-'TIME TO GET BUSY MAKING JAM AND JELLY i - ptfjue uupcrf Daflp Betas ARK ETS ,Monday, June 20, 1949 ' Fresh Fruit Why CERTO Fruit Pectin or 'CERTO Crystals Mais Bttltr Jam Jeifet ...Easier... Quicker For Quick, East Take Your Choice of CERTO Muncey. Junior Regent, Mrs. J. Morrison. s : Chaplain, Mrs. A. Bellamy. Recorder, Mrs. R. Armstrong., Treasurer, Mrs. R. Wilson. Guide, Mrs. J. H. Jefferies. Assistant Guide, Mrs. A. Ritchie. , Sentinel, Mrs. H. Faught. Agus, Mrs. M. Viereck. Pianist, Mrs. J. Carr. or I .'J f ! I VERY SHORT BOIL When you use CERTO or "CERTO" Crystals yoy need only a ONE-MINUTE full, rolling boil for both jams and jellies. Such a laving of time and work! 2. MORI JAM OR JEU.Y. Very little juice hat f time to boil away at it does in old fashioned, long-boiling. You get up to 50 more jam or jelly from the lame amount of fruit. 3. fRESH-WUIT TASTE . . . COLOUR. The lovely taste and colour of the fresh fruit stay in your jams and jellied because the boil ie too ihort to spoil the one or dull the other. 4. NO GUESSWORK. With either CERTO or "CERTO" Crystals you get tested recipes different one for each fruit Follow them C5f;TO Crystals Jam and jelly-making meed not be a chore. The sensible, modern way to do it is with the help of CERTO or "CERTO" Crystals. Both are fruit pectin the natural substance in fruit that makes jams "jam"' and jellies exactly and you'll have m k Air no failures. rJM&i ii! di. t h-tl si i i If B e pi. IE "jell" extracted and concentrated for efficient jam and jelly making. The name "Certo" is a trade-mark. Please yourself which you choose . . . some prefer the liquid some the crystals. Each ends guesswork and tedious long-boiling. Each gives sure results if you follow the instructions exactly. Itolfefca ) rfi&gfA ttfZStt&Li ou eocE today ro whichever you prefer CERTO or "CERTO" Crystals j litmMnarilzk I S Strawberries, box Bananas, lb ADoies, eooking, lb). Lemons, large Cal., doz Grapeiruit, Texas (white), 100 s. 4 for Oranges (Navel) 28 - Dates. 2 j Celery, lb Rhubarb. 2 lb Irsfey bnunch'7:7::rr:::::'':: Spinach 2 lb. ...".V".3.Z"V."'.'.'. Radishes bunch Turnips, lb. Mushrooms, lb. Head Lettuce Cooking Onions. 3 lbs. ... Cabbage, lb Tomatoes, No. 1. lb New Potatoes, 5 lb Canned Ye.etalile.s Dill Pickles, gal Cut Green Beans, icy No. 5 Peas fancy mixea veeetaDies . Diced Beets, o-r tin i Wax Beans, choice i Mixed Peas and Carrots I Pumpkin, 2 for Baked eBans. 20-ob. tin Baked eBans, 15-oz. tin, ea. Tomatoes. 28-oa Fresh Milk Ouart Pint Cream, V tin lret cartoned, doz. Medium Butter First Grade, lb Margarine, lb Milk Evaporated Milk. IS-oz. tina, 2 for ..: Case Cheese Canadian Cheese, lb Flwir . Fastry Flour, 7 lbs Flour. 49's. No. 1 hard wheat Flour. 24 s Tea and Coffee Coffee, lb DeLxe quality, lb J nii-es Tomatoes, 20-oz. ea 28-oz "Hon Apple. 20-oz. tin, 2 for Orange. 20-oz. Blended loranse and Canneit Fruit Pineapple, crushed ani pieces. 20-oz. . Apricots, 20-oz Cherries, fancy. 20-oz. Loganberries. 20-oz. ... Peaches, choice Lard Pure, lb Shortening Soap Soap, face, bar Laundry, cake 2 for Soap-Powders, large Glace t ' u'r Cherries, u lb. nkt Almond Paste, lb Coconut, lb Fruit Cake Mix. lb Dates, fancy, 1 lb. nkt seedless Kaisins. 