I M.P.'sWIFE VIEWS OTTAWA Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, January 12. 1050 I LETTERBOX y- iuit-iT in IDEAS and' modem MATE? SEE - An liidtwnrlPiit rtnllv newsprijvr urvnc;! to 1e upi.imnitf ot prince Rupert fctld Kll vin.H.mitlM" colouu. I:w ll'lliv.n ;,,.! I :l ,- !i T..,..l.tt Amlv.x i'f-.! n:, Sf.onn ol. Mail. Irt On ice Department. Ottawa) .. P'Hiiihr-tt every nfirrnoon except Sundny bi Pt,n4T ?'WPJiZ"7 "1 ard AvPl'- Prince RtiiH-n. British Columbia. m'-l"S Kuit-or. I! a. PERRY. Mnnaeiim Director. MKMrtffc OK CANADIAN PRESS .M'DIT riURF.AU OF CIRC'VUATIONS CANADI AN DAILY NEWSPAPER AS.SCX'I VTION fcUKKCKIPTlON RATKS fn, Jitj Utror. fer Ween, j, c. ivi Mourn. Sc. Per lew. 18.00 -IiSs S-V(Tr - - I'f Mall. Per Month ' 50c. Per Year S 00 IIAINSWOKTH TO FA fit F. Editor, Daily 'News I must commend Eric Fame on becoming president of a Union. However, I drm't like closer! shop and never will. A person must be free. Thank you. ERNEST HAINS WORTH. i Mrs. Applewhaite Is Impressed By Beauty of Canada's Capital Ci'y ," by Jay Kullander "There is so much in Ottawa that is beautiful and interesting:," said Mrs. Applewhaite in speaking of her sojourn in the capital city,, "that I feel I haven't half touched Ottawa but I hope to see much more on my next visit.." The wife of the member for Skeena was enthusiastic about the beauty of the - ISLAND city ti-fi V i ! for them to get home for week- ' c-nris were invited. We were ruite royally entertained. Wc v.ere met by. the mayor of tlu-city of Hamilton and by officials of the Stvtdebaker Motor Company. We were driven through the city in a fleet ot Studebaker cars and even had :i motorcycle escort. The whole f.ur which included a trip to Masara Falls and a visit to tha Kovereian Potteries was so en-j joyable and so well-planned: that we were all very favorably impressed w.th Hamilton.'- I "Indeed," concluded Mrs. Ap- j plewhaite, "I very much en-: joyed the fall session in Ou.i-j wa 'and I am looking forward to seeing Ottawa in the Spriny." OLI) MAIL SERVICE , et men. Indeed it is the 'cross-j ro.cis of Canada, i . "Also in the Buildings there ' wains v.licie the v.ivcs of - members can entertain. Many 1 fictions are held. in the Parli- r-oient Buildings. At the beiti-nins of the session Mrs. May-hew, wife of the minister of tisheries. gave a t'.a for ths vivos of new members. Mrs. Wayhew was very kind in giving advice and helping newcomers. We found time to do a little shdit-seeine. There are many beautiful clr.ves through residential areas, along; the Rldrau C.ui.il. and t.hr.ni '.h the Gatin-e:;u Hills. Of course, Ontario Is very thickly populated and l here are many cities within jtasy acess of Ottawa. VVc had a particularly enjoyable visit to Hamilton. Instil). ns a ?' p Ly Mr. Ross, one of the member.'! iiain HnmiUon. Many of the :. embers and wives from dis-ir.cts which wtre too far away OF I IN THE SUl'KKMK COURT "i'i.it.KV silt, General It..,i,i,.rs. 505 McBr'de St. , Saving Pi For iMIKINg TEA 18 33. the Xscii".--1 , cir.ly a uis hd a -eJiilar twics-dpil majl and passenger service b?- " Wmit ?t dam and The Hague: BRITISH OOl.DMMA IM PROHATK IN THE MATTKR OF TI'E "ADMIN-j ISTIlATrON ACT" j AND IN THE MATTER OP THE KSTATK OK THOliVAI.I) CTOfKIAND, UK-CEASKIJ. INTKSTATE j TAKE NOTIC'K that bv ircli-r of. His Honour Juclj;p W. O. Kulton. l.o-cnl Jude of the Supreme Cmi-t of Ilritish Columbia. I was on the 5th tiny of jHiiunry. A. D. 1950. appointed Administrtitor of the estate of Thorvald Sttxkland. liitr of Strom Biiy. Bflttsli C'ohitnlJlii. utio dtfd on the loth day of September, 1949, lit Strom Bay. British Columbia. ': All per.sons Indebted to ttifc said , evtate arc njuired to pay the amount ol their tiitlettoliie' to me forthwith ! nrid all persons havin ehilniH arainst I the Kit id Etiit ni'e retjuired tu file them with nie properly verittecl im'ir before the With day of h'olruary. : 1950, fuillns; which distribution will be matte having rerd only to such li.Olt,.