Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, January 12, 1000 $ 8ws FOUR Announcement Mi COLOR PICTURES, North-. west Bible College, Coquitlattt! B. C. Friday 8 p. m. Regular; Baptist Church. Don't Miss These. (10) Capl. W. C. Poulton, divisional commander of the Salvation i Army, was the speaker today at! the regular w eekly luncheon of j the Prince Rupert Rotery Club I HAta . ToutnameiiV All Welcome. W.OXI.1 January 12 AUUrmUtm Pancakes! Civic Centre Bridge January 13. Canadian Legion Easter Sale April 5th. V1 Grade A large epgs lu cartons. 47c. per dozen .at Sheardowns. Quality Guaranteed. 9 W. M. Watti and A. S. Nicker-8on j left on today's train lor a business trip to Smittaers. j Members of the Rotary Male ' Chorus are advised that rehearsals will be resumed Frl-: day 13th at 8 p. m. Civic Cen- Canadian Legion The Ten Pin League will hold a special meeting at 7 p. m. this Thursday In the Triace Rupert Bowling Alleys. (9) Jack Martin, inspector for the Department of Public Works of the Provincial Government, is a Prince Rupert business visitor. He I'liived yesterday aboard the northbound Prince George from ijifctoria. Card party, I with Piesldcnt R. G. Van dcr j Sluys in the chair over a good at- ! U ndance of members and a few guests. Capt. Poulton spoke of "D Day" landing in Normandy ol the Canadian forces. . Jan. 13. Card tournament. Catholic Hall, January 19. Scotch Dance January 20th. tre. (10) I.'.- IT .T Oddfellows Hall. Salvation Army Native Home. Birthday Tea and Sale, Jan: 20. Classified ads bring results. (Fashion Try this Tempting LUNCH or SUPPER TREAT IVCKWHMrt Rflw Us xv m. ICOMOMf ( Cathedral Sale April 13. w am Mrs. Peggy Dupuis has resigned as statistical clerk at the Prince Rupert Health Unit and her place ha.s been taken by Mrs. Anne Shaw who until recently; mm operated a candy making shop here. . 8. O. N. Whist and Dance-Friday, Jan 13 Wbisl, 8 o' Bill Scubv's . Ki&mz?-- -;i t Made so measure clock. Music by Mike Colussi. ! Refreshments. Everbody Wellcome. (10) I K. T. Applewhuite. M. 1'. for 00 1 1 . i " I CLOTHING V I Skeena. will sail Sunday nitwit on the Coquillam for a week's visit to Stewart and Premier. Mr. Ap-i piewhaite had pliuuted Boing to jfimithcrs last night but cunccl-lcd th et rip for the time" being lowing to. the uncertainty of train I service. i MV a a I. rnntfnrr I- SPECIALS Muskrat Backs $275.00 Coney Coats (No. 1 rabbit) sizes 10-20 $ 89.50 Many Many More Sale Values - BILL SCUBY FURS - 3023rdAve. Box 1632 Phone Black 416 1 BUY YOUR SUIT NOW DURING THE FASHION- t Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stiles will ! return to the city at. the end of the month from Vancouver 1 where Mr. Stiles has been re- i. ,T l ..kUSV ? ITT. a i.i.ivi!i nirviiii iiuuicai u rat- ; incnl fo rthe past few weeks. Mrs. Lance Stiles returned to the city on the Prince eGorge yesterday from Vancouver and reported CRAFT SALE, AND SAVE $1500 TO $20.00. Smart Styling Fine Tailoring Your Choice of Fabrics . At GReATLY REDUCED that her son was doing splndidly l' U UiXI yy Women's, Children's " l f - ! i and Men's Shoes 'r fY . 