U DISPATCHED noviNf, LIBRA onr.iEs DRUGS ICTOHIA. Daily Delivery NORTKERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER vol xxxnjN(530' 0i M$t Streg!c Paci,ie Pert "Prince Rupert' th9 Kfiy h Gnot Northwest" Phone 81 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENT3 mm. r"jp. New Red Resistance Is Slowing Up Allies CHINESE REGIMENT IDENTIFIED TOKYO OiAn Army spokesman said today that a full Chinese Communist regiment has heen Hln-rtirirtt in actitn Heroic Saboteur How Policeman TORONTO ff'Len Thome Is the fellow who appeared In France one day before D-Day In the middle of a group of SS troops greeting Generals Rom RUSSIA WOULD SNUB TRYGVE LIE LAKE SUCCESS The Russian delegate told the United Nations Security Council today that Russia would not recognize Trygve Lie as secretary-general of the United Nations if he was reappointed for three years as the General Assembly has power to do over a Security Council veto. The Security Council voted 7 to 1 today 'against a Russian proposal to postpone the Monarch Passes Aged Swedish King Passes Custaf V, Oldest Reigning Sovereign, Kept . ," ; Nation at Peace STOCKHOLM CP King Gus-taf V of Sweden, Europe's oldest reigning monarch, died at Drottningholm Palace yesterday at the age of 92, ending a peaceful reign of nearly 43 years. Ad Sweden wa3 plunged Into mourning. . Gustaf VI was today proclaimed "Kins of the Swedes, Goths and Wends" at colorful ceremonies in the cabinet ccuncil room of Stockholm's Royal Palace. , Thousands of Swedes stood in Korea. He said the regiment was in action against South Korean forces south of Chosen reservoir, 10 miles south of the Manchurian border. Additional Chinese Red forces are unofficially reported in action in northeast Korea. , ,.f SEOUL (CP) Two Rerl divisions, reported to be made up mostly of Chinese Communists, -drove tonight on the Korean cast'oast of Hamhung, far behind the slowing Allies' advance toward the Manchurian border. South Korea mel and Von Runstedt He joined them and was taking photographs of the generals and the troops when someone got suspicious and began asking questions. He was taken prisoner but later escaped, with the help of the Maquis (French underground.) A demolition expert with the Royal Canadian Engine ers, Thome started his In-again, out-again life as a saboteur in Europe after the fall of France. Police Check On Traffic Offences counter-attacking force numbered more than 10,000 With other members of his unit, he was posted to train saboteurs men and was 50 miles northwest of Hamhung. The Reds are re Tibet Police are cracking down on traffic offenders. Last week five convictions were registered on charges of illegal parking and one of failing to stop at a stop sipn Finps nf wprp hanrii'd VOV.GEUR SURVIVORS-Lieut. G. V. Stevens of the U.S. Coast Guard buoy tender iKia'uMes John Gardner of Montreal, one of eight survivors of the, freighter North inn tins U.S. Navy photo. Twelve other crew-members were lost when the Honduran , lost off Cape Race, Nfld. The ww survivors were picked up from a lifeboat by the (CP PHOTO) outside in the rain waiting to see in the Maquis. The little international group worked together so well that they were attached to various British and French commandos and made many trips to France and other occupied countries. PRE-DIEPPE RAID Their first big assignment was just before Dieppe. They went In out in each case in magistrate's their new King who later ap-court Saturday. Parking offend- Peared on the balcony to receive ported to be well organized and full of fight. The enemy force is reported smashing at a south flank of the South Korean 26th Regiment about 10 miles south of the big Chosen hydro-electric reservoir which supplies both Korea and Communists Marching In Defenders Retreat to Within 200 Miles of Capital City of Lhasa ers were Harold Llndstrom, Mike ? 'remendous ovation. Juckmuk, Nick Paulichuk, Frany i With his death, the oldest son, J. Yanitski and Nroman Bellls. Crown Prince Gustaf ..Adolph, W. R. C. Jones was fined for 1 67, becomes- new King. I German Police Digging Trenches Manchuria. The reservoir is aD-proximately 48 miles south of failing to stop at a stop sign. ne urown Prince's wife, th3 and blew up gun emplacements and communications six hours onusn-Dorn Princess Louise. great-granddaughter of Britain's dopmenls Near West Queen Victoria and' sister of Earl Mountbatten, becomes Dieppe Was Worthwhile queen. Plumbers and Fillers Back I'm Closely IFalclwd The old monarch, who steered before the main raid. After several more trips Into Europe by submarine and boat, Thome was posted back to the Canadian Army, In the photography, processing and observation group. It was