'4 Prince Hupctf Da rip mm Monday, May '9, 1949 SHADES O F YES TE H YEA . . -t TToiiaiB in Snmrte IMACEY'S NEAR M Iwirmhv m mwuni in IVI VUI II MIXED LEAGUE PRESIDENTIAL TEAMS PLAY AS FOOTBALL SEASON OPENS HERE 1 was your aqe" We are pleased to announce that we can now supply BRIQUETTES Maeey's five-pin team assured itself of top spot in the Mixed Bowline League at the week-end iiiji'iaii r in (mm '.'$ by taking two games from King- The 1949 football season got to clear from Murray. unberg off to a good start yesterday . cleared a dangerous situation. afternoon when the Association Gomez was cnnsnirnnns with Vice-President's team won from ; some c)ever tackling ar.d setting Clean - - No Slack CALL 651 FOB ALL VOl It COAL NEEDS The famous Foothills Lump, Egg, Nut and Washed Stoker Coal pinners to boost their record to $1 wins and 10 losses with only one more session to go before the conclusion of the league schedule. Headpinners, which have been Maeey's continuous challengers throughout the season, are lined up for second place with 3 wins and 12 losses, although their position is not secure, since they are now trailed by King-pinners who have 34. The final games of the schedule will take place Wednesday night." In the latest session. Bertha uie rresiacnis Dy a score oi jour, up or neat ptoys. to two. The game was played! At the opening of the second under ideal conditions. There: half Cornwell and Mercer both was an interesting crowd, of redisplayed clever football. Mur-spectators and the players a'l I ray, Wilson and Ward combined gave of their best. neatly. Wilson gave Ward an PeninK but u'ler saved the The honor of scoring the fi.st , Hatter's shot. Boulter steered a goal of the season fell to Patjhard shot by cornweH wide for Wilson' who, after combining; a fruitless corner. A neat corn-neatly with Armstrong, took thejbination play, Wilson to Arms-latter's pass to place the ball 'strong and back to Wilson, saw well clear of Boulter. The game J the latter score number 'three was three minutes old. Corn- ptn a beauty that Boulter's dar-well showed masterful football, j mg' driVe was unable to stop." Ol-Eby blocked a good try by Cur-;sen was very prominent and Mc-rie who had been well fed by Kay and Currie were dangerous Dunbar. Then the President's! Kt B, tr.fr? Rfftt 1 Things were much better I In the Ca,, , ...or8othepidTlrner8aIway8;jtd0'Jj aeneratlon. Ve,, fime U k,nd ""1 mtmnrloi. J . to lU l(l f PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED LUMBER -- BUILDING SUPPLIES Dunbar of Maeey's XXX bowled v mink of i by we tend ,0 remember only thejo,! Tho nrcciHnnt mint nrt Ihn ' J . had I nil 4 U A 1 1. I.- f, .,;. -team aU the luck in the Mercer attacked but Eby stop Down thrnutfh th vr. 1. ped them. Armstrong set Wil- the highest single game with a 349 while M. Flynn of Pushovers bowled the top ladies three-game total. Her score was 739 with an average of 246. M. Halvorsen of Headpinners bowled the highest men's scores, both in the single and three-game departments. His single eame high score was 327 and his at once so that the proper entry I 0nhhe" f the,r ,d'; form f.. could ,j u be f:, ,.. . i, i fenders hit his own upright v..-, em, certain filled out and the with the defence in a tnntrip application considered. son .up but the latter was just squeezed out. .McKay shot just past. Wilson missed a chance but soqn after from Armstrong's they were thpn 1. . 1 . . . "'ncetoni pass he added a fourth goal for three game total was 798 for an the Vice-President's team. With I 1 average 0r r oft? 2of,. i but the ball rebounded into play. Ward took a perfect corner kick for Armstrong head a beauty of a goal to put the Yellowshirts two goals up. Currie was just wide. Mercerdis-j played clever football when he j made an opening for Dunbar to unique quality. tnni Civic Centre - Dates . the score 4-1 against them the mellowness, Princeton Beer 3 Headpinners 3, Overwaitea 0. Silver Streaks 3. Bo'ks 0. President's team attacked strongly. Owens shot just over and then Mercer and Owens com- Maple Leafs 3, B.C. Messenger FOURTH TEAM IN FOOTBALL Port Edward May Field a Senior League Team President Jack Wilson of the Prince Rupert