1 special : i 'l L If 1 Stadium Boots FRIENDS RECENT HONOR BRIDE -iassified Advertising is payable in advance. Please refrain from lephimin Classifieds, 2c per word per Insertion, ' minimum harm- !oc. Birth Notices oOc. Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices, Notices, M,ii tiu;'c and Encasement Announcements: $2. hl'tClAl DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE PRICES Mrs. Oscar uohnson. : married, was pleasantly surpri y v. . -. i : sed Monday nieht when a num-' ber of friends called at her home I.DST AMI FOUND FOR SALE Tenders will be received ov tne undersmned uo to noon of Fridav. January 20th. for Die purchase of one .ci. oi Snau-on nn:rhanics' LOST-Dark brown male ira-1 The evening was spent in play-ov 3 months old. 001 &th East h,g games and sinjrine. Refresh-ulue 2U7 . ,9) .mcnts were served by Mrs. J. LOSTRinu of kevs. between Christensen and Mrs. T. Boullon. While Apt. and Roval Bank .Ihr tA0 1;uUf ; wcrc n.ssiMl,(i bv Fine er uluase return to Dally -News Miss Margard Johnson. Tne '9': bride was presented with a pajr !ur bed room lamps. Friends pre- 1 II .,'1 II U'AVTin ffiteftj" ''n 'umjlm I FAMILY SHOE ! STORK L1.MITEI. T j f- 1 T JT fi ,n llfT iti1 ! JrdAve. Box 638 Fh. 3.77 PHOTO FRAMES Frame Type Mounts Sec our fine selection of glass and metal frames WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing """ tools. Ariuiiceiiients to view the Iool. in.iv De made lv eon-t.ictinu tlie undersmned ut Kooin 13. Court House. Prince Runert. B. C. Terms strictly: casii Hichest or anv tciuter. not jccc.s;u llv .ucccoUkI. . i G F. Foibe.v Oltieial Admin-, Istrator. Administrator of the estate of Axel Eric Beruliiid, Court House. Prince Rupert. B. C. '12. ' FQIt SALE -Tenders will be received uv liie undersicned un 1 - 1 sent were M"s. J. Christcnsen. WANTED-f.XDerlenced person ! Mrs. T. Boulter. Mrs. R. St rachen . to care In own home for two Mrs R .Frankiin, Mrs. B.. B?ri. babies eldest 2 years. Apply p R , Mr--. U. McLcod, Box 041. News. (10) , . . Mrs. B. Ado!p!i. Mrs. B. MeLash- WANTED Reliable House-' en, Mrs. f. Stewart, Mrs. I. Keener. Auplv Box 640 Dady MitcheIl Mk. c. Collison. Mrs. CWS .'P. Ratchford ond Mrs. F. B'-ny im.V W ANTLD FEM.M Ji CHIROPRACTOR HELP WANTED - Applications will be received bv the undersigned ud to January 201 li for nosition clerk in City Engineers Office. Knowledge of tvnlnu essential. Aoulv in Own handwritinc. statinc age. marital status, previous ex-uerience. etc. D C. Stewart. City Enuineer 1 1 Watch for Ihe . . . . . NEW 1950 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH: You get the Good Things first from the ' Chrysler Corporation - High Compression Engines. Hydraulic Brakes , Floating Power All Steel Bodies . Automatic Over Drive Transmission Fluid Drive M And Many Other Firsts See your locol Chrysler Plymouth Dealer HVl'ERl MOTORS LIMITED lohn F. I.. Hushes. D.C., Ph C 21-22 Besner Block Phon HI.CE 442 for Appointment - hoi us to noon of Monday. Januuv 3()th. lor the uurchase of the hereunder described trap-line and cabin situated thereon, louetlicr with contents. Contents consist of miscellaneous household et feels and eear and live dozen traps. Coininencinu at NW corner Lot 41j on Chuck iwalla River. South 1 mile: SKlv 2' poles to head of Mack Creek; NEW 2-'i miles to SW corner H-X.iGl: Eiv 3'4 miles to head Farrara Creek. 