2 lbs summer. Games will be played j June 23-tnree times a week, weather i mercials. -Merchants vs. Com-, Prince Rupert Chamber of Mr.-and Mrs. Jack. Bouzek Commerce Is seeking a booking Who were married in the city a uEBALL 25 OFFICERS OF 25 43 14 i MOOSE WOMEN 25! .57 New officers , for the 1949-50 - 49 business year were inatajled at .17 the monthly meeting of the 19, Women of the Moose last week. ll Installing officers were, Mrs. P. .27 Bond, installing Regent;. Mrs. J. 08' p. Moller, Installing Chapain,, 08 Mrf- C. Mclntyre Installing I Guide, and Mrs. J. MacDonald, .15 pianist Mrs. J Kasper, Junior .40 as chairman during the instal-29 , lation ceremonies. The Moose drill team, dressed 1.79 1 c.. . , ' .w in white with red velvet capes 20 added to the effctlveness of the 14 ritual as they went through 19 their exercises. 19 Those installed were: 25 22 Junior Graduate Regent, Mrs. .21 Thomas Glen. 27 senior Regent, Mrs, Harold .22 12i Jams Pure .-28 Strawberry, 24-oz 58 j Raspberry, 24-oz- 39 1 W Blackberry 4-lb 77. nerry, zv-oz o Peach. 4 lb 83 1 64 npiiLui,, t-iu. i 39 , SOUPS Canned ooups .. 13 to .20 . . Meats L-niCKen, ID. o5 33 Hani, boned and rolled, lb. .. .90 7.73 am' TeK- 1Q 1 Balogna, DdlUKIia, ID lb. , TJ I 55 Werners, lb. .50 I Garlic Sausage, lb .50' 58 Bacon, pksr.. A lb. .47 3.65 Bacon, side. Diece 90 189 otUire Roll, lb 75' Liver Sausaere. lb 50 60 Spare Ribs, lb 55 1.14 , Fresh Pork Ham. lb- 70 fork cnoDs. id 75 15 Pork Sausaare. lb. ',!;? 34 Steak. T-Bone lb. -0-5 Q- 59. Pork Tenderloin, lb, .90 29 steak, round, lb. .75 18 IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRI TISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE n the Matter of the Estate of Dor othy Mllilreil Coiiltas, Ie-eased, .30 Intestate ..,.33 TAKE NOTICE that by Order of ..'.38 His Honour Judge W. O. Pulton, .41 Local Judge of the Supreme Court 28 of British Columbia, I was on the 10th day of June, A. D. 1949. appointed .25 Administrator of the Estate 32 of Dorothy Mildred Coultas, late of Atlln, in the Province of British 10 Columbia, who died on or about the .25 12th day of January, 1949, at Atlln .39 British Columbia All persons In debted to the said estate are required as 39 to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and 50 all persons having claims against the 34 said Estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or be- 32 Sf fore the 31st day of July. 1949, fall-1 n.Kinh riio,lh,lnn will Via moilp ! having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. Atlln, Britten Columbia (152) NEW ROYAl! HOTEL permitting iew aays ago, were passengers Sundays, Tuesdays June 20 Savoy cials. vs. Commer- v dinner meeting or tne HEDULE tnam r aboard Camosuft Iast and Thursdays. June 19 Savoys vs. Commer- HepiemDer u oi a moving pic-, June 28-Savoy vs. Merchants. nin 8om8 north to take P ture on the subject of the profit July 5 Commercials vs. Mer-motive. The film is being cir- residence at Stewart after a chants. I culated by the Burroughs Add- brief honeymoon trip to Van- ' July 7 Savoy vs. Commercials. ing Machine Co, 'couver. v baseball league srneau"? Cais for each of the three teams J June 21-Mcrchants vs. Sav- iy 2U games aunng me oys. . r 1 7 : 1 - : . 