2-2. Brooklyn 2, Chicago 8. Philadelphia 5, St. Louis 6. SATURDAY American Chicago 5, Boston 7. Cleveland 3, New Ybrk6. St. Louis at Philadelphia postponed. Detroit at Washington postponed. National Brooklyn 2, Chicago 0. New York 5, Pittsburgh 4. Boston 2, Cincinnati 6. Philadelphia 3, St. Louis 4. tors. Final point of .settlement may be reached toe.ay at a meeting between the cannery operators and a Joint negotiating committee of the United Fiahamen shove their jeers, the C'zecho-Slovakian prelate was forced to Irave the church and return to bis police-controlled Palace. COUGAR KILLS BOY VANCOUVER Wounds inflicted by a cougar took the life of a seven-year-old Indian boy last night at an Indian village 217 miles north of here. A plane, carrying a doctor and medical supplies, failed to reach the village in time nv there culminat- SUDBURY, Ont. P A 45-year-old factory worker went berserk Saturday night, shooting fatally two police officers and a by-stander before committing suicide. The slayer, named as Clarence Brousseau, held off dozens of provincial police, Royal Ca.n dian Mounted Police and gun-wielding citizens before officials found his body in a pool of blood in the kitchen of his bullet-plerced house. Killed were Policemen Edvard Terrell and Gerald Dault. James Germa, aged 50, was shot dead as he looked on. TODAY'S STOCKS i (Courtesj B. D. Johnetcn Co. Ltd.) Va-racouver Bayonne ' '."".05 Bralorne 8.50 B R. Con 02 '2 B. R.X 08 Cariboo Quartz 110 Congress 03 Vi Hedley Mascot 20 Pend Oreille 3.70 Pioneer 3.10 Premier Border .0212 Privateer : 13 V Reeves McDonald 140 . Sheep Creek "... 1.02 SUbak Premier 28 Taku River 172 Vananda 15 Salmon Gold HV2 Spud Valley 05 Oils-Anglo Canadian 2.90 . A.P. Con .15V2 Atlantic 52 Calmont .... 31 C. & E .'. 4.00 Central Leduc .55 Home Oil 8.75 Mercury 02 Vi Okalta 1.20 Pacific Pete 230 Princess ... .20 Royal Canadian 07 South Brazeau 15 things that men have died to preserve or of the fact that "our lives would be ordered and we would be given no choice" on the basis of conscience or reasonable thought, he said. "We would let down those whose-names are engraved here If we were to let down our fundamental way of life," he said. Following the decoration of f 'iiration of eacn ol I hps with a small 13 .ppy by the LODE. R 1 'iiting all the chap- p::iiiy opened with I if "O Canada" and f by a prayer by Mrs. I ''on Mary Chapter B ' "Lot Post" was and Allied Workers' Union and the Native Brotherhood ot B C. who represent the fishermen. Settlement of the dispute on the Skeena and Naas River.? will set the' pattern for the whole coast. Sockeye glllnettlng and wining on the Fraser River has been set to start on June 2G. BABE Bl'RNS TO DEATH PRINCE UEORGE Trapped in an upstairs bedroom, 13-month-old Kenneth Fox died in a fire which Saturday night swept the home of his parents. A' vapor lamp, left under the bed, is believed to have ignited the mattress. The mother is in hospital expecting the birth of a fourth child. HOWE ANSWERS DRHV VICTORIA Neither the Merlin engine nor the North Star aircraft which uses it needs any apologists, Trade Minister Howe said Saturday night ii election address here. He said that Progressive Conservative Leader George Drew's attacks on the plane's stability has resulted in many cancellations and consequent loss of revenue to TransCanada Airlirrs, twenty-nine of which occurred in one week on reservations to Britain, he said. ARCIiniSHOP HOWLED DOWN PRAGl'E Screaming hecklers, apparently communists, yesterday howled down Archbishop Josef Beran's Corpus C'hristi sernittn at St'. Vitus' Cathedral. Unable to continue Agreement has been reached on the sockcye price, which will YS TAKE COMERCIALS IN Ted Applewhaite's- when delayed by bad weather. The boy was identified In sketchy reports from the village as the son of Dominic Taulor, a fisherman. THE WEATHER Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Cloudy, becoming overcast this afternoon. Intermittent rain beginning this afternoon and becoming showery tonight. Light winds, increasing be 18 cents .a pound, mil nuier points must be cic.red up before, the fishermen will stall their seasonal operation. It is anticipated that between 700 and 800 gillnetters will fish on the Skeena this summu". NEWSETTE YOUR FEDERAL CANDIDATE GAME OF CITY BASEBALL SAVOY 8, COMMERCIAL 5 'ineo Rupert's three-team baseball league y at one corner as it has been known to in rs or will it remain a rigid, etiualaterial