-.' -1 . :J-1LY PLACED . ! AUCKLAND, U Z tf-The Me ; Prince Rupert Daily News J.Tcr.sy, 0;t;'r 20. 1C3D "Nature Man" at 80 Is Healthy Zealand labor shortage produced an incident at the local employ ARCTIC TELEPHONE - " CHRISTMAS IS GAELIC I i 3 .'Ai . . That the Gaelic language U still 'the world's northernmost automa- mtnt office when a man 0te very much ailve in Christina? tic telephone exchange has just 011 hu ent,y form: "occupation, Wand parish was ihown by the been opened by Sweden at Kir-j retired." The manager asked the enthusiastic attendance at the una in Lapland above the Arctic applicant to consider a part-Scottish night held in the parish ' circle. The exchange has 2.600 1 time Job at the employment of- COLLI NO WOOD. Ont. 0- He's 80, looks 40 and expects to reach 110. That, "man of nature" Alfrc1 Staple who Uvea on a spartan diet, walked 16 miles recently on his birthday, married thiea hall. 'flee. 'ines. k ' student! I Tp Ifn Sunk times, has flv. children and says ' I everybody could be healthy and IT'S EASY IT'S PROFITABLE To Use 1 1 free from disease if they would I only live as nature Intended. 11 p kuiu in an mivrvirw ne nan iwer been in in nis me ana ju ,-,t : ?( . ? -.K"-riA' ' Ivearn from now still expeen to iy-. , 'J':, " if K& ' '.be fit and active. He has studitd 'V ' U . ' ,"V DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form milk uu i r,- ii 'v im wi- yruia. ji.j, . . Iinttiiir HP? day staru at 8 a.m. with a ,7' V . culd bath in a big tub , in hU fV4"' fh V ,f hrw, ru tvrl flu r4t 1. htmulf Lt t ft i i r ' ! bH hands and never uses soap. Three plasms of water are taken I before brenkfast and he "chews ' every mouthful of Water." Breakfast consists of a rerea". ' i mixed bv h'tv-slf. contpl M'V' ; IN HAPPIER DAYS The ill-fated freighter North Voyageur Ls shown making ready for sea at Halifax in happier days. She wheat, oats, barley rye and flax feed. Then comes a boiled egg. i a slice of brown bread and .i ; 'enerous ln-loin of fresh fru'.l. ! came to grief off Newfoundland Ort. 11 whllo under the Hondm- For lunch there are raw veget an nag on a voyage irom rnnaaeipnia 10 l. aynns, iniri. Twelve of her 20-man crew, including one Canadian, are mliwlii!?. The 41 -year-old former Canadian vessel once operated as a sealer off Labrador. (CP PHOTO) Just received a shipment of High , School Sweaters in Kelly Green and Gold. Get yours while they lost Qt $1150 1 IS Sport Shots AIR PASSENGERS ables and soun. Supper is a boiled egR and more cereal. H. wears light clothina; winter nnrt summer. When it rains v.enr " a top?oat to protect h's fUit. . Once, he outlasted his pet do". 'n a two-weeks' sojourn in b;-'"w-7'r', January weather on Blue Mountain. With th temperature dronnin1? tT IS beloiv the riot wave uo on the third div dP-i i-f p nnt-drinr camn. Doctors proclaimed Stable' fit."