Football Association had a telephone call from a Port Edward representative on Saturday evening in which the Port Edward speaker stated that there was a group at that centre that wanted to enter a team In the city competitions. They felt that they had the necessary number of players and with the necessary ability. Mr. Wilson told the representative over the telephone that a fourth entry would be very welcome. No further progress has been made but vlH;..lrL' 0. for,ie touay-just a8 it Haj . wbn (-'rand-daj Wa young blade. Core Jinn mnto tl-irt crm.. o i . . .. - Pushovers 2, Brownwoods 1. Maeey's XXX 2. KlncDlnners ,, mi. ov.uic oinea neatly to give Dunbar a Murray checked well and Veitch j chance and he made the score MONDAY Sports Do-Me-Hi Gym Class. Special 5 frftl a.m. 9:00- p.m. 7:30- itaicu suungiy. uunDar Headed wide from Owens' centre and Ward at the other end shot weakly from Stanstead's pass. 4-2. Eby was good and then Ol-'l. sen after some clever play hot I High School 2, Pioneer Laundry just high. The game was inter- 1-esting to the end but no further Dodgers 2, Hotshots 1. goals were scored. Malkins 2, Cloverleafs 1. I.O.DE H.M.C.S. A tree kick by Veitch was head PRINXtTQN BRBWIc CO. PRINCETON, B.C. Ilaida Teams: Wingers and Pin Busters de VifO-ProclHont 'o Ton m IT anlNn t fUltefl. . . ivuiuiuta mini tucgiuii 8:00 Band practice Advertise in n;e Tally News'. You Saw It In The News! ed well by Dunbar but Brem-ner saved. Sharpe crossed a lovely centre but the ball was cleared. Dunbar's snap shot was high and Boulter had to run 'out n nVFRT faps Colours) Bremner, Sunberg D. Hagblad 164 156 70 I. Keays 132 17a 83 t. Keays 169 129 122 C. Silversides .... 225 188 193 Y. Turcotte 154 135 2&j Low score ?15 O. Brodie 223 216 iCciUijiMCb wli Page a' Yelland, Cprnwell, Greer, Ward. Armstrong, Wilson, Stanstead, R. Smith, D. Murray, Rowse, Robinson, McRae, Carl Johnston, Alexander. President's Team (Battery Colours)-Boulter. Hebb. Veitch. 111 in the experts. Magnus Halyerson and Jimmy Kelly were linesmen. Sharpe, Olsen, D. Gomez, McKay, Currie, Dunbar, Mercer, Ow-ens, Parkhouse, Campagnolo. GOOD FLAY STANDARD This advertisement i, not putli J;ed or d.jpl.yecj b jh. Liquor Control hvi v.. jvjver,irrrni Of DfitiSh tOlumbl4. (hi O . . 1 DON'T ISS THE FUN AT i Cera While the game was only a practice one and players were not accustomed to each other's style the exhibition was much above the standard that might have been expected. For Uie President's team Boulter had no chance with any of the scor LIMBERLOS For j I ISHINfJ, BOATING, HUNTING. SWI) ing shots. He did well. Hebb was safe and Veitch did some strong kicking. The half-back ii.v.iAi! . . . amu MASS I UIHhKMt line of Olsen, Sharpe and Gomez was good in defence and ' - ,1 Fun for the Whole Family at LIMBER i set up neat plays. Gomez did 'a fine job of captaining the ft' ! For JJuilding Supplies PJIONE 363 team too. Mercer, McKay and mahe your reservations early and be sure Happy Holiday in the Bermudas of the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT L1M! LODGE LTD. . PHONE 563 OR UNION STE OFFICES-PHONE 58fi. Phone 654 -- JOCK -- Lj)SC -.j I MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors I 5c pir doitn pud loi cmptln Ubtltd by ny B C pt.wtry IMPORTANT NOTICE THE REPAIR SHOPS OF RUPERT MOTORS LTI RTT fT rQirn tr in ,rr that no .irr lillESIKflS Tkit dvrtiwmnl not pubLikd w dplyd by tfit Liquor Conlioi 8xrd 04 ky itii Caimitenl o Bmldi Colombi. WRATH ALL'S ENCy REPAIR? ONLY WILL BE HANDLED AND V FOR YOUR' CO-dPERATION. jOASOLINE SALE; PARTS SERVICE WILL BE MAINTAINED AS USCA As. Currie showed neat touches with Dunbar scoring two good goals. Owens centred well. Parkhouse played hard and Campagndo shows signs of developing fa-'.. Bremner, later relieved in g'.Ll by Greer, was not very severelv tested. Eby and Sunberg wer? convincing backs. Yelland played an exceptionally good game while Cornwell, both in defence and attack, was outstanding. Wilson 'with . three goals was quick, unselfish and always dangerous. He was splendidly fed by Armstrong who is a grand Inside player. Ward was Tast and clever. Stanstead made one or two nice plays but lacked aggressiveness. Murray