PROVINCIAL i PltCVINCIAL 113 Daily: Delivery NORTHERN AMD CVTW . KHrrlfiH COLUMBIA '8 "fTWSPAPTO PHOliE 81 iul)kti at fni,Hs'8 Most Strain1 Purifir Port -"T'riniv Rnrwrt, the Key to the Great Northwest. . ., ... . , AT-r ww n . h mrimciTMir titTtiinu n tACA Tir Tn t ti rr-t nmrm vuu AAA1A, 1MU. VKXNCJS KUrtKI, a. Ki., munoLMix, jnsjnni a, 19. PRICE FIVE CENTS Mil 1. . .i K n old w Bnin new W affair 0 Invasion k Racial or Religious Acropolis 1 1 Keeping Road Reservoir Excessive dice in Canada's Capital 1 1 ! ' w j Upen to lyee i HI Dry After is eib 9 B By ret'Uh'r plowing Uur liu:: forSkceno Would Moke English and French Draw Througn System provincial department of public j v.orks Is keeping the highway j open from Prince Rupert to Tyee Hit Ihi) GL'i.otin Siirnn nn.l ftot Both Compulsory School Languages 4 speak-! of the evening, E. T- Applewhaite Reds Held Off in Their At tempt to Land o'a Hainan Island Engineer ;i. w Stevens of the , Another water crisis is oeveioping in i nnce HU-pif.vinciai department of public Wrt unless there i an amelioration in the cold snap t'ClKl 10KI Ulf Jimiui VJiauiuri ui It t't lv had beard manv times of the ra- taipeh, Formosa -cener- "l " ... . . , . . aiissimo Chiang Kui-fjiik's staff religious prejudices that existed in Ottawa aUy dwllcd ikm that the CRASH IN fcDMONTON EDMONTON A Royal Canadian Air Force oificer and an airman, names of neither of which have yet been disclosed, were instantly killed when a training plane,". a Tiger Moth, dived to earth :.tnd craslied upsicle down in a driveway in the residential area of the city this morning. CONFESSES TO AHSON DAVENPORT, IowaCharge of murder has been laid against Mrs. Eleanor Atherley, 255-year old mental patient, who'is said by police to once did he hear any criticism of race or re- communists had invaded Ha.mar by tomorrow," something drastic" will have to ue done, Mayor G. W. Rudderham said this morning. Meanwhile, an appeal is being made to consumers to go as sparingly as possible on water in the effort to -- - prevent a serious emergency. tion is good although ley which niar"s advisable the use of j chains. The purpose of maintainiin; i fhe road open to Tyec during iv; ''li'MlT me tubi scmuii. .n a mhuuuu tu wic IaY'S stocks Co Ltd I Supposedly due to the practice winter is primarily to have the ' situation that far under control !so that the entire road to tiw j Interior may be opened earlier Vancouver Battle With Snow Is Won l of running water to keep pipes from freezing during the past two weeks, the level of water in Acropolis Hill reservoir dropped to the vanishing point lartt ins and was that way this moru- in the spring without being de layed by having to dig through between here and Uie lower Skeena. So far it Ls estimated that about 32 feet of snow hos faih'!1 j so far this winter on the sum-i isiaiiu. mey saia r.o invasion! whatever had occurred. j Nationalist. Navy units, patrol- i ling Hainan Strait, were recently j .sirt'iiKihcncd to pi event a Com-j munlsi, move from the mainland of I.luehow coast, ten miles away, j The Nationalist Army reported today thai it had sunk thirty ot j filly Chinese junks which were trying to invade small Weichou , lsliinu oil Lichow Pihlnsuia h. South China. Additional Nationalist viar-! shlj).s have been rushed to patrol ; duty In the area In the attempt ; to smash an expected Communist attempt to Invade big Hainan j Island . i Dispatches report a large con- j centration of Communist- craft, mainly in HanRrhow Bay, for au Invasion of Chu Run Islands, 100 miles south, of Shanghai. ; ing. The immediate effect of this lis that water pressure in the I higher residential areas weakens, i The mayor attributed the drop Trains Moving Again in And Out of Prince Kupert After Clearing of Line mit in the neighborhood of Rain- ThP Pnniiritan Nnt.innal railwa v , m tnc reservou uj uic Iicjr: ter consumption during the cold iine between Prince Rupert and Ijinirtz Mascot ... Eastern cille Border .... r McDonald rwk . ''render . ver .. . ,i .. French, and English problem Mr. Aimlcwaile offered the KUitltestion th 'i It should be comoulsary for i-pch "indent in Canada to learn to sprik and write both French ;;!u! Fnelish fo that a ereatrr nnduLstndlni; eould be brought. 