Prfnte Uupm Daflp r3rtos Monday, May 9, 1949 CANCER FUND Ray Reflects . . . , SUBSCRIPTIONS j . . ,, Remihc IT PAYS ROLL YOUR OWN WITH mm OBJECTIVE S1000 About everyone makes it a In Skeena's first provincial ; Previously acknowledged $598 05 point to deplore the times he election in 1903 a total of 123' Mattes Mrs. Vic Menzies 2.00 hmwns tr, living i tw. ballots were cast. Contrast that ... . ...... ..1. in' ...:u... M.i..n x ..... : t. 200 Mrs. P. Berg Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Macdonald f?H . f1 n a,il """"WW Oeotc to ae upbuilding of Prtoc Rupert , . ii eommunitlps comprising northern and central British Columbia (Authorized aa Second Class Mall. Post Office Department. Ottawa) Published rrrr afternoon eitcept Sunday b? Rttc' Rupert Daily Newi Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. Brltlah Columbia, O. A. HUNTER. Manaelng Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. axmber op canadian press - audit btreau op circulations Canadian daily newspaper association SUBSCRIPTION RATES mj. dt Carrier. Per Week. 20c: Per Month. 75c: Per Tear. 8 00. EtT k'tftv. By Mill. Per Month. 50c; Per Tear, as 00 7ai- JViiich, the Politician HAROLD WINCH has changed a lot. Prince Rupert had remembered him as a f iery, harsh-voiced and vitriolic hot-head. Speaking here Thurs-.,iday night, however, his audience found him con- j siderably mellowed, smoother-toned and almost j 5.0C 2.00 Tobacco hSSt Mrs. B. J. Bridden Cigarette Skeena Grocery 20.00 Mrs. N. Macdonald , Willi itllU UUUW 11 K ' tendencv appears A to favor mak-, , HF i v. j ; in.' Skeena is huge, and not: ing the worst, instead of the to settle. Yet in all dir- j oest, of things. Take the average ections are communities of from ! casual conversation. The ten thousand down to small but j chances are it will depress and prosperous towns and villages.' discourage. Everything and There are railways and high- j everyone is wrong, except Xe ways, air travel and ships show- I party doing the talking. Why so ing the last word in luxury.' much hardship and injustice? Everyone has a radio and any; Eut suppose he had lived in old timer can chat with somebody i Canada in 1820, when thefts on un vitv the wum other oiui side Ui nf fh lilt: u-orl.i vi nr 1 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 MUD, SWEET, BRIGHT VIRGINIA Mrs. T. Spencer ..... Mrs. G. Most ad Mrs. S. Haugen Mrs. Geo. Abbott W. J. Richards Reg. Nurses' Associatiun 1 A AO - meant hanging, ""6"'B, falsifying, iujru,B, a a drink arinn in in i the choicest (SI nnn nnn . II T music Elizabeth's Home D Stevenson 9 00 u. oievensoii z.uu wniPping in public, or ten hours from across Ta DeJong's Innn c I Cash n and ami Pfirfti . i The I the ocean. This said tt ,or i. Carry . . !Wllu UI jjmioiy mr wnai wouia nave Deen tne enjoyment! ' 5 aa 00 would be today a trifling mis- . ' , ; of miracles in 1903. Skeena was J. T Uimroi Hunter 500 C Art , ( st"ry- derations ;J S. demeanor WEST TRAFFIC IS HOLDING UP VANCOUVER -Heavy grain and oil movements are contributing to a sustained flow of rail traffic in the west but there has been noticeable -levelling off" yt rail I lonely, then. Costly, Says Paper j LONDON, r The Communist' newspaper Daily Worker said today that Princess Elizabeth's new home will cost 250,000 Roy C. Paulsen Mrs. J. Watson Mrs. Eidsvik Mrs. R. Giske Donations from Butedale '1-e pa-r fsui. j JUDGE GRANTS TWO DIVORCES 200 2.00 5.00 2.00 34.00 50.00 17.00 CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles fSulJect to Change) Two divert decrees were'v..m, . ' .. , . . ... Namara, C.P.R. vice-president 4 of graiittd in ; Assize Court this . , :, , . I ti4x.ic, sale, here-morning by Mr. Justice H. S. 1 Nelson Bros., Pt. Edward Other donations Wood. Decrees were granted to Cecilia Roberts de Kergommeaux $776.05 MONDA1 -fM. 4:00 The Don Hardy Show 4.15 Stock Quotations and Int 4:30 Chico Valle C. F. P. Faulkner o; the federal deDartment of nublic works pn- from Robert " Chassin " de v Ker , --- gommeaux, whom she married 1 gineerine department returned diplomatic. It was interesting to notice how Mr. Winch got around two questions that of socialization of industry and