- af the end of two weeks than wh." i I Mother and Dad- Airt PASSENGERS Gus Bodnar of Toronto Mapie Leafs hung un the record for the fastest goal scored by an NHL rookie seven yeirs ago. The Fort William-born youngster, To Vancouver (today) Miss V. Lewis. N. Kronhaus.' G. Beau- rpunvri W K MfI.ififI I. M High School Sweaters Muhell Number of Times Enclosed Please Find 1 : i (2c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25; cost, 50c. Six I I he started Christmas Gifts . . . playing his first NHL game pheei Mr anj Mrg F KohM against New York Rangers, scor- Q oiibonsky P. J Fewer G. ed 15 seconds from the opening Vatkins bell. Bodnar n is with Chi-j To Masset (today)-Mrs Perl-cago Black Hawks. strctm Juhn Henry Lewis outpointed To ianrisnit (todavi-Mr. and A small deposit will hold one until Chri J insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c) - t Timber Operators Expecl Peak Year DROP IN AND SEE THEM AT Name I Bob Olin in 15 rounds at St. Mrs o. Burgess, R. Bell, Mrs. L. I" louis 15 veprs aso to li th Mclntyre, Mrs. A. Jones, W. Cor- S worlds light-heavyweight box- on j M phillid. Mrs N. H. V ing title. Lewis resigned the Montplaisure ! championship in 1938 to fight To Port clement (today) J.! J in the heavyweight division. j McDonald - : m George Lott Jr. of Chicago, From Vancouver (Saturday) , co-holder with Helen Jucobs of p j power a Halg, C. Hoo.1,:f the U.S. tennis doubles Cham- c Watklns, E. Bancroft, J. De-i'I PORT ARTHUR 0 Buh-work.-rs from scattered sections I of Canada some from as Sac ; Address Phone No. L. ' . away as Newfoundland arrivei pionsnip, lurnea pioiessionai lit ,mey, E. O. Anderson, Mr. and ? Uhe labor forc for what is ex- year aRO- The veleran of 8lx Mrs. A. Bradley, Mrs. Alexan- 'r.erti-d to be a record veat for Unlted States Davis Cup teams der, a. lv:. Kanr.a. Mrs. C. Owev , teamed up with Bill Tilden for tlmb.er ooerationa In this area William F. Sfone Clothes of Distinction From Sandspit (yesterday a. A. Gerrle, J. Fossum, D. U-e. a barnstorming tour. Dyer Hurdon, assistant manager of the Port Arthur olK-e of the National Fmploynu-nt Serv:ce, says 14 000 workers wove needed in northwestern Ontano. The fall harvesting .. d.'lavt-d their orrivnl here early , th;s SHIPS and Police Court Notes mont h but Mr. Hurdon ?avs af t'r harvesting ls comDleted they will WATERFRONT! come-"In drove." M. Classified Advertising ls payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifies pe wqrd per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death NotU-'en, Fu.. eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement AnnouncemenU $2.00 SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE Donald Pierce was today fined $50 and costs when convii nvicted of liquor to and; Prof CPR steamer Princess Louise, a charge of supplying essi usiness an CARD OF THANKS Capt. W. C. Hubenet, arrived in an Indian. FOR SALE ' -:- WANTED DUCK SHOOTING . CAMERA STYLE J PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, Mun. I wish to thank Miss E. Supervisor, all the nurses port this morning at 11:30 fro.n: Vancouver. Passengers dlsem-; Two men were brought Into barking here were N. Youn?,1 the police station by the K.C.M P. WORK WANTED Ladv With neat appearance and ability, Q Ducks migrating to this arrt 'jAur: mi urgently requires part-time Mrs. A. Wickers. Mrs. P. Robert-' today, but-no Information in Work Offirp nr lrlrlro nro. urn pnlnff to bp "shnt". hilt thin NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Lintv-belt Speeder Shovels: Craius: Draglines; Adams Road Graders: Littleford Bros. Blac't Tod Road Maintenance Eauioment: Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Grapples; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers; Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson