NEVER WAS SHAVING SO QuickC r " 4m! ' . t I V I I K 1240Ki'xycles (Subject to Change) WITH 10 GILLETTE BLUE BLADES IN DISC FINER FLk MOREDmm, TirURSDAT-KM. 4:00 Bernle Braden Tells a 8tory 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4: 30--Simply Jazz 4:45 Sleepy Hollow Farm 5:00 The Happy Time 5:30 Western Five 5:45 Supper Varieties 6:00 Canada al Work 6:15 Freddy Martin and Orchestra ,f Burns prince Uuprrt Dnilp r-Jcnia Thursday, August 18, 1949. V.' Pnjoy real shaving comfort. instant hlatfc changing and double-edge economy. New Gillette One-Piece Kazor and Gillette itlade Dispenser just can't be matched for shaving convenience! The complete set for 1 1.29 is the greatest shaving value ever offered. SPECIAL LOW-PRICE OFFER OilMtt okt On-lic tat an4 OilUM Dit. pntw with 10 Oilltlta Blua Modal S29 gglar 12.00 V.l BOY FLIES HERE FROM HONG KONG Twelve-year-old Sheldon Lee, direct from China to B.C. by air, has arrived in Prince Rup-.-rt where he will make his honv. His father, Howguey Lee of the Grand Cafe met him when the C.P.R. airliner reached Vancou ver and accompanied him north. It was the first time he had seen his boy since the latter was an infant. It was July 31 the airliner took off from Horn; Kong at e a.m., arriving at Vancouver, 5 a.m., August 2. You saw It in the News! Advertise ln ihe Dally News! HONOR PRIZE WINNER - Lt. Col. Stephen Johnson of Calgary is carried triumphantly away in a chair after winning the Governor-General's Match at the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association competition at Connaught Ranges near Ottawa. The 44-ye-ar-old, 220-pound marksman, said it was a thrill of a lifetime as fellow snipers carried him off the traditional way of congratulating the winner of the featured match of the shoot. "RAILROADERS", CHILDREN HAPPY; JOYLAHD TRAIN STARTS RUNNING The ghosts of railroad build- ning has resulted, ers Jim Hill and Donald Mann1 To help solve the 'trouble of Prime Rup,,. A. C. Dickson, G. t"kei, Vane.,, and Mm. Barkfci F. F. Brwn. Vit-Ur. D. A. M.-Leod, W Germyn, JuskaUa and Mrs. Fred Ma, Vancouver; Mr. , Wilkinson, Seattle Victoria; A. Dfe Mr. and Mrs. Bis vcr; H. Oiiiham. and Mrs. A. Simp-Miss J. Cumraoc, ; Mr. and Mrs. R t s-et. VETERAN MARKSMAN Jock Saidler of Edmonton, a former member of. Canadian Bisley teams, is stiy an expert marksman after shoot ing In meets for 46 yeans. At the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association meet near Ottawa, he won a medal in the MacDougall match. He fired 49 out of a possible 50 at 300 yards and 73 out of 75 at 600 yards three more than the runnerup. (CP Photo I LAND RECORDING DISTRICT OP PRINCE RUPERT TAKE NOTICE that Canadian V!T2JZZrXJL , :.;.Vw rT:; a lease ot the lollowlng described lands for the purpose of operating a fish camp, situate In Skldegute Hnr- bour. Queen Charlotte Islands. fronting Blocks 1. 2 and 4, Lot 3, q C D . Plan 848: I Commenclng at a post planted at FOOTBALL HEADS HOLD MEETING At a meeting of the executive of the Prince Rupert Football Association last evening in the Canadian Legion clubrooms, lie president was authorized to write to the Commanding Oflicer H. M. C, S. Ontario expressing the tlioose Calvert Whiskies a 1M VICKERS' IS DISTRIBUTED IN CANADA T CALVERT DISTILLERS (CANADA) LTD This idvcrtisement is not published or dis I played by the Liquor Control board oi : py the.Giivernmcnt of briLuh Columbia. j in '--On This new beauty treat ment make ctlA"t old methods jttt obsolete. It cleans, beautifies, pre serves your car's finish for months. Amazingly easy to apply. Liquid dUe Cleaner and Liquid Glaze Sealer available to baotl 8 02. tins. . BOB PARKER LIMITED "The Home of Friendly Service' I PHONE 83 6.30 Musical Yarletle 7:00 CBC News 7:15 FootliHvse in Europe 7:30 Eventide 8:00 Tales the People Tell 8:15-Recital 8:30 Prairie Playhouse 9:00 WaUha Know, Joe 9:30 Chamber Music 10 00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Gay Paree 10:30 Shadows in the Night 11:00 