THIS AND THAT 2rfnr Rirprrl Dsn? netoa D3. Monday, Juiy 26, 13 Sport Shots SMSlfledB: Jc per wora per Insertion, minimum charfre. 80c Birth Notice : 60c; C&rufl ol Tnants, Death Notioe. Funeral Notices, kl&mag and Engagement Announcements: 2 SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICK Classified Advertising is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. FOR RENT BIRTH NOTICE Peggy Molly was born in the FOR RENT Large housekeeping room in private home in town. 613 3rd Ave. Phone Gren 780. (tf) Prince Rupert General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Stewart of Prince Rupert on July 20. The bay weighs 11 lb. There's a sentimental story j behind one of Britain's Olympic entries m the 4,000-metre bicycle pursuit race. It opened seven years ago when a 15-year old girl cyclist noticed 'a 17-year old youth racing for a rival club and decided to try to lure him into the boys' section of her club. She got her man-she married him. Now the girl Mis. Doreen Cartwright. is chief trainer for her husband, Cyril, 30-mile British record-holder and twice 25-miie champion. An ex-miner. Cyril spends the week-days working in his butcher shop. He trains at night, accompanied by his wife, practicing starts and finishes on country lanes around Chatham Hill in Cheshire. Mrs. Cart-wright is no slouch herself. She was in the group which won the Briti-sh women's 25-mile team championship in 1945 and 1948 FOB 5-rifc FOR RENT Small Furnished Cottage at Ferry Landing, perfect holiday location, $10 weekly. Neave, Francois Lake, near Burns Lake, B.C. 174 j POPULAR Sn i ' prices ZZsJdJ L 1 ,ii:&z''L) FOR SALE Boat "E.K." 28x67" beam, powered with 6 East-hope engine. Owner living aboard at Fishermen's New Floats, or write Box 373. Daily News. f 174 FOR RENT 4 room furnished apartment, private bath. Rent $30. 1805 8th Ave. E. 175 shared hitting honors, each eTwentv " ting ting three hits in five times at . FOR SALE Acme Stove with FOR RENT 3 roomed furnished i n ooccer 5.00. Box 1551 (175i suite. 1028 2nd Ave. Blue 270, after 5 p.m. (177) new grates. $: Prince Rupert. Upset Gives Co-op Win ; bat, although all of Dell 'a were i two-baggers, which should be ! some claim to advantage. "Since it's your birthday, you'll have to dry the dishes today, dear! suspense! game si-n FOR RENT 2 room apt. and single sleeping room. Apply 221 5th East. 176 j Co-op's scoring was confined to ! three innines. the fourth, sev FOR SALE 20 ft. cabin boat. Easthope engine. $150.00. Phone Blue 781. 174i enth and eighth. Their opening tar 'm a li 1 in ., the f,iftV fourth r.iiltrl resulted n n "8n arin.- Todatj in CANOE for Sale. $40. 530 Sixth i FOR RENT One large house barrage three runs not on Co-op hitting I the first j (174 1 Ave. East. Phone 648. British greyhound bookmakers, after a lot of grumbling, have decided to pass on the new graduated licence tax to you guessed it the public. The Bookmakers Protective Association recommends that all its members deduct a fixed sum, amount to be determined later, from winning keeping room and one sleeping room. 650 7th Ave. East. Red 471. tf Cellar Teams Battle In Softball League CO-OP 8, G. 4 A. 7 Co-op and Gorton & Anderson the two bottom teams in the city fastball league, mingled in conflict for nine innings Friday by four to team hud as the vi. i: Ing was a? FOR SALE McClary Cream Enamel oil or coal and wood range. 