r'ur Downtroddei. ferred but will accent anv rea-, won't mind It. The shooting will son Miss s- Robertson, Mr. and' available as to why they were and Worn Si sonable offer, including house h done by Julian St. George, a Mrs- H p- Marshall, Mr. and brought In. Police say the case A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1)18 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B.C. MAC work. Box 822. Dally News. (253p) cameraman -with the j National Mrs. a. L. femith and family, H.ig under investigation. They Film P-ard.. He will also Dho'o- E- Ferguson, r. Sjhroeder, Mr. were brought in by at least five graph the annual duck shoothu Johnstno, Mrs. E. Morris. Mr. policemen. Bucket Loaders for Stocknile SHOE H0SP 774 Sec and staff. Drs. Burgess and ' Charboneau of the General Hospital for their kindness to me miring my long stav in the hospital. Mrs. C. P. Ryan. I . lltp) FUNERAL NOTICE STROMDAHL In the "cltv. Friday. Oct. 27. 1950. Gustaf Ossiam aeed 73 years. 8 months, belDved husband of Mrs Jessie Stromdahl. 145 Ninth Ave East. Rev. F. Antrobus will conduct ?n.dS"?.fnyat.?.i??pS,ri- WANTED -One larae book cabi Last year, he pho'.o- B"Q mrs- 'oroes, . j. woo- f'f..ueA,li",rLK?1o"I"y5; "?Z net with doors. Phone Red 807 'season R ickets: National All Rtpl . (255p) graphed the life sequence ieu; irom ocean raus. r. n. SX- CATHERINES. Ont. Ellis. A. Brown. In all. 79 pas-it.0v tBnth..r t.i ih niu.ii! Gasoline Hoists: National "" " " ducks and geese at the De' Portable Sawmills: National WANTED TO RENT Two rooms Research Station here. Rotarv Screens and Conveyors. jur C0UPie- furnished or un- . Full Information from Na- furnished. D. J McLennan, J' Mt tonal Machinery Co. Limited,- B()X , o Buy the Best Bu' Famnui sengers sailed from Va"hcouver. hard the ,,,,l(llSUa UilJ proVed un Embarking here for Ketchikan small anlma, popUiaUon. Hazen were Mr. and Mrs. Andrews A- Uc Andrew, a motor coach driver Glover, R. MjKinley, F. Gunder-'ga son. - , ELECTROLJ HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP. Permanent Wavlnir Beauty Culture In ail its branche 04 4th Street Phone 655 Vancouver. B.C. services at Grenvi'" , ViiawviiWW m Cleaner and Air ii OctdP3l: Interment' to foUowTn r" SALE - Larw oil heater WANTED TO RENT-Working Bod' lmPor ColV i I ,.akiv.' another earlv ani.r' ! Phone Blue 336 (257p) rnnnlp rtovira fnmKHpH anlta ' Small supply no Fiirview Cemetery. B.C. Under Charlie Adam. - according to Union steamer Camosun, ' Capt. I bufUrall(.nn Oil T.. il.it ln Ch&Te f arranKe FOR SALE New chesterfield lasers ! nients. menu utivitua, uua Oil. aiiy News. (254d) word recently received In T.r- Jchn K:den, arrn"d in poi i M R. W. COLLI Aiitlwrizt'iilM ! Deas: Deas commeie: un minted chest of drawers; sewing FOR SALE machine: kitchen stoves: heat " ' ' .race, ls enjoying his visit to Scot- 2:15 yesterday afternoon from WANTED 2 or 3 room furnish- 'and, but, as far as coffee ls Vancouver and waypolnts, ail ii"; PHONE 45; Blue 455 days or Black 979. The decision was reached to Arm and Stewart whence she will ers; naraware; coiiee taoies, end tables; bedroom suites; scores - of other useful furniture at lowest prices. See B.C. Furniture. Black 324. ttf) FOR SAL'S 1949 Mercury. Low' mileage 830 Summit Ave. Calls ; prefemd on Saturday m--,.' , . ings or Sundavs. ' (254p) (b.Jp) -..