1 about between French and Emr-li-ti spcaklne; f anedlan.i. j Mr. Apple nalte concluded bv calling on the young men of the olsltiet ti w:.rk on the development of the Northern countrv and not cxpec'. the Dominion and provincial governments to de-vef, h lor them. M. Atiplewhalte a-s introduced bv Harold Helserson . In the regular business of the Iiimiir Chamber permission ii fiven to T. Crawley, u. Melers4n and O. Wegard to reniulete planx for the erection ft street tfttiwi and welcome MRU in the City of Prince Rupert. Other plans for the routine n ii'cludi . the hldl" ft rv Beauty ConU-st on March 17 V) c;-i3"rtr hi S'"!! hers on Ma 3 f.- the title of M'.ii Northern BC. The Junior CInmber will run a Valentine Unree on Frhruorv l't ;-rd y St. v.itriek's Dav'Dan-e spell and not, as at first speculated, an effect of frost on the mains. A preliminary inspection Indicated there was no frost on bow Lake. i ' The trench through the snow from Prudhomme Lake to Tye? provides for passing of two cars although there are a few places where it is only w ide enough to take care of one. have confessed to starting the fire which destroyed a mental hospital building last week with loss of forty lives. i i TO END COED WAR NEW YORK The New York Times said today that secret talks had been opened between United States and Russia with a view to ending the cold war. HEADING FOR FORT ABOARD FLYING ARROW Escorted by the United States destroyer Baussell, this shot-riddled American freighter headed tonight for the mine-free Chinese port of Tsiangtao on Shantung Peninsula, diverting from the original destination of Shanghai. - SNOW DOWN COAST VANCOUVER The angry winter last night dumped from two and one-half to eight inches Terrace today was open and trains were running again following the clearing since yesterday of big snow drifts east and west of Kwinltsa which had prevented carrying out of service 03 '2 9.05 .02 2 .(Hi 130 .04 .30 06 U 5.70 3.25 .03' 2 .14 2.40 .02:14 1.18 39 .12 .11 .08 .05 455 22 1.54 .50 7.55 1.11 .uy'j 1.35 4.5ft .10 .oo u 840 'since Sunday when the last train the line. City Engineer Don Stewart left at noon for Shawatlans to make a complete check of the line. The drawing of water has been twice normal during the past two weeks, the major taid. Protedion By Varships from the cast came through. However, a strong wind was again drifting snow on the line before Gold . ... dlry Miadiail ill i noon and at points had reached Mumps And Chicken Pox London fc.nrit.lMi. win-shin I lu hiehcs depth. More Phones i wilt continue prolecUon of Brit-i P-i' mid-afternoon yesterday liKh Khinninir nff rn,inn from ni.. one iarts drift east of KwliVitsa temnU of Chinese NuUonalusts I ';ad "ccn penetrated by plow :!Are Coming Up riimmimiUiPiii and the train which left here i ictriirr ( (.iilimirs Accnrdinc To Kepurt of llenllli I'nit of snow on the Iiowcr Mainland, snarung nana Lf'dnc III . . southern porW 4h Jl0WJ0ty-Uk. Wmt . m Eayent. alonirthe 'rotnnninicaiion nm-tatinn UtlOIl aiHl -ind tOinniliniV aitOU d , UK. pOl However, ir.mever. the the Arlmhalt Admiralty v indicated indicated I tl.rougtl to PaeillC wh(TC It tum- nri chicken- Cr-'i'.s of tht'inps 1 1 Tin-re is now vonnrfur 169 ntnf telephone connections on the city's switch board. Of these coast of Rritish Columbia. Five and a half inches ert around and came back U I Prince Rupert, today after a sec- j r on M;iTh 17. both nt the Civic j p,,x are still t-eim: reported am-. Centre. wv, the children of city schools,, PiiUH were nut lined by Chair- j u cordi; to the monthly report i Pete that warships would not go beyond the three-mile" limit in Chinese territorial waters. 