433 5th Ave. West. (176i i misled a p. ability but because of fau'ty fielding by G. & A. Only one of the runs resulted from a hit, the other two being the wages uf errors. In the seventh, however, two of their three runs originated from doubles by Foslulo nutl Pal- FOR RENT Furnished bedrooms, one single and one double. Kitchen and home privileges. Phone Blue 716. 174) bets. The men in the tmg the t. was fort)-;, doctor. T.-i' was Co.-br,1 FOR RENT Flat, hand Block. Apply Max Heilbroner, Jeweller. 'tf u" 1 ,, (; 'made a belated drive which suc- to tl $4 or ning single wagers up an g7 more than $400. But sixpence tory from the merchant. The in the pound will be deducted , win placed Co-op one step above bets. trom other winning j the hardware men in the league The tax was imposed in the ; lister, while Bill Smith got an George Hi. base on an error and scoret' from Mitchell, j Pallister'8 double. Cy Kcliett FOR SALE: We have several moderately priced homes for sale some with low down payments in good locations. Call us for information and inspection. Armstrong Agencies, Phone 342. Eves. Green 297. (1711 FCR SALE 1942 Dnlge Special Deluxe Sedan. Nev ly painted. Excellent condition. Apply 13 Taxi. (tf) iContjr FOR RENT 2 room apartment. 801 Borden Street. tft as left on base . , 'singled, but w; April budflet. It ranges from lb . surnames, to 48 for each race meeting I With both RUPERT DOWNS SMITHERS IN BASEBALL SERIES OPENER ANNUAL CLASSIC WITH INTERIOR WAS ALL BUT RAINED OUT Prince Rupert 2, Smithers 1 An All-Star Prince Rupert baseball team defeated an invading Smithers squad by a score of 2-1 Sunday evening in a seven-inning game salvaged from what was to be a nine-innig double header, first half of the traditional annual series between the two towns. Cancelled because of wet grounds was the after- noon game and the players'1 glanced cautiously at the even- struck out Morgan for the third ine skv before beginning the eve- out. WANTED In the eighth, Postulo sinpled and was scored by Smith. Smith in turn, came home on a single by Pallistcr. G & A. AB R H PO at all dog tracks having to- j losses behind them since the-talizators. The deductions will start of the season. Co-op re-exceed the tax. j versed positions with G. & A. Dy j virtue of having three victories What the Swiss describe as'as compared with tvo for G. & "our most valuable Olympic a. Thus these two continue to competitor" is on the way to,gee.gaw for tne nether position WANTED Car Datteries, car radiators, brass and copper; paying good prices. See B.C FURNITURE CO.. Black 324. (tf) StPveim, c .. FOR SALE New and Used Furniture and Hardware. Slightly used Bedroom Suites, Kitchon Sets from $12.50; Bed, complete $15; used Carpet in good HELP WANTED London. It's a model of Switz-tn tne ague celr. ,"u,,Cl " ' erland's greatest pride, her) Whatman, p Federal Sports Sshool. The 2ti- Last night's game developed; Dell, 3b hv-eieht-foot model, which into an upset which saw Um'X Smith, cf BOYS WANTED Boys desiring 0 4, 1 1 1 S lj 2 0 1 4 1 2 0 . 1 7 11 2 shape; Occasional and Kitchen j News routes should leave thsir ning game. However, they de-( SMITHERS ABRHPO names at the office as vacan-i cjied to take a chance which s. Homenuke, lb 4 Two ui J Chairs; enamel Wash Basmd $5; Underwood Typewriter in perfect shape; Office Chairs; VANCOtvtJ cost more than $4,000 to build, merchants set out to take a 4-0 Guthrie, ss 6 will be entered in the Olympic advantage in the first three inn-! Moxliy. rf 4 architectural competition. The tng. Then Co-op put on u'R. Smith, If 3 school itself is being built in drive which brought then- .peers, lb 4 the Jura Mountains at Magg- abreast of G. it A. in the seventh, 1 40 cies may be occurring any day.ipajd 0ff m seven good innings of !J. Hetherington, 3b .... 