M..U Prince Kupcrt Daily New Monday, October 30, 1950 A small spade put him In dummy with the ace, and the "Bright Leaf" Stirring Film MARKETS Blackwood On Bridge By Eosley Blackwood Keive$ Cosh A1!) Davie, Prince Rupt lr:i ... , lu new 1,. New Zealand Stole"- Medicine vnmria. tt-hn .1.. . iri,h h ' : . fW, (Tnere mav is. variations in nr.ees in various storv ueoeiKl-me on wheihrr suei-iai or olandurU aibik' (v listed.) "Bripht Leaf," picturization of the brilliant novel, comes to the Capitol Theatre tonight and Tuesday. lion, drew , u! have to be modified or replaced by a more readily controllable procedure. Private insurance rnmpanics. be snid, had protected thT.w'vcs TRai'irt f.nancKl losr. by limitation of policies both for the nature of the illness and its duration. Dr. Ook showed that general medical services last year cost abort. $7 01)0 000 for less than two mi'l on iicodIc. Thev rcDresented Fresh Fruit Starrine Gary Cooncr. Patricia took a ubH.r; 1Iuw"i jack and ten of hearts affordeii 'a purklng space for the two, lofing diamonds In the closed; hand. Mr. Dale was limky tlvtt' the opponent with the doubleton heart also had the short trump holding. As he mopped the perspiration from his brow, he made a men-, tal note for future reference. vhile he would bid slams a bit mure freely when he was going to play the hand himself, he wouldn't overdo it. After all, Mr. Muzzy has a part in the BIDDING, too.- Proves Cosily By J. C. GRAHAM Canadian Press Corrrspondent WELLINGTON, N.Z. Q New Bananas, lb - 2b Neal LaUren Bacall and Jack rfumseS'ib : '.29 Carson, the picture portrays a ixuiJiu. larue "'cai. ioz ah ! story of the building of a tobacco Grandma 3 lor . empire In the old South, set OlaniiCS (Navel) 34-. 13 arralncf a hairmnnH nf Rm,lh H has been b yint years. Both wor?"1 Lands and Forestry nL r. MfLeod's mother T hopeful "rmB Mr. Dale, the old cliap who knows how to win money and influence partners at the bridge table, held the South cards in today's deal. His partner was Mr. Muzzy, whose game is rather spotty in two departments bidding and play. Mr. Muzzy is what might be called a "first decision" man. He takes a look at : his hand and if he decides it all the way to six spades might should be played at no trump, keep Mr. Muzzy quiet. Luckily it he usually keeps bidding no worked. Somehow Mr. Muzzy trump until both he and his managed to restrain himself partner are out of breath. It is and he passed, possible to visualize Mr. Muzzy Some slight hope rose in the bidding 98 no trump if his part- hearts of the opponents when ner stayed in the bidding long Mr. Muzzy's hand went down. Tciilanrt s "free- state -medical, ir)orc than three individual con-(i-z f.nd hospital service, Which hv rirvlnrs fnr everv vVatermeion7'io 7..'V..'.'.'j iur .. ! ern mansions, beautiful women, Cantalouue. each 2 .29 fiery tempers and courtly man- Dortrrt tn v,o "" "cLeod hs bnen operating since 1941, 'mar, woman and child in the ' ners. , r".T'rnVs to hnve reached a enti t ' " - ' 12 ! As a devil-may-care souther-.2 i ner, Gary Cooper returns to his Vegetables Celt r v. lb luiuuurb. A ius .- oeets. bunch 2 lor .2o home town to woo again the ar- country. Tne tree medicine service cost $6.130,000 nearly four prescriptions for everyone in the country. DIFFICULT TO CHF.CK D: . C. A. Taylor, director of the hosvritals division, said in his i'arslev bunch 10 1 istocratlc Patricia Neal whose iUiillUS -I)- , . . ,. . re'. stgc. Senior officials state thf ever-rising expenditure has' reached a point where drastic' changes may be necessary. ! D Duncan. Cook director of ( hr division of clinical services, ' raid ia his annual report that the rtauisiies. Ouuill - ,Ut iner, piayea