during this period that he "met" Rommel and Von Runstedt. He was captured again shortly his nation in neutrality throun the Manchurian border. A captured Korean Red officer said the attacking for:-was under orders to capture Hamhung, huge one-time chemical centre, by Wednesday. There Is still no indication as to whether this was considered open Intervention by Red Chlni in the Korean war. Another official spokesman earlier disclosed that some individual Chi NEW- DELHI ff Tibetan troops were reported today to have retreated In the face of Chinese Communist Invaders to withfn 200 miles of the mountain country's capital of Lhasa. The Tibetans, with an army of 13,000 regular troops, are expected to meet the Invaders not In pitched battle but with guerrilla tactics. LONDON The sacrifice of two world wars, died at 8:33 a.m. It was a similarly cold, drizzly Sunday in 1907 that hi 3 father, King Oscar II, died. King Gustaf V, who occupied Dispute at Watson Island To Have Attention of labor Relations Board Canadians at Dieppe in August 1 1942 was not in vain, former Prime Minister Winston Church- RUN (CP) East Germany's militarized up trenches and laid wire at four places near icr of West Berlin during the week-end. itt zone entrenchments were, apparently for lining of police and infantry units. Allied Hih Commission kept the develop afterwards in another foray. Sweden's throne since December in Rav in hia Intpst honk - q t nrvr e . t, i nese, had been captured. That was not regarded as Pending reference of a dispute which came to a head when two shop stewards were dismissed for being off work without permis The operation was of Import- h. nurn . ' This time he was put to work tn a labor camp, repairing roads which he and his comrades had ance in planning the ultimate Landsfathpr nn, ' WallM persuaded French farmers to sion, about half of the working plow over the orevious night ed- close observation. Bank Bandits Took $9300 Invasion. of his age, but also because of Eighteen percent of the- 5000 the sincere regard in which he men had lost their lives. Two was held by high and low of all thousand were taken prisoner, ages and In all walks of life. MORE DOCTORS Len's usual eauiDment reflected torce of plumbers, steamfltters and welders (associated with the plumbers and steamfltters) were , X WINNIPEG 0) A statement! the two outfits he worked with. ' Maurice C.Arn fSA -atthej.ftnouaj meeting of j He carried pocketeft of explo- back- oir U1& Job -"at t5CMmla SXactjicalljE It?? .a mlneot ex- Hp mpved freely among his pno-, perience." says the former Pruiie i ply and never had a bodyguard. - i thfr Manitoba College of Physi-ieives and a tiny camera strap Cellulose construction at Wat VANCOUVER (P Bandits who Minister's book. ; His reign, the longest in Swe- Australia " '3p lied son Island today following week-end work stoppage. clans and Surgeons indicates ped under his arm. Manitoba's position in regard to The soft-speaking man is back supply of doctors is steadily im- in uniform again pounding a held up a West End branch of the Bank of Montreal Saturday Mr. Churchill denied that the den s hjstroy and one of th Screen Star, Dies HOLLYWOOD 9- Muarice Coslello, matinee idol of the Gay Nineties who later became Germans had any a d v a n c e longest in the annals of the None of the men Involve!. proving. The province now haj beat in suburban Port Credit as knowledge. J world, was marked by peacef uf escaped with $9300, bank officials reported today. Three armed and masked men threatened 775 licensed doctors. I Canadians had been chosen to relations with all other nations. a rookie policeman. on? or ine of of the the great creat lovers lovers play a leading role because they 20 persons in the bank as they! scooped the money from the! ANOTHER RUPERT BOOM films in the silent era. died in 'JRNE 1 -Trains are Ji'.ill today in all Aus-' exept Western Smetfen unions slas -iiimr token strike in had been showing impatience for action. Continued on page D English Schoolgirl Publishes Textbook . teller's cage. First estimate wast Seattle Paper Tells About a! railway strikers in hn-;pital here yesterday. C03-tello. Ill for some time, was admitted October 12 with heart ailment and complications. Dolores Costello. his one-time wife, later married the late John Barrymore. that $2000 had been taken, r The bandit car was recovered yesterday three blocks from the scene of the robbery. The bandits are still at large. British Yard Gets U.S. Tanker Contracts NEWCASTLE Vickers Arm numbering about 70, worked Friday, following a general stoppage of work as each man asked for his time on an individual basis. On Saturday members of the local working at Watson Island were advised to report for work this morning as Usual (not Including the two shop stewards! pending an official Inquiry by the Labor Relations Board. C. H. Klotz, project -engineer, stated this morning that about half of the men Involved had returned to work. Some others nd South Australia thou.'