4 SALESMEN" ood aall. tie the SOggy ' Hetherington, If .... 4 AND AGENTS ground. , Emerson, cf a nyw unpainted Book Cases. Other useful household articles. B.C. FURNITURE CO., Black 324. (tf Tuesday. : Friday, 5 ; STEWART Sundays. : AB R H TO .4 2 2 2 lingon, one of Switzerland s continuing through to a two-run CO-OP most scenic spots. It will have lead m tne eighth which G. i Postula. cf PROFITABLE WATKINS BUSI- Smitners- Uefeai ws no fault Fletcher, rf, 2b 3 NESS in part of Prince Rupert L thelr pitcner, Carl Spicer, who Spicer, p 3 available for industrious man' thrnuah with a three-hit Arnold, c . 2 W. Smith, ss 5 Vuckovich, c 5 had DeLage, ss S 0 desirous of getting into a game Ater both teams FOR qn good-paying business of his de a run eacn in the first inn 1 Scott, 2b a 0 Parent, rf 1 0 29 1 FOR SALE Second-hand 3x12 planks, $25 M.; also fir or oak barrels, $1 each. Apply B & W. Transfer, Phone Red 182 (17l three terraces, one i.ww ieet, A were unaDie to overcome, up, will have several natural i swimming pools and a giant1 No particularly heavy hitting gymnasium. No. 2, at 3.400 feet, marked the game, although there , will be a "training village" and was a satisfying number of No. 3, at 4,000 feet, will pro- doubles, particularly by G. & A vide football and hockey fields who clouted 11 hits off Co-iri, S S. Coq-.: 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 8 8 PR. RUPERT AB R H PO Pallister, rf W. Ward, 3b Ooudy. 2b ... Kellett, p ... Scharff, rf .. Warren, lb .. own. Suitable for man in lng tney remain(.d tied until the good health nearing retire- gixt'n when pj-jnee Rupert third ment age. Average daily profits baseman Benny Windle hit a about $10. For full informa- Bing!e that paid of through a tion apply The J. R. Watkins fading error. 5 39 39 nxsi and running track. B. Simumlson, ss 0 Hartwig, 2b 2 Eluik, rf - 3 FOR SALE One Royal Portable Typewriter with case, new, $75. Box 370 Daily News. (174) Thlti Aft trlna T?nnPTt 7 27 pitcher Cy Kellett while Co-oi 'made seven hits off Whatmar i G. & A. moundsman. 1 Whatman, incidentally brought Smithers hit Co., lulu AJoerni at., Vancouver, B.C. (17?) for thre. ; BIGGEST PAYING PERSONAL FOR SALE Oil range, "Renown," pot burner type. Complete with j ! Vacationing with o Abel, c 3 Pavlikis, If 3 Windle, 3b - 2 Morgan, cf 3 Lambie, lb 3 new fan for perfect draft. This , FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE in J HORSE RETIRED in G. & A's first run off a single He was brought in by Vic Dell, third baseman, who doubled and later scored on an error. Dell and Vuckovich, of Co-op Points to chock before vou leavt singles in the first inning. Homenuke, first Smithers batter, singled and was followed by J. Hetherington who also made a hit scoring Homenuke. G. Hetu-erington and Spicer grounded out and J. Hetherington was tagged out w:hen caught off base at third. the Interior, stop at Telkwa Hotei, 244 miles from Prince Rupert, just half way to Prince George. (tf) 21 2 3 21 stove is in excellent condition. Price $185 less freight to Prince Rupert. Address reply Past Office Box 60, Burns Lake, B. C. (175) carefree holiday: Fracture in Race at Saturday Results in Stymie Going to Stail NEW YORK Stymie,. $1500 Smithers '. 