(ip- a nminrt of coffrp from n-tiirn hrif t.r.morrow mornln" A J CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D C. 21-22 Besner Block 1JJAVINO PRINCE RUPERT ABOUT NOVEMBER 20 Conl'ai't abim SERVICE & SUI uuuua, uiik sent uirmaii, until uj sun suiitii ui i.ou int i . i at ii it was discovered that a pounJ econd Union steamr of the c!ev would cost $10.75. covering both the Chilcctln arrived at 5.43 offee itself ana the airmail ex- p.m. from Masset ar.d oUer WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrao Iron Ftrel. brass, copper, lead, etc Honest gradiri. Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron it Metals Ltd . 250 Prior St.. Vancouver. B.C. Phone Pacific G3.V7. tf) i FOR SALE Morris sedan. 711 FOR SALE Babv bugev. good i 5th West in lane. (254p , condition. 1407 8th East. - - ' "53n) FOR SALE Fawcett oil heater, . Model 708. Used two months. FOR SALE OR RENT Lunch $ao.00. Phone Green 215 counter. Marnaret Johnson, (255p) phone Red 253. , (253p) vrnse (Queen Charlotte Island po.nt-'. MARGARET Mi saillne at 3 p.m lor the soirh. The vesrel's passenger lift in- PRAISES SCOUTING orroMETB-1 Room 10 'FOR SALE En' terprise kitchen FOR SALE Boat "Reward 1" Halibut and trolling boat. 43 WANTED Scran cast. bras. COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest in Musical Instrument- PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED "Ii Ml )'H Hlai'K 3H1 MONTREAL . - Ml. Helen m, ;t,-mmt . :vho Guiton, school principal, told a ,eft tnelr joln at Colunil1- meeting of the Montreal Boy Cellulose construction at Watso ScDut Ladles' Auxiliary that Tulc,nH fniiwin( thp dismissal o' HTONE BOIL i.wicK nurner oil stove" with , water coil, valves complete; , ' cream enamel, good condition. Blue 983. (254p) ft. long. 11 ft. beam. 20 skates i.juuh. bauenes -anti radl ot halibut gear. Power 110 ators. Phone 543 Call C29 titr Chrysler. Boat and machine in west - first clans shane. J. Johnson. ' phone Green 192. P.O Box 700. (253p)i HELP WANTED i rjoys ana gins are nappier h 1m snn t (.wards. PH0NI auuiLs lay Deiore inem a siana- FOR SALE Oil ranee in good : condition alone with two 45- Kal. oil drums and connections ) Phone Black 496. (tf ard of values to follow, and a r vj Mved It-' behaviour pattern by which to himself near Tot-m Pelf Park mit RFVT PO BOX Hi guide their steps." (he imriiPdi:'; neighborhood C .. . second Avenue and Third Street JUN TOR POSTAL CLERKS, $1380-$1980. Prince Rupert, B.C Full particulars on posters disnlaved at National Employment Service Office and Post Office. Application forms. left hcre mursday evenm.; a r- VETERAN BLOOD DONOR 1 ton ana wincnesier h"-l4 oolt 1 . hu.-hku action 6-shot .Six)rtin Rifles ment. immediate occupancy. Excellent condition including clean and respectable, witn nicely finished walnut stocks nrivate bath. Box 823. Daily Price only $27.50 FREE with News. ttl) aboard th.i Trince George. RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 AMHERST, N.S. A record was established at the Red Cross obtainable thereat, shouia De filprt IMMFDrATET.V with the I fSfnVn1 L,, ?' .OT,uj?: FOR RENT Semi-furnl.hPd SIDNEY GONJ '" Service Comm!ssion Ot-1 blood donor clinic here when