8. miles: N 4 miles: W. 2 miles to head ol Lone Creek: SWIv C, miles to head ol Als Creek: SWlv 4',, miles to head of Rise Creek: Wlv 4N miles to point of i-oilliiielici'ineiit. keepiie? clear ol adjacent tranlines and private uroncrtv. Lati-liide-51' 41)'. Loncitude-128 cash High !i ' I 10:30 Bin. tn I'Ja" pen a"t 2 t'i 5 m ; l.MNtis M.mUy snicJ rrlUiiy. 7.30 p.m. for thusr litmhlr. 1.1 runie (tlirlnu thr 'pull on 1 Now k. Brown, Red Ml Heels ID SIZES IN SLIPPERS ,'s & Women's king Bools $6.95 RA SPECIAL! U.L HAVE A FEW OF CHILDREN'S XI'ORDS AT i.00 OKEN LINES IMEN'S SHOES from 5 to $6.95 F ARE ONLY A OF THE MANY AINS OFFERED AT THE 1!LY SHOE PRE LIMITED bo :m ph. 357 1 1 dHV Ufctin iilM.S r lii mlmd- i t i.iMa 11 rij.rm uin WANTED - Home for three school children. F.iv B. Gam-blin Phone Green 471. GO' PIKSONAl PL"MBING and Ilea Mm? Kli.'el. Metal work, tar and I BE PENNYWISE IS ill" iiHiMi!!!!!!,,!,!:!!,:!;;!!!!,,!!!!!,;,!:.! '!!lil e ravel rootin" Plion" fvt3 II Sixth A"". We; M XCM M'EAMhK est or anv tender not necessarily acceolcd , . , (i F Forbes, ollicial Admin-:, Istrator tin- Lstale of John Dave Watson Harris, deceased. .aii i;::. I etournc ili au and Sons. PRINCE GEORGE Court House. Prince Rupert. H. i : ' :' sJlL, 0m We now have a complete supply of Rubber Heels Shoe Tacks, Shoe Loccs Leather & Rubber Soles Polishes & Brushes IF YOU Alt E IEAVING or mov- i to another home let Arm- I strong Agencies sell vour ! house For nroinnl alU'idion; illume :U2 or Green 2117 I eves ! i (Hi SAILS FOR VANCOUVER FREE! An oilcloth baby bib with every purchase over .1 (10. MeBride St Plione 311 At the for i Red ! U3t WILL TAKE IN Children Workinv. Mothers. Phone litl. Intermedial. Ports anil FOR KENT FOR SALE Coal and ranee and electric nmc.ette. Used two weeks. Barnaul. Plione Black 730. IIP ATIONALI.Y iVNON NAMlv1-' Lin-t)i'lt Speeder .Sli )ve! . Cranes. Auain ; Hoac Graders; Llitlelord Bros. I Blact Top R ind M-ilulf nance ; Kdtnniiieiit; Ov.,11 t'laiu .hel Bucket and Rock Grapples'.) I' i. .siiiiiIi Concrete Miter-: Ciaik Fmklilt Tiurks; Neismr 3ucket l)adcis tor Slocknile, and Snow R'iucval; Ri' e I oi l- ible Pumps; Na-j lonai uit niie isei apers ana : Huekels: National Ad I 1 Siecpiim room Oad (th ! FOR. RKNT 7lh K, Red 471. Each Thursday t It :!." p m. For KETCHIKAN IVFIINESBYY MIDNIGHT For Reservations; Write or Call FOR RENT - Electric norl.iblc .sew tit!! machines. $5.00 n' III d 40V Headquarters for WINTER SPORTS EQUIPMENT Skis and Ski Equipment . V. ' C.CM. Matched Ice Skate Outfits Campbell Badminton Racquets and Shuttlecocks Sleighs 518 Sril Ave? Box 1 lt month. Call 04 Sinner bew-hm Centre. - (U) n Sleenin" room on i FOR RENT hoard and Will. room. Phone Black (Hi CITY OR DEPOT' OFFICE PRINCE RUPKH" 13C. FOR RENT Room for unlet workine. cirl in nnvale home (1(17 3rd Ave. West above blv e Beaut V Shop at rear. 10 Uasoline Sloists, Nation.' ; iMitaUie Sunnll... N.Uiuo.d, ,olarv Sereins and Omiv.