oy uonaia risp, ivlushiooms. lo 7s ! will have none of him. Cooper titau Lett uce ... . l3-.lt launches a tobacco empire which CooKinsr Onions, 3 Ids 'J,iimii t r,io j ,. ruins and while Liauiiuower lu 2Ac I ultimately Crisp, Tomatoes, Calif. To. H.H 18 he marries the girl, is never report that the upward spiral of cost of the medical ser- . increased cxpcncUU,te wouid ne difficult to vice and pharmaceutical supplies uuaoaue iu u happy with her. Onlv Lauren ' - - - y . - Tlnnall onntViAP hoontv rt elialn J 1 uaa. Hinllll 1. ut,HUVJ v a otiauj U'i background who loves him, and Jack Carson, playing a medicine has been of such magnitude as to lead to serious doubts that s'.ate medical insurance was practicable. Unless recently-introduced reforms provided remedies, the present system would Potatoes, new. 5 lbs. for Cucumbers, lb veetctuie iwariuw, lu. iuuusn. lb. - .... Tea and Coffee Tea Dt'Liixe atiantav lo. Colfee. lb show barker who decides to settle in the southern town, re- I -.heck so long as hospital ana I .v:sociatca services were devoid if direct financial responsibility. One could not but feci, he- said. ; that as with other forms of in-i ;'ir&nce an clement of franchise I should be retained as a safeguard 1 and that the insured should be required to carry some of the 1 risk. ' Ne'-v Zealand's state health 1 scheme has brouRht. high salar . 1.22 enough to call 98 spades. South dealer. Both sides vulnerable. North (Mr. M n.) S A 4 H J 10 8 5 I- ft 3 C A 7 4 S Wrsl i:asl (Mr. Mrtk) (Sin Kmi) 8 Q 9 5 8 J 8 H 8 4 S 3 H 0 7 D Q 9 D J 10 8 4 C K 4 10 6 C J 9 8 5 2 (.mill (Mr. Kiili) 8 K 10 8 7 S 2 H A K Q D A K 7 2 C None 101 main loyal as the empire sub.se- oupntlv crashes . Of course he had no more two I no trump bid thaif the provcr-ibial jaybird. Mr. Meek opened the kins of clubs. Looking the hand over, Mr. Dale saw that he might discard one of his small diamonds on the ace of clubs and the other on the fourth heart in 1 dummy, giving the opponents only one spade trick. I To carry out this plan he ; would have to get his own heat t i honors "out of the way" and , without having them trumped t by an opponent, j Mr. Dale, giving himself every chance as usual, played 'in this manner: On the opening trick Canned Vegetables AH the sweep and magnifi- cuicireSfcv-.3:" of the moving stor, by No. 5 Peas, iancv .18 Foster Fitz-Simons are, accord- iv.ixed VeaeiuOies 18 ing to reports, retained in Ihe Diced Beets, oer tin 14 fjim Waxed Beans, choice 17 ' tviiAuu ucas uiU caifuis lor.So Baked BeaH"'io-bX"lVnT." '.22 PLENTY OF TREES bdivcu Jbcai.a, iO-u... tu --I i. EDMONTON 0' The Alberta Tomatoes. i!0-o. ea 17 Agriculture Department's cur- 28-oz 24 rent tree-plantina camnalsn has ies t" doctors operating as genera", practitioners. As a result there is a grave shortage of doc- TIip bUIUinir: Smith rt North I 3 Parts 2 NT 3 8 Pans 3 NT la-t Pam Pass ! tors for salaried posts in hospi-iia's or as public health officers. With people flocking to all doctors for state-paid consultations, rven young men just through their training can make much 1 more in private practice than in Mm he put up dummy ace of clubs and discarded his ace of hearts. 6 S All pass Mr. Dale knew this but he flg- Fresh ftlilk ured that the Impact of a Jump Then he led with the king and a target of 100,000,000 trees In 2a 25 years. 13, Quart . Pint .... Cream. unit, Eggs Larsre GraUo A .05 - .70 ! .fill .39 .6C1 1 M i 9 iSutUv First erade. lo Marcarine. lb Cheese Canadian Cheese, lb Milk Evaporated Miih.. U-un. uns. 2 loi" Case - - Pastry Flour. 