8 ff IIW, IF Prince Rupert Daily News Is Strain Monday, October 30, 1950 'Acting For Ann Sheridan H Scarlet Pu.LTir"d"Jr Monday - Tuesday Shows 7 p.m. - 9:10 p.m. NEW YORK AP) Ann Sheridan revealed 1h other day that she is gradually giving up her career as a movie actress and will concentrate on the production onri. She has be-n unusually successful with her movie career, n'onc wiih stacs and television personal appearances, but it's been divine her too many butter-V.nr in hrr stomach. She a'ready has one foot li t'V" dror as a producer. She has a financial Interest in her new fi'm. "Woman on the Run." by B B M a u n uuuc . w. ruon re'.urncd to t,he city on the Camosun yesterday afternoon from a trip .u Vancouver. Fur ('Iran t: . Traversal-International. Rather 1 Want Ads, Sure Results! '-""ntets Call TAXI-6s. "Eventually v. Nc, -&vii' - - f --f- lirf- (1llf--- miiiaiii iimi wjmiiBtiniijiniiK. mi. i" ii in. 1 .1.1 iiii . . . They don't have to be a menace. A carefully worked out, ecsy to follow budget makes Wallace Department Store bill paying a cinch. We'll be pleased to help work out a budget for you and your family. Drop in today! WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE ACHING BACK? Why luffer with backache or painful Joints? Many rind quick relid by ukint Dr. Chasr'i Kuinry-Liver Pill. Thii proven remedy treat, two condition! at once; contain apecial remedial ingredients for both kidney and liver dmrderi which often cauae backache. Ur. Chaie than a salary, she is taking a -hare of iho nroflti frsm this -f thev're substantial Miss Sheridan will advance her smhit'on to become a producer rather than remain an actress. "After I finished 'Woman on the Run' I wanted to quit beiti' an fictress." she confessed. "Much ef thr action in that story takes place on a carnival roller-coast- REAL ESTA INSURANC ROADEO RIDER The army's finest truck driver is Cpl. R. D. Pettlnger of Courtland, Ont., judging by his record In the Ontario Automotive Transport Association's annual truck roadeo at Toronto. Here the man with the moustache; sta t oned with the Royal Canadian Army Service CoVps at Camp Borden, Ont., gets the winner's trophy for the third successive year. Second place in the armed forces division went to Pl. E. Kia :er, ik;ht. of Morden, Man., an R.CAS.C. driver at Rivers, Man., and third to R.C.A.F. Cp!. B. W. Fortune, left, who comes from Vancouver but is stationed at Goose Bay, Labiador. Col. M. L. B:e:inan makes the presentation. (CP PHOTO) name you can depend oa. 47 INCOME T DR.CHAS?Si m 9 RETUHNS PHEPA .mini fi. I eet dreadfully seasick on ai . i f 'vuin - n : ii i ina Ave. (KMrl Another British Trawler Arrested t- I Mcur SCHOOL I roller coaster and my tummy started acting up as soon as we I started shooting film.- ' "Aside from the roller coaster I I had to submit to the fact that several girls who played around ! me in the rollef coaster cars had healthy appetites. Between takes Silver Standard Is Looking Good Constructive Ore Developments in Line With Favorable Financial Position LONDON For the second time in two months. British trawkr? have been arrested bv a Russian ENGLISH WOMEN'S MENTAL SCHOOL MOOSE JAW. Sask. Work has started on a $2,400,000 school tor mental defectives at a park south of Moose Jaw. The sshool will house more than 1000 patients with a staff of about 350. SCIENTIFIC SLEUTHS REGINA A new crime-detection laboratory for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is under construction at the big police barracks here. , they would stroll off and return iCunboat in the White Sea fUi-l"arled with hot dops, iwt beer ling Rrounds. The r.rst was "Mv; Pull -On I! auu uuiu icuraniiicuw, x -lu,4S8 ton trawler Hui;h Walooi', For New Canadians and Others Interested in English TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, AT BOOTH SCHOOL 7 p.m. Favorable development resul.s'not stand it. At least, my stom-0.1 seven of the parallel vei-is ach C0Uldn't stand it." at Silver tSandard Mines Ltd. . . with a crew of 21. The boat is owned by the Ntwineton Stein Trawling Co. The other trawler seized was the Swanella. Affpr five davs she was relead in Ha7.lton district are recorded ' in the official report for Auguot . and September 1950. 1 Monthly qperallng profit is currently at the rate of abou', $80,000, after all writeoffs and i-rovincial tax. The initial divi (;end of 5c plus 2c payablo December 15 to shareholders of rec- Knitting Textbook For Girl Guides TORONTO r.om now on. Canadian Girl Guides and Brownies should find it easy to qualify for their knitting badge. A booklet. "Wool 'Round the Year," now being distributed to November 25, amounts to appr approximately $150,000 on 2,144,- V ord ! 150 I! i j Brown'onil I CLEAR Salute the Newspaper Carrier who brings the paper that keeps you informed f shares outstanding. d; Ridgeway W. Wilson manag Canada's 70,500 English-speak- I inff flniflps nnrl Rrnwnies. rnn- ing-director, says gross value of Ausvst production was $176,960 bjfare freight and smelter charges. The operating profit wr.s I tains a complete course in knitting. For those who have already 1 1 t l!t (11,,r FAMILY $ STORE L .