-, uf MltU.ii I ..hall ItU.v' bail notified. Dated at I'rlnre Rupert. II. C. this Oth day of January. 19"m C.OKlKiN IliASKR FORIIKS OH ll'HI. A!M' Irf'I UA TO.K PRINCK ItLI'KKT. Ii C ( HI) Men's SUITS -.; wool worsted. Arc' gain, perfect fit- v Men's TOP C0A Medium Melton smartly tailored barqain .... t city and of the Parliament Buildings. "Every time I entered the Buildings I Celt proud that I am a Canadian," she said. - "Ottawa is different from any other city I have seen," she continued. ''It has an atmos-' phere all its own. With all the members ot parliament and the many civil servants it is a busy city but it does not have tho fcu.stle of an industrial city, i There is an old world stmos-; pnere around the centre of Ot-! tawa the houses are very old : ..nd of former style arohitec-: Lure.'' "Every street is lined with ! maple trees and from Uip Peace i ioer Ottawa presents a scene of green with spires of build -! inss showing through, th:ui;',ti of course in the fall the greei ; ;, ellows. The trees provide home-; pave way to brilhint reds and ! lor many black squirrels and '( can often see these cun-: ning little creatures scamper -! ins about." 1 Mrs. Applewhaite attended '"nv of the sessions of Parlia-nvnt, sometimes two a day. "I found the sessions intensely 'nforestin;? and educational." h said. " I was particularly struck wdh the spirit of co-op-f.iticn that existed. The mem-lrrs of the povernment and of 'he opposition ton seemed to be .' orking together for the Rood if the country. The members vor!'cd kin':, hard hours. My husband left for the buildings at 8:30 a. m. and often worked .liioti li until midnight." " ?1;n;stpV R I.1U"- t lit and MadaiiU' St. Lauitut, .Mrs. Applewhaite said: "Can-. d-t his reason to be proud of .ii"h wonderfrl leaders, they e so able and sincere. Mad-fm St. Laurent is very charm-in" and a true wife and moth-(r." "The members did not have to leave the buildings for meals ai there is a very beautiful di.i-Inu-rcom in tlu Buildings and in it one will see many promin- M.l. m i 489 f-Jt& Men's DRESS SH;! big selection fn-.rr.' Men's T I E S KMC. i 'lifts. Latest -Jin', men your ,f , . Cold Blues ''V 1" J-;! traliMv-src- ( " 15 A WONDERFUL PICK-ME-UP! ' ' :l , , 3 i r H,f. n:.e Vifks a-tio-.wi helps V from Men's SWEATER oullovcr and ,i; styles, wools, oil . from t M st.'ls tins f..;;;;,ili..j,tsrufcruu1e EALAGNO FLORISTS Phone (ireen "87 It'ix II'); I buiui- t..tii:.. - I WW a:uii i oet -"' 11 a " mQHS hXZf&Vl nose oacPS Men's TR0US:?.sJ J k 10 N F O N E CALKIN S TEA CABS Slant! : York Hold; 3rd Ave. dress, oil wool -ood assortment f rorn t Men's oil wool f heovy SHIRT-JAC good shades. R bargain ', Men's SOX l selection, new i good quality, frorr, Boys' SHIRTS -shades, from .. . ! Boys' SWEATERS assortment from Boys' SUMS i dine c'.oth, do; breasted smartly : ed, bargain for $ Boys' PANTS, c malkins BEST REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED m wm- Ah i l It. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) 1 worsted, all wool ! 