1 ' , ' - I ' . i " " -1 48-oz 48-oz v : .30 I J ' - " " I " : i' ' C 1 I A' SEVEN O CLOCK ) C-TSsnl FINE- THEM THE i I I: ' EVEI?y- I'LL SEND M1M ,V 4" VGUESTS OH COME IN Folowing the installation cer- ernonies, ' a cold -plate supper was uiw the Moose afld their friends were Invited. The supper was served by the member- fchln pnmmltt.tkt arA tVio rtlrlner . , , . - , offciers under convenership of. v"",olu"- " ' Tomorrow, June 21, according to announcement, will be the longest day of the year. IN THB SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE - ; IN THE MATTER OP THE '"ADMINISTRATION ACT" ' AND ,( the Mntter l Hie VMnte ot Jules i Rpgiiiii. Tteoeased. Int"tutr . TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honour Judge W. O. Fulton, Local Judge of the Supreme Court Df British Columbia. I was on the i3tn day of junei a D. 1949. appolnt- 1 ed Administrator with the wHl annexed, of Jules Seguln, .late or Prince Rupert. British Columbia, ' g,hn rilorf of. Prince Rnnert. - nrltlxrl Columbia, on the 2nd day cn jaiiu- ary, 1949. All persons tnuebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having clntms against the said estate are ZZuJ " "Zm l ."Zi Hs . ..... day of July, 1949, failing which ..-,-v. Uis- ,.,.... iriUUUUIl Will W mmic imvui nnlv n ouch clnlTTld ,f Ulllfb. T fthllll have been notified. i DATED at Prince Ruper, B. C. this 15th day of June. 1949:- OORDON FRASER FORBES, official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B ' Cl' (152) SAVOY? i : MOTEL W. L. WOODS, Prop. PHONE 37 V P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT Salt Lake Ferry Daily Service Excevt Monday SCHEDULES Tuesday,.. Wednesday" ..a n d Thursday Leave Coav Bay floats, 4, 5, 7 and 8, p.m. ' (Extra trip Thursday afternoon; 2:301 Saturday Every hour start-ins ' at 11 a.m. SundaysContinuous-service commencing 11 a.m. u. Last boat leaving Salt Lake at 10 p.m...' Phone GREEN 391 or BLACK 926 1 Bkkl An Btv tm r v V. i wings i out on an rJx'V 1 and hios unTii I grapefruit. graoefruit. 20-oz 20-oz 15 kI null ill smy rrV &gm& V -FU t m M I UFE , S?. Jt IK t tZ. - I JV Lm """' "la""a- " ' 'J DATED DATED at at Atlln, Atlln. B. B. C C. this this 11th llth I s 4 II SAM- V I n. I IKII 1 JTTTNyTT MSJ Ci"-C A.VP-JJ lay ay of of June, June. A. A. D. D. 1949. 1949. tl H JslZ? mmmmmm snxrJSSSS-) Official ALBERT Administrator EDWARD RODDI3 I I ckac nui - U c-mo Bnvc 'l n- n I I i it'; kjimp r pagwooo! j e-y T vdu'(?e ' , 7 otLOCK.'X r OF hiding Y1: V.andti?. sV Ri?f: I sl zJm -4$ 1 Yh llm A Home Away From Home ) ww-ttf$fdP $$t' WFTnTfll' V fcy Baying 50 Rooms-Hot and Cold ) U-JIJ ! P' PICNIC DAYS AHEAD A7'ir - I f&&'-w:rJ 1 UU I ar;-"J 1 1 phone : . .-j--. j 1 I I PA6WOOD--MEE ) f OM-OW-lVE SOT TO BEAT ) I I Y'-A I T" i !S'i RED 441 ' iJf "'MJS' liJM ? ' Mi J IfLwy NssSfS ms -If MARKET j ' lJ l,co - Radiophones , t arlr VS V B ,'W 0 l&LZtf tt -in Me Washable. II T w 3 rTi-JsMUMir-Qh 4U O g .,11,1 J I normal range so to :l -v ; a jg srimw ' . tzzzzzij- miles . . yWylij J , ,r . r-) -fl - ftx i r t' 'i It 11 J I ! Z LETS (?OLL HIM TO ii E . T ' RECEIVE ON MARINE fplf . ' L-- fSMm I T (--sr BULGER ' PRICE $300, Installation Included . f I - 1 T?Q&A) "iyrAflPf ' ? " T7TtU : Proven design -Adaptable - Compact- Easy to Operate j i