-88 368 and aftr all writeoffs . trated instructions for knitting and provincial taxes, net profit u.aa s7!)ttu wnrkino-nit a i several articles of clothing, in- Charlie Robe: I'liiinc 357 increased by $83,015 in the i Always Prompt and Courteous , i month. utuuuig awcaieia, bLuuiliigs anu scarves. It is to be used as a textbook in the earning of the proficiency We're Here to Servs YOU Of 2.511 tons handled in Sep- i tember, 688 tons were discarded badge for knitting. By following Commodore Cafe' OIL HEAT as waste. The 1.823 tons n.'llei ai ils Be Hospitality and Oood Food1' lts directions a Guide or a or 62.5 tons daily, aveiased O.m Brownie can knit the batlg. 50.3 ton i 07.. gold. oz. silv.or per 5.457o lead; 7.8 zinc and 0.109 , itself. 1 cadmium, after including one' In addition, it tells how to day's run of old mill tailings a a make woollen toys and gifts and 'hone 17 for Send-Out Orders J .1 Ave. DaviQ Chow. Mgr. MARCHAND explains the use cf wool fell yarns and fabrics in fashions, as SPACE HEATEk well as giving shopping hints notes on selection and care of woollens and the story of a trip Convenient, Economical Uinh meclianlca! cfflrienry. VORTEX te?t. This test indicated that, while of low grade, these tai'.-lings fhould yiell a profit cf pt least $1.73 rer ton uhd c?n b3 considered a1? an ore reserve. In October, a greater propor-tisn of the mill feed is be!i:g rirawn from N'2. 6 vein in whicn fcwlccd ere avas 1 it .'-r- "f $101 per ton Recent work on No. C hps disclosed that the pdd Hrrrl 40 fe-t of rr, length 'onth of the main ore biriy shows Automatic Eurnd through .a woollen mill. The 63-page booklet is a gift to the Guides and Brownies from the Wool Bureau, an information service operated by wol manufacturers, which also has mad? available a display of samples ai garments described in the book- 30 saving in h' costs. TKRMS AURAVi marh-d imnrovcemnt in grade in let. The display will be shown in Smiih & Elk Guide centres across Canada thi S I fall. initial spina operations. New information rcarding No. r vein Is a hiphlir.ht of the cur LIMITED Don't Gamble on What You EAT!! CALL RED 656 and you know you arc getting THE BEST D .6 S GROCERY Plumbing nd M John Haahtl, wcli known pion- rent progress report. Possibilities of this vein assumed importance Plione 174 P-0- i our RtrmTCirf mininn nnn cn-i1 . 1 1 "IlKll Jt II. e oil. .ill wili pll i u. f, iinri ciiaiii., aaiicii uy i ii" vctliui' last night on his return north after a business visit to the city. opened at 1500 ft. -elevation showing the same .type of mineralization as No 3 a'ss nar- r.-.P- n-irlth". Mr. Wilson nov reports that the present face on progress on both No. 9 and No. ic-o inrii-ntos nr"criri of a fur- 10 veins which show nramis n 1 1 th.T ore shoot: that the first ore indications. r5 arrord f"rill h"le nrolefted 1 A thorough geolcglcal exam-dewnward on this vein tnm naion by Dr. Alex Smith is in slron-r surfac" exresures "av a progress, preparatory to layin1; ro-d rre intcrsftinn 80 foet "Ut a long term dcvelirment town the dip: and that a dia- program,- both across the on 9 ft mTmTmTb"W""TT f0 i i t vin on zone and at depth. . the 1311 .elevation, 700 feet mm : w HEN he brings your favorite Tj'JMjm """"" Heat h Heme The Node Way! 5, l 9t A h" surfoc. -hoTs lead minerai-izatl-n in th? rore. . "n y-. 1 vein in r.n rrca previously unproductive of ore and i,' in ver imiy below anv pievirus r'.?velDpment. a new oreshoot was located during September. While narrow, this shoot is reported of good grade, giving a 58 foot length, one fooi wide, assaying 0.38 ounces gold; Rlr ources silver; 5.1 lead; 10.7 zinc and 0.139 cami'i ' from fa-" sampling. Work i n redirected north of the shaft, on this new low 1200 ft elevation aid the drift anrean tn n enter-in? the .downward projection of No 1 main ore shoot, ir.5 fpr, .-..,.,,(u, f-3m f;, prevloiiS bottom level. Wear Lovely paper, let him know yeu appreciate the service be interested in the way he conducts his business. Admire and help your newspaper carrier today and every day. Canada's future depends on his generation. HEEL HUGGER Shoes USE HOT WATfj HEATING .-tort -;:e s.;,otS have been opened by drifting on the fooo and hanging wall portions of No. 1 1 vUn on the 13LJ level and stnp-jing will start shortly. An unex-' pected windfall took thi form .-t d'envcrv of ev-.illert Tra'l" ere in driving a short foot wall ra'se to Investigate old workings cn No. 7 footwall vein. . Several hundred tons of hl;h grad; or--' had Ivcn left cn the fcotwall o" this s!ore by fc:mer operator;;. Full extent af this find is stir. Knjoy ihe eacellcnt apiiint-n cn I a, tlie dtlii-ioiia food, ami the courteou rvk, PRINCE RUPERT SAILINGS SOUTIIBOCND Saturday, Nov. 4 Saturday, Nov. 18 Wednesday, Nov. 29 For information and reservations contact SI Y00R ilEiiSPAPEU GAEM By . . . Ho MURi i .,.v.v::':v..,:V':::::':v':: is m um$wQm$ n I H. II. Davics, General Agent 3rd Ave. West to be determined tut thicknesse: up to 3 feet of excellent p:'atf ha".- teen ob.ervpd. This is v r-'di'n the reported :ri reserve in thi ere "irfip f .'iin? on N-". Zro vein showed the downward extension of the expord ore , r ' t- vRfrant its dcvelip-ment at depth. of London EXCLUSIVE AT BROWHWOQDS ' iniNfii1" WW" - , CcrJthAve-a i