1 - rut ice iucrf uuiy cwl Monday, October 3O,1950 -wo' wja-i u ; for HOME IMPROVEMENTS Jaiitzen Sweaters M IS t ' . . A Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Silversid- ianat your num.; f t IK f.: ipturnort t n, . ii. ratmau, manager oi ma fSnSnm tC tVt yrerdar P- C' Packe P'an Namu, re. puernoon from a trip to Vancau- turned ther afth. onrt i th I ..-nJe unused rooms, . it mp - .. . w y 3 ver. SKI cement or attic with 1 se- " f rUZ2 Mrek on the-camosun after a i.trlp to Varrcouver. MIDLAND PINES Cyproc rirc kiard. Closes Nov. 1 until notice. further Prlnie Rupert Football Asso-(253p elation general meetine Wed-1 j -.il tasilv ftl full ' A form,r Prince Clupert red-' mVii C"nMlan glon' ent, K. McAra is now aii,t,r 1 a1!' 8 p.m- AU P1 and s"P-J 4i 13 lake. Will not wrp, , r r . i . i porters Invited. ' (255) station a;nr-t at New Hazeit.jn JhHnk nor " having recently taken ove r his L, Jcoration. PATTERNS FOR FALL All Wool Sweaters . styled in the Jantten mariner." Pullovers in the "ThunderbircKf and "Reindeer" patterns at.... $8.95 and $10.95 Cardigans in the "Reindeer" . pattern .. ........ $10.95 Full Zipper Sweaters in the "Thunderbird" pattern : $12.95 iiuiea thcr.'i. Ira Day, one of th real sour- doughs of the iiorth, has arrived in the city to .nter the Princa F.upert General Hjspital. He, J 1 FOR ALL BUILDERS' NEEDS, PHONE 116 or 117 ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. went to the Yukon in 1898 to enrage In prospecting and, except for the odd trip outside, remain fed in the north engaging in packing and other pursuits. Mia. Nora Wlford of Miller Ray Huspital staff returned to the c'ty on Die Camosun yesU'r-t ay afternoon from a brief tri 3 tj Vancouver. I Miss Dorothy Kellett, Vancouver .arrived, in the city on the Frince Rupert Wednesday to pay a visit here with her brother and. sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Street Hoedown Dance Moose Lodge and Chapter j bazaar and dance, November 2 and 3. Bazaar commences at, 2:30 p.m. in Moose Tempi.;. Dance at Civic Centre on Friday, November 3. Door prizes now on display in Jones Family L-y ..euett. T O. B. Tiibble. manaeer f tho A 11 u Aiice A,m' very successful and -m. able Hallowe'en hnMn It. il ume were Pas.serl5er.s Market window where tickers are obtainable. ' (257c) " ' 1 . ' .... .:;. - '' . . Jjft. . ' ' '. H .... ''j v " " dr i i hi ' JhJJT , -vf, Prize Donor Was Winner Get Your.. CANADIAN TOUCH Documents "tabled" in Britain's new House of Commons will land on the Canadian-built table, a gift from the Dominion to the Old Country. Made from Canadian oak, specially selected to harmonize with the chamber's panelling, it is elaborately carved to the design of Sir Giles Gilbert Scott designer and architect of the new House. It was made at attracted a caniVitv 7,n, i u"uara uie nmcsun last even memndwaS b g'vSSSS a Uip the Conrad 8treet Sch)l Par- vtntouver- ent-Teachers- Association in the Mrs. D. L. Pitc was In the c'tv Ir! S . Seattle far a visit with Mr Pitt Kags, tatter and gay Hallow- managing director of the Silbak-een costumes were the order of Premier mine. Mrs Pitt, forme evening, and those guests merly resided at Premier but it penalCSe ?n ,8 ome years slnce '"e la penalised by bv, having to enter- in the north. tain the crowd with sonw ' ' amusing "consequence" inflicted P. L. Grass, construction aup- by the program committee. erintendent of the Canadian The party began with the Fishing Ce., came north from choosing of a king and queen Vancouver to Butedale at the for the evening. Mr. and Mrs. end of the week. Larr Mr Orpsi W. D .Griffiths won the honor ill be in Prinfp R.m;rrt in nir LAMP SHADES and LIGHTING FIXTURES for Every Room in hc House So Mrs. Hang Pettersen Gives Back Pyjama Bag When she won in a bean gues- tiigfa ' Cards k waienoo, unt. . (CP PHOTO) sing contest at the Sonja Ladies' bazaar Friday the prize she had donated herself, Mrs. Hans Pettersen let the prize go to the second closest guesser. Mrs. RADIO DIAL mo Kilocycle CFPR CHR1STWA5 GREETINGS ( and were duly crowned. TJtxe fir.it nection with the setting up of Pettersen gussed 1684, while the correct number was 