-vo. . Full inloiiualioii from Nil-, ttonal Machineiv Co. Lt'U Vancouver, li C I )U SALE New fc Used Fund-1 lure. Hardware Olticc Fix-. tures.Eleclric toasters, Ciui.s und saucers, siokci' hewing; Machines. China Ct.bine l.s, Pr.vss Irons. Cribs, Disston , i We Stock a Complete Line of ft! Au- City of Prince Rupert . TENDERS "FOR PIPE INSTALLATION SEALED TENDERS, marked "Tender for Pipe Installation" will be received by the undersigned up to noon, Friday. January 20th, 1950, for laying approximately 1200 feet 24" steel water pipe on' the easterly side of Shawatlans Passage. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the City Engineer. Tenders to be accompanied by a certified cheque In the amount of ten per cent (10i of the amount' tendered. Cheques will be returned to unsuccessful tenderers. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.- H. D. THAIN, City Clerk. (in FOR RENT -Suite at Bav ailments, cood bachelor f erred. Red 3U1. Housekeen- . I.V1D TW O AT Hand Saws. New J;'11" ....,.. II,, .1117 '1-1 V I Oil C (RADIO and ,ii.ii ....... ,. ,.f me rooms ui rem uoc u - ehen It flesnea. rnouc ivyi 495 I'aper, new , ' Bedroom Rues, Tvpewrlki. iklUttilW n.K.I.S Hull ICS I P i i,,. a,. , slii'h V used K;l- ( PHONOGRAPH COMBINATIONS Elsie I .i'l.iK He. Hi.' Hie '"West, prices. I :t24. B. C. Furnit ure Co.. Black Gonial) : I DOESN'T FOR SALE- 7 H P. Vlyian. oleic. Phone Black 107. LIVE ANY MORE HERE ."OR SALE -Two IM0 btmie-baker clmiunioiis. Auplv row Cabs 040. 11 " 03 BRITISH Calibre converted HI -oowcred snorllne. ritlcs. several models; six uv.d h n shot repeaters. ,Monev-b.u k When yuu wwil a satisfactory jolt, let experts handle I it! Yinir radio was an ex- pensive commodity new: set full value from it ly keep- . ins it in pood working order. J FOR SALE "McLarv Restaur-rant Ranice. wood and cou!. like new. also cash register.' older model but in Rood condition. Mav be seen at rear, of Postal Station "B" Saturday 2:3 u. m. HO) Sec this week's USED RADIO SPECIALS mini. 4.4 rounds am BUT WE DO Hare the Best Hamburgers in Town At t MILLIE'S assort- .,,,,,.ii 'l nil Lari'.i ...... i i rifles. slioluns. Write Under New Management llie stork slioppc BEE GRANT 3033rd Ave. Biue810 i ii i i i. ..siirln.s.eli' and ;i20 . ol'trn L'l' latest folders i.i-l.... Siiiiic Sales- to Gnt. Wuccu .Street. Ottawa. NOBLE & WICK CHANDLER'S POUTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photo? Tukcu at Horn Phone Green 389 238 4th PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ' OPEN G a.m. to 1 a.m. 1).ILI Just off Third Avenue Phone 100 201 3rd Ave W. ?OK SALE 1017 ChCV COW, snare wheel and tne H. Hunter 541 th Ave. W. Phone R d uu 738. fOR SALF- Cream . kit chen buffet and tflhe. Ree. 4,!. u iSIRfithSt. Th. Orders Blue 921