-inti workers are pay dispute. Big Cellulose Project Here One of the biggest industrial developments on strong yard on the Tyne has been awarded a contract for the building of seven tankers rang GRAVESEND, Kent,, Ens. Twelve-year-old Hazel Sa!t?r, a pig-tailed schoolgirl,' has written a school text book which h n been accepted by a publish!- firm. Young Miss Salter thoutflu; that children's alphabets . and counting bookes were "dull" s-j the Pacific Coast is taking form several hundred ROYAL CONGRATULATIONS NETPAWA, Man. W Mr. and Mrs. George Blackwell have cel Big Floods Down Coast ing from 20,000 to 31,000 tons for the North American Shipping and Trading Co. of New York. VANCOUVER FEARS ANOTHER STORM to have left the ebrated their 65th wedding an- are believed miles north of Seattle, says a Seattle Times story. On Watson Island, near Prince Rupert, the Cel-anese Corporation of America is building a $27,000,-000 plant for the production of dissolving pulp. The 200-ton-daily output will repre-l she d.ecided to write her own. She has been writing stories an 1 poetry for quite a while, but th's niversary, Mr. Blackwell is 85 clcv- " and his wife a year younccr.j m &nA Un Q F Forbes re. They received congratulations! turned toClay on the Princess from the King and Queen and Louise from a vacation In the Prime Minister St. Laurent. 'south. VANCOUVER Fishing and other small vessels were scurry- iroke Feels Tremor OKE. Out, (f -Some 'l 'heir homes in night miliin ; crowd rilled strfct of this town us as shaken by an Cobdcn. 15 mi!o ;tl feeling it even m"-y early Sunday, 'f .is reported, ? Couples sent 18 per cent of the needs of "! for shelter today in the face the total American rayon Indus of another storm warning for is the first time her work h.-? been accepted. Talented Ha-l also shared first prize for a pic:e of muFic with lyrics which sh comccsed for a contest arrameJ by the Gravesend council's entertainment committee. The cthT half of the prize went to a married woman .-. f. try. Raw material will come from beinj rushed in view of world shortages of . cotton linters, which with wood pulp are the basic raw materials lor the manufacture of rayon yarn. 600,000 acres of timberland, to the British Columbia Lower Mainland coast. A fifty mile gale wa3 reported today heading for the coast and was 1200 miles off. be operated on a sustained-yield basis under licence from the British Columbia government. Watson Island is owned by Columbia Cellulose Company, THE WEATHER A f Fighting Inflation V . Restriction Placed On Credit Buying In Canada OTTAWA (CP) The government yesterday announced curbs on credit buying in Canada to help s.i T.i k 111 ' 1 1 f c. Ltd., a Celanese subsidiary. Synopsis Cloudy shov-rv weather con- Construction work, being TODAY'S STOCKS : ;; Deluges in Oregon and California 10 Inches of . Rain' Fall in 48 Hours PORTLAND ff Storm -swollen rivers that drove two thousand persons from their southern Oregon mountain valley homes spilled seaward today. The crests threatened new flooding of downstream lowlands. Two were drowned and one man .is missing after week-end flooding. Scores of Oregon and California borderland towns and cities are Isolated and many rural families are marooned. Rivers burst tneir oanks early Sunday after a deluge of three or four inches of rain. Crescent City In California had 10 Inches of rain In 48 hours. The crest had passed Eugene early today and waters above iwmit. nrnrinrtinn ! tlnues over all of southern Brlt- Ml Donco rushed to oariv next, vear is irivimr the sh Columbia today while colder '.... a.. .. SI Ik f ..1. f ... ... Prinr. nr,ort r it. thirH ! but brighter weather extends boom of the century, but oneover tne north of the Province, which promises to be more sub- At least one more actlve stornl stantial than earlier ones. I appears to be in store in this I wet month of October as another RUPERT BOOMS Pacific disturbance forms rap cluck intuition, it noosieci me size oi uown incuto on purchases and amount of weekly or monthly instalments and made .18 months the maxmium time that Canadians will have to pay up. Personal bank ine iirai, uoura aaiea iroin miv lonn mi W west, nf t.hp rnnr. 1906, when the late Charles Mel Strong southeast winds and rain ville Hays, picturesque American ehrtntd snrpRd over Vancouver ,nt "I real eiijovmn.it "ice held by the of-HC.s. Chatham Sat- When 80 happy to the music of