100 have been reserved for the Rushbrook Heights area, whose residents have to ryears beer. luiariian jond large drift west of Kwinltsa I had been cleared from the track, j This train got in at 8:30 a.m. ; Passengers from the Monday clamoring for telephones whik Toronto for December of the Prince Ku i pert Health I'l it. Driving hEsj l.eeii dangerou.i and has been J kept to a minmiiim but all 111" J ti hools have been visited reguUr- i lv and examinations are pro- j rr'diii!; sntisi.iftorily. says tire i ' reoi.rt. ' - i pr Hufh McKenzie for the j holding of a Public Speakhig . class In the Civic Centre on Jan- f n:trv 18 .Any member or the ! Civic Centre mv attend. Plans I fo" the ouhllsl'inu of the "J. C. ; 8rw" on mnnthlv basis under Frtih r Mich it l St.-ijinlet'in were ; il--.i ao'T'-vid. ' It was at the monihly meeting of the Junior Chamber that Kobe r I McKay was introduced as Hie repreM-nUitive from the Senior Chamlx r of Commerce. .'tit 12 .51 :t'i .13'; OitU night eastbound train were left off at. Terrace where Uiey are to be picked up tomorrow by a train which Is to leave here at. 10 o'clock tonight for the East, this being the train whicn should have left last night. Two freight trains with 25 cars of meat and groceries for Sluli.s'ical report on Incidence. fif romimmiiuible diseases in the eitv (Inline D'Vtmber shows 24 Canadian of snow fell at the airport during the night and fourteen inches at North and West Vancouver. Heavy drifts are delaying railway trains. CASE FOR UNION MONTREAL Two major railroad unions, in a brief presented to a federal conciliation board contended that thousands of Canadian railway workers were forced" to live, on wages "which fail to provide a decent standard of living" CONFERENCE PROGRESS OTTAWA The Dominion-provincial conference today made slow progress towards an agreement on formula for amending the Canadian constitution in Canada. Representatives of the eleven governments have agreed to form a comit-teo to co-ordinate proposals of three provinces. Premier Duplessis would have had the recent federal constitutional legislation repealed but met with no support. sixty will go to fill application since before 1948. No other nev. installations will be made unti these have been completed There are enough instrument; on hand to complete sixty Installations. Two hundred mon phones are being brought in fron Vernon- This Is announced in a telephone department report prepared by Superintendent Jack V Edwards. The report also states that during last month, 54 instrument troubles were cleared in addition to 200 cable troubles. Some of the cabie trouble was at THE WEATHER SYNOPSIS Clear skies and sub-zero temperatures were general in most interior sections of the province during the night. Along the extreme southern coast a series ol minor disturbances forming off tlic south coiust of Vancouver Island brought considerable snowfall to this area. By 5 o'clock this morning 2.5 inches had fallen at Vancouver airport, over 5 inches at Abbotsford, while Pa-chena Point on the southwest coast of Vancouver Island reported over 8 inches of snow, only slow improvement in U-.c weather in this area is expected today. A fairly active PucUie storm is located ulxuit 500 miles v est of the Queen Charlottes this 'morning and should bring rain Prince Rupert which had been held up at Salvus also got through this morning following the clearing of the line during the night and arrived at 10 a.m. Railway ofices staled today that they hoped to keep snow conditions-unch-r control on the cases of mumps, 24 cases of ! mea;,le.s and 15 cases of chicken-! (XIX. ! ' Well bany clinics were well a- j tromzed during the month with i attendance of .73 infants and 20 children. There were 20 infant visits. 