ii. ' .""JiiJlMsa.;xI;WMraj gJMMeliaiMta., , i i ..11.11. See I v, X$K&miM f H1LPOTT .. tv j .ur V sJSsr Men's oil-wool heavy Pants . . . good for Prince Rupert Daily News Sizes 30-46. Now Monday, October 30, 1950 Best of tailoring. $7.25 Covered Comforters ... for the Kiddies' Now - $1.75 I jo match the comforters.... 50c to 85c ,rfers Double bed size .... wonderful ction, trom $5.95 to $12.00 By ELMORE 11 PEACE HUE A KING THROUGH THE ORDINARY Canadian, living far from the big world capitals, may! mm ItsTno in the daily news brings results. not yet clearly understand why the prospects for world peace are so , much better. m 5 The war in Korea has taught Ray Reflects S Dom sides a lesson. The Ru3 HARVEST HALTED Grain harvesting in parts of Saskatchewan hs been held up, possibfy finished for the season, by heavy snow fan. After being soaked by rain,' thousands of acres of grain were buttered by the snow. Farmers fear there will be no more harvesting unless there Is a lengthy spell of warm weather. (CP PHOTO) i sians have learned that the J ; western democracies will resist and Reminisce , uy uimea iorce, any further Communist aggression, whether by Russian armies or by those of stooge governments. The Am second Rreai war. Handy sort of man to have around in 1951. Timely, Recipes ericans have learned that It 1 f lesion of fire crackers is a harmless enough practice, but not when tossed on a sidewalk. Prince Rupert has hundred of takes an overwhelming amount or iorce successfully to. turp. back a small aggressor like new youngsters arid some ride in Ford (Mechanics' Special) 225.00 Special Deluxe Plymouth 1700.00 4-Door Plymouth 900.00 Canada's destroyers in Korean waters are today described as "happy ships." Everyone, knows' they wre nothing of the sort., North Korea. They are under no "4"f t"?ge, wnue othprs illusions about the size of the fo"c ahead or behind. Anyway, Calvert (TpZzzh there's usually a crowd, coming only a few years ago. The situ task of defeating the Soviet Un CALVERT DISTIlim (CANADA) LIMITED, AMHERSTBURO, OMT. PHONE 566 J RUPERT MOTORS LTD. j Srcand Avenue and First Street and going. Flying fragments of ) ation resuiteu in an investigation, firecrackers can ruin a child' ; prompt and sweeping, and sine-sight They are Just about the then, a spell of active service fai' Plight for It. J ron1 hcme nas fone furthr ,r; 4t 77 I placing the war craft where thpy ion, if world war comes. oOo SO BOTH the U.S. and S.U (Soviet Union) have abandoned part Of their former most ob Ikai ttaWiBBnaat is MX published displayed br the Liquor Contral Boaisl " BAKED SALMON STICKS l'2 lb. can pink salmon 1 egg, beaten 2 tbs. evaporated milk ',4 c. salad oil '2 tsp. salt tsp. pepper 'S cup fine bread crumbs Flake drained salmon add ega, milk and seasoning. Shape into 8 rolls about 4 inches long; roll In bread crumbs. Put in greased shallow baking dish. Pour salad oil over fish sticks. Bake in hot O'.en (40d dearees Fj 25 minutes or until nicely browned. This recipe serves 4. Ac"d m-gred'.-mts prrportionately for , ,iaCj upt-ai u wanted to structionist positions. It la a if the two hirt. aH manv Prince Rupert people and During OctoVr, 445 British PROMISED PROMISED blocks had been ripmniitinn demolition singled out for disregarded. "".Jh "m .Money is wisely- . , 'eHimbiau families left to settle The U.S.A. now agree, to di,- WJ ' in 'of C. as a whole. Zlfll"? "!Jn LdJ",?V' 433 families fnm etewhere in ,ne "ome other land. Thers is so tin tin iTr.u c,m SP.i.U1.??i fused U"CltuS.am.?f.5e: much to see. There ere so m-iny the dominion came to locate in this province. That's a neat bai- to do so. The American pnntracrc Trtrtcj n Win nl Wc- position, from 1945 till Mr. Tru are slrrngers! become so much 5." KEEP WARM!! O Stonfield's Underwear Infants to Teen-age O Snow Suits O Parkas O Ski Pants eciditlonal servings. iTlhT ! 0(1OcJ?betr 2' 195; better infmed The prelum matter which the? trave1' was that Atomic Control must f ,rf, , fi , ui ill f .it-" Some Canadian.;, as we'l as . Use Classifieds lor Results. f ..Ce " L, "f.e" Attainment of this might be . , FROM Americans, ha'-T thcught of -o.o. sn.cm """hastened were it possible for i armament. nationals to mingle and dwell Cnina as a '"mmertime lard i T! c. : . t... I i i where the breeze never has au . I STARTS TO WORK 1 1 1 8s neighbors. ! mc ouviei, uiuun nas agreea, top."ther by words at least, that tlere , edge, and no snow drifts giv; 1 IN 2 SECONDS il -i Iv V. I a landscape, a seaching chill ann GEORGE COOK JEWELLER Assure you of Quality Value and Beauty. b'.?akr.e?s. Bv this time, thw knowledge will to widT and IrYTTrnfTTfri It costs more to be born and more to he buried than ever before, comments a contemporary. There are also a few expenses In between. O Mitts Wool, Leather and the ever-popular White Fur Mitts Doms Department Store must be "unconditional prohiDi-tion" of atomic weapons and "strict International control" for the unconditional implementation of this prohibition. oOo a1l I P I f: 1 1 mre evnnt. Tr rpr'n'n Fpavtnx. Chfri the Manchurian part of Chiha. at any rate) can be ai wintrv as Alterta or Montana, i IS RUSSIA in earnest, in T,nrrt Aipvanripr-s tprm nf r.f fl . .K- A climbing down from her former fjce as GOVemor General of Can- A man s fancv