7 lbs "... jobs involving fixed salaries. In an effort to check abuses of the service, the government. In consultation with the medical profession, has recently brought in new regulations intended as ?. check on doctors and patients alike. Disciplinary committees have been set up and on their recommendation the minister of health can exclude from the service doctors found to be paying excessive numbers of visits to natior.is J and recovering fees from the state for each visit), conducting an unduly large num- . .A. ) irqyalqty J CANNED FOODS j I BROADWAY U! ij N-? hneSi Cookm; 'J Hours: 7 a.m. toll it' ' j) For toko home orders Phone 200 I I jrZZWti FINE PRINTING AT ! llSS RFRAI PRINTER riuui , ill a, ino. 1 nuiu Wheat, 3.60 Flour. 24's 1.9!) Juices mended. 20 ui Graoefruit Tomatoes. 2u-oz. eacn . j ber of consultations, or revealing I nclience in thei,r duties. I Frovision is also made barring ! patients from making unneces .21! .Hi .33 .,ul l .31 - 7 vw 48-oz kalion AuOiC, uu. - lor 48-OZ. ... Canned Fruits Pineaoplc crusnea Pieces. 20-oz .38 sary demands on doctors, but how this is to be enforced has not been made clear. As a check on the free medicine Theme inspectors have recently been visiting .homes to find whether druggists have been Aoricots. 20-oz .3il Cherries, fancy. 20-ov:. 3(1 LoEanbernes. u-oz 3j supp'y.ng the articles for which Peaches, choice 22 Lard Pure, lb 32 Shortening 39 Ihi advritisencnt is not published ot Ci5p.4"to fcy the Liquor Control Board n t llic Gov.mmemol British Columbia Consumer Credit Regulations S.-reaivE November i, 1950, 'instalment sales of consumer gooch at retail and loans for the purchase of consumer goods at retail will be subject to new Consumer Credit Regulations. This action has been taken under the Consumer Credit (Temporary Provisions) Act as passed by Parliament. The Regulations apply to every person engaged in the business of selling consumer goods at retail on credit, in the ; business of making loans, or otherwise engaged in financing the purchase of consumer goods. The following requirements will be in effect when retail sales are made on the instalment plan on and after November 1, 1950s 1 Itt L.l f SJ , they claim payment from the rtate ! . ,,; , "-t Soap Soap face, bar 222 Second A ;cu5le Honored n Anniversary PORTRA its Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SKKV1CE MMNMLER'S SJ.TDIO 'i i 4th Ktreet Box 64i i.ite Green 389 Prince Rupert Laundrv. cake 2 tor .2: i SoaD Powders, laref 38 Glace Fruit i Cherries, 2 lb. pKt 4b Coconut, lo 4 j I Almond Paste lb .3! Fruit Cake Mix. lo 4a I Dates, fancv. I lb 'kt i Seedless Raisins. 2 lbs 3.1 Seeded Raisins. 15-oz 2 ' Flour Shelled Walnuts. '2 lb 45 oneiled Almonda. j oi 'A-t ' -helled K:wns. H o 3.- : HOLLYWOOD CAFE J.'anv friends gathered at th3 "in of Mrs. Lloyd Mooiipv. '-hh .V"cnue Fast, to help Mr tind Mr-. Frank Gladish cele Wc Spccioliic Minimum dawn pymftt Mavimvm Nnt to pwf Motor vehicles (e.g. passenger Shelled Bri'ils. lb 42 .lams Pure "Mfrckbrrry. 4-lb 8"i Cherry. 24-oz each. 4 lb DISHES Vf runociirv THOWN 33Y3 20 18 .months 18 mcnths automobiles and motorcycles) All other consumer goods. .... brate th"i- tventy-forrth wpi. I "inz anniversary. Mrs. W. M : "'c.V v.33 j?int hostess The cule vere erected w:tl- w'.cs and received miir ' ' fp'ih (tn'ate.l wit!" beautiful nitv.-o'k tahle cln'1-flo ers and an annivorsarv cal-? ; Refreshments v nre served bv Mrs. Fi"'. M'r. Mrnnev. Mr" Babchuck and Mrs. W Lund to end an enjoyable evening for all. Btrawberrv. 24-oz 70 a- juerry. 24 o'a , "iDi'icot. 4-lb ... UU! i TAILORING for Lcdics and Gentlemen m, the TAILOR 1 (HllS.llC O.llPi!. .'"fc OJ'DN FltOM P.M. lo 3:30 A.M. Srrtillc; Beer G!nss Is Due Next Month "0 Cixth .it. Phone 649 New-si: cd beer glasses will soon be in use which means that PREPARE TOR - WINTER . . ; PLATE RIVER, Ont. 