did well In the open but was weak at plose quarters. Robinson is a promising player while Alexander, Rowse, McRae and Johnston all tried hard. Ralph Smith played well and also managed the team capably. Jack Marchant refereed and had no trouble though some of his offside calls did not please PHOTO FINISHING Developing. Printing Enlarging QUICK SERVICE r w . ' z Vi .ffweet Caporal Cigarettes always reach you fc' j i Amateur and Professional Supplies Rupert Motor 90 enjoy the consistent smoothness, mildness, satis- Listen to "Talking to Stars." CBC Dominion Net-,.,Work Sunday afternoons When in Montreal see the show Write CPCP Montreal lor tickets focfion of Sweet Caps, the cigarette. Climb on the Sweet Caps bandwagon. FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING. REQUIREMENTS SEE REGAL PRINTERS PHONE 24 222 Second Ave. Box 423 1-tMt KKtilS-TRV ACT He: ( erlillcilp i.f Tin- v.. i n.i Ltd. M't th popular thing to do. PHONES 566 and 866 ! tlir Nciilh Wfntrrly Klvc (5(1 uirr, nxirr (,r i-H iif Hl 1 Tliixistinil Two lliiiiilrcil and tlflf! i".), Kaiisi- Hvf (.",) toast IMs"-Irlit. 1 WHEREAS satisfactory proof of r rtrrrr.,,,,,,sJstrrrtr,JJJl loss or the above Certificate of Title, issued In the name of George William Hoult has been filed in this office, notice is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month LING the TAlLOl NOTICE! Clothes remaining in ind unclaimed after one year are to be p sale unless customer advises us to now Please give number. 1 s avoy BAPCO FLOOR ENAMEL irom the date of the first publication hereof, issue a Provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of said -lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B.C. this 29th day of April, J949. A D ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar uf Titles. (128) FOR FLOORS, LINOLEUM AND WOOnunRir urange - Sage Green 1 QUICK Dutch Blue I DRYING LING, THE TA1W 220 Sixth Stet-P a Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 1 Maroon fiolden Tat Dixie Grey HOTEL Car Zarelli, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. BO.1 1397 frasIer street PRINCE RUPERT Russett Brown Navy Grey " Mahogany Brown j "GOVKKNMKNT I II); lilt ACT" fSertinn 9HV THOMPSON HARDWARE CO, LTD. Notlre of Aiilli-Htlon for Consent to Properly Oivncfi HOLLYWOOD caTT PACIFIC FOR .... GENERAL CONSTRUCTION REMODELING and ALTERA CEMENT WORK, ROOFING Stevedoring & Contracting VANCOUVER VICTORU SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Chilcotln Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlara ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTn QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS May 20. s.s. Cpqultlam, May 6, May 20. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.8. Coquitlam, May 13 and 27. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 588 i nnisier or I leer .( ene NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that on the 13th day of May AD 1949 the undersized Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer License No. 8216, Issued in respect of premises, being part of the premises known as the Savoy Hotel situate at 808 to 614 Frascr street ,ln the City of rrtnee Rupert. Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as lots Thirteen (13 1 and Fourteen (14) in Block Thirty-three (33), Hectlon One (l). Map B23. Prince Rupert Land Registration District from Carl Zarelli of Prince Rupert to Willis Lloyd Woods of 1013 Robson Street. Vancouver. British Columbia thft Transferee. DATED at Prince Rupert, B O. this 12th day of April. A D. 1949. WILMS LLOYD WOODS. (118) COJIPANY LIMITED MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE' CITY OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. TO 3:30 A.M. We Specialize in Chinese Dishes v CHOP SUEY-CIIOW MEIN (ffljt For Outside Orders JPIIONE 33 -l ' contact NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION ...... ' - - mpn (Joneral Stevedores and Contractors Stevedores for Canadian National Railways CABLE ADDRESS HEAD OFFICE "PACIFICO" PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. T11I11V ' '111.1 I HUH J COMPETENT W FREE ESTIMATES AT YOUR SERVICE rKniiiiiiiiii....... 1 W W r, ,J