immediate possession. tint icriH rot ifl r.ir nOUSe r was accompanied by an ollii'i v destination being the hospital at Essondale. F:r years he h.i'l been doing odd jobs around tow i and had hr-come unwrll Hi came originally from over 1014 Alfred St. (255; l,lwa. ' 'in .Constable Anrlrpw nnff nf tho expense for full refund. Im- ikii dvwtiHMNl ll M( published iw dupUytd by L CftMrcl r-l Vy bt OjrMi ftf 9fMfe CtflMtla " 0 ft mediate delivery. Write for our cat.flloKun. CANADA'S ci MAIL ORDER HOUSE REPAIRS Box Cumplete Visual ' OFFICE HOI" a.m. W 5 P Green 491. (255c) ; ll.C.M P. made his 35th donation. Several others were over the 20 mark and a large number of new honors appeared. ' 852. OTTAWA, ONT. (tf) HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE OENERAL CONTRACTORS FOR RENT Rnom and boa d ,.,,, , ,., WATCH promut effl Kerxirr.i lor mm man T?p,ir,n nti 1 FOR SALE Household furnl-' ture. Black 338 (253p) MP7ZanlneFH cii-nt service. Oeorce Coolt Jeweller Satisfaction euaran led FOR RENT 41 U Drive. When friends come, show them the .p O'k'sH winter ' FOR SALE Blue size 16. Red 471. coat, (tfi A relppli"1" city with a 41 U Drive Pho--0tI. BURNER SPECIALIST-41 Grenville Court. Fraser St. , su.vo s rvi.-r ft Roftirs U U Building and Repair, of -11 kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS ffOR SALE Only two left, pure- bred Alrdale ma;p pups. $10 00 (2ii5pi usfm Hnrk 50 'tfi 5. Geo i ' (257p) . t each. Delivery Nov Storey. Evelyn, B.C REAL ESTATE "TTi v-iM D. ACCOUNTANTS TinllMKR SP FOR SALE Ladv's fur coat si? ulJK KWM HUUSE on 7tn - f i? f-nfSWon fism'A! Ave. West.. Owner leaving i-imi !C A: COUNT ANT In'omi PHONIS Black 834 Bed 894 P. O. Box 1870 nl r Fiiitim c;f innvilairri town. Available furnished or, Tux .specialist . Xot. N0.3UC,ty. (UP'S(l2d54V Seven !?:?-,.J ""0 Bnlldine. s o run Red S93 20m room house, furnished for t 'FOR SALE Last chance today: roomers or boarders, at $3000 1.. , Iv', ,.!;, i ""W1. i BITILDKRS & CONTRACTORS 4 m I diningroom fiiriiiiitj(jiii am suite, ;C. also l j ,-u ijuiiiiix ironing Fully furntahed ,. four . room . house! . . . , - . "U.:!1,,.ar (i board bathroom scales, child's ,-?Ju'"u S""fi0f,rm!-! "1.trtBINi. arid HHim. ,11, Ml. un - 1 . . ...tlnll C1 i pedal car eiect.nc neaier.itea - "V ' ".iV.k. Khpe Me work .Tar aiy Gravef Roofing. Call 629 btl nans""-"" service J B20. 111 5th East. wpi j ed porch: Available at $1500 vi IB an . k. . m r -v -m-m l r -. x., . i m v MATTSON'S UPIlOLSTERINa Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C on monthly down. Balance 'FOR SALE One standard-size i .,a ln,in. n"menis West. Phone 543. Letourneai nnrt fvn! " MODERN Paintln. and Decor a ting Spence and Matulk Phone Black 215. evenings or noon hour. P.O. Box 1111. (tf) ifftiiM itc r,r-ftif.-ii. Small two bedroom house on two , i 't.u ",o,A K v7 J . improved loU cement foot- mix f, IHttliu ll.w. -i- ?'' nri huspment Full nrum . .... i only' $2200 bhino8 FOR SALE Ace Chrysler, two Aopiy , , COMPLETE builders supplies This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Coutrol Board ot by th Government of British Columbia. iDVERTISING IN THE DAILY Ni.WS nronellers panel ooara w ie1 riooeri t. muumuw wiiuicu. r.ii service, isiuna vity ouuu S54 or BOX 501 (253p , (27 I a fiuiiDlies. Blu 820 tlSrnl