Dukes orchestra at the Jl hall. ,J s decorated in the :!ln,?W with black and tpe Piper, black cats, a'l the rest thitt giving lhe HttUow. The party was there on the Willlmette River were receding. It is expected the railroad financier, electrified the isian(j tomorrow morning and area by announcing plans iorir8in ls Xnected over the south-a transcontinental railroad to i ern interior by evening "make Prince Rupert the prin-j Temperatures will remal.i cipal port on the North Paci- much &s they have been for the fic,- , , past few days with cold polar Hayes perished in 1912 In thealr over tne north and mU(,, Titanic ..disaster. ..His ..Grand ; pacific air over the south or Trunk Railroad reached Prince the province. crest would reach Portland by Third Man In Store Burglary Police last week at Terrace caught up with the third man connected with the robbery of D. & S. Grocery at the Junction of Second and Third Avenues. Wednesday night. Highways and railways have been blocked by flood waters. Power lines were down and light and power off. Mills were closed. Rupert in 1914, but failed to de loans will have to be paid up in similar instalments. The new regulations become effective November 1 and follow closely credit buying curbs in effect in the United States. Finance Minister Douglas Abbott saidthey are designed to "check inflationary pressures arising from mounting defence expenditures." Main points are: Persons buying automobiles, motorcycles and other motor vehicles except trucks and buses will pay 33Vb per cent of the purchase price at the time of delivery. Value of trade-ins will be counted as part of down payment. On other goods bought on the the hall proner and ' Last Saturday Roy Roger -iio adinii,!,; nler was fined 50 and cosls rorecasi North Coast Region Mostb' " , when convicted on a charge or 1 P.vcou.t 43 Eobjo .' 12 Buffalo Canadian 27 Consol. Smelters ........ 120 00 Conwest 1.95 ' Donalda 54 Eldona 29 V East Sullivan 8.50 Giant Yellowknife 6.75 God's Lake 33 Hardrcck 28 Harricana .OH Heva oe Hosco 0 Jacknife 03 Joliet Quebec 1 "1 Lake Rowan 01 ' L&paska -da Little Long Lac .40 Lvnx .10 Madsen R;d Lake 2.25 McKenzie R.ed Lake .... .43' McLeod Coekshutt 2 33 Moneta -33 Negus M Neranda 73 Louvlcourt 21 Pickle Crow ... Regcourt 09 San Antonio 280 Senator Rouyn .25 Sherrit Gordon 2.51 Steep Reck 5.50 Sturgeon River , -13 Silver Miller 2.00 Upper Canada , 6 20 Vancouver Bayonne 014 Bralcrne 6.75 B. R. Con .02V4 B. R. X. 04 Cariboo Quartz 1.25 Congress .08 Hedley Mascot 37 Pend Oreille 8.30 Pioneer '2.05 Premier Border 05 '.j Privateer 08 Reeves McDonald 3.75 Reno 03 Sheep Creek 1.20 Silbak Premier 2i Salmon Gold .03 Spud Valley 04U Silver Standard .32 Western Uranium 8a Oils-Anglo Canadian 4.90 A. P. Con .43 Atlantic 2.55 Calmont ..95 C. & E 7 20 Central Leduc 2.85 Home Oil 14.35 Mercury 14';: Okalta 1.7 Princess 55 Royal Canadian i 1 1 a Royalite 12.00 Toronto Athona 08 Aumaqvle 35 BeattVe 63 cloudy with an occasional rain shower todav Clo'tHv with show ,V.VWVWW.W ers tomorrow: Little change in fprn"er9ti'-. Win" lWht. r-- i coming ."asterlv (15 mDh) bv to morrow morninjr and easterly m CANADIAN LAUNDRIES fE 'STALLED LEATHER EQUIPMENT 3G in southern wpters by nom. Lows tonight and hishs tomor row at Port Hardv. 41 and 4 velop profitable busipess and eventually collapsed 'and was taken over by the Canadian National Railways in 1920. Prince Rupert had a second boom with the outbreak of the Second World War when It became a shipyard centre and later a major military shipping port for Alaska. Subsequent attempts to maintain peacetime shipping services to Alaska failed. Harold Blancke, Celanese Corporation president, initiated the most recent development as the result of an unheralded inspection trip to Prince Rupert three years ago. Construction work, Celanese Corporation has announced, is Sandsnit and Prince Rupert. 33 HOCKEY SCORES National SATURDAY Montreal 5. New York 1 Toronto 4, Boston 2 Detroit 3, Chicago 1 SUNDAY Montreal 2. New York 2 Chicago 3, Toronto 3 Detroit 2, Boston 0 Pacific Coast SATURDAY New Westminster 6, Vancov. ver 3 (Tacoma 5," Seattle 2 SUNDAY Tortland 5, Victoria 3 for and 46. Instilment plan with certain exceptions such as real estate, securities and goods for professional use the purchaser will Clc c5riino itmi j..- i a iiu r-.--uyuing Learner, j Ucle Jackets. Purse Shors. lit. LOCAL TIDE , , Tuesday, High FOR INFORMATION PHONE 118 (254) make a down payment ot at least 20 per cent and not less than $5. Ordinary charge accounts are not affected as yet by the. new restrictions. -. October 31. ipso ... 4:39 16.7 feet 16:01 18.5 fee'. ... 10:01 10.7 feet 23:06 6.4 feet Low '-.V.v.'AV.W, 'AVVAWVWWJWVWVWVW