1678. Miss Astrid Pedersen.iwith a guess of 1670, was beneficiary. The prize 11:3b Weamer Report 11:33 Recorded Interlude , 1:45 Scandinavian Melodies P.M. 12:00-:rid-Day Melodic 12:15 CBC hrm . ' 12:25 Program itesum-12:30 B.C. Farm Broadens! iur me royai pair'ine company's fish processing was to lead the assembly in the plant at the Ocean Dock here. MONDAY P.M. urana Marcn, which started off ' the dancing for the evening a V ?t?ZrM Special joint! chiton" " Int. variety of modern old timp n,i 4Vi meeting and social 4:15 --Stock Quotations & 4:30 MaRic Adventures Phone 23 3rd Street Prince Rupert 1 4:45 Young Man With a Song 12:55 Rec Int. PRINTERS - STATIONERS OFFICE SUPPLIES V? I Lomps U i Shades ft fr novelty numbers. Square dances1 Rf V of Moose and Chap-called by Wendell Snyder pro- '7 ter members In hon-vided much merriment. I r visiting District A prhe was awarded for the Deputy Supreme Governor to be two most amusing hoedown cos- neld Wednesday, Nov. 1, at 9 tumes. The prize, a large pump- P m- In the Temple. Members kin Die. donated hv Mm Pfrrv please attend. Presentation of The bazaar wag Well attended and proved a great success. Guests were received at the door by President Mrs. John Pedersen. Committees. in charge were: Tea room Mrs. R. Roald, Mis., J. Ritchie, Mrs. J. Johnson, Mrs. S. Rensvold. Candy booth Mrs. A. Lunn. Fish pond Mrs. Alt. Jensen. Fancy work Mrs. G. Selvig, 1:00 The Concert Hour 1:30 Musical Program 1:45 Comty. Allison Grant 2:00 B.C. School Bdsct. 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 Folk Talcs by Irene Cr; 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 Western Five 3:40 International Comty. 25-year pins to eligible broth Rupert Radio Give lour Battery A Break! Downing, was won and duly eaten by Mrs. Pearl Mclnnls and John Drnnin. Delicious refreshments were served at 11 p.m. by a commit ers. (25ac) Olof Hanson arrived in ihe city on the Camosun yesterday and Electric afternoon from Vancouver and tee of P-TA ladies headed by "'u T , Ti 'H k be proceeding In t fe - d ays Mrs. C. Johansen. and consist. ,:5.i-:bc News 5 :0C International Comty. 5:10 There's Music in the Air 5:30 Dixieland Jazz " - Sunner Serenade 6:15 Martial Airs G:30--Musn.tU Varieties 6:45 "Saddle Rockin' Rhythm" 7:00--CBC Kews 7:15 CE'J News Roundup 7:30 Songs for Early Evening 8:00 Sons of the West 8:30 Guy Lombardo Show 9:00 National Farm Radio Forum 9:30-Continental Varieties 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CEC News 10:15 Provincial Allah's A. J Turner, CCF. 10:30 Robert Armbiuster Orch 11:00 Weather Forecast i Former Telegroph ! Man Passes Away ! IB HfcA met Rupert Florists mn lot Ail Occasions ing of Mrs. R. Irvine. Mrs. W. Dunn. Mrs. W. P. Garbutt, Mrs. T. Bussanich and Mrs. C. Mari-neau Mr. A. Desautels and Mrs. T. Glenn" were at the door. back in Vancouver again within I WO we.ks for the annual meeting of the British Columbia Liberal Association advisory council and executive, Mrs. S. Ballinger. Home cooking Mrs. H. Pettersen, Mrs. R. Webber. Raffle-Mrs. C. Strand. Servers Mrs. O. Giske, Mrs. Malhern, Miss E. Waseng. Cashier Mrs. H. Helland. In the first raffle, first prize $25, was won by O. Anderson with ticket N3. G80! second, $15, Mrs. John- McNaughton, ticket No. 815: third, $10, K. Dehli, ticket i . V10. i Ave. Box 516 I el. 77'. i Is your battery tired? Sluggish? Don't ask it to, take on the added load of your neater, and give, extra power for those cold winter starts, unless you"1 treat it properly. Well check and recharge It as needed. Drive up. . .. -, WRATHALL'S I A pioneer of the Dominion Governmen telegraphs service in northern B.C. and Yukon died in Vancouver last week. He was F. K Jackson, who will be remembered by many associated with him, In the early days. He became a telegraph worker back in j 1897- From Yukon he was trans- i ferred to various points in Nor- 1 thern British Columbia. Master of ceremonies for the Mrand Mrs.'j.,D..McRae will Ivenrng was Percy Downing and .all this Tuesday atternoon -oi the highly interesting program the camosun for a two weeks- hOTO FINISHING ISM) IfilMfkn) U iW N our Kodak Camera was planned Dy