34 j pre-school visits and 47 school j visits by staff during the mouth I with 180 children examined at i school. 1 The jail clinic, f ui'clioncd well, j Manv Alfend His Funeral Many friends and relatives of the deceased attended the B. C. Undertakers chapel Tuesday af- line. UlcBride and Eleventh Avenue Railway crews were being rest-J due to a cut by an axe, and a ed today after some of them had rifle bullet, in the cable by the old battled as long as seventy-seven rifle range on the highway at to the northern roast by Friday " hours with the drifting snow. Montreal Circle was another, night. jThey will go Into action again to- The terminal shack at McBride Smellers . 102.25 1.17 1 , . .50 ' - 40 ; ilivai . ... 4 no irlluu knife 0 50 30 1 'k 32 . 07 .()!)' 1 ' 11 .. or. V ''"bee . 83 1 'ii 05 1 2 04 '4 "HB hue ...... r,o 1(1 , 1 R' Lake 3 00 RhI Luke . .54 Cockshutt 2.30 j 37 ; - 1.50 ' 08 0(1 i i ; ,'"nv U'o S '!li'1 3.110 1 lioiiyii 3 1 Cioidon 2 30 '"' 2.S1 ' m Riwr . 92 ,5 ' ''"'"'t 3.10 and Eleventh Avenue Is still lernoon at the funeral services, There were 11 positive reacUons. for a pioneer cil.y man, Eric Kos- ' Miss Margaret 8teeves .spent two ang, who died Saturday at his .days, with the Division of Vetie-home, G15 Eighth Avenue West at; real Disease Control hi Vaneou-the age of 7C years. s i ver ohseiTing the work done "Thf. hvi.uiu U..I-W i.f Aii's" :inil ' there. Relief In Cold Weather Coming If a southeasterly wind dee'des to visit, the Prince Rupert area Lieurcnont-Governor Of Gyros Is Coming Prince Rupert Gyro Club will receive an offieal visit January 25 from the district lieutenant governor, Jack Higyinbotham, New West minster, who wlil con Terrace Pacific school children "AUIde With Me" were aeeom- j panied by Mrs. J.-C. Gilker, Of-j i night. A freight train Willi twenty carloads of frozen fish will be dispatched immediately behind the eastbound passenger train tonight. Tonights train, due from the East at 10:15 ,is reported seven hours late owing to connections at. Jasper. were examined during me S month. Thirty-five homes at Terrace were visited and there licialing, Canon W. F. Hush- r'orecasl North coast region Thursday cloudy with snow flurries alone Charlottes and Vancouver Is-lund clear along the mainland. Winds norUiwesterly, 20 miles per hour. Friday cloudy morning, becoming overcast Friday afternoon. Intermittent snow beginning over Charlottes Friday morning spreading to mainland, and northern Vancouver Island Friday afternoon. Snow chene- duct the installation of Prcsid- j Frid.iy, the weatherman su ent-weet a. j. uouuimw. a,,cs slightly slightly wanner warmer weather, down. A new 400 pair cross connecting box Is being shipped from the east and Is due to arrive here at some time this month. This box will be Installed by the Government Telegraphs with assistance from the local department. Meanwhile, a Government Telegraph man is stationed at Miller Bay , to watch for small troubles in i the open wire line. . ' The department has $15,000 in : the revenue fund and ail, ei;ti- mated $1800 per month from the ! increase in rales to spend t his other 1950 officers, w .F. Slot Tit 1.1c iirnillArim. Ililo . TM i i ,1 'r brook recalled that In 1911 his iirst burial was the wife of Mr. towing. ; Mr .Rosang, a city rock eon-I ractor, was born in Sweden and had come to Prince Rupert when i was attendance of twelve at well' ! baby clinics . j In Smlthers district 30 school i i children were examined and 41 : attended the well baby clinic, i Nineteen cases of measels. 