in which all teams will give equalized sup-i-siimulatinLr comnetition? LOCAL TIDES Tuesday, June 21, 1949 f- a finest ion that is going to be in the minds High 9:58 15.0 feet 21:59 18.3 feet to westerly uu m.pn.i niesoay Mrs. T. B. O'Neill, who ,has morning. Little change n tern- j been visiting here with her perature. Lows tonight and highs brother and sister-in-law, Mr-Tuesday At Pore H?.rdy 47 and and Mrs. A. L. Holtby, sailed by 57, Masset 45 and 55, Prince Ru-ithe Coquitlam last night on her pert 47 ano 59. jieturn to Vancouver. June 21 JMeeting at Terrace, 8 p.m. June 22 Meeting at Ocean Falls, 8 p.m. vr crowds ns the Low 4:02 72 fcet 15:38 8.9 feet vt's and it was one is rcniinl.scent of former years 1 to take growth when they turned out to be hn-Savdy won the sec- pregnable, to their own greater dill "He of the season, i ir hotel rivals, the by a score of 8 to glory, but to no particular advantage to the game Itself. Commercial moundsman Dick LeUmrncau may have had an off-day Sunday. At least, he did not show up as well as he has in earlier games and was reduced In the seventh after allowing four hits two of them doubles in that Inning. 0 fact lhat Com-'' Inst, both game::, have so far played, UKUcstion that they ak corner of the If the trend con-also will be no U('h an attitude will He was replaced by Stan Corn-well who carried through to the ninth, striking out three and allowing five hits. LeUmrncau allowed 11 hits during seven an-J BROADCASTS EMIL BLAIN Monday, June 20, 11:15 a.m. JAMES BACON Monday, June 20, 6:15 p.m. MRS. DAN PARENT Tuesday, June 21, 11:15 a.m. C.C.F POLICY ' "Social ownership will free the people from the power of private monopoly." This quotation is taken from the first term program of the C.C.F. party and we quote further: "Social ownership will free the people from the power of private monopoly. It will make possible a higher standard of living through Increased production and lower prices. It is an essential part of any plan for maintaining full employment, and for providing a fairer distribution of wealth. In some cases socialization may also be necessary to restore efficiency to a disorganized and undeveloped industry." Following this extract from the C-C.F. platform coheir policy, their leader. Mr. Coldwell, in a speech delivered in Toronto to the C.C.F. University Federation on December 30, . 1948, said that, as far as he could see, there was no chance of Socialism coming into power in Canada until we have another great depression. As long as good times continue, he admitted the "Capitalist system will keep going." DO YOU WANT CAPITALISM OR DEPRESSION? VOTE LIBERAL ON JUNE 27 (Published by the Skeena Federal Campaign Committee) ll,l,'s in which Com-l, Played they have 1(1 right. Yesterday's Hirm lake an earlv one-third Innings Jack Lindsay pitched the course for Savoys, facing 38 baiters, striking out seven, allowing 11 hits and two bases on balls. ' j f-il.i,.Ali-T ! m W mr tmlJlmmmwMrM. i.ml. 1 11 rtmmm l"r I he Savoy squad, l1 behind when Savoy S 'w four runs in the Drew Would Call , New Conference y linr-up, however, Toronto ffiGeorge Drew, I H m Canadian businessmen. The assistant trade commissioners above, and the offices to which they will be posted are: From left to right: R. F. Renwick of Ottawa (Bombay) ; H. E. Lemieux of Ottawa (Buenos Alis); F- B. Clark of New Westminster, B. C. (Mexico City); D. H. Cheney of Ottawa (Port of Spain). Back: left to right, C. E. Butterworth of Ottawa (Cairo) ; J. H. Stone of Edmonton (Paris); R. R. Parlour of Dundas, Ont. (Boston); William Jones of Montreal (Frankfurt) ; M- P. Carson of Ottawa (Detroit). ; 1 Progressive Conservative leader ASSISTANT TRADE COMMISSIONERS TOURING CANADIAN INDUSTRY FROM COAST TO COAST Nine assistant trade commissioners of the department of trade and commerce are now completing a tour of Canadian industry from Halifax to Victoria. When they return to Ottawa at the end of June, they will have spent 10 weeks visiting industrial plants, farms and eovernment offices from the Atlantic to the Pacific. On their return they will be posted to offices of the traae commissioner service all over the world, and the first-hand knowledge they will have gained on this tour will aid them In serving the interests of "'AN LEGION i! Vs. said that a f regressive oiim-i-vative government would call a new Dominion-provincial conference to iron out social security problems and other matters. v BATTERY 7 P.M.