Weather and Fish Annuls FRIDAY A.M. 7:00 Musical Clix-K 8.00 CBC News 3:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for MuCfir.s 8:45 Little C( r.tert 9:00-BBC News and Com't'y 9:15 Morning Devotion 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Coffee Time 9 99 Time Signal 10:00 Deirdre McEachran 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Round-up Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Strike Up the Band 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Rec. Int. 11:45 Famous Voices - f M. - 12:00-Mid-day UcodleS !2.15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Summer Symphony 2:0OIn a Lighter Mood 2": 15 Musical Program 2:30 Musical Program 2 :45 Commentary-Girl Next Duor 3:00 Musical Program 3:15-Serenade 3:30- Divertimento It Pays to Amertisei Advertise in bally News! if Headquarters for Canning Supplies Class Jars and Fittings Cans and Canning Machines Pressure Cookers Preserving Kettles DELIVER Phone 311 the Southeast corner of Lot 10, . leauy U1LS year, IWO pi'opo.d Block 4. District Lot s. Plan 948; visits from the K?tchikan team thence South 647 feet more or less . v, ,, j . , been lt.,B'naVe Cancelled dlie to tr the intersertmn with a ( tt. I WITH disappointment of the Association at the failure of the navy to field a team for the second of the two-game series on the occasion of the recent visit of the ship to Prince Rupert. It is hoped to have holes for the framework for the goal nets drilled In the near future and also holes for the corner flags. At present the Mobley Cup series is being played off. This schedule will be interrupted when the knock-out Stuart Shield is played. The draw was made last evening and the Battery will meet the Canadian Legion with the winner meeting the General Motors who drew a bye into the final. The first game will be played on August 29ih and the final on September 1st. Players were reminded that they are to be on hand for the starting of games on time. With the evenings drawing in, a late start will mean that a game may finish in darkness. The' referee will call the game and teams will have to start with what players they have on hand. Present at the meeting were J. S. Wilson, president; S. P. Woodside, , vice-president; Jock Davidson, treasurer; Darrow Gomez and Jack Eby. Advertise :n tne ijsuiy News! FOOD HANDLING AMD PROCESSING CONSULTANT. . . , I. K. PAULSON Ref r.Efraterl Foods Engineer, n Ltd.. j-iwialist in dsirt ami toiistru- tiori uupfrvit-ion of food I hand 1 in k nnd proc-f ssinn plants, tlmi Mr. V. K. 1'au'son has 1 joined the foinujuiy as Vice-1'rfeaiUrjnt ami Marian ins I i ret tor. Mr. Paulson )h well known In th U.S. and Can.ida as an expert tn modern methods of food hand MnK and provt'ssinir. He wa formerly .irt-nt-ral Miperintpndent of Canjidian FifliinK to. Ltd.. for whom he dfsitfi.rMl and Bupc-rvtsed confitruction of rannerU-i and refrigeration and cld NtoraRe plants. H aluo served for two ytars as meehanicat engineer for KrosWed Foods inc., Oregon. U.S.A. Henri Officer ct T?tf rttriratd FotkiH KPRtneertnif Ltd. and associate 1 mm pan y. Industrial f)esiKnln Ser- vii e limued, are At uZH Seymour Street, Vancouver, H.C. HefriRerated Foods Knptneerlnr i.m. rei-emiy completed design ind piiiiprvtslon of ronst ruction of the J2,:.oo,00U plant of B.C. Ice and Cold NtoraRe Ltd., Vancouver. Canada. Pnique features of ref rijreratiin and materials handling make this one of the outstanding plants of Us kind ln North America. , j OIL HEAT AT LOW COST. f Your Inspection Invited. jj metal limited $ BLACK 884 S 14 &i I hi rK-' "A m ( v,V:J JJ Matured tfl, and V. V Bottled V England VrVJ Mi grades and turns, Jim Gilbert, assistant CN R. section fore- man was called in for expert advice. Railroad President Bill Stone construction engineeer Norton Youniis and treasurer Don For- n'npH hpnmo thA tartf(t.x for! endless demands from the town's small fry that the road be put in operation immediately. What's the use of "having a railroad if you can't ride on It even in circles Things were at this Impasse this morning when the prob lem was evenutally solved. It was then that Mr. Forward, quite happily announced that this afternoon the trains would be running on the. old C.C.M.S. Si P.R. AIR PASSENGERS .V.V.V.VAVVVWWAW (C.P.A.) For Vancouver A.