'CP' Frank the beer parlors cannot continue Cova-. 29-vear-old farmer, won j utilizing the old eight-ounce the 1950 Plowmen's Association glass. It is belnc; recl'-sC K- h-.'f chinioionship in this northwest- an ounce as a result of the re-ern Ontario settlement. He cap-' cent increase in beer prizes. The ti'-. n-ize for traztcr I changed size will arrive about plowing in sod. the middle of November. HAVE A WARM,. COMTORTABl-C BED ! .: ff Alnvinir. Packing, Crating Khippiug a.rd General l a.r.'.e anu sijia: i.i'ip'.t t ', Hel:ati!c and Effl- ' I Service. A: so agents for Oai.adian Liquid Air Co. Llo , fn pxyge.'i. Acetylene and all woloing supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED ' ." Cnd and Park Avenues ;m.1i?10 Phonies 60 and 68 'f: In no case shall the down payment be less than $5.00. INSTALMENT PAYMENTS are to be in regular, approximately equal, amounts of not less than $5.00 monthly or $1.25 weekly. Instalment payments may be varied to meet the circumstances of persons such as farmers and commercial fishermen whose incomes are subject to seasonal fluctuations. Similar terms apply to loans granted by banks or loan companies for the purpose of purchasing consumer goods at retail. SPECIAL PROVISIONS ARE INCLUDED WITH REGARD TO REVOl. VIN6 CREDfT ACCOUNTS, permanent budget accounts, current budget accounts, and similar plans involving payment for goods by regular instalments. ORDINARY CHARGE ACCOUNTS ARE NOT DIRECTLY AffECTED by the present Regulations, but steps will be taken, if necessary, to see that charge accounts are not used to evade the regulations relating to instalment sales. THE REGULATIONS REQUIRE SEllERS, LENDERS AND FINANCE COMPANIES to maintain records of transactions, to make them available for inspection, and to furnish information on request to authorized representatives of the Government of Canada. - CONSUMER GOODS include all goods with certain exceptions. A full list of the exceptions will be found in the Regulations. For example, the Regulation! DO NOT APPLY to tales of real estate, stocks, bonds, securities, goods for professional or business use, buses, trucks, building materials, implements and equipment used exclusively in farming and fishing. Penatei are provided for vhlalion of th Regulafiont, .11 c.:ni. Filled Kcsrmorc I ICx-o-lotcx ""v rn NAottresscs. ?tI,liJU 'Ml sizes, trom Simmons "Harvest Special" onf eft Spring-Filled Mattresses $$lJ'dV . ..I Sizes, trom 1 Luxury Steamer PRINCE GEORGE r ,- , JrfiT 'V 1."' Hi' 1,111, I.IH, iV .lit I A. MocXENZIE FURNITURE 'J r- v ti i, - 7 -v i j " T w . x I 1 OAlP r-i m ! SAILS FOR ! VANCOUVER ' and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday ', at 11:15 p.m. i For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call run oHt- Minitfer of F inane t t i? i 1 4 till 1 3 ff in if 111 i r SEE OUR COMPLETE STOCK, AND CITY OR DWOT OFFICE 3t' SELECT YOUR WINTER COAT AT For the convenience of ffie pubc, copies of ffte Consumer Credit Temporary Provisions) Act and Consumer Credit Regulations will be available at branches of the Chartered Banks throughout Canada. Inquiries and requests for additional copies shouW be addressed to 1 Administrator of Consumer Credit, 490 Sussex Street, Ottawa, Ontario. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. RILL SCUBY FUR SPEAKER TRIES NEW CHAIR Ross Macdonald, speaker of the Canadian House of Commons, will attend the opening of the new Br!iish House. The old chamber was destroyed by German brmbs. This United Kingdom information office photo shows . K'acdonald in the speaker's chair. Oscar Fabsr, consultant engineer of the new chamber, points out details of th? new structure. (CP PHOTO 1 mm ' Trince Kupert riumc 974