7?oB EsaBsnaaDEBiiaBmn fmartly tptloretj,. from ! Boys' and Girls' ST INGS and SOCKS from EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.II.A. Phone Green 8R3 Ron 56 FINE PRINTING at REGAL PRINTERS V I ll Jill ' III n MMMmKIa' li W I wit- F-Is2Ssil3 PIIOXK 21 222 Second Av- JOHN H. BULGE! OlTOMKTtMM e . John Bulger li Third Avenue SPECIALIZING In Designing and Remodelling "Riiss" Gatzke CONTRACTING Kox 1558 I'hnnp Hlack 27!) You win if you like Robin Hoot! better than any flour you've ever used, liecause . . . You'll have found the best flour for all your halting the guaranteed all-purpose flour the flour that's used by 4 out of 5 First Prize Winners in baking contests! You get your money back, PLUS 10, if after two bakings with Robin I tood, you'ie not completely satisfied that your baking is better. The g(K)d-as-gold certificate in every bag guarantees this and any dealer will gladly refund your purchase price, plus if yon return the unused portion of jour bag of Robin Hood Flour. Of course, Robin Hood has an amazing record of successful, baking. For all kinds of baking bread, cakes and pastry. That's why, with Robin Hood, ypu get this assurance: YOU CAN'T LOSE ! YOU MUST WIN ! The actual record is this: 4 out of S women who win First Prizes for home-baking use Robin Hood Flour! Better order some today - - you'll soon realize why. Prove to yourself how much better Robin Hood Flour is: Get a bag and try this recipe. ROEIN HOOD POPOVERS 1 cup sifted Robin Hood Flour 1 cup milk V teaspoon salt 2 eggt VA teaspoons melted shortening What wonderful pulTcd-up popovers you make the Robin Hood way crisp and gulden outside-, light as thistledown! 1. Preheat oven to 475'F. (Very hot oven.) Place approximately 9 thick muffin pans or custard cups in oven to heat while making hatter. 2. Measure sifted flour into sifter, add salt. Sift toother into mixing bowl. Add milk gradually, beating until smooth. 3. Iieat eggs until thick and light. Add to flour and milk mixture, then add melted shortening. Brat for 2 minutes with rotary beater, batter .should he thickness of heavy cream. 4. Remove pans from oen and grease thoioughly (butter gives best flavor.) Pour batter intu pans, filling half-full, 5. Hake in a very hot oven 475' F. for 20 minutes, then reduce heat to 350' F. (moderate oven) and bake 20 minutes lunger. Serve warm. Yield approx. 9 popovers. Tune In 200 New Used Withdrawn YOUR CHOICE BROADWAY CM I (i for $1.00 Best Fc i 0 ""j 20c coch J I ' ,11 Cll WWW1 .. ... I 1 "RITA MARTIN'S MfSICAI. KITCIIKV" Mon.-VVcd-Fri. rv 1 tours i a.i- " ' For Take-Home Orders Phone 200 "MOXRY HACIU PI.rs lO",," itfr Trans-Canada Network I Mt fjr FREE HELP WITH I Itoliin MooH Hour is cuwriTrro to oivr 1 CTtck unsrcTtoN thah my othim riuun mil ?S 7 . i YOUR BAKING I Ij 7 . I ft CND VOL.H Of ALFH II AliTHOHtZro TO ftrUHO THE VN i FULL PURCHASE PRICE with AN EXTRA 10- '0 FTitt two Brtioi vmt ant hot TMOWouf-.MLV SIS',;1;;:'" 'tou"' . r. , Values (or You KobinllocMllloiir Mills I.imiled j pi 47 f i 9 Lunch Kits Pyrex Ware - 1ir f WWU, Pocket Knives 9 Percolators Covered Roasters O Thermos Uotiks Here is the certificate If you would like any help with your baking any special tips, new recipes or ideas please wpte me and I'll be plad to pivc ymi any assistance possible. Just address your enquiry to me you will be in no way obligated. Director, Home Service Department, Klin Hood Hour Mills l imircd, ,r 300 St. Sacrament St., Montreal, IlI ' HfiHlIiiiers Tj Tri light Lamps, silk shades 1615 W Boudoir Shades .98 O j Boudoir Lamps 2.75 Table Lamps, silk shades 1600 Gainsday Ironers 129.50 General Electric Radios 19.95 to 269.00 Single Burner Hot Plates 3.35 Electric Heaters 9.30 to 48.00 General Electric Washers ' with pump control 149.50 containing our unique guarantee. There's one in THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. IH every bag of Robin Hood. m i'. KZi ' TREATS NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. LTD. To Start the New Year Right Remrr Block PKINCE RFPERT, B.C. Phone 210 STEWART, B.C. tsaked tresh daily RUPERT BAKERIES LTD. f,n 3,(1 Av- rhoric 613 !