10 i has been appointed chairman of i a special committee to make ar- j Ilp ' forecast as - rnnsrcnicnts for activities in con- ' nnrt cold with southeasterly Float Ramp Is Being Repaired neclion with Mr. lligginbothain's i winds eommencing either visit, principal of which will be j touirht or Friday, the installation dlnm r and dance ' late ' lug to rain over Charlottes Friday ! evening. Winus ' .southeast, 2S miles per hour. Milder Friday. ;her j Lows tonight and highs Friday-- , Another indication cf-hi on the. nigh of January 25. j tnberuclosis and one of venereal U'lscase were reported from Sml-! tilers. Arrangements are being made, to Fend one child from iS mit hers to Vancouver prcven- torium. I Routine visits were also paid to the city was In an Infant state. He was connected with street construction work here. Burial wiis in Fairview Cemetery. Pallbearers were Harold Ness, Louis Anders, Martin Johnson, John Clausen, Ernest Ratchford and Eric Erlckson. Maierial for repair of lUc ; year on new cable InstallaUons. During the month 18 new tele- ., rr..m the Cow H;.v at Port Hardy 20 and 32. Smd-iplt 22 and3 P. Prince Ruper t"0 and 32. ;'.l)ii':mcc responded ' lst night at a p.m. Mi BROUGHT BY AIR MILK HERE Pilonc!i wcre stalled the City, mod to the Cow Bav fishermen's i ! temperature Is an expectant mix- : tnie of raih and snow tonight' end intermittent rain Friday j moriiing. Temperatures today I v i'l remain a few degrees above ; nine removed and 25 moved to w of 330 Ninth Avein. t!'ken to General liv. floats is on the ground und the i Judee Eric D. Woodburn of other locations. PrWo n,,m nrrivi.d tn t ho work has already started. Re the Haelton area. . , Visits werj also made to milk nrorineers in the Interior whose city on this morning's late train ' builtliiiis of the ramp was made J qAMAqE OF $2000 To meet the short noiice enier-ieiicy arising from the uncertainty of train service due to snow conditions in the interior, milk supplies were brought to the I i..... r .rl 1 ft lui Itf Tllirh from the n er or lie s here to hwmuij vv. STREET SKIDDING IN I rue nr In the winter since which conduct the trial.of Loretta Barn- pil'OlK -ij Wil.t ivui'v w ... ...f-.. quality following inspections. Weather conditions curtailed camp inspections. Uie CO mark nvd drop to over 10' above overnight. This morning at 4 o'clock. the mercury dropped to nine ' city today from Vancouver by hart, local woman, charged following a recent stabbing incident, CITY OF FRINCE RUPERT Noiice Re -Wafer f,. :.. . . , . - : I has been temporarily patched, j Plans arc now being drawn up for the complete renewal of all the Cow Bay floats Including oi.e which went out entirely In a big Skidding on icy Prince Rupert streets has brought an estimated $2,W0 damages to city vehicles The city division of the B. C. Police announced that during the rir. This aflcrnoons regular flight from tho south is bringhi? in thi' ton twentv cans of the ii hove, one of the lowest read- i involving Ben Pcttcrson. well j known fisherman. The trial is : proceeding this afternoon in County Court hcallh-yiving fluid from .the . i" year. Yesterday al 4 p.m south. temperatures were 20 above. -sijutuy or ciry water mains ii iriuufu,uuit jeet consumption during the present cold winter storm one Sunday about past two weeks, accident report: a year ago. I have been coming in rapidly. 1 All Wnlnr ... nrr r.r,nmlml ir rrCt t C t t I"1C AFTER THE BALL GAME Friday, January 13, 11)50 J wuier to a minimum' I here is no immou-dongcr of water failure if everybody will co- . DANCE . Basketball Friday & Saturday, Jan. 13 & 14, 8:30 p.m. UBC Chiefs vs PRINCE RUPERT Reserved $1.00 Rush 75c Students 50c At Civic Centre cr Irate High ODDFELLOWS' HALL Andy SUNaughton's Trio Friday Nile - 8:29 . 20.2 feet 21:52 '10.4 feet 2:06 8.7 feet 15:34 5.5 feet 10-2 George Rudderham, Mayor (H) Low