- O. Ray-more, Mrs. E. Peterson, Miss H. Greening, C. L. Nicholson, R. H. Craig, R. H. Bower, R. Campbell, S. G. Skinner, Miss M. Spring, J. Feller, N. Spring, Miss Elolse Taylor, V. Murray, E. V. il umley, Mrs. L. Centro, Master R. Centro, and H. Oldham. From Vancouver C. H. Carter, W. Mills, D. C. McDonald, H. Hole. S. Stewart, Miss Carter, C. Brown, Mrs. E. Taylor, J. McDonald. I (Q.C.A.) I For Masset W. Bell, D. j White,, W. Brown. - I VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN .CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, August 12 and 28 FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, August 19 and 31 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 McBride Street WE joined a myriad of Prince Ru- pert youngsters in heaving ! sighs of relief when they learned that the Civic Centre, McBride 1 Street and Pacific Railroad had finally got into operation this afternoon. Casey Jones gave an almost audible whoop of joy when he learned that engineering difficulties,, such as he once encountered fatally himself, had been overcome and that the roadbed was now adjusted to carry traffic. Problems which have plagued the directorate of the miniature railroad on McBride Street have been dominated by concern about how to get the train run- j ning during Carnival Week, and ' many an hour's frantic plan- 1 If y" ee the baseball execu- tive going around with fingers crossed don't be alarmed, they . . , ..,., aie lust "OP'ng the Weatherman will CO-opeiate for the Smithers series here this week-end. Al- I threatening weather. Last year i ln twg trips nere ln S.niu,ers . ... I leanl managed to play one seven inning game antl that through a steady rain. On their second sortie here on Labor Day the downpour did not let up long enough for the teams to go, into their uniforms and the local Association took a financial beating. When the Prince lUipcrt All-Stars travelled to Smithers thl3 year they divided games with the Interior club. It was the hottest day in the Bulkley Vul-ey centre and the coast players were somewhat exhausted after eighteen innings of play. If the law of averages really works the time is due for a break from the weather this week-end and some good base- Dan snoum De on tne program. Tonight, play in the City- League continues when Mer- hants meet Savoy. IKlt tdvcittxinml li not publiihtd e dlapUycd by dn Ltquw Cwikol Boffd oi k lti QavtmiKMt ol Biiildi Cslumbi. This advertisement is not publisKeJ or displayed k'- drawn East from the Southeast I corner of Lot 11, Block 1. D. L 3: thence West 488 feet more or less to the Southeast corner of said Lot 11. Block 1: thence Northerly and Easterly following the shoreline of Skldegute Harbour to point of commencement, and containing 6.5 acres, more or less. Dated July 23rd, 194ft. Canadian Fishing Company Ltd. F. C. Underbill, agent. H GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS CONSTRUCTION? ALTERATIONS $ REPAIRS i FLOOR SANDING 5 A SPECIALTY i RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 mm Commodore Cafe "Better Th-n Ever-Best Food and Service ln Cltj Phon 11 for Send-Out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. Segal Printe PHONE 24 222 APFf'l EARUY ADVERTISING COPY Is PLAN TO ATTEND Terrace and District Civic Centre Labor Day Program Barbecue Loggers' Sports Children's Sports Carnival Games Bowling DANCE in Evening Frank Cavan's Orchestra (207) PaperTowels-Paper j Deodorants - Disinfect- Genuine DUSTBANE Sweeping H MOre-BRUSHES -BR0 ' SEE THE LATEST IN . . . EFFICIENT, MODERN HEATING j For Cleaning and Janitor SupPlie PnifiCERUPEBTSUPFLff FILLY AUTOMATIC Floor Models in Stock. "thom sheet 253 FIRST AVENUE ' r - -