100 000 01 ENGINE Tl'NE-l'P Maximum milts 4 Pr. Rupert 100 001 x 2 . Errors J. Hetherington, Spi-j Insurance against engine failure, Cinderella horse who became the ' world's leading money-maker, Baseball' Scores RRAKF. INSPECTION Safely and M cer, De Lage. winaie; kbi J A ThcPopulat S.S. Prince Rupert's first run w Hetherington, Lindsay; 2B G. todav was retired from raclne FOR SALE Brunswick portable gramaphone and about 20 records. Apply 1438 Overlook Street. r It i made by Bruce Ennundson, wno had the distinction of scoring without any official times ut bat. In three times he was at WHEEL ALIGNMENT Drivinc com wheel for long distances Prrvenln: wear. And last but not least a thorough I.INP' and know that every part of your car lubricated and checked includes umltr Hetherington; DPJ. Hether- BI1U wi" bj w a " ington, Scott and Homenuke; SH inS Purposes. -Hartwig; BB-off Spicer 4,1 Finishing fourth to Tide Rips T.inriKnv 1- Hits off Snirpr 3. i in the Monmouth Handicap Sat FOR SALE Only $65.00 buys PRINCE RUPERT Sails For SUNDAY National League Boston 5-8, St. Louis 6-6. Brooklyn 7-4, Pittsburgh 6-7. Philadelphia 8-2, Cincinnati 11-9. American League Cleveland 0, Boston 3. Detroit 0-10, Philadelphia 4-2. Chicago 3-3, New York 5-7. St. Louis 1-6, Washington 5-4. this lovely tapestry covered overstuffed Chesterfield suite. Red 516. (175i the plate he received three bases urdav at Oceanport, the Hirsch Lindsay 7. HP Windle- LOB Jacobs-owned tough turf vet eran fractured a sesamoid bom.. LINDSAY MOTO Smithers 7, Rupert 7; Time ot A double play J. Hetherington game 1:30; Umpires Scott to Homenuke, tagged ' atn Fnrman and Kerr. Ironically, he won on Saturday FOR SALE Girl's new tires. $15.00. Eat. bicycle with 108 7th Ave. 176 . PHONE Wifi out Pavlikis anci Windle for the S1500, the same amount as when he was claimed in 1943. first two out in the fourth. Spicer MACHINERY FOR SALE Stymie .'eft all-time high winnings at $911,353, Just short o! beln gthe first norse to win a GREER & BR! million dollars. SONNY BEYNON HEAVY HITTER Canuck Interest In Olympics Lagging LONDON Canadian interest in the Olympic Games appears to date rather indifferent. Less than $3,500 worth of tickets have been sold for the 17-day spectacle to the Dominion. VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE FORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Ft Information call or write Cltj or Depot Ticket OfXlcM PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) Pacific Coast League San Diego 6-4, Los Angeles 7-0. Hollywood 10-2, Seattle 7-3. Oakland 5-0, Portland 0-8. Western International League Bremerton 0-12, Wenatchee 5-3. Victoria 8, Yakima 7. Vancouver 6-8, Salem 2-3. Spokane 4, Tacoma 3. SATURDAY BUILDERS AND COSW But Vic Dell Most Consistent Batsman in Softball League FASTBALL STANDINGS 99 Taxi 5 2 .714 C. N. R. A 4 2 .667 Gen. Motors .... 3 2 .600 Co-op 3 5 .375 G. & A 2 5 .286 Repairs, Construction - Individual batting averages re METAL WORK Floor Sanding a Spffi PLUMBING Installations and ST. ANDREW'S WIN OPENER EDMONTON Vancouver St Phone RED 561 repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roofing. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) leased by the league scorer on players in the local softbali , league show that members of 99 Taxi team are still dominat-i ing this department. Five of the first ten players on the list are 99 men. Sonny Beynon leads : the league with a tov.