' . . ; , . 4 Prince Rupert Boiiy Hews BliBaftfaaaaBaBaMaBBaagtBaBaaaaBBa9aaKfiiiiifiaiifeiiiiBBBBaiiiaBfeaii u.-r . . , . i ... i Thursday, Jarwiary 12, 19j(, tilllllllllll litilltllltlfii IV ; -..''UiiTTT! jzr I S. Norman. . Cwur n j, j Pho; Grant Harris if; P- Melv'n. Vanw; McLean. Vani-om.f.. , 5 tin, Terrace; ' Westminster; r. P(,,' Westminster; Dr " Black, city; o. o p o ii in-. a 'lieiu; u. Sullivan s,r fver; M. Brook,, Va(.; J : Hanson, city; W. j j,;" a i naimo; John sti "t B! W. Warren. V;incmiVP, Idonnld. Vancouver j . H;couver; V. D. M-Mii;,.' B; ver; G. A.. Bell. Var-' "jand Mrs. Gentle.-;, varc a.und Mrs. S. Sinythe.'v B S. L. Rooney, Var,crm(! i O. Soloniuk, TeiTa-p ,;Mrs. I. W. Soyrt.'v,,,; BiV. Critchley. Vancom, a Clerkson, Vann uVM, AIR p.'ci-vJ 1 I m I I To Vancouver tadu u Short, G. Ancior.son. H ! B ' B'rorti Vanirouvpr iw ! C. Lipsin, T. H. w , Murray. B From Samfciiii lit ' - -A. Hansen. H. Teichr, V r 1 I I I 1 1 r-V ( 111 JW I Ben Sr.mp.son retiK . J ; el1y yesterday on tlw a j George after spend,-B.ni.is season in souther - ..J1'J', 3 lila. He flew f.m;h. couver. His sisicr's h I.o Ani'.eles. Mr. S,in the stories herd in p rei t ubouk iijeiement , omul Vancouver, anl of the nijrth w stem ... are not overt! rawn T been propeitv loss. 3: sbiirp. cold ruins 5 storms. i T. H. Wil'orri ipiiirr,, icily on yesterday's pfe brief trip to Vancouver Wont to receive further ! merit. " a V (TW) C(J Never before lias llieie Ijopji a B.mhI January Sale to iiutH-h tliirt one! Never Jefore,liave you seen siieh fine niirte-rials, such pinai t new pattern ami tliades, siieli Miprrh tailoring at lliU top value price of $29.73 . , . HUS FXTR;V PANTS TliKE! No' bonder rreiy year iiiore oiul more- nten turn' Kf l.quf Control Sevd bf ( Brifc Columbia. 1 fere'st reuf eeonomy, extra value, extra r.Viirl Save up to $1 9.."() on a Ilond ta.;;r'i!-t. measure unit . . . and iii Milditioit gel an extra pair of pants i m:i:r Take your elioiec of a Hide array f attractive fabrics . . . MorMrd erex, fhtunels, tweeds . . . select . , . ...... . ' , nr mvh tyle, sinh? or doulile. ' lt;'asiejr . . . in Bond'i sensational .. January wile. Prince Rupert m ! Flowrrs for All Otn 1300' 3rd Ave. Box 516 lo Bond or good-looking romlWlaltle .IotIies at tlie leKt;valieiS'in tonii! .-,'1 s to, I 2 i Save all along the line on BONDS FINE SUITINGS (Always Prompt and t We're Here to Sen Commodore "Hospitality and G Phone 17 for Send-Oul 3rd Ave. David O v!'v fl- kn& f -Bund. J ii"ludel in iIhh scnsaioiial January Sale a real money-saving oppoininity t orclct your EaMer mmi NOW! Clioose from a $tore.vidc assortment of the wiiarlet, newest fairies in every wanted colour, pattern - and style , , , piTcision-iailoiTd in llie.Bwid maimer lo your individual nieasuie i , with ail ex Ira pair of pants F15KK!., : . ' , . ' $39.75 fXTM pahts free ; . ; . i . . . '. YOU SAVE s16 r, H4;7r WT4MNT$mE.V.'.:.... YOU SAVE $17 19 75 KTM fANTS FREE , . . . i . . YOU SAV10 50 ...all wifh EXTRA PANTS FREE! 7 . Itrriiciirf.-i-.- 'J liirt ViiIc U for l:mS-l iW a ii-.N. M.t j.:lr tt.-;,,, i U.m.l ( Uiih. Sboji t-jrlv i.hioi i. for Ixitt Bi lrctiiMt. Vv.u?t . .ilufv llire wwli for 4i lit iy. ' ' f ' , , A WORD TO THE can y Blue -3 992 '' it For the best Guaranteed Radio & iriiio RAD f fflPECIT DEfJ'S b B0YS iinj my 217 Sixth Street, Prince Rupert B.C. "Phone Black 895" . JOUT OF THE HIGH RENTJ) I STRICT" For Satisfactory 5 1H 9 ii.l Ave. t 'rT?TT,T?"pTfrf!;T;TffT?ffn TT"