can at times be "7 Kfl r , position oi ioreigners Keep ada nas en extended another most misleading. ""' " year. He's a capable and poru- Up till now, no UN Inspector r V!c.roy as well as a soid'er . Jaines Comer arrived in tl- YOUR ALL AROUMD SERVICE cuuiu kci. iiilu ny .t- iic.c wn0 (jiStiRction citv won during one on the Camcsun yesterday Russia did not want those in- of the most critical sa?es rf ti e aftfrnom from Vancouver . spectors admitted. They were in - . . ,... flil BETTER FAST! f j jl 3-Diammd OR? .00 nent Ring . .. . xutr fact prevented by force from ' , going beyond the borders of j northern Greece or crossing ths dividing line between North and j 1 i South Korea prior to the open ew i ?neral war there.. In all the. long-, drawn-out arguments in the. Atomic Commission k. the rrai snag always was that Russia would not really listen to any proposal which would have given UN teams the right to poke into every nook and corner of the Soviet domain. oOo PRESIDENT TRUMAN did not put his finger on this core and crux of the world disarmament j problem as did our 'own Cana- Washer ectric STAND NCXF 70 NEW LIQUOR STORE . )3 j l - v a, 1 - .1 r. , , .. v fj. W Vxt Viih Pump Control ""$159.50 A - iSK B. C. POVfR CO. AND CLASSICAL TOO! Wit RUI'KKT 8TEWAHT, f) C dian spokesman, Hon. Lester Pearson. The latter told the UN General Assembly on September 27, 1950: "There is one very simple and direct test of the sincerity joi those who have made these far-flung proposals." Mr. Pearson intimated that at the right time Canada would introduce this amendment: "A. The right of free access at ill times to every atomic enersy installation of any kind whatso-ver; and ' "B. The risht to search for indeclired atomic energy facilities wherever there can be reasonable grounds for believing, In the opinion of the international control authority, t hat they may exist." oOo HIONE 210 c Chooss them from the largest stock and variety of records in the North. VJill they ever sffriExc oiD in your back yard? Ml ISA 9 BLUEBIRD C CAPITOL ' COLUMBIA e VICTOR DECCA O LONDON McRAE BROS. IRVING THE B.C. COAST m A. QUEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS . rtMlM Tl 1 VT' 17 I ' I I ' II T These far-sighted men and women are enjoying more of the good things of life than ever before, and at th6 same time protecting their loved ones now and building security fortheir old-age with life insurance. An exciting thought, isn't it? But of course you know the odds are hopelessly against your being that lucky. In fact, you don't expect life to hand you even a very small fortune on a platter. Or do you? o.-,nr AS MR. PEARSON says, "such in amendment to the Soviet resolution would act as the 'cuchstone of its sincerity." But in this whole war, peace, and disarmament question, vastly more than Soviet sincerity Is a stake. Are the U.S. armament manufacturers, for instance, now making the bigscst profits In history, likely to look with favor on disarmament, or even a halt in the armament race? That Iron Curtain has two sides, and in spots It's gold plat- Surely you want to help build this Take old-age benefits, for instance. kind of future security for yourself and PHONE 79 PHONE 79 ''OUT CLEMENTS JUSKATLA QUEFJ CIIAItLOTTK CITY ALLIFORD BAY CUMSHEVA INLKT IlyCE RUPERT : 0.00 A.M. 'Except Thursday and Sunday your family. Nearly 5 million Canadian life insurance policyholders are doing it now ! Undoubtedly many older people really need help. But no over all security plan is going to provide all the income you and your family will ever need in the future. Things just aren't going to be that rosy. 1 i cd with corporation profits, j BuJ, for all that peace IS I breaking through. N ARM ' IUNCE KUrKRT Each year over 200 million life insurance dollars are invested for policyholders in government and industrial securities. Result: new schools, roads, power plants and many other vital projects that promote progress and create jobs throughout the nation. X-te' Thu whlle ,,fe n,ur- STEWART ETi'C,tlRUFEU'r THURSDAYS 0 00 A M. Five million Canadians, among whom you are probably one, want and expect security and independence in their -ur FRiDAYs 0.00 A.M. VETERAN PUPILS VANCOUVER 9 Prospectors' nlr,ht classes will re-open hers November 2. The course has'bean ilven since 1918 under auspices jf ths British Columbia and Yu-icon Chamber of Mines.' later years. And they are ire planning for it UMoyO. raS- "nce heIR buiM unty . .... KtVu ' " Qt ,or yu n1 yours, it also their own indivi-" -rtn.T i. I . . to helpa raise your living now, in a way that suits s 'Kirrs ' rr iv. t'M'ORMATION RESERVATIONS dual and family needs, standards I PHONE 476 Itch... Itch... Itch 1 Was Nearly Crazy CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. ' " HOURS . Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. . 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE The LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES in Canada and their Representatives "ot nnd oth,T it. h troul. In. hot,,. 3 .iolhc. i rnw rea First te Itf r.rnai'lps h oVm'll'v brk A.k drai..t tot r.ngthl. O D. D. 1-re.SlSlcm t ordmnry ur ur. WORKING FOR NATIONAL PROGRESS BUILDING PERSONAL SECURITY Killas & Christopher Bldg. Air Freight on oil Flights Ho. CA 413-H-l lSllll 1 Hii. li.0 '