-ering aver ! National League Philadelphia 7, Cincinnati 5 Chicago 3-6, New York 1-3. St. Louis 4, Boston 3. (Only secheduled games). American League Chicago 2-8, New York 6-4. Cleveland 5-1, Boston 6-2. Upholstering Andrew's defeated Edmonton j ijegionaires by a score of two to one Saturday in the opening At JOLSON AL JOLSON KIIKKIIT'K SALE In the Exi'lif-ipier Court of ( anarin The King vs. Harry Kowlmid Hriivpn Acting upon an order to me dir ! age of .600 but has been in action All ected by the Exchequer Court of jOHH H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue .I- c J I E f , fir' in only four games to date. Vic Dell of Gordon and Anderson, who has played in all of his team's eight league games, Canada, dated at Ottawa, July 13th. 1948, I have seized the property of the defendant, Harry Rowland Bea- I IITC MTFST nvrcA Ai.Hl" en, pom real and personal, comprising the peneral store, until recently, conducted and operated by the said Harry Rowland Beaven. at game of the tnterprovlnclal playdowns for the Canadian soccer championship. At the same time in Winnipeg, Winnipeg was winning 5 to 1 over Re-gina In another interprovinciai series. Second game will be played here today and the third of the best out of three series on Wednesday if necessary. 24397"! Want a Girl." "Where the Black-Eyed Sun Queen Charlotte City. B.C.. and Lot FURNITURE REPAIR St. Louis 13, Washington 2. Pacific Coast League Seattle 6-2, Hollywood 5-1. Sacramento 0, San Francisco 5. San Diego 3, Los Angeles 9. Ookland 4, Portland 5. Sacramento 4-2, San Francisco 3-8. Western International League Spokane 7, Tacoma 6. Victoria 6, Yakima 4. Wenatchee 3, Bremerton 2. Vancouver 4, Salem 1. 23 and 24. Block 6, Townsite of 24398 "When the Red Red Rl"in C"1 Queen Charlotte City, Map 034. has compiled a very impressive average of .571. Two other players in the league have an average of .500 even E. Pierce of 96 and R. Overgaarde of the now-defunct High School nine. General Motors is the only team in All of which is hereby offered for aie dv tender, for cash. Tenders should be sealed and ad Along." "Someone Else May Be There "M7riQ ... Ma nt Mo" dressed to the Sheriff. Prince Ru pert, marked "Tender." Tenders Adverting in tie lally fcewsi must be In the office of the Sheriff, or In the Prince Rupert Post Office not later than 12:00 o'clock noon. Dunlopillo Foam Rubber Cushioning; Plastahide Baltaflex Plastic Artisto Table Covers and Curtains the league which has failed to place at least one player in the first ten. Here are thp averages of the mm Saturday. AuKUSt 14th. 1948 Tenders to be made for the store stock, and 24400 "There's a Rainbow 'Rinl "About a Quarter to Nine-' DECCA ALBUM NO. A-64M L. Vanetta, C.N.R.A 433 A. Slater, Co-op 421 J. Pallister, Co-op 405 . ' t th real estate separately. The hlKh- IRON FIREMAN est or any tender not necessarily accepted. Inventories of stock may be seen BASEBALL SCHEDULE STOKERS GET 30 MORE HEAT top ten up to July 26: W. Beynon, 99 Taxi 600 V. Dell, G. & A 571 E. Pierce, 99 Taxi 500 R. Overgaarde, Hi School, 500 N. J. Gurvich, 99 Taxi 483 D. Shier, H. S. & 99 Taxi 471 J. Rosedale, 99 Taxi, . .433 LOVI NS Matli i WRATH ALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing. Printinr Enlarrinsr QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies at the office of the Sheriff, Prince Rupert, at the Police Office, Queen Charlotte City, or at the District Police Office, Court House, Prince Rupert. Dated at Prince Rupert, this 20th . day of July. 19411. M. M. STEPHENS, Sheriff. July 27 Merchants vs Moose SMITH & ELKINS , Phone 174 Box 274 (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 July 29 Savoy vs Moose Aug. 1 Savoy vs. Merchant