the Atlantic Pact. He said that the C.C,F. would adopt a "socialistic approach" to provincial questions, admitting that socialization within a province was not practcable and suggesting that his party, if elected, would not try it. We wonder if that is how all C.C.F.'ers feel about the matter. As for the Atlantic Pact, Mr. Winch said that the official policy of the C.C.F., despite the amost half-in-half cleavage of the party in British Columbia, is pro-Atlantic pact. He emphasized how British Columbia Members of Parliament, in spite of reports about an earlier caucus, had voted in the most substantial proportion of any 'party, to ap-'prove the pact. At the same time, Mr. Winch went to some pains to justify the attitude of the members of the party who opposed the pact. .Everybody may not agree with Mr. Winch but it must be admitted that he is becoming a diplomatic politician. He has changed a lot. . 4:45 Magic Adventures Try a Classified Ad for Results. You Saw It In The News! i i at ai Prince rrmce Rupert Kuperi in in November, Novemoer, i i lu ule wij Cliy on u' coquitiam -uii""' 5:00 Music in a Mellow Mood: yesterday afternoon after mak- 04. ancj to Frederick E Blew-; ' ' 5:30 5:30 Don Diin Messer fpespr and anH Mia His f . t,.. ik.. the - i :-. ing round trip to south den of Smithers from Mary Rose Blewden, who he married at Frince Rupert in March, 1944. T. W. Brown acted for the Queen Charlotte Island points en official duties and will sail tomorrow afternoon by the Chil-eotia on his return to head- rrf ? f inn a t i - tVta fit- in.-A .J Islanders 5:45 The Question Box 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Martial Airs 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up 7:30 Liberal Talk 8:00 Alberta Ranch House 8:30 Guy Lombardo Show Lvttuvm. t m nisi, vtiac allU 1 - . ... . . quarters in New Westminster. , , A. D B. Brown for the petitioner He has bfen around here ur in the second. Both actions were the t cu ,e ol weeks undefended. 1 Advertise in the Daily News. Classified Ads. Get Results. East, West Meet at Z.A'. Assembly. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY V WANTED URGENTLY Reliable Woman to care for baby, by month. Phone Mrs. Wilson 676 after 8 p.m. or contact in daytime at Three Sisters Cafe. ! . (109i 1 AITTIOX SWT. ' Timber Sale X4K7B' i There will be offered fiw sale at I CLEAN-UP! "THIS IS Clean-up, Paint-up season. There is I much to be done in Prince Rupert with the city itself taking the lead. Public Auction, at 2 30 pm, on t Monday. May 16th. 1949. In the'headl office of the District Forester. Marine Building, Vancouver. B.C.. the Licence X46762. to cut 3,875.000 f b. m. of Fir. Cedar. Spruce. Hemlock j and Balsam on an area situated on Smitley River, south Bentinek Arm. A community's well being, to a large extent, is in the hands of all its'people. Most progressive communities realize the need : for a practical public educational program for healthier, safer and more attractive living. ; ; Noted educators, and other authorities on youth trainm? and ripvplnnmpnr are in ntmnvA ir 1,;- rtane 3 Const Land District. , Two years will be allowed for re. I" 4. - - A' J' " tp "Are'nt I the old tease V ill WHd . m .... if ' '' ,T - c j m &e Sieve i moval of timber. , I "Provided : anyone' unable to t-tend the auction in person may sub- ' j mit tender to be opened at the hour 4V vi bui-liou ana treated as one bid. Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister of Forests. Victoria. B.C.,' or the District Forester, Prince Rupert. (A 18.25, M 2. 9) ; . r...t.., ... III LiJCJI opinion about the influence of home environment upon the minds and morals of our youth. Facts show us clearly that children who live in disorderly, unsanitary home and environments make up the greatest percentage of our juvenile delinquents You can if they're finished with iney agree mat a child reared in a clean, orderly ; home has a- better chance of being an upright citi Top level diplomats irom the entire world are again tnrrtinir at Vnited Nations Headquarters, New Voik, in the second part of the Third General Assembly Session. Here Dean Acheson (left). United States Secretary or State", shakes