Mrs. jj. uomez lrip to Vancouver and elsewhere ; Line-up. Winners in the second raffle were first, quilt donated by Mrs. j Harold Lien, Judy Morgan, ticket , No. 12: second, doll bed with doll i attachments for all Pa morio Musical cIock ana mi carcmy. m tne g3Uth. Mr. McRae wl'.l The hall was tastefully deco-j attend sessions of the executive rated in Hallowe'en style witn ; of the British Columbia Liberal the traditional cats, witches and Association which will be held pumpkins cut out and colored! in Vancouver in mid-November, by Conrad School pupils. Tfta'Olof Hanson, former MP. for motifs were augmented witn j Skeena. will also attend the Mtolor and Koduchrome 1 I and outfit donated by Mrs. G. 6:00 CBC .Newt Selvig, Ann Petersen, ticket No-.-W,:lu,:e" s Bm Oooa 360; third dollie, donated by Mrs. ;' a :1a M..nlng iking Film. 'ioplng, Printing and Enlarging. K - 3rd Ave, W. clusters of colorful balloons and . meetings shiny red apples. Music was provided by Mr. k ai n John Pedersen,. Dianne Ballinger, ticket No. 8. A ham donated by Mrs. Alf Jensen was won . by Mrs. Skal-merud with ticket No. 85. In the first paddles contest first prize, cream and sugar set on tray, donated by Gordon and and Mrs. Oeorge Pierce, Lonu Stevenson and Lester Currie. ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Bazaar. Nov. 2 and 3. -E VENFL O- ...Bottles AND REPLACEMENTS ; Exclusively . at . - THE STORK SHOPPE D'.ue 810 303 3rd Ave. W. j.30 wlusic lor Mutiu i.ib LiUie Concert U:'J0 BBC News and Commentary. . ; .Kilning DevotK'W 9:30 Morning Concert i in, t di.. 10:00 Mornhig Visit i j: 1 5 Mm niti0 Melodies iU:30 "Melody Time" 10:45 Charlie Kunz PiesehtS li:otl iCinUJi'gui ten of tile Air i l : 15 Roundup ? Ime Anderson, was won by G. Selvig; ', MOOSE WHIST, ENTERTAINMENT I uanaaian region uuiu jruitv, .Nov. 6. Legion Auxiliary Fall Bazaar BOMBS FIRECRACKERS FLOWER POTS second, jug, donated by Gordon and Anderson, A. Karr; third, box of chocolates donated by Mrs. M. Eerfc, M. Karasosky. In the second round, first prize, November 8. United Church Men's Tea, Thursday, Nov. 9. ROMAN CANDLES FLYING SAUCERS : : , l Presbyterian Fall Sale, Nov. 16. 1 and loads of other Fireworks! Winners at the weekly MoosB program of .whist and entertainment for the women were Mrs. Sylvia Johnson and Mrs. A. Blair and for the men B. J. Bacon and A. K Chilton. Following refresh ments the evening was spent la dancing and singing. Committed doPf donated bv . John Bulce.' Liu., i f ill . . i , y . t St. Andrew's " Catlu1 1 R PLANNING I wort by J. VLsJak; fee'cgiiti tljedrat W.A.J .h"? ii 'tsiwii Affr.i Fal Sale Nov. 18.' ! A stkf') v i 1 v TUC icftne- set donated bv Ormes ; SPORT SHOP ! J I I i II II. I.O.D.E. I.O.D.E, Fair Pair Bazaar Bazaar. .NQVemoSE.t . November . . Drug. ri-,.. ' Si store , ' 5 ' Julius liilhw'--.hnnn: " ' Johnson; ' ; I H k 1 W 1 1 R BUIlDINi' R REPAIRING in charge consisted of M. Blair, ' 23 Magnus Halvorsen, Jack bmitn-son and Joe Long, third, pair or socks donated Dy , Mis. Simmundson, Mrs. Ole An- derson. . At whist, 18 tables were at play. First lady was Mrs. Skalnerud, with Mrs. Norton second. High man Was O. Giske. G. Selvig was re:ond. Annunciation Home tnd Sv-hro' Association bake sale, Lyons Corner, Nov. 25. L.O.B.A. Bazaar Dec. 1. United Church Fall Bazaar, Mrs. E. Wostenholme' returned to the city on the Ci mosun yesterday aiteinoon from a trip to1 Vancouver. Coll 363 MITCHELL & CURR1E LIMITED "M, '..ntra,-t,.. - - a mm m d -l , i. m i' J -:,Jj.-. .-: nAmrtv iS AvQilable now pt' fen " i r y& "My L, j ""j" if McBride Street, Phone 311 Ml III vtn 11 'WtT ;;;'rm,i,,)n, "l 'Jon.. k 'i i -iWn5 I I Kids-Come and Get Tm - - J J'JS1- FIRECRACKERS MASKS I I a i ,a J.&Vi'S I HORNS NOISEMAKERS ' 7 ' Chllcotln '. Eta- mmi f AW-wnrr ri b r .. "" i i Pin v SOU,. UNKNOWN SOLDIER Three sailors from the aircraft carrier luisii wiiiinysiiuiua ' i 5'Nov.3andl7 soldier in tne au-canaaian .j...... Canadian the grave of an unknown The" Pallors were among a group from the Mag who TSlS during the ship's visit to Rotterdam. This navy phoo shows, left fn B sT i i ! nf P-ilortnnln. Ont..! AB. John HUKHea OI lS.HU4Si.ui', (CP PHOTOi Ont.