hands with Andrei A. (iromyko, Deputy Foreign MioUter and head of the UJ. Delegation of the I S. SR. NEW, BETTER More wasKblc thin ever before. Ju4 wili the dirt off with gentle iop tnd zen. The medical profession as a whole believes that, dimness is practiced more generally, our : ?ase rate will be less. Since most of our population that is disabled by illness is ill-housed and ill-fed decent livino- finiAitirc ..s i wtcr. Containt Sciliied Oil, to n coil covers Oft wll lurfaeci. Eaiyto apply. Mt-ed ready to uie. NOTK K TO (Ht lHTOK-i W illiam Mi Farlaiie. Iieeeased NOTICE IS HLKEBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the estate of William McFarlane of Alice Arm. B.C.. who died on or about December 19, 1948. are required on or before the 6th day of June. 1949. to deliver or send Ijy prepaid letter full particulars of their claims duly verified to THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, Administrator of the estate of the seid deceased, at the office of THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, 590 Pender Street West, Vancouver. B.C. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the last mentioned date the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which it shall then have had notice. DATED this 9th day of May A D 1941. JAMES A. MACDONALD, 470 Granville Street. Vancouver. B C. Solicitor for the Administrator. IM 9.16.23) vv.nuviuun aic uuviUUSiy pOWerlUl eapons against disease. Safety engineers and fire prevention experts point to the many accident and firp hnynrrla t w are created by untidy conditions in homes. Of all ' ; ine lives taken by lire every year, three-fifths of : -the deaths from fire occur in homes. Education rrnpa Ivjik-I in V,r,,J 23? TO-NIGHT 7:30 to 8:00 p.m. HEAR CANADA'S GREAT STATESMAN THE RT. HON. LOUIS STEPHEN ST. LAURENT P.C., K.C., M.I C F P R TONIGHT 7:30 TO 8:00 P.M. mm O"" "i iiauu VWLU CIVIC pro- gress. It cannot be over-emphasized that a truly ... progressive community should work toward a common goal and a healthier, safer and more attractive place in which to live. Certainly here is a goal' worthy of our greatest efforts. FOR SALE Large Safe, fire and burglar proof For particulars see B. C. FURNITURE CO. mm CHARACTE WE'RE NOT BRAGGIN' BUT -V3 m If--.'!! "V-V ' 331 1 REGISTRATION OF NEW- - M CONSTRUCTION IN RURAL AREAS ROYAL PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS Price $87.50 to $95.50 Ale-wise folk, the province over, rate Dublin as THE ale for perfect hospitality-OU Dublin, there are extra dividends wh" can best be described as breeding, balances delicacy of flavor. Where gracious hospita. prevails, Old Dublin stands high in preteren It is a satisfaction to know that this high rat-is the achievement of our brew master to h nothing less than perfection of rroJut the ever'Constant goal We're kinda proud of the fact that businessmen make it a practice of bringing their friends and associates here for lunch. Ovic Centre Dining Room For Reservations and Chicken in The Rough Phone Red 705 .V.V.VWWAV.V.VWMVAVAV.V.V.V FEATURING : 1. FINGER-FORM REVS 2. MAGIC .MARGIN ' 3. STANDARD SIZE KEYBOARD 4. NEW, SPEEDY SPACE BAR For 5 $ Construction DUBLI Prince Rupert Assessment District The attention of owners and agents of real estate situated in Rural Areas is drawn to the Provincial Regulation requiring the registration with the Provincial Assessor, of all new buildings and structures. These regulations require the registration of new construction within thirty days of completion or occupancy. The Regulations apply to all new construction completed or occupied since January 1st, 194G. Registration forms are available on request from the Provincial Assessor or nearest Government Agent to assist you in complying with the Regulations. G. J. STEENBERGEN, Provincial Assessor Alterations Repairs i OLD See I GREER & BRIDDEN ! ALE EXPORT UNDEUVVWOOD AND SMITH-CORONA PORTABLES ALSO AVAILABLE MaeMvsJjd COMPANY I PRINCETON BREWING PRINCETON, B. C- fcJ . CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS J Jj Floor Sanding a Specialty i Red 561 p.0 Box ,21 J This advertisement is not published or flyeUihU v-ontfci coarq or ov m